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/lit/ - Literature

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5896959 No.5896959 [Reply] [Original]

We post the gayest required reading book that we were forced to read. I will start with the Portrait of Dorian Gray.

That book was about a man who was about as moody and brooding as a bitch.

>> No.5896963

Had to read this gay ass shit: Ecclisatez or whatever. Bout the whiniest emo shit I ever heard. I guess it's "absurdist" or something. Abturdist more like, lol.

>> No.5896968

Had to read Finnegan's Wake because we weren't allowed to study books by, as my professor said, 'dead white guys'.

>> No.5896969

Sorrows of Young Werther: the original emo

>> No.5896982

Are you serious?

>> No.5896984

Yes, university professors, especially in the arts, are quite left leaning.

>> No.5896999

that's not a leftist position, it's a stupid asshole position

>> No.5897000

No leftists are ass holes.

>> No.5897005

Trips amplify your sophistry.

>> No.5897017

The only character in that book that was even remotely interesting was Basil. And we saw how that turned out.

>> No.5897026

You realize Finnegans Wake is written by a dead white guy, correct? James Joyce? Smelly Irish pervert with an eyepatch who was obsessed with female farts and Homer?

>> No.5897038

I'd rather have him watch my kids than a respectable black man with an PHD.

>> No.5897052

I thought he was Irish.

>> No.5897055

Joyce wasn't white, though, you fool.

>> No.5897058


Irish aren't white.

>> No.5897068


>> No.5897078
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They aren't you potato nigger.

>> No.5897091

It's not a joke, the Irish have never been considered white.

>> No.5897114

Catcher In The Rye sucks dicks

>> No.5897116

It sucks so bad it got a man killed.

>> No.5897119

A Separate Peace

>> No.5897153

Not a good man, at least.

>> No.5897164

He beat his wife so he was pretty good in my book.

>> No.5897165

That Was Then This is Now
It was quite possibly the shittiest book I have ever read, holy shit

>> No.5897166

What was it about?

>> No.5897206

How the fuck are the Irish not white? Jesus, you people are retarded.

>> No.5897209

Do you know anything about the history of the Irish people?

>> No.5897242

doesn't know 2 shits about history, wow what a fucking faggot!?!?!

>> No.5897248

The Mayfields. It was a terrible novel about a failing marriage and then years later the husband comes back to the wife who lives in a beach house but just becaust he'a sick. The don't get back together. They never had children. and he slowly becomes an invalid and dies. I think there may have been a friend character. It was not particularly well written. "Nothing happened". Fuck that book.

>> No.5897250

Lolita. It was just boring.

>> No.5897256

>i made that post 20 minutes ago
Maybe I should go to bed, but anyways I'll just tell you the plot from what I can remember
Two guys are living together in the late 60s/early 70s, one was called Mark and the other I forget. Mark's parents shot each other so he lived with his best friend (from now we shall refer to as Dave). They both live with Dave's mother. They need extra money because their mother is in the hospital. So Dave is a great pool player so they hustle some people at a bar (the bartender is a friend of theirs so he lets them in despite being underage). Two guys get pissed at them and after they lose, while Mark and Dave are walking out of the bar and into an alleyway, they ambush them and tell them they will shoot them if they attempt to run away. So while one of the two men are putting on brass knuckles the bartender comes out with a shotgun, fires it, then the two men shoot him. He is dead and Mark picks up the shotgun and fires it at them while they are leaving, missing. This begins Dave's falling out with Mark.
Mark, is a shithead. Mark always gets into trouble at school, he knows how to hotwire cars, etc (I should have mentioned this earlier). So anyways Dave is dating this girl called Cathy. Cathy hates Mark and vice-versa. This also leads to tensions rising between Mark and Dave. Later, Dave gets drunk and Mark convinces him to get revenge on his ex-girlfriend. Mark cuts off all her hair after picking her up drunk from some party. Fast forward sometime and during prom, Dave's ex-girlfriend's brothers smash Mark with a beer bottle over the head. I forget what this has to do with anything, but it's a detail nonetheless.
So Cathy's 13 year old brother is highly attentive and smart etc. He is never seen without M&Ms so he goes by M&M. His parents yell at him all the time so he runs away. After two weeks of searching Mark tips off Dave and Cathy on where M&M. He took LSD and went on a bad trip, lasting for days. Dave goes home after breaking up with Cathy in the car for some asinine reason. He looks under Mark's bed for a cigarette and he finds drugs which was how Mark was bringing in money for his mother's surgery. Dave then calls the police on him. Mark has no idea what's happening and is arrested. Later we see M&M after his trip. He lost his attentiveness and brilliance. Finally at the end of the book Dave goes to see Mark in prison and Mark makes it clear that he hates Dave.
Keep in mind this entire book is marred by shitty writing, with some sentences being three words long.

>> No.5897267

>required reading
What kind of fucking school did you go to?

>> No.5897278

Geelong Grammar.

>> No.5897282

The School of Hard Cocks.

>> No.5897304

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
I don't understand why it's so highly rated. Piece of shit, boring ass cunt of a time to read if you ask me.

>> No.5897326

The woman in black

What a pile of shit

>> No.5898206

The Awakening.

>> No.5898216

Gay, as in, happy, uplifting?
Seems a rather seldom thing in literature, and I don't recall ever being required to read one such book.
Or gay as in, male homosexual?
That is downright impossible, as books do not have genders or sexual preferences.

>> No.5898220

Please be b8

>> No.5898226

>implying this whole thread isn't bait to begin with

>> No.5898234

Toni Morisson's Beloved. I have never read such a repetitive and excruciatingly boring novel and I wish I could erase it from my memory.
The bits about slavery were decent and informative, don't get me wrong, it's how the overall narrative and the symbols relate to that theme which was just retarded.

>> No.5898441

The Odyssey: Its theme is very basic, and not really worth reading the whole book over, and the main reason the teacher stressed that we should read it is so we could analyze some callbacks in some shitty genre fic and /tv/.

>> No.5898781

The Scarlet Letter. Nathaniel Hawthorne is a bad writer.

>> No.5898791

>arguing with trips

>> No.5898864

>the second most referenced book in the western canon

>the foundation for probably the most acclaimed modernist work ever

are you dumb

>> No.5898911

Our Sunshine

Literally just the story of Ned Kelly but not in chronological order.

Best scene was when they jacked off a horse. Many lels were had in class.