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File: 276 KB, 600x450, merry christmas to me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5904438 No.5904438 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else going to be alone on Christmas? I am seriously considering wrapping up my books tonight so that I can pretend I have presents.

>> No.5904442

My parents paid for me to fly back home :D

>> No.5904452

Don't be like that, anon.

>> No.5904470


>> No.5904483

Good. I hope you have a merry time.

I am sad and alone, Butterfly.

I guess all I get is epicaricacy for Christmas.

>> No.5904487

Clearly so is butterfly, since she's posting here alone. She'll be your xmas present.

>> No.5904497

Thank you.

Please love me, Madame Butterfly. Or at least recommend me something to read.

>> No.5904504

Go volunteer at a soup kitchen, anon.
Then the spirit of Christmas will flower in your breast like roses in the snow.

>> No.5904517

I live in Ukraine. We just call it 'kitchen.'

>> No.5904525

Well go there, then. Giving to others less fortunate than yourself will ignite the light within your soul: the true joy of Christmas.

>> No.5904532


I'm so sad for you.


Do what this guy said. Or, considering that you're lazy and autistic, just try to make someone else's day better tomorrow.

You could always go get day drunk at the bar and stay there until closing to keep the bartender company.

>> No.5904543

Don't do it, man. You'll just make yourself sadder.

Instead, go volunteer somewhere; you'll still get all that Christmas spirit of giving and shit, and you'll feel better afterwards for being charitable.

>> No.5904579

Me too. Don't feel too bad.

Not sure what to recommend.

>> No.5904580

just download some new ebooks

>> No.5904597

>tfw you'll never have anonymous greentext sex with butterfly
This truly is a horrible Christmas

>> No.5904627

Think of me as a big brother.

>> No.5904660


keep your thoughts down LOL MERRY CHRISTMAS

>> No.5904666
File: 88 KB, 500x666, 1341887332704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you a happy christmas OP!

>> No.5904761

Thanks. I'm not lazy or autistic. I just don't know what to do. My family are gone and my girlfriend is on the other side of the country.

I am a commie, so I might just do that. Is that what Americans do? Everyone suggested it...

Thank you.

I like Beckett, Dostoyevsky, Baudelaire, T.S. Eliot, Stendhal, Céline, Lautréamont, Pessoa, Borges,Tsvetayeva and Burroughs if that helps.

>> No.5904771

I'm alone this Christmas out of choice. It would be nice to have something to eat other than rice and tinned baked beans but otherwise I'm quite content.

>> No.5905201

I did that anyway. Pretty much anything I received in the mail during December, I wrapped and addressed from Santa.
Just enjoyable seeing that many things under the tree. Even when it results in outnumbering everyone else three to one.

>> No.5905466
File: 128 KB, 631x1024, 1993166275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

merry christmas, op! if it helps: i had a shitty one too, my relatives arguing and shit or just not talking to each other. that's at least something you don't have to put up with.

here, have some stockings for christmas.

>> No.5905668

If it makes you feel better, my Christmas has been brilliant.
I've spent it with my family and sisters boyfriend.
I'm on /lit/ only because I'm taking a shit now.

>> No.5905691

>tfw alone in Thailand with broken ankle, leg and wrist and spent my entire Christmas dealing with the police

Merry fucking Christmas /lit/

>> No.5906030

fuck off to r/books, we want to be miserable.

>> No.5906042

>relatives arguing and shit
same here bro.merry christmas

>> No.5906051

>tfw we celebrate New Years Eve instead of Christmas because of commies

>> No.5906055

and 7th of january? i know that new year is the big day in russia and most countries around but do you do anything on the 7th?

>> No.5906057
File: 16 KB, 500x461, i-know-that-feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is anyone else going to be alone on Christmas?

Yep. Work keeps me from going home, but since most of my family are dead, there isn't much to go back to anyway.

>> No.5906062

What's the deal with the 7th?
We for some reason dedicate that day to the Magi. In my country it's probably a bigger thing than christmass since I rarely hear of even considering the whole "santa is real, kids!" deal but most people my age left grass and water for the magi's camels. We even have our forced-by-law end of year bonus divided between each holiday equally.

>> No.5906064

>magi's camels
Okay then, where are you from? I assumed you are from some ex-soviet country. The 7th is christmas according to the (russian) orthodox church.

>> No.5906071

I'm another poster, in latin america it's a big thing. I think europe does it too.

>> No.5906083

What did you do, you idiot?

>> No.5906090

That feel when I lost everything this year - my love, my friends, and my money - and now I'm stranded on the wrong side of the world and don't know what the fuck to do.

>> No.5906091

become a tranny hustler and smoke tourist pole for cash

>> No.5906094

are you the thai guy?

>> No.5906101

Fuck off

>> No.5906103

>tfw kid was awake every two hoirs all night "is it Christmas yet?"
>tfw up at 5:45am
>tfw coffee won't evem wake me up
I wouldn't mind being alone a bit this Christmas.

>> No.5906111

>stranded on the wrong side of the world

>When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change.
Avatar Aang.

>> No.5906119

Seriously, what did you do? I was in SEA earlier this year and encountered a few people who had gotten themselves in situations like yours and they were always 18-21 year old #yolo lads who had behaved somehow idiotically. On the off-chance that it really wasn't your fault, my apologies.

>> No.5906120

I honestly prefer spending Christmas alone. This year I met up with friends though, which was kinda nice. I like spending time with them on 'special occassions' such as Christmas or New Years Eve. I like to think when they make time for me on such a day our relationship might actually be somewhat close. Although objectively we are probably just acquaintances.

>> No.5906135

Nah, I just moved abroad to be with my gf and in the process lived it up a little too much and made some bad decisions and in some cases acted like a dickhead and now I have to deal with the consequences. Although I'm now on the verge of moving to another new country to be with a new girl I have fallen for. I guess I can't say that my life isn't interesting. Actually, I'm starting to suspect that I may have some mental illness like bipolar.

>> No.5906171

The New Year always makes me feel so helpless.
>Another year of being a fucking loser
H-here I go...

>> No.5906196

you'll be alright, anon. soon you will see that there are actually only very few winners in this game of life.

>> No.5906205

Soon you will realise that winners are actually defined by different criteria than what you were taught to believe.

>> No.5906281

Hugs, bros.
Watch Emmett Otter's Jug Band Christmas. It's sweet and cozy, and it'll cheer you right up.
For that matter, read The Cricket on the Hearth.