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5898247 No.5898247 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any other philosophers like Nietzsche?

People who are optimistic, life-affirming, with real nice prose

>> No.5898288

Nietzsche may have been live-afirming, but he wasn't optimistic.

>> No.5898325

How can you be one without the other?

"Embrace life but don't ever hope for anything"

>> No.5898343

>Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torment of man

>> No.5898494
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Transcending humans into gods is not optimistic ?

>> No.5898524

Stirner is his dad

>> No.5898562

>Are there any other philosophers like Nietzsche?

The Amazing Atheist.
>Thinks he can disprove god
>le nihilist and le nothingness
>Completely misunderstood Schopenhauer and Kant
>Edgy and depressed teenagers like him


>> No.5898567


>I have no idea who Nietzsche was and what he wrote about

>> No.5898579

What he said was spot on, though.

>> No.5898581

Good, you're not missing much.

>> No.5898582


It really wasn't.

>> No.5898588

No it wasn't. Nietzsche never said anything about "disproving" God nor was he a nihilist nor did he misunderstand Schopenhauer.

>> No.5898591

Yes he did.

>> No.5898595


>You're wrong because I say and feel so

>> No.5898603

Yeah that's what he >>5898567 >>5898582 did

>> No.5898604

>le ebic crusade against nietzsche

You're so superior to those edgy teens.

>> No.5898609


>> No.5898610

>le ebic crusade against nietzsche
Don't drop your tinfoil hat anon.

>> No.5898614

good point man you're really smart and stuff.

>> No.5898616

Smarter than Nietzsche for sure.

>> No.5899023
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You are an idiot who doesn't understand Nietzsche.

>> No.5899026


Yes. That is true. However, hope has nothing to do with optimism. Optimism is interpreting life in a positive way. Nietzsche saw that life is suffering, therefore he set up to find a way to interpret suffering as being positive.

>> No.5899038

Anyway, why the fuck am I arguing with these idiots. The rabble was never meant to understand Nietzsche.

>> No.5899062

nietzsche was a bitch ass nigga afraid to admit schopenhaur and buddhism were right on the money

>> No.5899076

>implying anyone posting on /lit/ isn't part of 'the rabble'

>> No.5899091
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>The rabble was never meant to understand Nietzsche

>> No.5899366

Maybe you should actually read some of his work before you say silly things.

>> No.5899382

>right on the money

oh lordy

>> No.5899638

He didn't want everyone to. Most people would be the Last Man and that isn't very optimistic.

>> No.5899652


He was an autistic loser, a 19th century Elliot Rodger. Why do you people hold him such high regard?

>> No.5899661

The Amazing Atheist actually knows who Schopenhauer and Kant are?

>> No.5899668

Then Nietzsche fucked up, because he's easy as fuck to understand.

>> No.5899720

>le tips fegora

Athiests are literally retarded

>> No.5900362

Leo Strauss

>> No.5900368

Nietzsche was never a nihilist his entire goal was to overcome nihilism. Whether or not he succeeded is another question

>> No.5900378

AJ Ayer is life affirming and optimistic and he is so because of evidence, not feelings.

>> No.5900390

Someone post that nietzche quote about fools and wise men and their debating techniques
it about sums up this thread if not this entire site

>> No.5900405

But that's dumb. People don't fall into depression and commit suicide because evidence shows that life is meaningless, they do it because they feel like shit.

>> No.5900413

They feel like shit due to chemical processes in the brain.

>> No.5900420


where should I start with him

>> No.5900429

Freedom and Morality will give you a basic overview of his whole work, I've found.

>> No.5900447

Everyone's arguing but not discussing an answer to your question.

It appears you are interested in the existential aspects of Nietzsche. It'd be very easy to take a supremist approach to Nietzsche, but I agree with you, I've always found his take on the potential of the will to be quite forward thinking.

You may enjoy Satre, who's 'existentialism as a humanism' was the essay which made me read Nietzsche in the first play.

Also Alan Watts has a poetic but down to earth style. He has a way of making quite complex or far reaching ideas appear beautifully ordinary. Like he's telling us everything we already know.


>> No.5900450


>> No.5900774

Walter Kauffmann translated and wrote books on Nietzsche. He didn't share your opinion...

>> No.5900812

Kauffmann also portrayed Nietzsche as someone friendly to humanists and fostered the current generation of Frenchmen and Anglos who regularly abuse snippets of his work, although I don't disagree with your point.

>> No.5900844
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Kaufmann is bad

And german.

>> No.5900852

It's a shame Nietzsche wasn't as skilled an artist as he was a philosopher, he could have made some great shit.

>> No.5900877

Yeah, I'm calling BS.

>> No.5900898

Where should I start with Strauss?

>> No.5900915

... I'm sure that the Frenchie Post-Nietzscheans couldn't care less about Kauffmann, and that their understanding of his works is certainly better than some random dweeb's on 4chan.

>> No.5900921

A lot of them except for the prose perhaps. You gotta be more precise, OP.

Also: Montaigne, I'd add Lucretius but he wrote in verses. It seems that the prose is indeed the harshest criterium here.

>> No.5900940

Are you seriously dumb enough to imply that Nietzsche's writings support that product of the enlightenment known as modern humanism (which is basically atheist Christianity)?

I'm not sure of the extent to which Kauffmann influenced the French, I was just assuming they'd read him since he's famous for softening Nietzsche's work. Nice appeal to authority, by the way.

>> No.5900998

>Are you seriously dumb enough to imply that Nietzsche's writings support that product of the enlightenment known as modern humanism (which is basically atheist Christianity)?
I'm seriously implying that they put Nietzsche to a good use and had a better understanding of him than you do. Fucking Wikipedia-Nietzscheans

>(which is basically atheist Christianity)
omfg what a stunning critique that's never been heard before. Did you think of it yourself?

>I'm not sure of the extent to which Kauffmann influenced the French, I was just assuming they'd read him since he's famous for softening Nietzsche's work
You're a fucking idiot. This must be one of the most stupid things I've read since your last post.

>> No.5901008

>I'm not sure of the extent to which Kauffmann influenced the French
I mean look at this fucking sentence. Fucking look at it.
What the fuck dude
Are you fucking kidding me
Is this a fucking joke

I... I just can't. Really

>> No.5901023

His heavy use of aphorisms and rhetorical flourishes and the evocative nature of his works as opposed to text book like writings of Kant or Hegel.

>> No.5901032

>humanism is consistent with Nietzsche
Goddamn...how can you believe this? And then you project this lack of reading comprehension onto me with hurr wikipedia.

>I just can't hurr tumblr cant even
Nice samefag.

>> No.5901034

>mfw when someone on /lit/ defends liberal humanism

>> No.5901042

>I'm not sure of the extent to which Kauffmann influenced the French

>> No.5901043

>can only point out the Kauffmann sentence
He got one thing wrong, and you focused on only that.

>> No.5901060

Well let's see...
>and fostered the current generation of Frenchmen and Anglos who regularly abuse snippets of his work

He has no fucking idea whatsoever of what he's
talking about. Trying to fuck with post-Nietzscheans via this here "critique" of them is just fucking beyond dumb.

>> No.5901066

>postmodernism is humanism
Just gtfo lol

>> No.5901073

Mate, the only thing wrong with that is the "French" part, which you've already pointed out multiple times.The rest of the stuff he said should be obvious to anyone who has read Nietzsche, whereas your posts are wrong in their entirety.

>> No.5901077

Lucretius would indeed be right on the moey, despite writing in verse. Heraclitus as survived in puzzling aphorisms, but I'm not sure you can consider him life-affirming.

>> No.5901080

Are you implying the majority of them aren't liberal humanists/marxist?

>> No.5901087

Those two things are very different, almost antagonistic. And most of them aren't "liberal" in the humanist sense, no.

>> No.5901091

There are both humanists and anti-humanist marxists so I think antagonistic is too strong a word here.

Which definition of liberal and humanist are you using by the way?

>> No.5901093

You're a gift that just keeps on giving.

>> No.5901105

Yes, but I'm trying to say that these are the two categories which Nietzsche would be opposed to.

>> No.5901112

Yes, the liberal humanist marxists that post-Nietzschean Frenchies were were, god damn Kaufman for spawning them!. I heard that Nietzsche was also opposed to married bachelors.

If only they had had Wikiquotes back in the 70's they could've understood what, say, the genealogy should REALLY be used for!

>> No.5901126

I'm not conflating the categories, just saying that they don't fit with the main points of Nietzsche philosophy, and marriage was definitely not a main point.

And you seem to be very fond of the French mistake, why do you need to keep retreating behind it? You misunderstand Nietzsche's entire philosophy and then call me ignorant for a tangential point?

>> No.5901145


Why do people look to someone like Nietzsche for insight?

>> No.5901167
File: 103 KB, 560x647, Ehz9YgA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, a thread on Nietzsche muddied up by kids who haven't read him, and are trying to be epik meme. Reddit is even better then this shit board.

>> No.5901174

then educate us

>> No.5901177

Alright I'll look into Lucretius. Thanks bro

>> No.5901218

>be French
>understand the works of Nietzsche
Pick one.

>> No.5901997

>modern humanism (which is basically atheist Christianity)

>Christianity=/=good behavior

Do you understand the contempt this brings? Hearing Christianity or religion in general infer a monopoly on the origin of good behavior?

>> No.5901998

You realize that's basically what Nietzsche did right? He claimed that Christianity redefined "good" to whatever benefits the slave castes aka compassion.

>> No.5902016


>> No.5902033

>french post-modernists


its time to stop reading about people on forums and actually pick up a book or two.

>> No.5902156

Why are people typing like those black humour posts on instagram? Is this an ebin new meme?

>> No.5902187

>omfg what a stunning critique that's never been heard before. Did you think of it yourself?

What does the originality of the thought have to do with anything? It's true, which is the only thing that matters.

>> No.5902197

I never understood this. Marxism may not have the same faith in rationality and the five senses as humanism, but don't they share the same morality?

I'm not well read on the subject, but I'm assuming that marxists are not merely aware of the fact that the lower class has a certain future, they actually support said future. I don't see how, if they assume that the uneven distribution is unjust, they are very different from the humanists in their most basic moral assumptions.

>> No.5902208

>I never understood this
>I'm not well read on the subject
Yes, we can see.

>> No.5902222

Well I've just started reading Marx and it definitely doesn't strike me as at odds with humanist morality. Perhaps if you respond with something that doesn't sound like a snarky teen girl, you can set me on the right path.

>> No.5902226

*tips fedora*

>> No.5902229
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... So you're reading Marx and talking about French "pomos"?

>> No.5902233

No, just asking about Marxism in general.

>> No.5902242

>most french pomos weren't influenced my Marx
Out with you.

>> No.5902251

He refused the dichotomy altogether and replaced it with one of his own:

>How high I had soared above the pitiful low browed chatter about Optimism and Pessimism with my two new doctrines! I was the first to see the actual contrast: the degenerate instinct which turns upon life with a subterranean lust of vengeance (Christianity, Schopenhauer’s philosophy and in some respects too even Plato’s philosophy—in short the whole of idealism in its typical forms) as opposed to a formula of the highest life affirmation born of an abundance, a superabundance, an affirmation free from all reserve even of suffering, even of guilt, even all that is questionable and strange in existence. This last most joyous most exuberant and exultant Yes to life is not only the highest but also the profoundest conception and one which is most strictly confirmed and supported by truth and knowledge. Nothing that exists must be suppressed nothing can be dispensed with. Those aspects of life which Christians and other Nihilists reject belong to an incalculably higher order in the hierarchy of values than that which the instinct of decadence approves calls good. In order to understand this a certain courage is necessary and as a prerequisite of this a certain excess of strength: for a man can approach only as near to truth as he has the courage to advance—that is to say the extent of the advance is a measure of his strength. Knowledge and the affirmation of reality are just as necessary to the strong man as cowardice, the flight from reality—in fact the "ideal—are necessary to the weak when inspired by weakness. These people are not at liberty to "know”—decadents have need of lies—it is one of their self-preservative measures. He who not only understands the word Dionysian” but understands himself in that term does not require any refutation of Plato or of Christianity or of Schopenhauer—for his nose scents decomposition.

>> No.5902254

So what happened to
>I never understood this. Marxism may not have the same faith in rationality
in response to

By "same morals" you must mean "I read Nietzsche and he's the end-all philosopher and if you don't agree with him you've just not understood him"?

>> No.5902263

Disregard all the shitposting itt. Read Rousseau.
Best wishes,

>> No.5902266

>nietzsche's prose
>not art

>> No.5902267

"Marxism exists in nineteenth-century thought as a fish exists in water; that is, it ceases to breathe anywhere else."

>> No.5902277

People feel like everything due to "chemical processes in the brain". Shit's complicated.

>> No.5902281

You seem to be confusing me for someone else itt because I'm only asking how you can bring Nietzsche to terms with Marx, not making any statement as to the truth of the former's philosophy. Maybe I made a mistake by assuming French post modernists to be in support of Marx? Either way you seem quick to mock but sluggish to provide an answer to something fairly straightforward.

>> No.5902294

Oh my god someone actually thinks a shitty youtube celebrity is a worthy suggestion /lit/ is completely cancerous isn't it lol

>>Implying that evidence is inherently detached from the material world, and that emotions aren't real

You're one of those autistic Cult of Rationality people aren't you

>> No.5902597

nietzsche is only easy to understand if you already know what he means from your experience with life

>> No.5902613

So? This borders on the tautological and doesn't really mean anything.

>> No.5902614

>Degenerate Enlightenment plebeians

Muh wise axiom of Locke muh general will

>> No.5902672
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ITT: Fedora's in all sides

>> No.5902686
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>Stephen Hawking

>> No.5902703


He is actually retarded, he can't realize that if he believes in a fundamental truth in science, he believes in a god or something.

>> No.5902711
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For someone who likes Nietzsche I recommend never reading the Greeks (except Heraclitus).

Read whatever you will.

Don't listen to anyone in this thread. Bunch of fucking last men these fags are.

>> No.5902715

>optimistic, life-affirming, with real nice prose

Ayn Rand is optimistic in man's own virtue.
She wrote 3 magnum opus on the Rebirth of Reason and the Virtue Ethics.

>> No.5902720

Nietzsche adored Homer and Thucydides

>> No.5902741


would nietzsche have liked this song

>> No.5902759

what an edgy faggot, suscribing to the Nietzsche opinions are the most undermensch thing that you can ever do

>Nietzsche says Socrates is a pleb
>"oh yeah, yes yes, nietzsche was right!"

It's like you like that Nietzsche drops his dick on your mouth and then you spit all his sperm around the world.

Also Socrates beated the shit out of Nietzsche on how he lived his life, he would have even beated him in a irl fight 1v1

yes i'm mad

>> No.5902774

That's the reason people think or feel anything.

>> No.5902792

You do realize that passage isn't a condemnation of the Greeks, right?

>> No.5902798

>Maybe I made a mistake by assuming French post modernists to be in support of Marx
That is your problem.

>> No.5903557
File: 75 KB, 412x200, bergson-deleuze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Henri Bergson and Gilles Deleuze.

Start with Bergson first. He develops many themes that are similar to Nietzsche: time and becoming, matter as images, élan vital, creative evolution...
(There's a nice reader "Henri Bergson: Key Writings", and it's on libgen.org.)

Then maybe checkout Deleuze's "Nietzsche and Philosophy" and "Bergsonism". Deleuze's three main influences are Bergson, Nietzsche, and Spinoza. So there's again a repetition of similar themes.

I still find Nietzsche most powerful, but these other two developed some things more systematically. Their writing can also be quite vitalistic but not on the same level as Nietzsche's.

>> No.5903752

>For someone who likes Nietzsche I recommend never reading the Greeks

Nietzsche wouldn't like you. He was an accomplished philologist, reading the Greeks was his thing.

>> No.5903799
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>I myself am still enough of a Pole

>> No.5904383
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>People who are optimistic, life-affirming, with real nice prose

Except for the nice prose part, almost every human on the planet.

A pessimistic person is a rare person, i find. people tend to have this whole "my life has purpose and great things will have happen to me" mentality.

>> No.5904395


optimism is a delusion that aids in survival.

>> No.5904410

>mfw when nietzsche actually had no polish ancestry
>muh heritage

>> No.5904415

Despite what people say about nietzsche being a virgin, he actually had syphilis that he got from fucking prostitutes.

I don't think you can be a virgin with syphilis