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5897925 No.5897925 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/. What's 50 shades's secret to making women's libido go wild?

>> No.5897936


Navigates the very fine line between dominance that makes them fulfilled as women and dominance that makes them go "muh feelings, you dirty mysogynistic pig!"

>> No.5898290

By stealing a solid premise from Mary Gaitskill and then fulfilling primal desires all humans have while giving it some kind of socially rebellious but somehow empowering coating the modern housewife won't feel ashamed about.
It's (bad) porn with horrible narrative.

>> No.5898506
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It's rapey but in a cozy way. IRL it would be not as funny :)

>> No.5898507

There's a button on the spine that makes the book vibrate.

>> No.5898539

>tfw you attend the same university E.L. James graduated from.

Probably because it plays on the idea of dominance (a still present relic of femininity) along with a (false) sense of female empowerment (part of the new, feminist femininity).

We're living in a gender libido where we've partially eradicated the sexual ideas of the past and prematurely introduced new sexual ideas that are incompatible. Truly, 50SOG is a book of our times.

>> No.5898682

My honest opinion is that women wants to be dominated. I've come across this so many times now with the girls I've met I'm beginning to start it's a biological imperative.

PS. I'm not into domination. And usually leave the girls when I come to this point.

Inb4 misogyny

>> No.5898694

Every woman who ive discussed the novel with discuss the sexual aspects of what he does to her libido, but ultimately he is richer than Zuckerberg.

I think we know what really gets all the ladies moist.

>> No.5898717
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>sitting with mom in the living room
>50 shades commercial appears on tv
>mom gets all excited
>part of the commercial where the dude opens his dungeon
>mom says 'ahh yes, the play room' (or whatever it's called in english)
>mfw we have 50 shades right above our tv in the living room
>mfw she brought up the books a couple of times in conversation

>> No.5898728

When i bring up my porn preferences in public my wife gets all bitchy

>> No.5898730

This is the worst kept secret about women. A lot of them will deny this to the death but I have found it confirmed over and over throughout my life. Now I'm not condoning rape or anything like that I'm just saying women want to be taken not asked permission

>> No.5898761
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'ahh yes, the play room'

>> No.5898766

why limit your observations to only women

most men like to be dominated in some manner or another as well

>> No.5898779

tell me about it

>> No.5898797

Speak for yourself, fag.

>> No.5898804

I've come across this so many times now with the guys I've met I'm beginning to start it's a biological imperative.

>> No.5898836

Underbasted roast.

>> No.5898850


The guy is rich and successful, so his attention means something, but he's also aloof and demanding, which means there's always more to play for.

Not going to work for all women, but a fair amount.

>> No.5898853

Submissiveness and a
Rich, tall, dark and handsome dominate guy

>> No.5898945

It has nothing to do with S&M or power. The fact is that every woman thinks she is special enough to "fix" someone else. "He will change for me and become better."

>> No.5899627

having other women like it. Its just a popularity thing, women like what other women like

>> No.5899648

a woman who made that confession definitely is on top of the list of those who guys should avoid unless they have the cuckold fetish

>> No.5899684

fucking Americans bringing up cuckolding even though it has nothing to do with the subject

>> No.5899741

This is one of the reasons why feminism is doomed to failure.
They have even started to convince themselves that 50 shades type stuff is liberating because it is based upon choice.

>> No.5899766


Yeah what is it with Americans and cuckolding? That type of porn seems to be more popular in America than it is in any other country by a significant margin.

They're obsessed with cuckolding. It's strange.

>> No.5900141


>> No.5900492


It's due to Americans having this view that women don't enjoy sex.

>> No.5900501

Yeah what is it with non-americans and shitposting about americans?

Are they mad we have fresh water or some shit?

>> No.5900657

>all expenses paid dates
>lavish gifts
>the ability to always say the right thing every single time
>godly self-confidence

>> No.5900666


>quiet, boring, borderline retarded average woman is doted on by the ultimate alpha male for no reason

>> No.5900709


>> No.5900710

i need this for my dick

>> No.5900715

>I've come across this so many times now with the guys I've met I'm beginning to start it's a biological imperative.

I realize this was for rhetorical effect but can you actually give an example

>> No.5900735

No one's libido is going wild. It's just a bit of porn that somehow became acceptable to mention publicly.

>> No.5900807

I'd say they want to dominate

>> No.5900821

If you have never been tied up on a bed and had a girl go tease every part of your body except for your penis until you feel like the lightest touch on your dick will make you cum buckets I don't think you have a right to talk

>> No.5900833

You wouldn't enjoy being pushed down, stripped, having breasts shoved into your face and being ridden like an animal until you cum buckets? How queer are you?

>> No.5900899

I think the guy didn't mean domination in general, but was referring to how, in the romantic realm, women wanted to be dominated by men. In this case the opposite (men who want to be dominated by woman), are far fewer.

>> No.5900907
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>> No.5901389
