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/lit/ - Literature

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5903706 No.5903706 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best anti-SJW literature?

>> No.5903708


lol what a virgin.

>> No.5903711


>> No.5903714

Friedrich Nietzsche - The Gay Science
Judith Butler - Gender Trouble
Franz Fanon - Black Skin, White Masks

>> No.5903715

I know you are but what am I?

>> No.5903716

>reading something to justify his preconceptions
I hope this holidays bring new interests that don't depend on what other people are doing.

>> No.5903720

I'll bet you never do that, and I'll bet you're not just complaining because it's something you disagree with

>> No.5903723

fuck you faggot

>> No.5903732

Mein Kampf

>> No.5903735

Finally a serious response. Thanks for actually contributing to the thread, Anon, unlike some people who just want to turn this board to shit.

>> No.5903740

Tao Lin

>> No.5903745


you forgot the :^)

>> No.5903750

I try to complain whenever someone openly acts stupidly, I'm sure it's something most people here do.
And if you really want to know, no, I try to diversify my reading. It's healthy and I'm sure anyone who reads more than one or two books monthly does the same. Eventually your well of preconceived ideas run out and you're forced to face that people took time to develop quite interesting shit completely unrelated to your petty rivalries.

Happy festivus to you too.

>> No.5903756

>And if you really want to know, no, I try to diversify my reading. It's healthy and I'm sure anyone who reads more than one or two books monthly does the same. Eventually your well of preconceived ideas run out and you're forced to face that people took time to develop quite interesting shit completely unrelated to your petty rivalries.
Wow good thing this has nothing to do with the thread and OP is just looking for literature on a specific topic that he or she is interested in right now

>> No.5903757

Tao "The Autist" Lin

srsly guise read my stuff

>> No.5903762

I wasn't being sarcastic, but I'm not autistic enough to use sarcasm markers like the meme smiley anyway

>> No.5903766

toasting in epic bread

try Ann Coulter, op

>> No.5903775
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He's actually pretty popular amongst certain types of disenfranchised people, but not because he argued that "group X should have these rights too!". He deconstructed this rights faggotry in itself, thereby on the one hand emancipating all kinds of freaks and on the other hand making a mockery of liberalist rhetoric about a right to freedom and preciousness. His approach is sort of a "might makes right", but in a pleasant and refreshing way.

>> No.5903779

Anything that properly fights against Cultural Marxism

>> No.5903822

From what I just read I don't see how that's against SJWs, it kind of encourages them to keep doing their stuff.

>> No.5903835

Of course. The best "anti-X" is simply to ignore X.

Lending any amount of time, words, or treatment to something helps it gain traction. Ignoring it lets it slip into oblivion.

4chan seems to understand this least of all, lending so much attention to tripfags and other unwanted nonsense...

>> No.5903843

>interests that don't depend on what other people are doing.

but being-with-others is literally all existence is

>> No.5903845

What is Cultural Marxism?

>> No.5903863

lol Stirner is even more SJW than SJW, he's the worst and most radical leftist of all time, everyone is a fucking special snowflake, fuck society, it's all about individual expression, fuck the oppression lol

>> No.5903866


>> No.5903867
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Anything Nietzsche

>> No.5903870

Kek, this.

The irony of that tripfag is that he's promoting free thought and healthy discourse, but his obvious intent is just to draw skepticism to a viewpoint which he disagrees with.

>> No.5903884

Friedrich "women belong in the kitchen" Nietzche

>> No.5903888


>implying 95% of them have any business outside the kitchen

>> No.5903895
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>> No.5903904


>reading Ayn Rant

pls no

>> No.5903916
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Friedrich "Men pull the cart for women under a whip of flowers" Nietzsche

>> No.5903920

> reading anti-something literature instead of pro-something
> hating instead of trying to understand

>> No.5903921


The same as social liberalism. I think some people did not like that social and economic liberalism were linked so they tried to hide the relationship by adopting the new term "cultural Marxism".

I think they were afraid to be discovered to be followers of the same degenerate trend themselves, despite themselves being keen to call others "degenerates".

And the traditionalists and fascists are making a disservice to themselves by using this term because they are basically aiding the liberals in this respect.

>> No.5903922

/pol/ pls go to bed

>> No.5903927

> Everyone is a fucking special snowflake
Nope. Only I am.
> it's all about individual expression
It's all about -my- expression.
> fuck the oppression
I care not to be oppressed. I care not of the rest, though.

>> No.5903932

Yes, this is the ultimate point. It's all about you, fuck society, Stirner takes that to its logical conclusion and writes a book arguing for everyone to do that. He's modernism incarnate in its rawest form.

>> No.5903948

And that is not what SJWs are doing. They are spouting their humanist narrative about people being accepted as themselves by society and whatnot, and how they have universal rights and all that. Stirner doesn't care. To him, all verification comes from Ego, never from society. To protest for the rights of Gays is just a spook, unless it has a direct relationship to something pragmatic i.e legislation that would make your life more self-employable.

SJWs would dislike his perfidious selfishness as the ramblings of a dead white man who financed his philosophy with his wife's funds. Are they far off from the true Stirner? Who knows.

>> No.5903952

>cannot stop thinking about topics in terms of "X versus Y"
>reads literature as a way to arm himself in future internet debates
>suspiciously adopts any argument which aligns with his prejudices since he is incapable of reasoning out his own criticisms

So why do you dislike "SJWs", anyway? What are *your* reasons?

>> No.5903953

>What are *your* reasons?
My penis is tiny what are *your* reasossd

>> No.5903954

Yes, SJW's aren't as radical as Stirner, they still have faint traces of pre-modern collective concern. Stirner is pure modernism.

>> No.5903971

He's anti-SJW because he thinks social justice and any form of justice are bullshit concepts, as displayed in the quote I posted.

>> No.5903973
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Gilad Atzmon is the redpill /lit/ needs


>> No.5903978
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>being this pleb

>> No.5903984

"Social Justice" is just a leftover shell. It's not about justice for society, it's about shitting all over society and telling them the dysfunctional snowflakes come first.

>> No.5903990

> it's about shitting all over society
Do you have peer-reviewed sociology articles to prove this claim?
> the dysfunctional snowflakes
Surely if they were dysfunctional, they would not be able to sufficiently change the system and there would be no need for hate or opposition for them?

>> No.5903991
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>> No.5903993
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>> No.5903995

>Do you have peer-reviewed sociology articles to prove this claim?
That SJW's care more about marginalized groups than the majority?

>Surely if they were dysfunctional, they would not be able to sufficiently change the system and there would be no need for hate or opposition for them?
The snowflakes are dysfunctional, their advocates aren't necessarily.

>> No.5904002

this. Even though /pol/tards think Adorno is some sjw-lord, he actually debunks the hypocracy of the modern narcissisticaly motivated "movements"

But I think OP is looking for some kind of /pol/tier shit, that provides him with völkisch and social darwinistic progaganda.

>> No.5904008


>> No.5904009



1) Who here considered themselves a social justice warrior, or advocate for social justice?

2) Who here has a tumblr account?

3) Who here is female?

Bonus question:
4) Who here is Jewish?

Answer each question with an "I do"/"I don't", or any variation of those statements.

>> No.5904023

>That SJW's care more about marginalized groups than the majority?
No, that they're "shitting all over society".

> The snowflakes are dysfunctional, their advocates aren't necessarily.
That's a rather abstract way of putting it. Who are, explicitly, these snowflakes, why do they dysfunction and who are their functional advocates then?

>> No.5904025


I know you're sad that moot ruined pol for you but please, you don't have to ruin the 5chons for everybody else

>> No.5904027

Why do you guys care about sjw's so much, its not like they are affecting your life in any way. Just stop talking about them and you will find that its no big deal.

>> No.5904030

1) I do in a Deleuzian manner (i.e anything less than full acceptance is worse)
2) I don't.
3) I'm not.
4) White Catholic.

>> No.5904034

>ad hom
Didn't expect anything better from a woman.

Are you afraid to answer those questions?

>> No.5904038

1) Social justice is fundamentally an egalitarian concept and I do not have egalitarian morality

2) nope

3) male

4) Orthodox

>> No.5904044
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>> No.5904054

That's decidedly un-Stirnerist.

>> No.5904056
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nah nah nah nah

>> No.5904060

no meaningful dissent of working class (or what now became lower consumer class in service society) can be established until we havent dealt with these fuckers.

>> No.5904070

"Women," by Charles Bukowski.

>> No.5904074

You're stupid as hell dogg.

>> No.5904081

nobody represents you, dogg

>> No.5904120
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OP here.

My original interest was in academic critiques of this modern SJW phenomenon.

I am left of center and some of my main concerns with the SJW types are the following:

1. They are anti freedom of expression. They promote censorship of anything that personally "offends" them. They are politically correct and attempt to censor what anyone can say, often on the pretenses of being "offended" or attempting to label something racist or sexist to cast a stigma on it, etc. Rarely will they ascribe to the (better) idea of open debate and survival of the fittest ideas, or allowing others to express themselves even if you vehemently disagree with them.

2. SJW's attempt to dictate what is right and wrong based on what race, gender, ability, or the social class someone is rather than having a universal even standard, which leads to them to using double standards everywhere (reverse racism, etc)

3. Their attempts to blame anyone but themselves for their problems in 2014 America. Whoever has it better off in society is to blame. This includes trying to transfer guilt of all things to whites and straight people.

4. Cultural appropriation, and the SJW's racist attempts to say that certain cultures own certain ideas. Or that people of certain races/cultures are not allowed to do x, y, or z.

5. I think what it may come down to is that SJW's are more authoritarian left, whereas I am more libertarian left.

SJW's want to control speech instead of making it free, they want equal outcomes rather than equal opportunities, they try to prioritize safety over freedom, and in their attempts to change inequality they over-correct and prescribe racism and sexism.

I wanted literature on the topic because perhaps other writers have covered this topic before but in a way that is more elegant, thorough, and well thought out. And perhaps those writers could introduce nuance into my thought. I've read plenty of SJW literature and I'm not impressed, but rarely have I seen anti-SJW lit.

>> No.5904122

>no meaningful dissent is possible without stamping out people who dissent with me

>> No.5904123

Those people are mainly a Tumblr phenomenon, the academic world wouldn't waste time critiquing them any more than they'd waste time critiquing Stormfront and /pol/

>> No.5904136


>> No.5904137

>every dissent is special
>every dissent is good

>> No.5904139
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>> No.5904141


>> No.5904143

Except they aren't. They're found in university classrooms, and many surreal fucking views are considered mainstream by them.

I think there actually are many critiques of them. Houellebecq for example.

>> No.5904151

And Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, etc.

>> No.5904156

Have you questioned your own use of "SJW" and how it seems to lump incredibly different types of people under a single "they" which you can then shadowbox against without fear of a response?

"SJW" isn't actually a formalized group of people who hold formal values. It's a catch-all. Therefore, when criticizing them, you have to be sure to avoid generalizing them. Nuance and particularity are very important. Many people might argue that they don't want censorship, they are simply voicing their opinions and companies respond by firing someone or putting out a statement due to negative publicity.

The idea of "a universal even standard" might be met with the criticism that certain groups of people are marginalized systemically and until that marginalization is accounted for and more balanced out, a universal standard would only keep people in their current classes.

>> No.5904160

lel, controlled opposition that did more for growth of SJW than any other single component.
the honeypots are everywhere mang

>> No.5904161

Too fat for the army or too autistic?

>> No.5904164

It's not as if Houellebecq is any more advanced. He's basically them as a French novelist.

>> No.5904165

He's certainly better than them.

>> No.5904169

It's not literature. The academy is toxic, remember? The ability to write shit down inevitably leads to the technology of affluence that makes people choose genders and roles for themselves that aren't purely survivalist.
The only answer to SJWs is to return to the jungle and become an ape once again.

>> No.5904172

le epic trole

>> No.5904175


>> No.5904177

No, he really isn't. His prose is as mediocre as anything I've read, and his critique is every bit as vapid as theirs.

>> No.5904192



>> No.5904227

SJW attempt to shut down discourse by going after individuals. This is based upon their preconceived notions of equality.

There is no institutionalised discrimination in free market democracies. The SJW want to introduce control through institutions.

>> No.5904230
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it is more of the tone of SJW that is the problem. The tone was exactly the same as the Moral Majority for america a couple decades ago. Both groups thought "if I point out the problem, I am the solution". So they complain vaguely about things they don't like, then act as if they are saviours.

You can tell this started to peak when they started to rebut any criticism with a claim they were being "tone policed". So not only could you not tell them their causes were dumb, but even the way they said their ideas.

(I'm a communist btw, idk if that matters)

>> No.5904233

Peter Sotos

>> No.5904244

also go back to Marx for anti-sjw

>> No.5904255

>deleuzian manner
You know nothing of deleuze

>> No.5904265

You're an inauthentic dullard.

>> No.5904269

Why don't you like read something before you dare spout your stupid uninformed opinion and make a clown of yourself?

>> No.5904280

The SJW/feminist attempt to control academia is incredibly dangerous. They use their institutional "success" to control thought and speech. Even the old style communist academics seem less inclined to do this.

>> No.5904299

I agree. But I'm ok with it since it pisses off a lot of people I hate.

>> No.5904384

alright rousseau

>> No.5904451

They are not a Tumblr phenomenon. They are a social phenomenon that manifests on various social networks on the internet, and is distributed internationally in a number of institutions... like politics/government, law, advocacy, and education.

I've had professors that seriously & uncritically handed down 'SJW' ideology, terminology, and descriptions of the world as factual/truthful (eg. preaching feminism in a Critical Theory course, not in the specific weeks for feminism - and all of the other Theory was treated with detachment and the idea that these were 'notional', experimental ways of thinking and reading texts/culture). One of my professors used terms like patriarchy & mansplaining to explicitly encourage the majority female class to believe that they were 'under the thumb' of a patriarchal culture... without even defining these terms or making a clear argument for their real world existence - pretty much just making a political call to arms rather than a coherent description of culture. The same professor actually showed Feminist Frequency videos at the height of the Gamergate drama. From what I've seen and heard, I can't really conclude anything else but that there is a powerful current of academic social engineering and ideological priming/advertising occurring. Whether or not you agree with or believe in or are sympathetic to the thinking of this particular brand of feminism is besides the point, really. The point that should be absolutely, unequivocally clear is that this kind of thing is happening in colleges and universities all over the western world, and that it is important, influential, and dominant.

>> No.5904471

>his prose
Have you read him in French? Do you even speak any language besides English?
As for you second point, you're just retarded

>> No.5904476

lol as if this is just a specific topic he's interested in, he's not reading about sjw he's reading stuff so he can parrot arguments so he doesnt have to feel like a racist pig when he goes to bed at night

>> No.5904481

So you're ok with academia getting fucked over so you can have your little moment of "haha u mad bro".

Definitely female...

>> No.5904488

i did 4 years of sociology and never encountered an SJW student or instructor. Feminism was always kept to the weeks it was covered. We only ever would consider a few articles of what a certain feminist would say, or what how feminst thought is on inequality. Just like we did with Marxism in its month, and Weberian in its and so forth.

I did find a few SJWs in the social work program though. Little do they realize they're studying how to control poor people so jokes on them.

>> No.5904491

>center left
>reverse racism
>boils all arguments down to safety/equality v freedom
LOL crawl back to whatever illiterate cave u were born in

>> No.5904493

if i were you (if you are male) i would make an official complaint that the prof was sexist and shamed your gender, regardless of the result it could make him a lot of troubles

>> No.5904494


>4 years of sociology
>never encountered a SJW

Honestly, you're probably one yourself. If you weren't, you're an economist.

>> No.5904495

>thousands of people marching in every US city
>Tumblr phenomenon

>> No.5904500

>in critical theory
>expect not to read Judith Butler or any feminists
lol go back to your stem you dumb fuck

>> No.5904503


i was just scrolling the front page, saw this post, and wow lmao you are fucking d e l u s i o n a l i s t i c a l

>> No.5904506

The problem w sjws is that they're liberals, concerned with feelings and identity politics not the class conflict. They are excellent at identifying instances of oppression but awful at coming up with solutions because their addiction to Foucault has disabled them from thinking outside neoliberal categories.

>> No.5904508

have you tried? colleges usually care of their students' complaints

>> No.5904512

no college would tell a proff to change his curriculum because he was teaching feminism. academia is run by feminists (for better or for worse [for better])

>> No.5904513

I envy you. I've got a BFA in Creative Writing and an Associates in Cognitive Sciences and this shit was constant from roughly 30% of faculty.

>> No.5904516

2/10 obviously didn't read what i wrote

>> No.5904519

we are talking about a guy who taught feminism in a critical theory curse etc

also you can claim the term
to be offensive

would one like a term 'blacksplaining' if we speak of nigs?

all of this is reportable

>> No.5904523

if you think anyone in academia would take seriously (and seriously enough to infringe upon the academic freedom of a presumably tenured professor) an equivalence between 'mansplaining' and 'blacksplaining' you are kidding yourself.

>> No.5904531


if your college won't show at least some care to a complaint like that it's a very shitty one

you can write an article to a local newspaper then with critics of your college administration

>> No.5904534

u fuckin dumb liberal. time for the ~anarchist~ 2 talk.

when academics use the word "racist" they usually refer to contributing to racist institutions. not just saying mean things about because they look diffy. the autocracy of americas and western yurope is white supremacist AF. so a black fella can't can't be a "racist" (in the terms of academic vernacular).

I swear 2 god I like fascists better than liberals. because fascists atleast acknowledge and embrace their hierarchical shit

>> No.5904540

>racist institutions
like what?

>> No.5904567

the racist police manifests itself in all institutions dumbo

there is a reason inner-schools are so shitty. plutocrats profit from it. uneducated kids grow up to be slaves in the prison, either that or shitty fathers and mothers. remember, boy-o, the govt doesn't allow anything to happen (on a domestic level) that it doesn't want.

blaming teachers and cops as individuals is dumb AF. but systems are create with a specific purpose. and the majority of institutions in murrica are 2 serve the upper-class fatso-s

“We are in the society of the teacher-judge, the doctor-judge, the educator-judge, the social worker-judge[...]” (Foucault, 304)

>> No.5904582

Prison beds are built and distributed according to where there are the largest number of illiterate fifth-grades. Of course these areas are disproportionately black (and poor, of course - the real root). Either poor, black people are an intrinsically inferior race (which you'd need scientific evidence to prove, which there simply isn't any of), or these statistics are due to social institutions (wealth discrepancies).

Now it's up to you to decide whether the government sucks at doing its job (sucks at creating equity), or really good at it (oppression).

>> No.5904588

I'm sure someone will be alone to discuss the transracial adoption study and post SAT vs Income demographic charts shortly.

>> No.5904593

>So you're ok with academia getting fucked over so you can have your little moment of "haha u mad bro".
Leftists already think academic discourse is totally controlled by bourgeoisie, so I don't see why they'd care.

>> No.5904599

why do you write like that? Can you stop?

>> No.5904603

i dont get how its possible to be poor in usa and blame it on circumstances

everybody can get a credit and then get education if they dont do it its their fault not anybody's else

>> No.5904608

yeah. academia is already a functionary of capitalism and just an ideological state apparatus, I don't care if the SJWs get their turn to make a sillier dumber capitalism full of transpride CEOs ordering around their workers. Nothing of much value will be lost

>> No.5904609

>1) Who here considered themselves a social justice warrior, or advocate for social justice?
I don't.

>2) Who here has a tumblr account?
I do, but just for poetry (of the non-political sort).

>3) Who here is female?
*rapid genital check* I don't.

>4) Who here is Jewish?
I do.

>> No.5904611

>either that or shitty fathers and mothers.

this is the one. if black kids in poor urban areas behaved well even the most poorly funded public schools could run just fine.

conservatives like to ignore broader social explanations but liberals often like to ignore personal explanations which are actually very important. many liberals seem to have the idea that minorities are being actively held back by something. not really. there are a lot of social problems that would take more than individual action to fix but the situation of say black people in america would be improved by like 80% if they just *acted better* with no involvement from anyone else.

that isnt a reasonable prescriptive solution but it's a fact and part of the equation that liberals ignore at great detriment to their credibility and ideological consistency.

>> No.5904621

mfw a black girl in a sociology lecture on child abuse said that white parents are too gentle with their kids and kids needed to be smacked, cause it is so much better in africa the way black kids treat parents with respect.

makes it pretty hard to care about the group when i continuously hear and read about black parents beating their kids in 2014.

>> No.5904622


>> No.5904625

Wow you're acting like you don't use tumblr much but just look at you go

>> No.5904629


that can easily be explained by a few factors. black people (regardless of socio-economic) are disproportionately superscribed the load of behavior issues rather than emotional issues. this makes perfect sense considering we have a fuckin depression and anxiety conundrum in highschools in america. a student with emotional issues is given treatment whereas a behavioral disordered student will merely be punished. an overwhelming majority of prisoners were diagnosed with behavioral disorders in school (not to mention are illiterate). additionally there's cultural determinism (which is too long to get into) too

>> No.5904630

No, I don't use Tumblr much, I just posted several poems months ago and that's it.

Never went back to my own page, and almost never read other people's pages.

4chan is already wasting my life, I don't need another site!

>> No.5904631

Why not try to understand the issues before getting offended over them?

I think if most of /lit/ researched radical feminism (simone de beauvoir type, not tumblr's warped insanity) they would agree with most of it. It's very eye-opening. When did /lit/ become anti-intellectual?

>> No.5904633

kids are animals and should be treated respectively, even the bible suggests it

>Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.

>> No.5904644

>that isnt a reasonable prescriptive solution but it's a fact and part of the equation that liberals ignore at great detriment to their credibility and ideological consistency.

yeah, i agree. it's far fetched to expect some autonmous, african-american cultural revolution to establish a stronger family based framework. it would just be easier to abolish class (an autonmous social revolution, lol). then there would be no areas of minorities who are purposely given shit education

>> No.5904645

The Police are not racist.You are a pure SJW moron.

>> No.5904646

at this point im agnostic about racial iq differences. pro and con have reasonable arguments and i think there's a lot of noise that makes it harder to make sense of the data as you might think at first.

but this argument sure doesn't convince me. i mean if you look at those income vs. race iq scores. a black kid with 199,999 yearly income will score WORSE than a white kid with under 20,000 income. i mean you could follow those kids through their day to day lives and see that the black kid with 200k family income has an advantage in every single way, better home life, better educated parents, more opportunities in everything ... but somehow when they sit down to take a test invisible institutional oppression tumbles upon the black kid all at once? i dunno.

>> No.5904652

police as individuals are not. also you provide no explanation, your claim holds no weight. simply calling me a social justice warrior proves nothing

>> No.5904657

>Why not try to understand the issues before getting offended over them?
Because these "issues" are based on perverse sophisms that corrupt public speech (the media, politics, universities, etc.) quite widely.

>When did /lit/ become anti-intellectual?
The left doesn't have a monopoly on intelligence.

>> No.5904662


Intellectuals have historically aimed at understanding ideas. Feminist academics on the other hand aim to bring about social change.

>> No.5904665

yes it is invisible. when he sits down he gets nervous cause he knows he is representing his race and his stats will be scrutinized and this anxiety leads to a lower score.

but obviously a rich black kids has tenfold the privilege of a poor white kid.

>> No.5904670

myopic a.f.

>implying de beauvoir, foucault, butler, and engles weren't intellectuals

>> No.5904677

You described the police as a racist institution. The nature of the police force is enforcing the law, all people have equality before the law.

So then where does the racism spring from?

>> No.5904678


>Feminist academics on the other hand aim to bring about social change.

theory =/= praxis

>> No.5904679

it's not just the tests, it's the grades throughout school too. emotional disorders affect a lot if not treated, dude

>> No.5904681

no, students aim to understand ideas. feminist intellectuals propose ideas as to why sex and gender determine things about peoples' lives

>> No.5904684

>Implying any of them had an intelligent thought in their life.

>> No.5904685

My experience with feminism has been that it is based very little on "arguments" and more so on observations. It involves removing your feelings from your observations, which is difficult for an oppressive group to do.
Observing society (at least here in America) with an unbiased eye reveals pretty quickly many truths about feminism. I manage a pool in the summer and I'm always shocked at the difference between toddlers boys' and girls' swimsuits. It's a simple observation but it's extremely telling of gender socialization in America. It's not an "argument", it's something you'd have to be blind to deny.

>> No.5904686

>minorities have a shit time of it
>therfore the institutions that are responsible
You see that empty space? That why your argument looks like shit. You can't just make huge jumps like that and then call other people dumb.

You mean the minorities? Rich Americans (mainly whites and asians) tend to be skinnier.

>> No.5904690

>he just realized the two sexes have different swimsuits
ayy sexism lmao

>> No.5904691

why do you even bother saying something like that? I don't understand.

>> No.5904692

yeah that poster writes like a retard and gives their side a bad name. please don't try to describe social science without studying it, it is just very cringyworthy and helps no one.

>> No.5904693

We understand why sex determines things about peoples' lives. That is explained by biology and to a lesser extent, psychology, feminists contribute nothing.

>> No.5904701

That's how observations work, ya

The differences have reason and effect.

>> No.5904703

Feminists find the concept of reasoning threatening because their ideas are based upon feelings rather than empirical evidence.

>> No.5904704

>Sexism is right because biology!!

Ugh, please don't be one of those people.

>> No.5904705

Did you ever consider that tendencies don't necessarily equal oppreshunz?

>> No.5904707

ugh pls dont be one of those people

>> No.5904708

Don't play the neutral card, once again you're talking like the assumptions behind these "observations" are shared by everyone, or should be shared by everyone.

>How is "gender socialization" bad?
>How is inequality bad?
>What is an oppressive group exactly?
>What is good?

>> No.5904710
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do you seriously need me to explain how institutions affect people? I didn't think I would need to. In honesty, the Reagan area is mostly responsible for this. The drug war, destruction of public education and of labor unions. These all contribute to the mass incarceration of Black Americans.

>> No.5904711

I'm sorry? I gave you a pretty clear example of an observation that proves feminism's cause. With a critical eye a million more come into view. To deny them seems clouded by bias. The group speaking about their own experience provides anecdotal evidence

>> No.5904713


here, allow me to fill in the blank for you, since you are either too unwilling or too ignorant to do it yourself.

>minorities have a shit time of it
>in what ways?
>decades of racist housing policy (see: redlining, stacking)
>police policies that target blacks and latinos at a disproportionately higher rate than anyone else, despite the fact that, for example, only 2% of blacks commit violence crimes
>traumas, legacies, and residual effects of slavery, and Jim Crow laws manifest in ways too numerous to count
>therefore those institutions (housing, police, lawmaking, criminal justice) are responsible

>> No.5904714

do you even marx

>> No.5904718

There are objective differences to the sexes. This is a fact.

>> No.5904719

>black students are expelled more
>therfore it's the institutions

>black students are expelled more
>therefore, blacks are an inferior race

>black students are expelled more
>therefore, the black community has some cultural problems

All three of these have equal evidence from what you've provided me with.

>> No.5904722

>my experience with feminism
>feminism is bad because it is based on experience
are you being serious or is this a shitty joke?

>> No.5904723

>I manage a pool in the summer and I'm always shocked at the difference between toddlers boys' and girls' swimsuits. It's a simple observation but it's extremely telling of gender socialization in America.

you are retard if you don't understand why female nudity has a stronger taboo than male one

men and women are different biochemically. female nudity is a significantly stronger stimulant for males than male nudity for females, therefore it shouldn't be treated equally.please don't remind that 'my body my rules' crap, imagine a guy who would walk and whisper lewd things to girls on the street, he doesn't touch them, it's his voice, his body, his rules and still you (and society) would find that behavior inappropriate and a sexual aggression, female nudity is basically the same kind of sexual aggression against men

feminists who ignore biology are fucking retarded and they dare to claim that they 'remove feelings from observations' and are objective

>> No.5904724

Prove those things are effecting them. And prove the extent.

I have no obligation to believe any of it until then.

>> No.5904725
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sjws r ppl who ascribe 2 the philosophy of intersectionalism

bada bing bada boom solved the "wtf do u call an SJW" problem right quick m8

>> No.5904726

yeah. like males are sometimes more aggressive. or the penis and vagina. but we both got hair on our legs

>> No.5904727

>thinks psychology is an important field
>posting in /lit/

>> No.5904728

They are shared by everyone. There is no one who could feasibly argue that boys' and girls' swimsuits aren't different; with the boys being significantly less sexualized.
>What is good

Maybe feminism, then; is women saying "this is NOT good. The reality is not beneficial or just". If the group it occurs to revolts against it, why defend it? I feel you'd have to be benefitting pretty extremely from the current state of affairs to deny a change to a group that begs for it. Do you benefit from the sexualization of toddlers, anon?

>> No.5904729

>there are some physical differences between the sexes
>therefore feminism is irrelevant
Ugh, please don't be one of these people.

>> No.5904730

>sexualization of toddlers
Never even considered todlers as sexual, not even when I've seen them naked. Stop projecting your bad conscious onto everybody else.

>> No.5904735

This is not a logical argument. You have essentially said african americans have had bad things happen to them so the institutions of government whose job it is to look after them are responsible for these bad things.

>> No.5904736
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to add to this critical race narratology (which is the germinating seed from which the parasite of intersectonalism emerged) began this fucked up cavalcade of making up shit 4 black ppl 2 rally behind that will only address the symptomatic outcomes of whats actually fuccin them over n not the thing thats actually fuccin them over natch

u can look @ ppl who monetize "feminism" n "race relation" type shit n find that more than not they're intersectionalists b/c its the best label under which 2 filch money from reel fuccin fools of broken n lost ppl (rachel maddox, anita w/e the jew, etc. types bein the foremost promulgators of this form of "commerce")

>> No.5904737

this is some sup bar b8 m80

>> No.5904738

Go back and read what I was responding to, stop trying to strawman.

>> No.5904739


yeah how about you go look up redlining, or Jim Crow, or the history of the terry stop yourself. i'd have to sit you down and hold your hand with an illustrated picture book to make you understand.

fuck, how people are so ignorant is astounding. decades and decades of research and statistical evidence is not enough for them. decades and decades of first-hand accounts is not enough. you really really just don't want to believe that racism exists. you're a coward.

>> No.5904740

My eyes hurt, stop posting pls

>> No.5904742

Oh my god. Please be trolling.

>Female skin is as bad as men following and harassing women

>Female nudity is "aggression against men"
Your statements prove the need for feminism. I don't think I could have asked for a better example.
Also, we were discussing kids <5. If you truly find their nudity "aggressive", the world would be a far better place without you and it would benefit society if you died tonight.

>> No.5904744

Never even considered the same gender as sexual, not even when I've seen them naked. Stop projecting your bad conscious onto everybody else.

>> No.5904745



>How is inequality bad?
>How is inequality bad?
>How is inequality bad?
>How is inequality bad?
>How is inequality bad?

>> No.5904746

>Jim Crow
Ended a long time ago. It's your job to prove its ghost still haunts the black race in America.
>decades of research hurr evidence
There's a fine line between various interpretations of any given piece of data.
>you're a coward
ayy lmao

>> No.5904747

Other men in this thread; read this and tell me feminism is unjustified.

>> No.5904751
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chill bruh its anime cat day in ching chong wing wong land n autism doesn't take off on holidays %^DDDDD

>> No.5904752

>read one person's post and tell me a series of social reforms aren't justified
Supreme gentleman detected

>> No.5904753

The statistics do not show that african americans are being opressed by racist institutions. They have benefited from government support, then they blame the government for not making their lives perfect.

>> No.5904754

/lit/ - Tumblr

>> No.5904755

Trace discussion back friend, topic was toddlers' swimsuits.

>> No.5904758

if you don't think blacks are disadvantaged in america because theyre black idk what the fuck to tell you.

>> No.5904762

His view is shared by many, many men; I hope to god not the majority but it often seems that way.

>> No.5904763

They are not disadvantaged because they are black, they are disadvantaged because they are poor.

>> No.5904764

Topic is: making "observations" about male-female inequality in various domains of life, including toddlers' swimsuits.

So, my question is:

>How is inequality bad?
>How is inequality bad?
>How is inequality bad?

>> No.5904765

if you dont think poor white people dont enjoy some benefits over poor black people idk what to tell you

(although i agree sjw probably overemphasize race and gender)

>> No.5904767
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damn 1 dumb ass fuckface goes back 2 social darwinism n u presume im gonna hop on the "black n white guilty af anthropology academics that knowingly tilt statistical evidence towards viewpoints they support" train n ride off into ur BBC pozzed sunset pined nigga dick dynasty ya demisexually striated freaka...nasty

sage for not fucking video games b/c /lit/ might as well consider itself the cyoa h-game version of /v/

>> No.5904768


>Oh my god. Please be trolling

that's what i should address you

it's not clear what you meant exactly about children, i supposed that the girls have significantly more closed swimsuits since the very early age, all pedo allusions are on your conscience

and you didn't make a single logical argument why you dislike my post, of both of us i'm the only one who made some logical arguments...

overall you are a typical simpleton

>> No.5904769

I'm not saying you have!!
I shouldn't need to write this out-- someone must, because the female swimsuits are way more sexualized than the males. The parents choose it, but why? It's a question worth thinking about without losing your shit.

>> No.5904770

>if you don't agree with me idk what to tell you
I'm honestly open to your point of view. I've had this exact conversation a million times both with friends and on le 4chinz and every time it ends like this. "It's just common sense bro, don't be mean. Don't be uncool."

>> No.5904773

Nothing. You've already made up your mind about what 'Social Justice' is, so you can twist facts to suit your preconceptions.

>> No.5904774

>Ended a long time ago

people were not just physically segregated for decades, but they were economically segregated for decades. and if you were to go to those segregated areas today (where they of course no longer are segregated), the economic legacy is still obvious. the white neighborhoods are still nice white neighborhoods, the segregated poor black neighborhoods are still poor and black. physical segregation ended, but the money didn't didn't. how do you think public schools are funded? with property taxes. you think it's a coincidence that the best public schools are almost always in affluent white neighborhoods? you think it's a coincidence that the worst public schools are always in depressed black neighborhoods? if you take two populations and give one all of the resources for decdes and deprive the other one for decades before saying "OK, you can play together now," you think everything will intermix and change automatically? especially when those who lived with economic and education advantages have a vested interest in preserving the status quo, law change or no?

and that's just ONE example.

>> No.5904775

No, I would say it is possible poor whites have it worse. Things like affirmative action directly aim to help blacks.

>> No.5904777

i see that it's unpleasant to read how somebody logically disproves what you believe to be true and you can do nothing but to point with a stupid exclamation...

>> No.5904778

Are you not an American? Girls suits are bikini style, pink tassled and glittery for fucking babies. They are simultaneously more "closed" and more sexualized. There's no reason a two-year-olds nipples should be taboo enough to make the kid uncomfortable while her brother plays, carefree.

>> No.5904779

>all this blatant strawman and ad hom from the feminists
It isn't any wonder why no one takes you seriously when you can't even hold a conversation properly.

>> No.5904781

Correlation doesn't amount to causation. Asians were oppressed in the 20th century. Even when they were being oppressed, they made themselves more prosperous than today's black community.

Should we assume that oppression add to prosperity? With your logical leaps, something as absurd as that would be completely justifiable.

>> No.5904784

>Women's skin is sexually aggressive

This is insane. It is completely ignorant of what sex is and what aggression is. It's a ridiculous statement and I'm not going to copy paste the definition of aggression for someone this low-functioning.

>> No.5904786

>twirling around in semantics trying to avoid the cold hard biology
I'll give you one more shot at a proper rebuttal. I know you can do it.

>> No.5904787

>more sexualized
>implying anyone actually thinks about it that way
In the minds of normal people, babies don't even register as sexual beings. I think this whole fixation says more about you than anything.

>> No.5904792

Yet when Lena Dunham sexually molests her sister you feminists talk about how natural it is.
God, feminists make me sick.

>> No.5904793

In the minds of normal people, the same gender doesn't register as sexual either. You need to accept people's differences and stop oppressing people, anon.

>> No.5904794
File: 33 KB, 1024x576, 4ccb243504fe3f3dd1a53a9205e41fa1b94af3a3a80b9bbb869a4c7a76db3c67_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I disagree with this

>> No.5904795


i already explained you why female nudity always was and should be more tabooed

think for a moment, what's the difference between voice and looks in that example? sound waves vs light waves? intent? but one chooses their clothes by intent too. female nudity shouldn't be treated equally to male nudity, it's simply unfair for males, because, yes, it may be a slightly strong comparison but it's an aggression vs them, you see how aggression is possible without physical contact

also i'm beginning to suspect that you are a pedo with all these 'sexualized swimsuits' and desire to look at naked little girls

>> No.5904805

Because men and women "think differently". Pseudoscience

And please, it's literally everywhere. When I started to get into studio ghibli I was shocked by the lack of sexualization, not because I wanted it but because I'd grown up with Disney and it put it into perspective by comparison.

>> No.5904820

I was abused as a child so maybe I'm more sensitive to it; but it is very clear when you work around it every fucking day. We also had to call the cops on a man filming little girls with an ipad. Not that that's relevant. I've spiked my eggnog by now

>> No.5904821

>Men and women don't think differently.
You are literally incompetent. Please remove yourself from existence.

>> No.5904825


no, that's the claim that they think identically is a wish-fulfilling pseudoscience

images affect males significantly stronger than females, it's a proven fact and it doesn't depend on society etc, it's not a type of social behavior, it's pure biology

if feminists respected biology more (and if they didn't tried to oppose real man and real women with their fantasies)... imo if you are interested of feminism and don't want to use it as a tool for personal gain, ditch it and consider to be a humanist instead

>> No.5904836

However, Feminists think they can "re-educate" males.

>> No.5904873

>no, its all talk

>> No.5904890

I mean there are statistics you can look up, i'm just not perky enough on christmas eve to look them up for you.

>> No.5904908


>1) Who here considered themselves a social justice warrior, or advocate for social justice?

yes, in a Rawlsian sense

>2) Who here has a tumblr account?


>3) Who here is female?


>4) Who here is Jewish?


>> No.5904920

>he literally seeks out literature that panders to his petty dislikes

>> No.5904924

>D-Don't read books that agree with you!
cuck detected

>> No.5904930


>> No.5904945

You're a bit of a dork.

>> No.5904970

If men are stimulated to the point of violence by women doing basic things, i.e. wearing shorts, maybe they SHOULD all be locked up/castrated.

Devil's advocating, but that's where your logic flows. Men can't control themselves so they need to restict others' freedoms. Men sound animalistic, inferior and dangerous.

>> No.5904979

>'pure biology'

>> No.5904983

nobody spoke about violence against women due to them demonstrating their bodies, it's your own rape oddity or rather your following the trend of shaming men for 'rape culture' made you to bring this question despite the topic was about sexual aggression against men, not of sexual agression against women

significant disturbance which naked bodies of women commit to men should be respected regardless if it makes additional danger for women or not, actually even more in the latter case

>> No.5904989

Their tone and tactics are pretty awful, but I think that there is more to be concerned about than that. Their wanting to limit free speech and reverse the burden of proof in sexual assault cases is pretty scary, even if its mostly confined to the internet (for now)

>> No.5904990

>Their wanting to limit free speech and reverse the burden of proof in sexual assault cases is pretty scary


>> No.5904991


>> No.5904994

>their wanting to limit free speech

I live right near where John Crawford was gunned down on sight by cops in a Wal-Mart and let me tell ya, the sheer volume of conservatives saying shit like "shoot the protesters", "why are we letting them protest", etc., is all I'm seeing around here. I'm not quite seeing SJWs trying to literally restrict free speech

>> No.5904997

Yeah, i don't deal with a lot of conservatives, but it's not like it's ok if conservatives are worse about it, come on

>> No.5904999

I'm not saying worse about it, I'm saying literally attempting to restrict it. Most "SJWs" view things like anti-abortion rallies and what have you as disgusting and simply move on, whereas conservatives literally want to restrict the right to free speech and protest

>> No.5905003

This "significant disturbance" being......a tingle in your boner? If that really happens regularly for you on slight provocation, I pity you I guess; but it doesn't outweigh the "significant disturbance" women would face by dressing to avoid startling your dick 24/7. It's polite to dress modestly, it's considered in "good taste" even in 2014. But your dick doesn't deserve to set legislation.

>> No.5905006


this is patently false on ur end stop bein obtuse u turbonerd

>> No.5905018


bruh in a realpolitik sense the dick that has subjugated women will set legislation unless u turn the future generation of men obsequious 2 gay ass "morally correct" ideas regardless so *tha-whump* deal nerd :gunny:

>> No.5905022

You seem to believe that men and women are equal. They are not. The entirety of history demonstrates that men are superior and that women are only necessary for spawning children.

If an animal's behaviour drives a man to do something repugnant, it is the animal's behaviour that must change. Similarly, women must have their behaviour kept in line. It is objectively proven by history that not keeping their behaviour in line is just like letting any other animal free to ravage civilization as it pleases. The consequences are always negative and lead to the society being supplanted by more virile and manly cultures.

The more power and "freedom" women get, the more animalistic and dyscivic they become. Like any other type of livestock, they require training and care by men if they are to be useful and not a resource drain at best and actively destructive at worst.

>> No.5905028


so you turned into a personal attack now? that's rather pitiful on your part

why do you think that the right of women to dress as their want overweight the right of men not to be sexually attacked? [mind you men aren't even against to be attacked that way, lol, just don't complain that you are treated as a sexual object afterwards] the society is an agreement of people where everybody gives away some part of their freedom to serve others. men gave away quite a lot of their freedom (otherwise you simply wouldn't have the internet access, lol)

>> No.5905030

What do conservatives have to do with anything? This thread isn't about conservatives, and I didn't mention conservatives.

>> No.5905044

Brought in as an illustration that anon's conception of the SJW free speech restriction isn't nearly as awful as thought of and this group displays that quite well

>> No.5905050

The entire cannon is written by dead white guys, so, all of it.

>> No.5905051

Using superior strength, the only area in which men are superior--( women being better intellectuals, nurturers, more creative, and better communicators) men were able to subjugate women and write a history that made them look good. Now that physical strength is irrelevant, women are making big strides in subjugating men. Men are bigger and dumber than women, statistically more violent, significantly less graceful or agile; and base and animalistic in their sexual desires and urges. They can be manipulated very easily through their base and uncomplicated sexualities. Any 6 who knows her way around a dick can wrap 99% of men around her little finger, because men really are that stupid. Men commit the vast majority of violent crimes, statistics don't lie --exhibiting their lack of self-control and violent nature. In terms of communication and creativity, the average man is a joke. He literally appears autistic next to a woman. The modern man spends his time watching other men bash into each other fighting over a ball. Men give this industry millions of dollars. Men leave their children more often than women, contributing to the primary degeneration of society. Men are true idiots, animalistic morons; and violent on top of it. They are being and will continue to be subdued for the ultimate benefit of society.
Look I can do it too

>> No.5905054

Simply because a woman dressing a certain way in your presence is not an "attack". It's a passive behavior, not premeditated and not done with you im mind.

>Implying you wouldn't be tilling the soil at sunrise for me and our babies

>> No.5905058

All you've done is make up strange nonsense, while I gave an objectively correct analysis of the situation. All of higher mathematics and science was invented by men. There is simply no comparison here. Ideally, women should probably be phased out of existence and replaced by sexbots as soon as we perfect artificial wombs.

>> No.5905065 [DELETED] 

A woman dressing a certain way is simply not an "attack". It's not done with you in mind and its affect is subjective.

>Implying you wouldn't be out tilling the soil for me and our babies

>> No.5905083

Not at all. Statistics are VERY clear that men are far more violent. There are plenty of women in math, science and academia, not as many as men; but a female serial killer is extremely rare. Again, just stating facts. Society might progress slower after killing all men via mass genocide, but the resulting peaceful utopia will be far worth it.

>> No.5905090

And it's common knowledge that men leave their kids more often. But I encourage you to look it up regardless :-)

>> No.5905092
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>Society might progress slower after killing all men via mass genocide, but the resulting peaceful utopia will be far worth it.

consider my jimmies rustled

>> No.5905111


>> No.5905117

yeah, i don't condone attacks on free speech either. but what your saying is literally not an argument.

>> No.5905118

You're simply stating the deleterious, dyscivic effects on society of women being given power and freedom. If men are forced to kill wild dogs because the dogs no longer know how to behave, does this mean we should get rid of dogs or men? Dogs clearly. Similarly with women. Men are a higher order of being than women. This is a simply fact. Women may have their place, but only as subordinate to and properly trained by men.

Before 1950, less than 5% of white children were born out of wedlock. Today that number is enormously higher, in the range of 25%. As I said, women's rights are a dyscivic phenomenon, objectively. And they will simply lead Western civilization to be supplanted by the more traditional Eastern societies. Degeneracy such as women's rights is only possible in periods of over-abundance of course, so hopefully this problem will correct itself soon enough enough and a new male priest-class will arise to guide us back to traditionalism and away from the materialistic sickness of modernity.

>> No.5905124

>only area in which men are superior
Go count the number of males who have won a Nobel Prize or Fields medal and come back and tell me women have contributed as much.

>> No.5905125

It's really simple: women are capable of math, science and leadership. Men are NOT capable of lessening their violence. Therefore, the most logical solution is to eliminate men. Some can be kept alive for semen, or that can just be harvested and stored. Again, society will progress slower but it will be worth it for the resulting peace.
World with men: women are dogs!! Control and rape them!!
World without men: 90% less violence, peace & love

I know it's hard to hear anon, these facts are hard hitting. You'll get used to it.

>> No.5905130

>Men win awards show run by men

Ooooooh oh okay anon

>> No.5905140

Women are not capable of math, science, or leadership on the same level men are. This is like saying we should abandon Earth to the ravens because they can add 2+2, so obviously they can do math, right?

The list of Fields Medal recipients speaks for itself, as was just pointed out. Only one woman ever won it, and she came from a traditionalist society and not decaying Western women's paradise.

Women are simply not capable of reaching the intellectual heights of men.

>> No.5905141

Sounds like the free market.

>> No.5905144

Can you name a single important contribution to higher mathematics made by a woman?

>> No.5905147

You are very out of touch with this world.

>> No.5905148

women gave birth to every important mathematician

>> No.5905149

SCUM Google it fag

>> No.5905151

Women are encouraged into the sciences, they have to be given incredible support just to complete their studies. Success in the sciences is determined by genetics, and for whatever reason men tend to have those traits.

Look at chess champions and tell me women are just as good at chess.

>> No.5905152

>Same level

Slightly lesser, you can check test scores for that info. Still completely functional. Without men, STEM fields will have more appeal anyway. Like I've been pounding into your ignorant turd for a brain, it's ok to take a little technology setback to reap the numerous benefits of a man free world. That makes you sad? Don't care. Technology advancing doesn't mean shit when men want to nuke the world over oil anyway.
>Fields award
Again, not interested in your jewy male awards ceremonies where you stroke each other's dicks for inventing google glass

>> No.5905158

>Benefits society

Lmao ok anon

Check SAT scores and shit, there's a difference but it's not large enough to justify keeping men around.

Again: I'm not saying men aren't better at math and science. That benefit just plain doesn't outweigh their violent cost. Sorry men.

>> No.5905159

judit polgar is pretty good

>> No.5905163

This spectacle you are putting on is quite pathetic. I can only imagine the existential angst that "liberated" females like you go through as your ideology forces you to attempt to be just like men while every lesson of history and all the evidence of the present says that you are basically just a mildly retarded version of a man, not even having the solace of childbirth and child-rearing to give your life meaning.

>> No.5905165

>judit polgar
Yeah but she is still not even in current top 10

>> No.5905167

the life is a grim competition. men are better suited for actual fighting and violence so it is mostly conveyed by them but if the whole earth population would be women only it would be women who would fight and kill other women... men are more aggressive because somebody should be

>> No.5905168

how many women are involved in chess compared to the number of men involved in chess? i'm sure that if they were more even there would be a few women in the top 10.

>> No.5905172

man here. just putting this out here- i don't like the idea of me and my entire gender being killed. just saying.

>> No.5905173

>there is a reason inner-schools are so shitty.
My inner-city school was just fine, thank you.

>> No.5905174

Why don't more women get involved?

>> No.5905176

Who's saying women want to be anything like men? I've said over and over in my posts, which you'd know of you could read; men are shit. Violent, lacking in creativity and empathy, and sooo much more. Let's be honest here too, women have a far better eye for beauty.
Women flat out are better human beings. Men want to control and dominate. It's sad you can't admit this.
It doesn't matter if men are slightly more intellectual and scientific. They suck in every other area, and the world would be better without them. They're pretty damn close to destroying us all with technology in the wrong hands.
Women could begin the eradication today if wanted, simply by aborting all male fetuses. It wouldn't be hard, or even illegal.

>> No.5905181

Retard, you have to prove that the Police are racist.

>> No.5905183

You are the best, Kitty, and I really like you. Happy holidays,

>> No.5905184

Not you, just fetuses

>> No.5905185

Who will defend you Females when an alien race of giant lizard men invade earth?
As you are guzzling alien semen you will think back and regret eradicating men.

>> No.5905192

>my dick is tiny

>> No.5905193

I sort of doubt it. Men themselves say over and over that men are such sexual beings, sooo easily provoked, come on it's just biology, etc. So I'm inclined to believe them

>> No.5905194

Why do you feminists always bring it back to the penis?

>> No.5905195

>women being better intellectuals
There was this guy on 4chan a while ago, who would name 10 male academics for every 1 female.
Needless to say, it was quite entertaining.

>> No.5905196

ty :3
we don't celebrate catholic christmas here though, our holydays begin on 31rd

>> No.5905197

>Alien semen
>Not superior

>> No.5905198

fuck if i know. same reason that there's not a lot of male knitters probably. part socialization, part genetics.

>> No.5905203

don't do that

>> No.5905206

It was explained in that exact post. Historically, men bullied themselves a bigger place at the table. The child-rearing sitch has also complicated women's intellectual pursuits. Birth control-> more women intellectuals-> not a coincidence

>> No.5905207

Thank you
>hating and having someone else's discourse drilled into your mind
>instead of reading something pro-whatever and understanding and, if necessary, finding the flaws and counter-arguments yourself

>> No.5905208

genetics...the thing that determines ability.

There could be more successful female chess players, but I doubt they will compare to the top male players.

Women are so fragile, they must be wrapped in wool and protected from even the slightest blow to self esteem. Ironically you feminists have only made this worse by going after men who threaten you by looking at your breasts.

>> No.5905209

no that's still a stupid idea. how about we NOT genocide men, that seems more reasonable

>> No.5905211

>It doesn't matter if men are slightly more intellectual and scientific. They suck in every other area, and the world would be better without them.
You mean the most important two areas possible in human existence? Intellect is a modifier for literally every conscious decision we make as human beings. If you admit to men having a higher level of intelligence than women, you admit to them being a stronger, and greater, demographic.

Personally, I disagree with what you're saying. I think human beings have a large enough variation in potential and skill that demographic borders are pointless. Though, if you really want to assemble a list, I hear Ashkenazi Jews have the highest IQ scores.

>> No.5905214

It's not genocide. It's perfectly legal.
Read >>5905118. Men are fucked up. The majority of them pose a danger to others and should be mercifully ended for that reason.

>> No.5905216

Not only have men produced every great advance in science and mathematics, they have also produced all great art and philosophy. There is simply no way you can argue that "women have a better eye for beauty."

Also, violence births greatness, both spiritual and intellectual.

>> No.5905221

But they were part of the evil Patriarchy anon! Women could not think because the Patriachy told them thinking was bad.

>> No.5905227

More like birth control->no more children->civilization ends or is supplanted by migrating barbarians (see: Ancient Rome, present day America and Europe).

Plus those women "intellectuals" have not produced a single thing except radical feminism.

>> No.5905228

I guess I should have specified STEM fields, where men do typically score better. I don't think it's the be all end all to intelligence. But I also know intelligence of the populace doesn't necessarily correlate with a peaceful society. Thus my argument that if the population took a hit of a few IQ points, but increased in safety by 90%, it would be worth it.

>> No.5905229

People like this make other people repulsed by feminism. If you simply replace the terms "men" and "women" throughout this post, you have super evil sexism. For the more sensitive and the more honest, either way is equally repulsive. The way of thinking has to be improved upon. We have to be more than apes.

>> No.5905236

>men bullied themselves a bigger place at the table
This old argument again. I guess whatever superior intellectualism women possess over men, clearly wasn't enough to prevent patriarchal oppression for millennia; in which case, you're argument is splitting hairs and is entirely irrelevant.
>The child-rearing sitch has also complicated women's intellectual pursuits.
I guess the extreme poverty and sickness, that plenty of academics and authors have experienced throughout their lives, did nothing to dissuade their creative faculties. You would think that, comparatively, the number of child-raising women in financially wealthy homes, to those without, would warrant a large amount of female academics throughout history?

>> No.5905239

Yeah they literally violently elbowed women out of those areas, including taking credit for female done work-- many proven cases if this. Father of a female artist getting the credit etc. Also many cases of men in the arts raping female artists they were tutoring or working with. Wow, almost like men are disgusting, violent monsters who can't fucking share

>> No.5905241

High IQs develop the technology that make you safe sweety.

>> No.5905242
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>> No.5905244

>birth control->no more children

Not true.

But we should stop encouraging unfruitful sex and remind women of their obligations and stop them from acting like children who have to prove their independence by tying their own shoelaces.

>> No.5905246

>Men get sick sometimes
>Even comparable to every single fucking woman having kids or dealing with the possibility

Lmaooooooo. Male ignorance at it's finest

>> No.5905250

Women are being encouraged to go out and have unfruitful sex by Feminism.

>> No.5905252

It objectively is true, birth control has caused birth rates to plunge and also fooled many women into spending their 20s focusing on a "career" and finding out too late that they wasted their child-bearing years and can no longer reproduce.

If Western governments had any sense they would follow Soviet Romania's example, ban birth control and abortion and actually enforce those band via secret police and watch birth rates climb back to a healthy level

>> No.5905254

I feel like I've seen the light. I hearby vow to abort every male fetus I have the misfortune to conceive.
Merry Christmas, guys ;-)

>> No.5905256

>world needs more Burgers

Lmao. No

>> No.5905257

We're happy for the kid

>> No.5905262

I'm not a feminist, I'm an egalitarian

>> No.5905264

The world needs more white people, what the world doesn't need more of is punjabis, Chinese, and disgusting mestizo mutts from South America. And yet these Subhumans are the only people who still have children. It's a fucking tragedy.

>> No.5905265

I came into this thread mildly annoyed at SJWs bullying people on the internet and generally being dumb

Now I know that they actually want to kill all male babies, good job guys

>> No.5905267


>> No.5905268


>1) Who here considered themselves a social justice warrior, or advocate for social justice?

>2) Who here has a tumblr account?
3) Who here is female?

Bonus question:
4) Who here is Jewish?
not jewish
traditionalist catholic

>> No.5905271

How is that anything but self-defense? This is the typical male view >>5905022
and they've been acting on it for centuries.

>> No.5905273

>"before you contribute to this conversation please make your personal characteristics known"
>hurr ad hom, hurr women

do you know what "ad hominem" means?

>> No.5905276

>they're SJWs
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>they do it for free
>they take their "civil duty" very seriously
>they do it because it is the only amount of "free thought" and "independence" they will feel in their pathetic lives
>they derail threads they don't like because whenever they see a male they get upset and have an asthma attack
>they derail threads they don't like because they interfere with the large amount of projections they have to make and whine about over tumblr
>they will never have a real job
>they will never move out of their parent's houses
>they will never be a healthy weight
>they will never learn how to cook anything because that's enforcing muh patriarchy
>they will never have boyfriends
>they will never have any friends
>they do it for free

>> No.5905280

Communists are hellbent on destroying all oppression and subjugation even at the expense of civilization. We won't even be able to sustain agriculture with these people.

>> No.5905285

Try and convince your fellow women to do away with men. I don't think they are all Lesbians like you.

>> No.5905291

We can keep some hot domesticated ones for fucking

Men just give sperm, they're highly shareable

>> No.5905292

Answer me this.

What won't you do because the "patriarchy" is stopping you?

If there is something, you are weak and are barely the freedom-fighter you claim to be.

If there is nothing, you're a child and you are not mature enough to hold a conversation like this, if genocide is your answer.

Grow up, imbecile.

>> No.5905295


looks to me that the only people who want to destroy civilization are the capitalists. "small government" my ass. you fuckers want to diminish taxes until there aren't any. what do you think civilization is built upon? taxes and the social contract.

you think your future is some glorious ancap fantasy, but the reality is you'll be living in corrugated metal huts with guns under your pillows bartering with dry goods.

>> No.5905298

>significant disturbance which naked bodies of women commit to men should be respected regardless if it makes additional danger for women or not, actually even more in the latter case
But when females are afraid of males because they've been raped and taken advantage of we tell them to grow up, deal with their shit and to not be so sensitive. We tell people with bad traumas that the world will not be made to fit their needs.

But when it comes to men, everybody should be made to bend over backwards in order to accommodate to their needs.

I shouldn't even bother replying to you, you clearly believe in "muh biology" and that socialization (upbringing, or nurture, if "socialization" is too "SJW" for you) does not influence human beings at all.

>> No.5905300

Except they will easily overpower you in the act (Women enjoy being dominated apparently). You will then see women controlled by their sex objects and the patriarchy will reform.

>> No.5905301

We can keep domesticated women for fucking.

Women exist for reproduction. They're weak, so we can all have more than one.

>> No.5905302
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Apparently it's working because women can't do dick but whine in academia and withhold sex, the former only happening because men allowed it to happen.

>> No.5905308

Capitalists don't want small government, they sure as hell want their property rights and the military to defend it.

They also love to give you some welfare at the expense of higher taxes, to shut your dirty prole mouth and to have a healthy workforce.

Now guess who actually wants to abolish tax/capital and the state.

>> No.5905312

I am a male.

I am sexist.

I am attractive, wealthy, intelligent and socially adept.

I can make any woman do whatever I want, and not have the slightest bit of remorse.

You can't do anything about it.

Stay mad, legbeards.

>> No.5905315

>>they derail threads they don't like because whenever they see a male they get upset and have an asthma attack
As a female, I have to say that this is highly untrue. Most females on most boards never bring their genders up and coexist just fine, only speaking up when it's relevant (such as a discussion on feminism).

It is males who cannot see one single post that is ambiguous enough to make the poster possibly be a female without having an attack and either spamming "pls b my girlfriend" "asl?" and other fawning-like shit or spewing sexist insults.

>> No.5905316


guess who's actually literally trying to abolish taxes? not the left.

see: rand paul et al

you're so blinded by ideology that you don't see what is happening on the ground.

>> No.5905319

You tell me I'm blinded by ideology but you unironically evoke the less/more state dichotomy like red scare tier American.

>> No.5905322

pls b my girlfriend

>> No.5905323

There's nothing now, but only because I've overcome things that were in my way.
The patriarchy isn't all encompassing, which you're ignorant to assume

And I don't claim shit about myself, so fuck off with that.
I know my posts read horrendously but it's all been said and actually, genuinely done to women. Nothing I say here, joking or serious, changes the status of women in certain countries or throughout history. I feel good about hurting the feelings of men who genuinely believe that treatment is deserved. Immature, yeah; but it's a just a little taste for you of what women hear on the internet daily.

>> No.5905324

It's pasta, you autist

pls b my girlfriend

>> No.5905331

You are a simpleton with a victim complex. I highly suggest finding a man to marry and bearing children, it is the only thing that will give your life meaning.

>> No.5905333

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as the left, is in fact, welfare capitalism, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, feel-good capitalism.

>> No.5905335

Alright, so just to be clear, who has to substantiate their claims and who doesn't in this thread?

>> No.5905337

You don't know shit about the world or history. I hope you get raped hard by a man in your virgin ass

>> No.5905344

You never hurt the feelings of the men who genuinely believe that treatment is deserved. If anything, you helped them rationalize their ideologies by providing the opposite extreme.

>> No.5905361

>thinking that your little babby name-calling on an indonesian tapestry board actually hurts peoples feelings

Take >>5905331 seriously. If you're calling people weenies over the internet to make yourself feel better from the harm done to other people, you are suffering from a victim complex.

>> No.5905372

>every single fucking woman having kids
Feminists actually believe this.
>Men get sick sometimes
Yes. They do. The concept of independent living was an extreme burden for many, whereas marrying into wealth was something reserved most typically for women. I'm not saying that there was never a poor female, but your argument that women being forcefully made codependent on men, also works inversely for men having to be strictly independent.

I wouldn't care if you were arguing that both sexes were equal in mental faculties, except you're not. You're trying to rationalise how a "superior gender" could possibly have been oppressed for thousands of years, despite the unequal intellectual footing that they supposedly had.

>> No.5905392

no ones offended by your posts we just think you're dumb

>> No.5905646

What is this Queer 101? Lumping things together is what language is good for. Your argument sounds like reversed sophistry of special snow flake ascription.

>> No.5906962

>all these people telling OP not to read anti stuff and read pro stuff
>implying op hasn't
>being this buttmad

Holy shit, /lit/ has gone down the water.
