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5879877 No.5879877 [Reply] [Original]

Can sex every be seen as holy or a form of devotion? and I don't mean holy prostitution, I mean sex is prayer, as with worshipers of Dionysus. Or can sex only be neutral at best?

>> No.5879890
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Of course it can. Haven't you read the bible?

>> No.5879902

No, sex takes your attention away from the divine, in no way can it be considered holy unless you're worshiping the wrong guy.

>> No.5879945

Isn't there something divine and sublime about merging with another human being and losing oneself?

>> No.5879948


>> No.5879957

Quite the opposite, I've a considerable amount of sex. Just because it's awkward at first doesn't mean it always is, bro, especially when you've been having sex with the same person for a year or more.

>> No.5879961

No, it is nothing more than a carnal and animalistic act. A petty one that can very easily consume the person to the point where they think of nothing more than getting their dick wet and emptying their balls. It loses it's spiritual significance if it ever had one.

>> No.5879963


i'm glad i didn't waste time reading the rest of your post

>> No.5879989

Yes, sex releases a lot of spiritual energy. Next time you have sex draw a circle around you and put a quartz crystal on each quartile of the circle. Proceed to make love with your partner in the circle. Congrats you have just performed sex magic and will have brought better Karma into your life.

>> No.5879999

Yeah there is but porn has left me desensitized to that feeling now and now I fuck anything with 2 legs but not with the same vigor.

>> No.5880072

Are you sure you're on the right board?

I'm sorry to hear that. Do you have a faith?

>> No.5880088

I think so, OP. Ignore all these jealous permavirgins.

My personal view is that the reason Abrahamic religions shame sex--teaching that it and all of its associated behaviors--is that finding something this wonderful on Earth necessarily strips one of their dependency on the divine.

As in: if you are in a healthy relationship and having good sex you will be less dependent on the bribe of eternal salvation to be happy. Less dependent on the Church, or Judaism, or Islam.

My personal metaphysical view is that I know love is real and I know the ultimate consummation of love is sex. Everything else is an unprovable, unfalsifiable spook. Therefore I will put my chips on the here and now over a distant, vague promise of an intangible heaven every day of the week

>> No.5880101

I'm a Hellenist and I strongly believe in both the divine (but I'm agnostic about an afterlife) and love. I think love and sex are part of embracing another human subject to the condition of mortality. Death is tragic, but I find it redeemed in love and sex, sex, passionate sex with someone you love deeply, is an anti-death, almost.

>> No.5880118

>εἰ μὴ γὰρ ∆ιονύσῳ πομπὴν ἐποιοῦντο kαὶ ὕμνεον ᾆσμα αἰδοίοισιν, ἀναιδέστατα εἴργαστ' ἄν· ὡυτὸς δὲ Ἀίδης kαὶ ∆ιόνυσος, ὅτεῳ μαίνονται kαὶ ληναΐζουσιν.
It seems so long as you sing a song about cocks and call the god of wine the god of death, you're socially golden.

>> No.5881732

Youd like the Messalians

>> No.5882156

/r9k/ 2: The Edge

>> No.5882161 [DELETED] 

I know this guy irl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYSVMgRr6pw

Song related.

>> No.5882169

Do pagans literally have brain cancer?

>> No.5882173

>Isn't there something divine and sublime about merging with another human being and losing oneself?
Man I haven't felt that in a long time

>> No.5882181
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sex is at the centre of pretty much every religion
at least pagan religions are more honest about it than most

>> No.5882195
File: 12 KB, 260x346, 410F637V36L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, Scholomo. Paganism is just a shiny gloss for a resurgence of Devil worship.

Spirituality is about transcending the body, not reveling in bodily functions, it's about the soul.

>> No.5882199

But man haven't you had really good sex? It feels like transcendence or something

>> No.5882201

Yeah, right, so do raves, that doesn't make them holy, you pagan degenerate.

>> No.5882204

Sex is giving yourself up as an individual and taking part in The Eternal. It is the unveiling. ἀλήθεια

>> No.5882209


You should read some Keats, OP. Sex and love are both divine.

"My love has made me selfish. I cannot exist without you – I am forgetful of everything but seeing you again – my Life seems to stop there – I see no further. You have absorb’d me. I have a sensation at the present moment as though I was dissolving – I should be exquisitely miserable without the hope of soon seeing you … I have been astonished that Men could die Martyrs for religion – I have shudder’d at it – I shudder no more – I could be martyr’d for my Religion – Love is my religion – I could die for that – I could die for you.” - John Keats

>> No.5882210

Sex is the stain that separates us from the divine. It's required for procreation, but excessively engaging in it is pulling yourself away from God.

>> No.5882213


fuck off yerself /pol/

> transcending the body, not reveling in bodily functions

virgin detected

>> No.5882214

I think it's cute how serious you are

>> No.5882220

There are people on lit RIGHT NOW who have never had sex.

And they think they can talk about the human condition.

>> No.5882222

I like how feminists and other liberals try to use virgin as their biggest put down since Adorno made it vogue, but then object to slut being a put down. In the new cultural Marxist pagan paradigm, all values are inverted: if you're a virgin, it's evil and something you want to hide, but if you're a slut you should be proud of it and you're cool.

>> No.5882224

yes, some tibetan buddhist sects practice it. there is a famous monk who was renowned for his sexual talent and harem.

>> No.5882228

Go back to /r9k/, AMDG

>> No.5882233



>> No.5882234

No one said its evil or you should hide it, but it does make you ignorant of the subject of sex.

>> No.5882238

>feminists and other liberals

yeah you're still a virgin tho

>> No.5882240

>implying I'm heretic protestant scum

>> No.5882243

You're the first person in this thread to bring up virginity as something shameful or the word "slut". You're dying to bring political bullshit into a discussion about sex lol you got issues. maybe you should get your dick wet instead of finding reasons to hate continental philosophy.

>> No.5882244

Based lapsed Methodist reporting

>> No.5882247

This is retarded, it's like saying if you've never molested a child, you have no right to comment on child molestation.

Of course, I'm not fucking around with whores, I'm going to have sex when I'm married for purposes of procreation.

>> No.5882249

Most greek philosophers would disagree with you. Sex was considered something that distracted men from the eternal and sublime.

>> No.5882251

Go Catholic, brah. Deus vult

>> No.5882252

>when I'm married

never, then

>> No.5882256

To be fair it sounds like something Plato would say.

>> No.5882257

That might be true, but I worship Dionysus, not Play Doe

>> No.5882259

I didn't say you couldn't comment on it, just that you are ignorant. Possibly not to a huge degree though. Ignorance should not be construed as a pejorative, although many people see it that way.

>> No.5882267

What is this shitty shaming tactic liberals use? "If you're conservative and/or religious, you have no life and you're worthless" You're the one who looks pathetic.

>> No.5882275


ya know, it's ok sometimes to drop this binary political thinking and actually look at what individuals say and think and do

>> No.5882279
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Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself

Not even the Vatican takes chastity until marriage seriously anymore

>> No.5882280


>> No.5882284

You're the one trying to shoehorn me into a loser with no life according your political boxes.

>> No.5882285

You are truly a degenerate.
Mathematics and Philosophy were the greatest things the Greeks produced. You are no better than a perfumed persian.

>> No.5882289

dude, when you are so deep in a hole, it's ok to stop digging. nobody is doing any such thing

p.s. you're still a virgin tho

>> No.5882290

Well, that's only because the Vatican got usurped by Satan in the 1960s.

>> No.5882294

Of course not.
They can't get catholics through childhood chaste.

>> No.5882296

I study philosophy a lot, I'm just saying I don't consider philosopher as religious prophets. And if you did, it would be a problem, since they disagree with each other all over the map.

>> No.5882317

Of course I don't consider them to be religious prophets. Plato believed in the soul and regeneration after death, where if you failed to live a "Platonic" life you would be returned as a lowly beast. If you were especially stupid you came back as a woman.

>> No.5882327

Therefore it's a bit silly to claim that if I don't buy their ideas on sex being bad for the spirit, that I'm like a Persian....especially considering the Persians got pederasty from the Greeks.

>> No.5882329

Kant would say that you were breaking the Categorical Imperative by having sex with someone as a form of devotion or prayer.

>> No.5882338

I just read the part in Herodotus about the Babylonian custom of a single instance of compulsory anonymous sex, but I think that probably falls under the prostitution thing.

Seems like a really awful thing to sit in the temple for years on end because nobody is willing to fuck you. Is it better to be too ugly to fuck a stranger or be so pretty that you get to go home?

>> No.5882347

Yes, he surely would, but he'd be wrong, since it doesn't violate the Categorical Imperative.

>> No.5882349

You don't need to believe their metaphysics to get the gist of what they were saying in a secular context. It was not about religion, it was about experiencing Truth.

Most Philosophers throughout history would hold that the joys of intellectual contemplation far outshine those of sexual acts.

>> No.5882359

I don't they're comparable, and trying to compare them makes you look like Bloomkid

>> No.5882363

>Implying anything but the material actually exists

>> No.5882365

Has matter always existed?

>> No.5882379

Most Greek philosophers after Socrates held views that conflicted strongly with Greek traditional religion, which is what Hellenists want to revive. So... nothing surprising here?

>> No.5882388

>not defining a single one of those terms

>> No.5882433

True. It is a shame that these "Hellists" Ignore the greatest things the Greeks ever did, i.e. Mathematics and Philosophy.

who is Bloomkid?

>> No.5882479

>True. It is a shame that these "Hellists" Ignore the greatest things the Greeks ever did, i.e. Mathematics and Philosophy.
Why do you say we ignore those things? Do you understand why our greatest presence is on this board instead of /x/?

>who is Bloomkid?
The guy with the stack of books who says music is nothing compared to reading because you can listen to music in the background while you eat your spaghettios