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/lit/ - Literature

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5883647 No.5883647 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Dubliners? What is your favorite story from it? How does it compare to Joyce's other works?

>> No.5883657

It's ok, some stories are very good some are just good

>> No.5883658

>What does /lit/ think of Dubliners?
>What is your favorite story from it?
The Dead
>How does it compare to Joyce's other works?
Not as good as anything that came after, but still fantastic.

What struck me about Dubliners that no other book has as acutely is the feeling of frustration. Reading Dubliners is to feel you're going nowhere and have no options, and like you need go for a run and stretch your sedate arms and muscles.

>> No.5883663

yeah, i love the one where the small time journalism writer comes home to see him and the author tries to make him feel bad for not being married, trying to pull the old "yeah, but at least i get more pussy than you" refuge of unsuccessful scoundrels but he really feels how oppressive his shitty wife is

>> No.5883769

Should I be looking out for all these distinct emotional spots in the stories? As it stands I feel as if most of them went over my head, though I do think Araby is about the sting of betrayal or being forgotten or misled. How much is it safe to assume with Joyce as far as subtlety goes? Apparently there's a ton of detail throughout The Dead but I only got the ones on aging and masculinity. I want to really understand this before moving into A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

>> No.5883953

The Dead is about cuckolding. He realizes at the end that he has been unknowingly cuckolded the entire time. His wife is an "alpha widow".

>> No.5883982


>> No.5884329

I don't know what the best story is, but Two Gallants was the worst.

>> No.5884337

Probably "A Little Cloud" or :"A Painful Case". Both hit rather close to home as likely ways my life could unfold and characters I could easily become.

>> No.5884378

>What does /lit/ think of Dubliners?
It's amazing, one of the best short story collections I've read.
>What is your favorite story from it?
A Little Cloud.
>How does it compare to Joyce's other works?
It's the easiest to get into, from the Portrait of the Artist the stream of consciousness can get confusing for some. That doesn't mean this is his worst work though, I love how "simple" it is (it's not exactly simple, but compared to Finnegan's Wake, you get the point) and it's actually my favorite Joyce's work.

>> No.5884389


It's Joyce-lite.
Be a man and grab yourself a copy of Ulysses or Wake, and put a little weight in your pants, m8.

>> No.5884395

I liked Litle Cloud and An Encounter the best.

>> No.5884402

the dead

>> No.5886187

An Encounter is really good, it succeeds in portraying all the problems of the Irish society from that period in like 10 pages. Poverty, Protestants and Catholics, debauchery, schooling, absolutely everything.