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/lit/ - Literature

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5882880 No.5882880 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best science fiction novel i've never heard of?

>> No.5882888


>> No.5882893

The Universe Where OP is Popular and Gets a Girlfriend.

Name is pretty self-explanatory. Good story but it's a little too unrealistic for me

>> No.5882896
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Pic unless you've heard of it. If you have, then just go down the list of Le Guin, PKD, and Wolfe novels until you hit one you haven't heard of.ihb

>> No.5882900

It's like I'm on r/books

>> No.5882903

haven't heard of it. thank you

>> No.5882907

Existence by David Brin.

>> No.5882908
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>> No.5882919

how do you know what its like there

>> No.5882947


>> No.5882991

Solaris? I don't know what you haven't heard of.

>> No.5883000

like the ones that the casual sci fi reader hasn't heard of

>> No.5883001


A wild guess: "The Paradox Men" by Charles Harness.

>> No.5883035
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>> No.5883042

Burgess' The Wanting Seed I guess doesn't get mentioned much comparatively
Benson's The Lord of The World I suppose might be making a comeback with the pope's endorsement

>> No.5883089

Because I'm addicted to the internet and /lit/ moves too slow.

>> No.5883891
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Vurt by Jeff Noon

>> No.5883945

Hawking's A Brief History of Time
it's not fiction, though, or at least not supposed to be

>> No.5883972


>> No.5884386
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Pulaster. But I guess there's no translation to any language.

>> No.5884392

Russell's Wasp

dat guerrilla terrorism

>> No.5884399
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Kim Stanley Robinson lives nearby my university and visited my sci-fi class to speak about his novels and literature and whatnot; really cool and funny guy. Although he's not exactly obscure, a lot of people don't know about him.

>> No.5884409


The Stars My Destination, by Alfred Bester. Gibson named it as his favorite SF novel a few years ago, and it greatly influenced the cyberpunk genre as it grew in the 80s.

>> No.5884417
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Any of the short stories by Ken Liu, a lot of which you can find on his website. His short story "The Paper Menagerie" cleaned house by winning the Hugo, Nebula, and World Fantasy Awards (first time any work of fiction has swept all three awards).

He is a relatively new sci-fi writer and despite his having great success (see: above), he's never talked about on here (like so many non-canonized authors)...

>> No.5884421


I would recommend "The Man Who Ended History: A Documentary" as a good starting place with Liu. Also nominated for a Hugo and is a fucking great story.

>> No.5884422

In a similar vain: Is Ted Chiang well-known? He writes amazing quasi-SF, yet he publishes so slow

>> No.5884423




>> No.5884426


I've never heard of him, so he's unknown to me at least. Any recommendations for where to start with Chiang's work?

>> No.5884428


Damn, dude is racking up the awards. Surprised I haven't heard of him. Thanks turning me on to him.

>> No.5884445

There's a great collection of short stories in Stories of Your Life and Others

There's also a published novella (The Lifecycle of Software Objects) which I didn't love as much as the stories, but it was still good

>> No.5884454

he is well-known, like every his work gets an award

>> No.5885889

The sons of Zefyr.
It is my first sci-fi novel op.
It'll be memorable.

>> No.5887468
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>> No.5887667
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>> No.5887878
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The transmigration of Timothy archer and the three stigmata of Palmer eldrich by Philip k dick, and 2001: a space odyssey

>> No.5887893

"We" by Yevgeny Zamyatin, its getting more popular on /lit but still pretty unheard of.

>> No.5889100

High five shit was dope

>> No.5889739
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Or anything by this author, though some of them fall into the fantasy category.

>> No.5890637
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Can confirm, ted chiang very good.

good strong speculative fiction/ sci-fi

>> No.5890645

Obligatory Book Of The New Sun and 5th Head of Cerberus recommendations.

>> No.5890676

I fucking love The Liu. "The Waves" is fucking amazing.

>> No.5891008
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Eerily accurate depiction of a future society (until he throws an octopus alien in for no good reason) and comfy as all hell.

>> No.5891042


Seconding Solaris, if you like hard sci fi. One of the best I've ever read.

>> No.5891097

solaris isn't hard sci fi. most of it is just whiny faggot love shit

>> No.5892298
File: 9 KB, 315x268, chris-hansen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you have a seat right over there?

>> No.5892303

go read instead of lurking reddit u fag

>> No.5893642
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>> No.5894017


>> No.5895517
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>> No.5895522

What's the deal with this, I'm intrigued.

>> No.5895526

I wish he'd write fewer books about global warming.