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File: 202 KB, 1070x898, studyrank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
589369 No.589369 [Reply] [Original]

Cause engineering, science, and math majors are much more demanding. So please, STFU about your essay that's due the next day and stop wearing berets. Have fun finding a job btw, fucking douches.

>> No.589372

ITT: chinks

>> No.589374

See? Just look at the intelligence of liberal art majors.

>> No.589378

I like OP's title ^-^

>> No.589379

ITT: Morons who can't deal with open ended interpretation

>> No.589381

Oh yea I forgot to point that out too. Your fucking classes or so subjective. You literally can't be wrong, it's all fucking opinion.

>> No.589382

Horray! For once in my life I am God Tier.

>> No.589383

ITT: Virgins with autism

>> No.589384

As a Politcal Science major, I would agree that Arts courses are easier than engineering/science/math. But that doesn't mean it's impossible to wrong, or that they're without value.

Also, fuck you Newtonian abusrdist cuntbags.

>> No.589386
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>> No.589388

economics fag here.
i don't really care.
it's not like i have strong career aspirations anyway.

>> No.589390

Someone has to take the low paying jobs. Also, the suffering improves their "art" lol

>> No.589391

ROFL...I just saw the bookshelf thread. Are you faggots trying to look smart with all those books? well you don't, btw. Textbooks are the only books that make you smart. Also, STOP BEING PRETENTIOUS.

>> No.589395

Also I hate you film majors the most. Fucking cocksuckers. Just cause I don't like some obscure movie made in 1930, doesn't mean I have bad taste.

>> No.589396

When's the last time a Mathematician did anything to change the way we see the world? inb4 Pythagoras.

>> No.589398


That you started a thread to bitch and apply a blanket statement about people you don't know tells me that you are the fucking douche.

>> No.589399

Does anyone know that policy or something, well my prof told me about it once...

Where top Ivy League schools or whatever elite Unis always accept about 25% of students who are not academically the greatest (in marks) but excel in either a sport or artistic talent like music.

That way, because there's always going to be a ranking in a school, most of the bottom quarter of people who score the lowest won't be upset over their marks because what defines them and is important to them is their skill/ability in that area that isn't measured academically. In the end everyone is happy.

I thought that was cool. Does anyone know what it's referred to as?

>> No.589404
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Fucking scientists.

>> No.589405


I suspect you do neither

>> No.589406

Really? You fucking idiot. ALL technology you use is math, complex math that is constantly being reinvented. http://arxiv.org/ for more information.

When is the last time art did anything in this world? Without science and math, we would be in the dark ages.

>> No.589407
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>economics is math-intensive
>economics majors make more than most other majors
>economics majors score high on tests; second highest on LSAT for example


>> No.589410

lmao at music being at the bottom

>> No.589411

Never mind me, just being on my way to top tier.

>> No.589412

I don't get why Law would be higher than Economics and Business in this day... also you can have any fucking degree and get in law school... usually Poli Sci or philosophy/history

>> No.589413
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>Kinesiology Mid Tier

Nice try.

>> No.589418

I never heard about liberal arts majors saying they're smart. It's always the engineering fags going "HUR DUR I DO EQUATIONS".

>> No.589420

how do they work?

>> No.589422

I think liberal arts majors are the first to admit they're not smart... in science and math.

>> No.589423
File: 14 KB, 355x362, retard404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit tier: english
>"Who do liberal art majors think they are smart?"
>"...think they are smart?"

>> No.589424


Same here. Liberal arts major generally just enjoy what they do and see things through their own sphere (who doesn't?), but I don't see them putting down people in the sciences.

No one has ever said that an English degree was better than an engineering degree.

>> No.589427

I love it when people studying engineering get into a boring ass job on a construction site or oil rig and hate their job; or when someone with a chemistry ends up working in quality control measuring the moisture of Kraft Dinner packets.

>> No.589429

Is this what you english fags are reduced to? Picking out online typos to feel needed because they work at McDonald's?

>> No.589430

Astronomers & Lawyers does not contribute to society = Shit tier.

>> No.589431

Fucking idiot. Wow just wow.

>> No.589432


>doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about

NASA and Barack Obama would both like a word with you.

>> No.589433

They are leeches now gtfo.

>> No.589434
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>> No.589436
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>> No.589439
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Liberal arts major.
Vice President at Fortune 50 company.
Published author.

Nice try.

>> No.589440

republicans would like to have a word with you

>> No.589441

Spending billions to put a man on the moon didn't give us fuck. That money could be spent educating you stupid fucks.

Barack Obama doesn't work as a lawyer, he's the president. I'm saying working in the profession is shit tier.

>> No.589446

Wow, I hope all of our mathematicians and scientists are big babies like the OP

>> No.589448

>people telling the truth about themselves on the internet

>> No.589450

Wow you idiot. Humans HAVE to colonize space if we want to survive for a decent amount of time. On the Earth, we don't have an infinite amount of resources.

>> No.589451


You probably don't know this but astronomy is gonna save yo' ass when 2012 swings around and that meteor shows up and we need to find a way to 1) detect it 2) destroy it

>> No.589454


>implying only contributes with the moon

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.589456
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>> No.589457


THIS. NASA's space exploration will probably save the fucking human race one day--how can it not be important?!

>> No.589458

Fucking scientists pissing me off.
But seriously though, alot scientists/mathematicians work in with highly theoretical sitiuations - not really wielding any valuable results. Those would be shit-tier scientists while there are alot of others atually helping the human race develop. Those would be god-tier.

>> No.589460
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ITT: Niggers too stupid to recognize a troll thread. You fuckers jack off over James Joyce so much that it's making you blind.

>> No.589461

I don't know if it'll even be available for the currently living, (space moon/mars project thingy). And since I live in America, it's most likely the rest of the world that'll die off first.

>> No.589462

Actually the sort of people who read Joyce are not posting in this thread

>> No.589463


Of course, James Joyce is no different than Terry Goodkind...the liberal arts aren't of any value in judging culture.

>> No.589464
File: 63 KB, 997x784, theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking idiot, just cause we can't do it now, does not mean it will not be useful later on.

>> No.589470

Yea kinda funny how English art majors don't even know what "theory" means.

>> No.589474

Lol like lying about human orgins (lol you're a shimpansee amarite?) or the earths real age (how come there's no books telling stories older than 6000 years? Didn't think so) will ever help us.

>> No.589476


This excuse could be used for any situation.

Smoking a fuck ton of crack may seem useless, but it just might lead to super powers at some point.

Raping women might be considered useless now, but it will prove to be a valuable trait to have when the population needs rebuilding after the next major war.

Scientists studying bullshit now when there are real fucking problems that need to be solved should be clubbed like baby seals.

>> No.589477

Kinda funny how you assume random people on 4chan has a degree. Seriously.

>> No.589478


As a liberal arts major, I order you to leave the goddamn premises. You're giving us a bad name.

>> No.589481


I fucked the farts out of my hand.

>> No.589482 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 768x952, religionrankings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking idiot, which reminds me, why are you liberal art fags always religious? Does it simply come with being ignorant?

>> No.589486

Almost all of this thread is OP ranting about nothing, wow

>> No.589487

Name five theories (there's thousands out there, shouldn't be too hard to find 5, right?) that will not ever be practical, and I shall prove you wrong.

>> No.589489

Anonymous is a liberal art fag? gtfo assuming anything about anyone on 4chan.

>> No.589491

Haha, look at the science guy unable to understand concepts like "subtext" and "irony"

>> No.589492


I don't feel like looking up shit right now, so let's just go with the good old String Theory.

>> No.589495

I'm a political science major. Next year I'm a sophomore. Should I get out now?

>> No.589497

Do you enjoy PolySci?

>> No.589498

Wow, every week this thread. And people fall for it.

Come now, /lit/.

>> No.589500


You should run out and shoot yourself if you expect /lit/ to give you good advice.

>> No.589502


Analytic philosophy is not shit tier, academically speaking. It may be in the so-called 'real world' (where--and you don't realize this yet--your degree is beginning to mean next to nothing about whether or not you're hired because the job market is so saturated with nearly-identical career profiles), but in the academic world, analytic philosophy, regardless of how ignorant most people are of it, is not shit tier.

Read Kripke's work about modal logic or Wittgenstein's on the philosophy of language and tell me--intellectually speaking, without its merits as a field for a petty little money-making career--that it is shit tier.

>> No.589503

Not especially. But There is no Law Major at my college, and even if there was I wouldn't take it here. I'm also Minoring in Chinese.

>> No.589506


It depends on whether or not you like it. Most political science majors end up going to law school, but you can to law school with any major. I would recommend majoring in something else if you enjoy it as much as political science and it offers better career options solely on the major itself.

>> No.589508

>Who do liberal art majors think they are smart?
Hey, at least they're not butchering the English language. So while they may not be smart, they at least have someone below them: you.

>> No.589509

You realize that OP is actually mad about what he says he's mad about and that this isn't just a troll, right?

>> No.589511

Then just pick a major you enjoy, then go into Law School, I knwo English majors who went into Law. So just get a degree in something you like, something that might help you in Law school, or something easy.

>> No.589514

This could be posted in literally any 4chan thread

>> No.589515

String theory would have enormous benefits if it is proven. Ex, it will prove supersymmetry, solving the hierarchy problem, letting us manlipulate force carriers like the graviton even through bulk branes. We would be able to use the unification to pontentially convert gauge bosons to anything with virtual particles in things like quantum electrodynamics. Limits of locality and determinance would also help in teleportation (which we can alraedy do now) and quantum foam would give more insight into planck time and the arrow of time (entropy), possibly allowing for loops in immediate vectors, etc.

>> No.589516

and be correct.

>> No.589519


>> No.589521

If you're American, Poli Sci is fine. Obama's not exactly shrinking the government, not to mention law school. If you're interested in it, or some aspects, go for it. I did. I'm doing fine. Get some scholarships and no matter what - go to grad school. For law or poli sci, whatever. Just do it.

>> No.589528


Just a quick question: I'm considering majoring in political science but want to go to graduate school for political philosophy--are these essentially the same thing?

I know political philosophy centers around Locke, Hobbes, legal scholars, etc., but when I think of political science I think of political campaigns and reading demographics for political parties.

tl;dr if I want to work in political philosophy as an academic, should I major in political science or philosophy?

>> No.589529


Sure it could, except it cannot be proven in anyway shape or form and you are just talking out of your ass.

>> No.589539

The fuck are you talking about? It can be proven in many forms, the fuck you think they're building the LHC for?

>> No.589543

In my former university, they were all under the auspices of the same department. International relations, political philosophy, comparative politics, American politics, and statistics were all housed under the same roof.

So if you're interested in political philosophy, by all means take Poli Sci courses, meet and get to know your professors that teach theory and philosophy, and get their letters of rec for grad school. No one in the proper philosophy department of my university knew as much about political philosophy as those in the Poli Sci department. That's why they're there.

>> No.589545


Alright, thank you.

>> No.589547

To steal baguettes from other dimensions/times you wanker.

>> No.589550

No problem. And here's a hint for emailing your professors:

It's "All right," not "alright." Freshman year in a political philosophy class, my professor corrected me. I thought "alright" was fine, but it's not. Keep that in mind, it actually helps.

>> No.589555


I've been trying to avoid say 'okay' as of late. Haha.

>> No.589556

Your professor is wrong and a complete douche

>> No.589561

Nothing wrong with 'okay.'

He was very into English. But not a douche. This wasn't colloquial, this was proper correspondence and proper essay writing to prepare me for writing academic papers. 'Alright' is just lazy. 'All right' is not only fine, but better. If you want to uselessly combine words into colloquial acquiescence, go ahead.

>> No.589562

I'm sure if you asked most influential modern scientists and mathematicians, they would tell you they have a great appreciation for art, music, and literature.

Also, consider the importance of the designer, someone who is trained soaked in a liberal arts atmosphere, yet designers have an incredible influence over basically everything you experience.

>> No.589566

How is it useless, pretentious idiot? Makes it easier to read (it is shorter) and easier to write (it is shorter). Another reason why I hate English majors.

>> No.589569

It's easier not to read or write at all. You should try it.

>> No.589570

... I'm not an English major. That should have been clear. Trollin?

Uselessly combining words is pointless. Open up a book. Go ahead. In English. Find me "alright." You won't. It's not proper English, it looks fucking stupid, and at an academic level, you want to avoid those two things, don't you? I gave proper advice to the young person. Your predilections are yours alone, and no one cares.

>> No.589576



>> No.589580


I asked the question originally. Not samefag.

>> No.589581

not >>589566 but
four examples just there

>> No.589584

derp wikipedia

Yeah, I'll abandon my academic preferences for a wikipedia article. Sounds legit.

>> No.589587

alright (not comparable)

Alternative spelling of all right.
1922 : Ulysses by James Joyce, chapter 18
…if I went by his advices every blessed hat I put on does that suit me yes take that thats alright the one like a wedding cake standing up miles off my head…
1932 : "Goodbye, Christ" by Langston Hughes
You did alright in your day, I reckon—
But that day's gone now.
1939 : Finnegans Wake by James Joyce, chapter 1.40
, eh? You have it alright.
2000 : House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski, page 105
"You're alright Johnny," she said in a way that actually made him feel alright. At least for a little while.

>> No.589593

Yeah, that's how it came about. It didn't come about from nowhere. What's your point? If you want to sound casually insane like James Joyce and say "alright" to your professor, feel free. If you want to sound half-way rational and just make it "all right" then you probably won't look like a moron.

Simple choice.

>> No.589594

You can check out the books then. Since you're such a genious scholar you should be reading them all for the 34th time right now. But seriously, 'alright' have been written that way for a hundred years, making it a part of the language.

>> No.589595
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>House of Leaves as an example of English

>> No.589597

In prose, not academia. Which is the point. That you've missed.


And again.

>> No.589599

No you.

>> No.589600


More like, citing Finnegan's Wake as a sample of English:

>1939 : Finnegans Wake by James Joyce, chapter 1.40
, eh? You have it alright.


>> No.589603

You've lost, moving on.

Sounds like a good replacement for thunder in an academic paper to me. DO IT.

>> No.589609

"All right" is going the way of "all ready," it's just a matter of time

>> No.589610

Hi I'm new on /lit/ and I just want to say:

ITT: Pretentious cocksuckers that think everyone are as fucking retarded as they are - judging an entire essay on the spelling of one word.

I will be moving on now.

>> No.589613

Trolls trolling trolls.
Most people don't give a fuck.

>> No.589614

is that my career I see in the shit tier? The one that brings me home around $50,000 a year? maybe not the best; but shit it's not.

>> No.589620

Kinda funny how you loser English majors have nothing better to do than pick of words while reading essays. You see, in science papers, WE DON'T FUCKING CARE MUCH ABOUT GRAMMAR OR SPELLING. As long as it is readable and makes no difference to the material, we couldn't care less because we have actualy, important matters to discuss rather than the fucking spelling of "alright".

>> No.589622
File: 12 KB, 220x386, chart_top_earning_degrees.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$50k? lulz, that's below our starting salary on day one.

>> No.589626

>$50,000 a year
$50,000 is not much money dawg.

>> No.589627

So everything below your pay is shit tier. Good thinking.

>> No.589628

>we get paid
>for doing half as much work as sci majors


>> No.589630

It's pretty good. Way over the average working man. Not McD so to speak.

I would say all careers mentioned on the list would give you a good life with food on the table.

>> No.589633 [DELETED] 

But I have a job that I love. I'm a musician; I get paid something most people can only do for a hobby. It feels good knowing that I can live comfortably for doing something that I enjoy; something that I would do for free if I couldn't get paid for. How many electrical engineers like their job enough to do it for free? Probably bot too many.

>> No.589636 [DELETED] 

But I have a job that I love. I'm a musician; I get paid something most people can only do for a hobby. It feels good knowing that I can live comfortably for doing something that I enjoy; something that I would do for free if I couldn't get paid for. How many electrical engineers like their job enough to do it for free? Probably bot too many.

>> No.589637

But I have a job that I love. I'm a musician; I get paid something most people can only do for a hobby. It feels good knowing that I can live comfortably for doing something that I enjoy; something that I would do for free if I couldn't get paid for. How many electrical engineers like their job enough to do it for free? Probably not too many.

>> No.589639


This really seems to perpetuate the inequality of pay between men and women, considering engineering is probably one of the most male-dominated fields. Work require skill-sets primarily held by women is much more under-appreciated in society.

I'm not talking about just English here, but health care and business even. Is it explainable though because this chart shows only degrees--is it talking about first degrees? I'm not sure, but it doesn't seem as if engineers need a lot of education past the first degree, whereas many others pursue Masters degrees or go to Med School and Law school.

Just speculation on my part. I dunno. If anyone has some insight...?

>> No.589643

I sometimes feel a little insecure about having chosen a liberal arts major where good jobs are certainly not assured

Then I see threads like this and I'm like "well, I could have ended up in a major that has people with mindsets like OP" and feel a lot better

>> No.589645

this is totally me right now...I have had about 200ml of whiskey and am smoking a Macanudo cigar. What should I read?

>> No.589647


>pick of words while reading essays.

yes, we can tell you're not an English major, you don't need to pound it over our heads.

Also I can't tell if your post is troll... 3 years ago on 4chan definitely, nowadays, I'm not sure

>> No.589648


House of Leaves, obviously

>> No.589649

Picture Of Dorian Gray
by Oscar Wilde

They drink whiskey and smoke cigars.

>> No.589652

Not in academia it's not.

And none of you can write or viably transmit your ideas to other professionals. It's just as hard to make sense of your prosaic arguments as it is your math. Maybe if you learned how to write, you'd save some fucking time and we could be at Mars already. Jesus, science majors are dense. No wonder you're all virgins.

>> No.589653

Not troll. The world is not what want it to be.

>> No.589658

You seem to have very high thoughts of this "academia" but you forget that if the language didn't evolve in "academia" we would have this debate in latin.

>> No.589659

Or ancient greek, or hebrew or sumerian... etc.

>> No.589661

No, you're still missing the point. Terms of art are fine in English class, but in Political Science or other social sciences (that are not true sciences), those rules are not observed. An artistic transgression in English class is fine, it the cut and dry world of efficiency like Poli Sci, it's not. There's a difference. Academia, as I'm using it, refers to the world outside English and the transmutations you can commit on English for the sake of that department and study. Outside English, you can't just do whatever. You need to follow rules to be taken seriously.

That's all.

>> No.589665

*in the cut and dry world, sorry.

>> No.589668

It's undergrad.

>> No.589671

Actually science/math papers are quite prose, ex:
(give it a min or 2 to load)

>> No.589673


I'm glad someone finally noted the obvious differences between political science majors and English majors; a lot of people in the sciences on this board seem to have a stereotype of all non-science majors, and also seem to enjoy applying blanket statements.

The truth is, English majors and political science majors and sociology majors and--you get the point--aren't similar at all; not in their interests, not in their cultural tastes, and certainly not psychologically.

I don't know how people--in the sciences or not--can justify stupid threads like these.

>> No.589678

K thanks

>> No.589682

History majors never get any respect.

The next time we excavate a new pyramid, we'll just keep the findings to ourselves. Let history repeat itself if the internet is going to be so mean to me.

>> No.589687

I honest to god only know of one person wearing a beret and thats the walrus dude from mythbusters.

>> No.589690


I'm a Poli Sci post-grad, and while I have and respect my English major friends, we're not in the same arena. At all. One is about art and linguistics and critical theory, the other is about politics and game theory and, in a large part, history. They overlap, and neither is better than the other. But their domains are as far removed as biology is from physics - similar language in terms of mathematics, naturally, but quite apart in the academic universe in terms of their focus. They link, but it's not the same. The goals aren't the same. The interest isn't the same.

>> No.589692


At one time I considered majoring in history but the job market for such a major scared me. I know, I'm a pussy. :(

>> No.589693

99,99% of history majors doesn't get to do work on newly discovered pyramids

>> No.589694


That doesn't make you a pussy. That makes you sensible.

>> No.589695

Do you think anyone gives a fuck about what's in some rusty faggot ass king's tomb?

>> No.589697

isn't digging up old shit archaeology?

>> No.589698

No, nobody does, that's why millions of Tourists/history fans travel to Egypt/South America every year.

>> No.589699


>> No.589701

FFS, people like you. Look to the fucking future, science, and only science alone will save us.

>> No.589704

Fucking scientists pissing me off. History easily repeats itself if we don't learn our lessons.

>> No.589705

Yeah, just science. No human element at all. Take the world as it is and give it SCIENCE and all will be well.

Christ you aspies are naive.

>> No.589708
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>139 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

And I bet not a single one of you stupid faggots reported this thread.

>> No.589711
File: 56 KB, 285x298, 1268440068834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wonder what would have happened if we gave George W. Bush super highly developed science. Five decades ahead of the game. No worry about what people do - who cares? - just science.

I'm sure we'd be at the singularity already.

>> No.589712

People don't want to change. They will keep living their wasteful lives with the help of science.

>> No.589715

Precisely. Which is why saying SCIENCE WILL SAVE US is so fucking stupid. Scientists should just do their shit and stay out of public affairs. They have zero knowledge about how the world works, or even where their funding comes from.

it comes from people. in politics.

>> No.589718

Eh, I like school myself, and school environment. Mainly because working in a cubicle would drive me cuckoo.

So that's why you get a minor in secondary education, and land a job teaching somewhere.

Plenty of people will say "lol that sucks" but I don't think so.

Also, do people think archaeologists dig shit up for shits and giggles?

>> No.589719

Yeah, scientists should especially stay away from the curriculum - they don't know shit about anything. A pelican took my cellphone - And flew away.

>> No.589723

I'm not the one doing the naivety, no Jesus or some shit will save us. I'm sorry, but I'm right. Science WILL SAVE US. We will soon run out resources, or global warming will distroy us, war, etc.. If not that, an asteroid will for hit sure sometime or another.

>> No.589724

They can curriculum all they want. But politics? Er, no. They fail, every time. SPACE PROGRAM OVER HEALTH CARE DERPPPPPP. Yeah, that wins public support. Scientists don't understand that there's other people living, that need things, that don't care about your research interest, and will violently fight against the state and you if their needs aren't met.

>> No.589728

Nice nativety pun.

Science will not save us alone if it isn't implemented properly. It doesn't exist in a vacuum. Solve the problem and -- ? Who implements it? How does it get to the world? Through scientists? No. Through private forces, government forces? Yes.

>> No.589731


Wow someone take this shit back to /sci/rcle jerk

>> No.589732

Ok, first of all, EVERYONE knows you fucking politicians are the ones ruining humanity with your greed and lies.

I gurantee you, 100%, that if you made the science community in control of the government, probably the top scientists, the world WOULD BE a better place. The scientists will do what's right, cause the love science, and to love science they have to love the world.

>> No.589734

Right after you faggots stop coming there with your jesus threads.

>> No.589736

Derp, trollin. What do you know about public policy? Transportation policy? Health policy? Housing? Schools? You don't know shit. There's a reason you're not in charge. Go back to your research interests, work, and come back. We'll decide what needs funding. And you don't have a choice.

>> No.589737


The science community would either have no motivation to rule the government or simply not know how. Being knowledgeable in science doesn't make you knowledgeable in human and diplomatic affairs.

It's such a circlejerk. Plato thought philosophers would be the best rulers. They probably would be, too, but would that ever happen? No. Be a little realistic now.

>> No.589738

You really think you control shit? The corporations do. You're just a pawn. Money controls everything.

>> No.589739


I'm atheist. Are you sure those people aren't coming from /r9k/ or /adv/ or something?

>> No.589740


Are you that same dipshit from that individualism thread?

>> No.589743

How wrong you are. Scientists knew about global warming decades ago. They urged governments to fight it. They still do. But you faggot ass politicians do shit. Scientists would do a lot to help fight global warming.

>> No.589744


Why don't scientists become politicians too then, if they are so capable?

>> No.589746

They have better things to do (ex: save humanity) then give a shit about making a campaign of lies and fake smiles.

>> No.589747

Yes, yes. Politicians are pawns, corporations control things, yet you don't get funding. Strange. Stop being separatist pricks and work with the people that do Space and Science policy. Corporations want to see gains for their own reasons. Being anti-corporate in the science world is signing your own death warrant. Not that you'll amount to anything anyway, aspie. You'll be making my car doors, I'm sure.

>> No.589748

>160 posts and 16 image replies omitted.

/lit/. I am disappoint.

>> No.589750


>> No.589751


There's more to governance than simply fighting environmental disaster. You still represent constituents and their will--it's called representative government. Doing what's best doesn't always sell you may find.

>> No.589752

>save humanity
>created nuclear weapons
>biological weapons
>billions dead
>blame others, take no responsibility

Yeah, nice. I'm sure it was politicians alone who managed to nuke Hiroshima, yeah? You guys do what you're told. Stop pretending otherwise.

>> No.589754


aka. they're autistic

>> No.589755
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>>Whole thread

>> No.589757
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nice try

>> No.589758
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>> No.589759
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>> No.589761

Um, yes, a politician is the one who ordered the nuke, who started the war, who ordered the massacres, etc. Scientists were reasearching fission and fusion for the love of science, and because they could give humanity a ton of relatively clean energy.

>> No.589763
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>> No.589766
File: 90 KB, 600x773, spl170016_016_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh huh

tell me more

>> No.589767

ITT: Whatever I happen to be working on as a career is the only field of any value, everyone else must be some asshole who thinks they're so smart.

God forbid each field of study has its own contribution to society, giving us no reason to measure each other's intellectual dicks.

>> No.589768

>173 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Kudos, OP.

>> No.589771

Oh, Jesus Christ! Go back to /sci/! Like we give a fuck what you think of the liberal arts.

>> No.589772
File: 14 KB, 450x355, MYTHRONEROOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when I first came to /lit/, people were always like 'man /lit/ you are the smartest on 4chan'

Why have you proved my childhood convictions false, /lit/?

This is like the bad ending to Miracle on 34th Street.

>> No.589776


it's just this one 12 yr old kid trolling everyone

>> No.589777
File: 12 KB, 426x304, reactstrangly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ya know, I'm trying to enjoy myself, but Jane Gallagher over here keeps putting her kings in the back row.

>> No.589783
File: 47 KB, 612x306, flat-earth1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating on science.
<--- Pic Related.

>> No.589787

>Remember when /lit/ was good?


>> No.589789


Nice Catcher reference.

>> No.589790


Maybe on the first day when there were no posts

>> No.589806

I reported this thread like an hour ago and it's still here wtf

>> No.589808

>thinks reporting does anything esp. on /lit/

>> No.589809
File: 10 KB, 309x226, 1269176364255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Science
> Shit tier - Philosophy
> Science = Natural philosophy
> Values = Philosophy
> Loves natural philosophy, but gives a philosophical opinion regarding every other philosophy

Pic related, it's OP

>> No.589810
File: 112 KB, 600x486, euclid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.589812

Science was only called natural philosophy hundreds of years ago because it was just guessing. Nowadays, however, it is not just guessing. Philosophy is, however.

>> No.589813

Wow a comic that is actually funny!!

>> No.589817
File: 73 KB, 400x541, AWW SHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why /lit/ is giving in to these mindless stoic robots is beyond my comprehension.

>> No.589820


do you know where that comic's from? site?

>> No.589825

Because it's 4chan

>> No.589826

Why would you make up something silly like that?/

>> No.589830


>> No.589834


> Implying there was no scientific development during the 1800th century.
> Implying you've any idea how science work, and have studied ANY work regarding scientific theory
> Implying logic involves guessing

Of course you're guessing in science, dipshit, otherwise our theories wouldn't change. Our current guess just happen to have a bigger pragmatic value than the previous one, it isn't in any way closer to "the truth". Later on there will be another guess with an even better pragmatic value, and when that ones occurs, we'll adopt that theory.

>> No.589835


aaaand... could you tell me what it is?

>> No.589837


Nice fail /lit/ fag. Stoic isnt even a word.

>> No.589840

>1800th century.
Um I don't think that century has happened yet

>> No.589841

To an artfag? I dare not.

>> No.589844


Basic trolling is basic.

>> No.589847


Oh is this the /sci/bitch? You're still here?

>> No.589861


>> No.589864
File: 57 KB, 800x370, franklinfinal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.589866
File: 1.79 MB, 225x170, what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/s reaction to trolls

>> No.589867

Oh sure.. post an unfunny comic in response. I appreciate it

>> No.589868
File: 68 KB, 600x783, 1271494620896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're welcome!

>> No.589869

You know what's a pretty great book?


That's a pretty sweet book.

>> No.589870

Ooh, ooh!

You know what's another great book?

Don Quixote.

Funny stuff!

>> No.589872


I totally agree man. Loved that shit.

You know who else I love?

Martian Chronicles is the shit.

>> No.589884
File: 132 KB, 262x340, 1231147974981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.589889


Shit yeah it is...

You know what else is great?

The Dead Secret

by Wilkie Collins (1857)

>> No.589903

English major here. OP is 100% correct.

>> No.589917


9 yr old kid here. I agree with you.

>> No.589931

Uncultured, Factfag robot here. I also agree.

>> No.589953
File: 11 KB, 256x206, veterenbtard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


........How could you?

>> No.589962

i'm a double major, english and physics. english is such bullshit. i still want to be a writer, not a physicist, but english classes suck.

>> No.589968
File: 3 KB, 250x242, reactscaredly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now thats what I call a contradiction.

>> No.589972

Its funny how none of any of this matters. Everything anyone of you does will be forgotten, and even if it's not, it will eventually be destroyed or lost. All our efforts, dreams, goals, successes, mean absolutly nothing. sorry to unload that on you /lit/, but its true.

>> No.589974

What the fuck is economics doing so low? And Law isn't Top Tier?

>> No.589980
File: 2 KB, 121x121, Nathan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How Sherlock. Did you figure that one out all by yourself?

>> No.589982


Both in science and in literature. Reason enough for either one to stop acting like it's better than the other.

>> No.589984

wow man ur so smatr

>> No.590000


Old news buddy. You're not "breaking" anything to us.

>> No.590009
File: 26 KB, 384x439, no-shit-sherlock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.590013


Shit just got real.

>> No.590020


shit made me lol

>> No.590036


lets keep fucking with him

>> No.590045
File: 129 KB, 1070x898, worktier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow you idiot. Humans HAVE to colonize space if we want to survive for a decent amount of time. On the Earth, we don't have an infinite amount of resources.

yeah, and who were the ones who led to Earth being an almost inhabitable shithole with their industrial revolution, chemical pollutants, atomic waste etc.?



>> No.590050

I've beaten the system by currently studying Audio ENGINEERING and Record Production...Success.

>> No.590077


If you'll change the awesome tier to 'anal tier' I'm all with you.

>> No.590079
File: 49 KB, 600x750, marry_her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot my picture.

>> No.590292

International Relations bitches

Stops wars

Or at least helps you win them...

>> No.590300

Architectural Engineer here

making functional art all over ya

>> No.590312


I think OP forgot that those who study political science are the one's who will most likely go off to be lawyers or fucking POLICY MAKERS.

You idiot. Science is fucking amazing, but if we didn't have any of the rest, the world would be a fucking boring shit hole.

Fucking get a clue.

>> No.590313

yea, let your mathematics degree help you solve the issue of why your life is empty.

or better yet, how to stop me from killing you with a credit card.
God Tier would be survivalist education. Then studies of the human mind, then nature.
Because telling someone why it makes sense for them to follow your orders won't make them follow your orders.


>> No.590318


Thank you.

Another IRfag in this fucking thread!

The sciences my be essential, but if it wasn't for shit like theology to make science so damn more appealing, scientists would be scraping their asses on the floor trying to take the worms they've gotten from eating shit.

This argument could be made for any other major.

Stupid OP!

>> No.590321

Why is Econ in the low tier?

>> No.590324
File: 106 KB, 392x1712, 1266638077287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because it's a troll image and OP is a faggot

>> No.590326

>237 posts and 37 image replies omitted
efficient troll is efficient.

>> No.590330

I love the humanity in all of you.

Move along, move along people. Orderly fashion.

>> No.590356

Liberal arts major here - speak 6 languages, have two Master's degrees and make around 50,000 U.S. dollars a year with three day weekends - EVERY FUCKING WEEK. Shit tier my ass.

>> No.590361


I'm not sure 2 masters and still having a $50 K income is much to brag about, but good for you.

>> No.590363


Three day weekends.

>> No.590365


Do you still work just the average 8 hours a day?

>> No.590371

Studying what you love: God Tier
Studying something for the money or for your parents: Shit Tier
Nothing else.

>> No.590374


>> No.590376


>> No.590378
File: 30 KB, 386x363, 1269737025980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What this anon said.

>> No.590379


Sublime tier: Doing something for money and for your parents that you happen to love

>> No.590382

Glad to see you have Assburgers.

>> No.590387

>getting a job as math/science major
>law as an undergrad major
>business/econ/communications below mid tier

Freshmen assburger troll detected.

>> No.590388

Psychology gets hard if one plans to actually become a psychologist which requires a phd.

>> No.590394

>252 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Damnit you guys.

>> No.590397

I loled big time.

Nice thread /lit/, thank you very much.

>> No.590400

I would prefer:

God tier: Studying what you love that will give you money
Great tier: Studying what you love
Low tier: Studying for money
Shit tier: Studying for your parents.*

-My son will study to be a top model like his father!
-But that, I want to be a doctor!

>> No.590402

7 in the morning here, sorry, that "that" was supposed to be a "dad"... don't know what the fuck happened.

>> No.590408

>study to be a model

>> No.590414
File: 65 KB, 373x500, Fuck you I'm an anteater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a fuckmuncher.

>> No.590585

God Tier understands the world around us at a higher level and don't consider constant debate or attention over sociological aspects as worthy for our consideration. We have a solution for all your silly problems but we chose not to offer it because you're too stupid to comprehend anyway. Sorry.

>> No.590591

Chemical Engineering fag here.
People like you who are just in it for the money fucking suck.
You go to university to LEARN. Why would you learn about something you're not interested in?

>> No.590592

I would like to study literature, but my father wants me to be a doctor. It feels pretty shit, but at least there are no expectations from both me or my parents except to pass.

>> No.590597

So where's accounting? Every business/organisation and a majority of individuals need 'em.

Tax and accounting go hand-in-hand too, importance of tax anyone?


>> No.590602

>Who do liberal art majors think they are smart?
Oh op :3

>Shit tier
You be trolling

>> No.590716
File: 225 KB, 727x918, twaintesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic nulls all of these threads forever.

>> No.590721


OP mad

>> No.590724


>Classics in shit tier

That is only true if you are studying "culture" in translation only; if you are studying Greek and Latin, that is serious business.

>> No.590727

>low tier

sure is troll thread in here

>> No.590728

>engineering in god tier

tier list confirmed for being made by an engineering student

>> No.590741

OP's title "Who do liberal art majors think they are smart?"

>Bash on the humanities
>Can't construct a sentence
>Good one

Guess whos going to be writing all of the documents you have to work with, whos going to be to be going into law, and whos going to be writing everything you read while you work like a tireless worker bee for someone else?


>> No.590748

Psychology should at least be Mid Tier. The huge amount of research is very demanding.

>> No.590752

270 posts? 4srs guise stop feeding the fucking trolls...

>> No.590755

The last time I saw this tier chart, PoliSci was up a couple tiers.

>> No.590777



>> No.590780

You read books and you are knowledgeable. Point.

Psychology is not more complex than this.

>> No.590789

this is /lit/. sage.

>> No.590796

Are you guys really insecure enough that you memorate this transparent troll with close to 300 comments?

this is sad.

>> No.590800
File: 68 KB, 460x460, 1263145694285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of opinion on this rank table, what makes you think you'd live a truly fun life as a machine who spews out calculations? If you want to be a completely lifeless database of scientific fact then kill yourself and wait for such a thing to be designed.

Personally, I consider many of these fields of study to be important. Astronomy certainly isn't as big a deal as psychology. There's no chance in hell you're getting into NASA if you're a schizophrenic PMS nutcase who has chronic depression.

Besides, without music and art (art being the definition of ALL media, from theatre too paintings too movies to literature) I think you'd find life to be pretty fucking boring, OP.

Enjoy your dark basement playing Spore and Deus Ex, fucking protheist wannabe.

>> No.590808



What is this I don't even.jpeg

also liberal arts degree holder here. I do very well for myself as a graphic designer.

>> No.590812

Since human communities have generated artists, musicians, poets and entertainers since the beginning of recorded history (and presumably before), I don't really see the point in whining about people who study or produce these things.

>> No.590823

>There's no chance in hell you're getting into NASA if you're a schizophrenic PMS nutcase who has chronic depression.

you now recall the crazy driving-cross-country-while-wearing-a-diaper astronaut lady

>> No.590834

I'm a plumber and I make MUCH more money than you ever will, fuck your chart.

>> No.590835

>Post english-in-shit-tier.jpg
>280 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.