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/lit/ - Literature

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5879022 No.5879022 [Reply] [Original]

So did literally nothing philosophical happen between Aristotle and Descartes?
I'm disregarding Boethius and Cicero.

>> No.5879025

Nothing of impact, minus maybe the stoics and cynics

>inb4 medieval philosophy is important and other christfaggotry

>> No.5879031

Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine, the Stoics/Epicureans

>> No.5879038

>Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine,
I know this is the most pleb thing in the world but I constantly confuse these two, who was the earlier one? That guy was a fucking genius

>> No.5879043
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William of Ockham is the most important modern philosopher.

>> No.5879044

>What is pyrrhonian skepticism
>Who is Hobbes
>Who is Machiavelli
You know nothing about philosophy /lit/ hasn't taught you.
>Who are all the major christian philosophers

>> No.5879049

St. Anselm?
Out of those two, Augustine lived earlier.

>> No.5879052

Augustine lived in the 5th century, Aquinas lived in the 13th

>> No.5879057

>disregarding thousands of years of philosophy because you're afraid to give credit to religious people

Kill yourself

>> No.5879086

Pick one.

>> No.5879089

How on earth is it not philosophy? It grapples with the exact same questions, it just always has God in its ontology

>> No.5879095

God is unfalsifiable, therefore theology isn't philosophy. It's all semantically empty.

>> No.5879101

That is ridiculous, all philosophy is unfalsifiable, I don't think you know what philosophy is

>> No.5879107

So what's philosophy, oh exulted one?

>> No.5879115

>People like this exist
Kill yourself.

>> No.5879125

On some level philosophy always has to do with consciousness, and its relation to other ontological categories. Science, where falsifiablity is relevant, removes this element as much as possible, the subject is supposed to be eliminated. Philosophy doesn't do this but attempts to incorporate that fundamental mystery into various questions about reality, meaning, knowledge, ethics, etc. You can have other definitions of philosophy, I mean it would depend on your philosophy itself, but there are no falsifiable philosophies, that sort of misses the point of what the discipline does. That's why Plato is still relevant but the science of his day isn't.

>> No.5879134

What does Plato have to do with anything? The Forms are unfalsifiable, semantically empty nonsense, modern epistemology has no place for them. The fact that you think Plato is relevant at all makes me think you're trolling me.

>> No.5879138
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>> No.5879150

>Who is Hobbes
>Who is Machiavelli
I don't normally consider political philosophy when someone says "philosophy". Yes, obviously these two were important.

>>Who are all the major christian philosophers
Augustine and Aquinas are really irrelevant except for Christians, tard.

>> No.5879161

>That guy was a fucking genius

how so? his most significant influence it's introducing neoplatonism into christianity which doesn't sound that important for the philosophy as a whole (awfully important for the christianity of course)

actually yes, he is one of the most notable between aristotle and descartes

>> No.5879177

Kitty is a woman's right to choose more important than a person's right to life? I have to know

>> No.5879178

aquinas and his proofs of the god existence are relevant outside of christianity, i agree about the saint augustine though

>> No.5879181

Augustine is certainly more relateable of the two, at least to me. Very pragmatic as well, for a theologian.

Aquinas is probably the greater philosopher, though, even if you may disagree with the natural law stuff. Aquinas' dissection of Aristotle was incredibly thorough, and his annotations are still studied to this day.

Augustine is still great, though.

>> No.5879193


The fucker influenced all of Christendom, aka all of fucking Europe, and Thomistic Natural Law is the foundation for a fuck ton of Enlightenment era notions of liberty and shit that the most important nation ever created was founded upon.

>> No.5879195

>Disregards Sextus Empiricus

>Disregards Augistine despite the fact that he heavily influenced Spinoza, Kierkegaard, and Heidegger

>Calls others retarded

>> No.5879259
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> limiting yourself to Christian Europe
> not seeing The Light in an age of darkness
> not pushing science forward while Christfags revert to pre-Roman barbarism

>> No.5879261


Because you're too stupid to comprehend what forms even mean. Plato is a fucking genius if you understand how many implications theory of forms has. It's a first reconciliations of flawed, varied perception humans have with objective, existing reality answering the questions such as how can we draw conclusions on external world on ground of our faulty cognitive faculties.

>> No.5879271

We have cognitive science for that now. We don't have to talk about this nonsense.
Also, Plato was a proto-fascist, so by his own logic, for the good of our liberal society, every copy of Politeia should be burned.

>> No.5879278



Natural law theory is fundamental for Hobbes and most philosophers since beginning of Enlightment.

>> No.5879287

>believing in myths

>> No.5879290

Oh yeah, Islam, the same religion that produced a school of thought which proclaimed that cause and effect is false.

>> No.5879305


>> No.5879313

Butthurt christfag detected

>> No.5879317
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>> No.5879321


Have you ever done cognitive psychology? I am apt to suspect they you have not because you would otherwise know that question:

"How are we able to reach conclusion on external world, on reality if we're able to perceive it through differing and flawed cognitive faculties that present us with varied data leading to different understanding of the subject?"

is NOT part of the discipline. Science is based on number of premises and adresses dimensions other than philosophy. End of story.

>> No.5879348

>Being this wrong

Capitalizing NOT doesn't make you right. You know what they say about repeating lies. Plato's forms are primitive trash. Analytical philosophy has so far surpassed the Greeks and the Rationalists. Science has disproven so much of what gets discussed here, it's absolutely hilarious.

>> No.5879369


Augustine --> later Wittgenstein

>> No.5879374

>Meme philosophers like Witty are relevant

Is this what /lit/ has come to?

>> No.5879375

>Science has disproven so much of what gets discussed here

Like what? Examples please.

>> No.5879381

*tips fedora*

>> No.5879391


Science's epistemic language is math, and math is the most platonic thing there is.

>> No.5879412
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>This is what half-reading the Tractatus does to a man

>> No.5879417


You are a colossal dunce.

>> No.5879423


>I don't consider political philosophy... philosophy
>I don't consider political philosophy
>Don't consider political philosophy
>consider political philosophy
>political philosophy
>olitical philosophy
>litical philosophy
>itical philosophy
>tical philosophy
>ical philosophy
>cal philosophy
>al philosophy
>l philosophy

>> No.5879429

There honestly isn't any christians on 4chan, only trolls

>> No.5879436


Repeating what you desperately want to be true doesn't make it true. Go scurry back into your cave, Gollum.

>> No.5879442

>Someone thinks philosophy isn't philosophy
How wonderfully dialectical!
>Not being an imageboard crusader-shitposter

>> No.5879451

its different enough that it gets its own board, science is also a philosophy technically too.

>> No.5879459


Let me get this straight. You've come up with an outright false claim that scientific method can be applied to the question I presented you with which simply is not true. Philosophy is permeated with things that are unaccessible to science like statements of value for instance.

>> No.5879462

exactly, thats why no sane person would be a christian

>> No.5879465

Seneca the Younger
That's pretty much it

>> No.5879473


You're the fool who says there are no christians on 4chan. You know this is not the case and yet wish to convince yourself of it so that you may feel more comfortable posting on this site (because christians make you uncomfortable). I have no interest in your idea of sanity.

>> No.5879480
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Aristotle was a massive cancer to the minds of humanity who held back progress for over a thousand years. His shit should be burnt and forgotten.

>> No.5879481

Aristotle basically invented science, you fuck

>> No.5879486

There probably some but I doubt too many come on /lit/. There are more Hellenists on /lit/ than Christians easy

>> No.5879491

The only reason there are Hellenists is because a few atheists got tired of Christians telling them to be moral and decided they'd adopt some kind of divine command theory to give themselves a moral high ground when someone told them they dropped their fedoras. Now they can talk about how the ebil Christians oppressed their intellectual ancestors instead of talking about how ebil Christians stopped science during the Middle Ages, since that myth (so popular around 2010) has been debunked in the most wonderful of ways.
There are more Christians than Hellenists.
Hellenism is just a meme, anyway.

>> No.5879493

Christianity is just a meme, Hellenism came first

>> No.5879495
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If philosophy was falsifiable, then it would be SCIENCE.

>> No.5879496

Not in Internet culture, it didn't.
Resurrecting a religion that's been dead for over 1000 years and claiming to worship Zeus is meme-tier. Christianity is a living religion, and thus is not meme-tier.
>Start with the Greeks
is the only reason anyone here calls himself a Hellenist.

>> No.5879501

Science isn't objective.

>> No.5879514

Both religions have equally as much logic and reasoning behind them so which one you pick is purely a subjective thing. Personally I think 12 kick ass gods are much cooler than just 1

>> No.5879517
File: 56 KB, 950x401, Gollum_not_listening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Christianity is just a meme

>there's no christians on 4chan... none... no christians... ok maybe some but they don't come on lit.... no.... more hellenists... okay actually christianity is a meme.. yeah, thats it... a meme... no....

>> No.5879522

>Both religions have equally as much logic and reasoning behind them
Do you seriously believe this?
>Personally I think 12 kick ass gods are much cooler than just 1
God could kick all of your gods' asses at the same time, even if any of them were true gods.

>> No.5879525


>Do you seriously believe this?

He is too stupid to realize that "logic and reasoning" doesn't mean "empirical evidence"

>> No.5879557
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>Only atheists can be smart so lets ignore whatever the religious say
>Hey look, all smart people are atheists, atheism clearly must be right and religion absurd

Such logicalness; your middle school teachers probably praise your intelligence daily

>> No.5879569

It's now been 60 replies and this man is write, the Christfaggotry squirmed out of the woodworks to bitch about how important muh monks were:

>Everything has a cause, therefore Jesus
>The word "perfect" exists, therefore Jesus

And other retarded christfaggot philosophy.

>> No.5879571

>If I call it retarded I can ignore it

>> No.5879587

>repeating this bullshit

Mathematics invented science. Aristotle didn't nothing but hinder it by claiming to have figured it out...

>> No.5879596

>A concept invented a concept


>> No.5879609

Explain how there can be anything other than existence. Nothing, as a concept, does not actually say anything meaningful, for no such thing can occur such as "nothing". Therefore, either we have an Unmoved Mover situation, or an infinite chain of realities.

Explain why you live the way you do, despite the fact that we live in a post-Hegelian society.

>muh Kant

>> No.5879613


People everywhere knew for ages that the world runs on fixed rules, they just lacked the mathematical language to adequately describe them.

>> No.5879617

>People everywhere knew for ages that the world runs on fixed rules
Is that all that science consists of? Knowing that, or having that concept in your language game?

>> No.5879657

Its not like there weren't any brilliant thinkers, it just wasn't a good time period for getting stuff written down in Europe.

>> No.5879824

Le fedora meme!!!!!!!!

Nice one, Christfag!

>> No.5880860
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If you physically look like a philosopher, perhaps God never intended for you to reproduce?

>> No.5880950

nothing worthwhile

>> No.5882898

The Greeks were just tha mutha fuckin shit. if you exclude them there really isn't much before Descartes anyway. Their works also survived which is another major thing, who knows what crazy philosophers we missed out on just because their works were lost.

>> No.5883034

You mean that Hume was a muslim ? Shocking.

>> No.5883044

Now you went full retarded son.

>> No.5883077
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>pointless debate about categorization
>science made philosophy obsolete bait

See you again tomorrow. I mean today.