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/lit/ - Literature

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5877390 No.5877390 [Reply] [Original]

what vidya do you guys play?

>> No.5877398

>using the term 'vidya'

Wow, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

I don't play video games.

>>>/video game board/
>>>/manchild board/

>> No.5877405

>he plays video games!!!

>> No.5877417

>playing videogames
Seriously? I thought everyone on this board would've grown out of them by now.

>> No.5877439

What, ya mean like pacman?

>> No.5877454
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>> No.5877461

Zelda, Resident Evil, anything adventury but not too hardcore. Inspires the spirit of some of my shit.

>> No.5877463

i play borderlands 2 or gran turismo maybe once a month.

>> No.5877468

i played 2k hours of tf2, realised i was wasting my life and started reading

>> No.5877473

>imblying /read for self image/ allow themselves to play games

top lel OP

>> No.5877485

mount and blade warband. i'm still impressed by how sound that game is, if not a bit basic. mods fill in the spaces left by the developers, but holy cow. the music is fantastic, the premise is fantastic, the mechanics are superb, everything about that game inspires me.

>> No.5877486

I bet you call video games 'art'.

top lel

>> No.5877491

None, really. I used play the odd game of League but I recently knocked a cup of tea over my mouse and fried it.

>> No.5877545

I play video games occasionally but more so the multiplayer games where I can create my own experiences with friends rather than some shitty poorly written story (that doesn't even suit the format of video games)

>> No.5877559

>not using term "games"
Hotline miami, Mark of ninja, Postal 2 A Week in Paradise, Hitmans, I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, Door kickers, little of EYE and This War of mine, skyrim sometimes when I don't want to think/play something hard.
>That stuff I played in last 3-4 months

>> No.5877651

Splitting my time between Sm4sh and HoMM 3. I wish there were more maps for the latter. My favorite game is Baldur's Gate 2

>Not asking what everyone is reading and judging the juxtaposition of their games to literature thus making the thread appropriate for the board
Reading Molloy and rereading Marat/Sade currently

>> No.5877682

I bet you call books 'art'.

top lel

>> No.5877696

Do you dislike socializing with your peers? Do you dislike having fun? Do you also hate movies?

MGS, but I haven't gotten to play 4 yet

MGR, my sister's watching me go through it a couple levels at a time cause she's shit at it but wants to see how it goes)

Dark Souls is my general time waster

Lost Kingdoms 1/2 and Custom Robo are the ones my brother and I like replaying ad naseum.

Silent Hill 1-4 is my all time favourite franchise.

I play LoL but agree it's a goddamn waste of time.

>> No.5877706

I used to be way more into the medium, even played a few games competitively, but now I just stick to CounterStrike: Global Offensive with friends here and there.

Anyone around MG2-DMG level in NA feel free to reply and I'll add you and we can play.

>> No.5877723

Yeah I used to have a a shitload of fun playing games,then I graduated from highschool

Good luck on your SAT OP

>> No.5877729

>I play LoL but agree it's a goddamn waste of time.
I like the mindgames in LoL, the whole ordered team-unit bit. Not that it's not still mostly a waste of time, though, but there are elements in it that can have real-life application.

>> No.5877745

They're fun but they're hardly real-world applicable. The only thing LoL has done for me after four years and ~3.8k games is helped my ability to deal with fucking stupid people ruining everything for the rest of us.

>> No.5877755
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>> No.5877758

I waste too much time on civ4 but mods like caveman2cosmos or rise from erebus are just too good.
I replayed Monkey Island the other day.

>> No.5877765

I only play Call of Duty.

I'd go to /v/ but those people are losers.

It's much funner to come here and piss off idiots talking about nerd shit

>> No.5877776

>only kids play video games
>average age of gamers is 30

Have fun reading for self image

>> No.5877777

Protip: There's huge pressure at the beginning of the game, each team member worrying about being the first to die, to let down their team - you gotta nip that in the bud fast or when (if) one of your teammates does die first, the others will generally follow him in a mix of just giving themselves to the reduced pressure/really easing off.

Meh. They are somewhat real-world applicable. Teams are a big thing and LoL really captures them in at-home recreation.

>> No.5877789

Champion picks are also fascinating btw, you can psychoanalyse the fuck out of people by their most-played LoL champs lol

>> No.5877800
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Disgaea series.

>> No.5877804
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Dwarf Fortress


I also like b00ks, too hence me being here and all.

>> No.5877812

>average age of gamers over 30
Wow is that true ?
That's fucking sad
Do you think you are part of a elite community or something? At least with litterateur the pros are revered for their knowledge. Pro gamers are viewed as losers who never go outside.

That said I did enjoy fallout 3 when it came out and will probably pic up 4

>> No.5877813
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>> No.5877816

Someone check my quints

>> No.5877820


excellent taste

>> No.5877822

Probably meant funnier, not more fun.

I play games a lot still but I don't enjoy them. Its a horrible habit. I might sell my consoles and games and get a year of gym membership with the money.

The Yakuza series is my favourite.

>> No.5877823

DOTA 2, Warhammer stuff and RPGs like The Witcher and TES

>> No.5877825


>Deus Ex Machina[45] (1985, Mel Croucher, ZX Spectrum/C64/MSX) - Based on "The Seven Ages of Man" from the Shakespeare play, As You Like It, this game charts the life of a defect as it evolves within the machine from inception, through growth, and eventually death.

>SOD[6] (1999, Jodi, PC) - An aesthetic art game hinting at private emotion by deconstructing Wolfenstein 3D, turning it into a Kafka-esque series of abstract black, white, and grey images where it is difficult to determine what to shoot.

>The Intruder[4] (1999, Natalie Bookchin, PC) - Low-art elevated to "high art" in a retro setting. An experimental adaptation of Jorge Luis Borges' 1966 short story, "La intrusa" where two brothers fall in love with the same woman and decide to kill her to resolve their conflict. In the game, players must compete for the female in a Pong setting and then act out aggressive behavior in a first-person shooter setting to progress. The piece invites gamers to see how popular games perpetuate masculine ideologies of spacial conquest, combat fantasies, and sexual domination.

>The Endless Forest[30] (2005, Tale of Tales, PC) - Originally commission for an art exhibition, The Endless Forest is an MMO in the broader sense of the word. As a stag, you roam around the forest and interact with other players; though not by words, but by sounds and body language. Players are recognizable by their unique symbol and customized appearance, but are otherwise anonymous.

>Antichamber (formerly Hazard: The Journey of Life)[147] (2013, Alexander Bruce, PC) - A first-person puzzle-platformer exploring non-Euclidean geometry.

>> No.5877833

LoL is the superior MOBA.

>> No.5877847

Pro gamers make millions of dollars. Probably more than your mommy and daddy have ever given you in your lifetime.

>> No.5877850


>> No.5877856

I feel like it's my birthday and nobody cared :(

>> No.5877857

LoL is badly balanced and its not fun at all.
I play LoL, Dota 2, CS:GO
5k elo on dota 2, d1 on LoL and DMG on CSGO
yeah i'm a god

>> No.5877871

Will you check my quints?

>> No.5877873

That's like comic book writers calling their work "graphic novels," i.e. just a quick and easy way to try to legitimise the craft. It's called video games.

My favs:
Rome: Total Realism
Majora's Mask
Link to the Past
Super Metroid

>> No.5877885
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>since they make money that means they aren't losers
>Justin beiber makes more money than you so you can't hate on him

Nice try but you are still a loser

>> No.5877886

I make Doom maps.

>> No.5877889

>diamond 1
>thinks he's good
You're trash lol diamond 1 is last season's plat 1 which is season 2's 1700 elo. talk to me when you're in masters

>> No.5877890


>> No.5877897

I play Timesplitters 2 to this day and God Hand is still my favourite game ever.

>> No.5877900

>being on 4chan
>acting superior

>> No.5877903

I'm nearly lvl 30 lol. Like 1k XP away!!

>> No.5877907

I stoped playing at last season, there was no masters.

>> No.5877914

metal gear solid 2 for the post modernism and mind bending story.

papers please for additional kafka esque bureaucratic nightmares on top of the real life ones you face day in day out

>> No.5877976

I bet you call movies 'art'.

>> No.5877996
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>> No.5878222
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Devil May Cry

>> No.5878230

good games my man