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/lit/ - Literature

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5900775 No.5900775 [Reply] [Original]

"Hell is other people."

What did Sartre mean by this exactly?

>> No.5900783

He is a mediocre thinker, playwright, and novelist. Stop wasting your time with this hack. I wish 16 year olds would stop wasting their time with existentialism.

>> No.5900789

M-maybe he'll forgive me if I finally denounce the slave camps. I'll buy him an umbrella, maybe.

>> No.5900800

Who are some of your favorite writers?

>> No.5900799

Fuck off, he was as brilliant as Einstein.

>> No.5900811

This line is the denouement to his play Huis Clos (No Exit), a play which is like, 40 pages, tops.

Even if you are a slow reader, it will take you less than an hour, and it is readily available online: http://www.vanderbilt.edu/olli/class-materials/Jean-Paul_Sartre.pdf

Not just to you, but to everyone with a question like this: you guys have the fucking internet. Find the direct source and utilize it.

>> No.5900816

Just to name a few: Thomas Mann, Arno Schmidt, Gombrowicz, and Borges.

>> No.5900819


Not the guy but i hate Sartre and share his view:

Proust, Flaubert, DeLelillo, Sebald, Mann, Joyce, Borges

>> No.5900831

From what I've heard he meant that after your death, all what is left of you is your relatives' misconceptions about you (other people seeing you, remembering you and using you as they see fit, for their own egoistical purposes).

So "hell" is basically being scavenged by the memory of others, only existing as a corollary of others' needs. Not that it is necessarily bad, but this passivity is our unescapable fate, hence the word "hell".

>> No.5900832

I read No Exit yesterday and wanted to discuss some aspects of it on a literature board. I read somewhere else about "the gaze" and "the look" but have yet (and maybe won't) read Being and Nothingness so it would be interesting to know what people with more knowledge about Sartre think.

>> No.5900843


>Arno Schmidt

be honest you enjoy having him as a namedrop more than you enjoy reading him

>> No.5900845

Why is Borges mentioned nine out of ten times on this board? Is he that great or are there just too many latins on this board...

>> No.5900851

Stay mad, pleb.

>> No.5900854

Due to others beings falls into self-deception respect to every concept that determines them. In particular their own freedom, for every being is free (which is to say the same as being) but having other individuals around them modifies their behaviour accordingly to arbitrary rules which can have radical consequences for the subject, the presence of other alter the state of being of what is related to the individual (for which objects existed in the first place and whose relation has been nullified the existence of other (like a drain)) and at the same time the individual is objectified by others (perceived as a state-of-being rather than a being).

>> No.5900856


>Why is Borges mentioned nine out of ten times on this board? Is he that great

Perhaps you should try actually reading him? Crazy notion I know.

>> No.5900859

Go to prison and you'll see.

>> No.5900861

Or perhaps you should provide a decent answer instead of saying hurr read him

>> No.5900862


>> No.5900873


>Stay mad, pleb.

typical namedrop poser response.

prove me wrong. why do you like arno schmidt. and don't give some vague response, give a legitimate answer. if you actually can.

>> No.5900879

damn, that's pretty much how i've always looked at it. i should get around to reading no exit..

>> No.5900880
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Wasn't that Camus? Or is that "Man is Hell?"

>> No.5900883

So I guess taking a class on the bloody guy is just namedropping. It's fine if you haven't read him, but don't be a presumptuous cunt.

>> No.5900886

Good lord, his short stories are __SHORT__ bring up actual talking points, I'm not going to make efforts to satisfy you. I've rarely seen OPs with good intent being trolled or ignored, esp with a popular author like Borges

>> No.5900894

We can't control them or destroy them, so we feel threatened by them. It's from Hegel's Phemenology of the Geist. The idea is we want to either kill or love what is different from us, and love here entails either making them more like us or bending them to our will. Of course we did that entirely, we'd lose our sense of self, because we need Other for that. So we're frustrated and in hell in that regard, constantly threatened by what is different.

>> No.5900905

>this awkward English
Goddamnit, I knew it was just latins spamming him....

>> No.5900913

Having read No Exit and some of Being & Nothingness, I mostly think of this line when I am thinking about doing something but then think I shouldn't because of other people's reactions, thus denying my own radical freedom and living as the They.

Basically just read Part One: Book IV of Being & Time instead. Being & Nothingness is just a long, Frenchy footnote to Heidegger.

>> No.5900914


>instead of saying hurr read him

It's pathetic that this board has been reduced to anon becoming indignant when others suggest that they read an author and decide for themselves. Do you even read?

>> No.5900916
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>> No.5900922

You're retarded if you're not going to read him. I will give you an easy story: read The Garden of Forking Paths...if you can't see his brilliance from that story alone, which isn't his best -- it is just an easy way to get into Borges -- , then you are a lost cause.

>> No.5900923

This is so stupid. I probably will read him, I was just asking about his acclaim. The only way we even know who to read and who not to read in our short lives is through the opinions of others.

>> No.5900929

Tom Clancy, Anthony Horowitz, JK Rowling

>> No.5900935

/lit has a hard-on for bookish erudition, and Borges is pretty much the embodiment of that. He's also an interesting puzzle-maker and a very fine short story maker, you should give him a try.

>> No.5900968


>The only way we even know who to read and who not to read in our short lives is through the opinions of others.

He is one of the most lauded writers of the 20th century you have opinions everywhere about him in far greater detail than shitposts on this board. It's not like he's some super obscure author that only a few people have ever read and one person in this thread just so happened to. You know all of this you're just being a difficult asshole about it.

>> No.5900978

lol calm down, I get it, he's one of the only decent ones you've got

>> No.5900984

>he's one of the only decent ones you've got
wtf does this even mean?

>> No.5900985


When I was a kid I remember some older cousins, uncles and my dad talking about Borges, and pretty much none of them are avid readers with a huge interest in literature, Borges is very famous, but he's also a amazing writer and makes me jelly for how smart he was

>> No.5900995

He's what /lit/ wishes they could be. Well read, highly elitist, great thinker, great writer. Talented while still admittedly lazy.

>> No.5901005

>highly elitist
How was he highly elitist? Have you read his interviews? He is far from an elitist.

>> No.5901014

It means he's a dumbass kid and believes he needs to "win" every exchange he has on 4chan despite every lurker thinking he is and idiot who should stop posting.

>> No.5901021


he wore a suit and used a cane instead of wearing a potato sack and using a stick. definite elitist.

>> No.5901027

True true. He was also blind, which is another elitist trait.

>> No.5901041

I meant in terms of how he framed his top 100 books. The list is basically /lit/s wet dream. I doubt anyone has actually read his interviews.

>> No.5901046


>he's a dumbass kid and believes he needs to "win" every exchange he has on 4chan despite every lurker thinking he is and idiot who should stop posting.

you literally indicted yourself here by playing nationalistic politics with authors and saying "he's one of the only decent ones you've got" like it's a game and they're sorely lacking in points and aren't able to "win" on the national stage.

that whole post of yours was one big projection. how could you seriously not see it.

>> No.5901057

He -- like Bolano -- read everything: namely, he didn't limit himself to anything, so I highly doubt he was an elitist. And looking at his list -- it is definitely not elitist.

>> No.5901059

What the fuck are you talking about? I was making fun of that retard who is still trying to save face/shitpost about Borges. I described him, and quoted the guy he was arguing with. How do you enjoy Borges if you are this stupid? I literally referred to him as "he" and you can follow quotes directly up if you get confused about the one fucking person you were talking with. Holy fucking shit.

>> No.5901072


>>he's a dumbass kid and believes he needs to "win" every exchange he has on 4chan

I get it. You can't just shitpost like every other bored retard here so you need to project because you feel all guilty over it. Just shitpost without the projecting no one wants to read you secret woes.

>> No.5901074

I wasn't even arguing with the kid, m8. I was just asking him what he meant by Borges being the only decent one. Now this is my first time responding to you.

>> No.5901175
File: 106 KB, 640x847, 640px-George-W-Bush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tips fedora

>> No.5901188
File: 163 KB, 750x932, xKazcZB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Borges is perfect for socially anxious outcasts. Sartre is better if you have friends and spend time actually doing things.

This is an objective fact.

>> No.5901238

i thought it was Spinoza...

>> No.5901289

yeah, Sartre is particularly great if you like shitty pseudo-philosophy

>> No.5901306

*breathes with difficulty*

>> No.5901318

I like that.