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/lit/ - Literature

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5874728 No.5874728 [Reply] [Original]

What's your novel about /lit/?

>> No.5874735

it's a tragedy about the fledgling phoenix

>> No.5874737

It's about a futuristic amusement park where dinosaurs are brought back to life through advanced cloning techniques

>> No.5874738

The trials of surviving in a post-nuclear war dystopian world.

I'm thinking of going with a sort of steampunk theme, because Phantasy Star Online was kind of like that and it's easily the best game ever made.

>> No.5874739
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>> No.5874741

it's about a guy who wants to be a girl, but then it turns out the girl wants to be the little girl

and then xe dies

>> No.5874744

steam punk is definitely a good move, it really spices up the plot of many great stories, I only wish it would be taken more serious by hollywood

>> No.5874750

about ye mum suckin me cock lol

>> No.5874752

you know what would really be spice

steam han

han dynasty with steam punk

cao cao wearing a monocle and a top hat

>> No.5874753
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I hope you're meta-trolling, because I was poking fun at steamfags and their shitty subculture.

>> No.5874757

A bunch of beautiful, idealistic teenagers getting killed. All of them. It's pretty much a snuff novel.

>> No.5874759

picaresque workers in a shit town in south jersey. heavy on the chapters including the dentist, granite worker, and classic car enthusiast who lives off the money from a small invention he made during his mid twenties. theres also a murder in there but thats not really the focus of what im going for. thats just for the plebs to grasp on to.

>> No.5874760
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Definitely a short story then.

>> No.5874763

It's been done.
I think it was called Bobby and the Genomosaurus.

>> No.5874764
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They did that already, it's called The Beach.

>> No.5874768

sick bro

steampunk Lu Bu, Red Hare is a mechanized horse that can travel at speeds faster than light

>> No.5874781

Looked it up. The whole setting and aesthetic rubs me the wrong way: I don't think people will confuse my stuff for this.

>> No.5874784


Maybe include some ass-fisting just to be sure.

>> No.5874796

Very amusing, Anon. You must be great at parties.

>> No.5874800

>materialist nihilism: the book

at least your angst is genuine

>> No.5874801

Mr n Mrs Jesus 1 abandon their son after he puts the d in Mrs Jesus 2, who is Mrs Jesus 1's sister.

>> No.5874803
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it's about a guy who is an ex-military sharpshooter, now working in japan as the first white sushi chef.

A japanese bioengineering experiment goes wrong and transforms dozens of animals into criminal masterminds. A secret branch of the government hires our hero to "assassinate" certain high level animal targets.

Eventually he goes under cover and joins the yakuza to take out the big bosses. But one of his targets is a sexy shapeshifting panther who seduces him and turns him into a double agent after revealing what's "actually going on"...he finds out he's been just a puppet in a far bigger scheme...

God it's going to be utter shit.

>> No.5874809

that's cool. how can the panther-hybrid shapeshift though? is it magic?

>> No.5874810


japanese science, who the fuck understands it?

>> No.5874812

NEET becomes a lackey for a domestic terrorist(s??????/?). Swapping NSA data with fan fiction, drugging the power elite with ayahuasca, communicating via Runescape on public library computers.

Very stupid but it's fun to write.

>> No.5874818


>> No.5874819

You know....you know that post-modernism still requires talent don't you?


>> No.5874822

lolwhat, it's sci fi, not postmodernism

>> No.5874823
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This is just an elaborate way to kill furries, isn't it?

>> No.5874825

A twenty something year old a couple years out of the pen with a schizo-dissociative personality disorder, because of this he only can get odd hour jobs like nightshift security at museum parking garage, he is diagnosed early in book with ass cancer (haven't came up with a respectable non cliche terminal illness yet) whos given a few months to live, the stress flares up his dissociative identity disorder and half the book he accepts hes dying and the other half he doesn't, love story twisted in there, story constantly spirals down to what seems to be an imminent self destruction

it's my first, is it too cliche?

>> No.5874826

It's an eighteen novel series about the colonization of nine new planets and the engineers who follow along behind the ships of colonists to make sure they arrive safely. Everything goes wrong from crash landings to encounters with beings so advanced the main characters barely register to them. ultimately the youngest of the engineers becomes the nemesis of his commanding officer and undergoes the terrible change from a white knight to a Heisenberg as he hunts the commander across the stars that results in an Ahab vs Moby Dick conclusion with an amazing twist at the end to justify such an epic journey. The main event of each planet will be based on dantes descent into hell thus making the ending even more profound. I'm only about 20 pages into writing it. Check back in like... 8 years. This thread may 404 before then so keep your eyes peeled

>> No.5874829
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Pic related-ish

>> No.5874837



>> No.5874842

It's about a frustrated writer attempting to write a novel about a frustrated writer attempting to write a novel about a frustrated writer attempting to write a novel about a frustrated writer.

The working title of the book is Bravo Nolan

>> No.5875425

The life of a Renaissance Italian "Master-of-Disguise" (not a term used in the book but basically what he is; yes it is a reference to the movie) who travels around Europe and The Levant under a number of false names and disguises in an obsessive quest to win the favor of the Contessa Francesca Dolce, with whom he fell in love with when as a young girl she was declared the Bride of May in a village in Northern Piedmont. It follows Aronzo Garofalo, the eponymous master, from birth to death, and deals with themes of gender, love, identity, illusion and death. I'm trying to make it kind of a comic epic, a mix of Don Quixote/Love in the Time of Cholera/Count of Monte Cristo/Tristram Shandy, with more feels and set in the Renaissance. Currently about 130 pages into writing it.

Would /lit/ read?

>> No.5875439

Well, protagonist-gets-diagnosed-with-terminal-illness is certainly a cliched plot device. The rest of it sounds interesting though. Is it necessary that his death be so predictable?

>> No.5875447


A roman à clef about the life and times of Lilith, going chronologically from her departure from the garden up to the present day, with a few cheery stopovers along the way to rescue forsaken women. The Tate / LaBianca murders give her a few ideas, as do the assassination attempts on President Ford. Ends with Lilith and her new family sowing the ashes of Hollywood.

Shouldn't take more than 40,000 words.

>> No.5875449


> ill protag vs. inevitable mortality

Grant Morrison needs to quit fucking writing these. It's the scripting equivalent of sameface.

>> No.5875609

this is money. get dat YA money bruh

>> No.5875629

A salesman works for a credit repair company. He starts losing it on his calls and ends up meeting a beautiful woman with a profound interest in repairing her credit. The two go on a date and end up in the man's apartment. She dies in the bathroom and he finds her body in the bathtub. He wraps the body with a tarp. Weeks later, dark oil starts leaking from her sides and mouth. He takes the corpse and dumps it in a river behind his house. The body floats and comes to rest at a neighbor's house, an old man who begins to can the oil leaking from the body, saving it and keeping it in his closet. The old man's brother is a machinist who lives in the basement of the house. He eventually stumbles upon the collected oil and begins using the fuel to power an oscilloscopic television-like device he's been devoting his life to creating. The old man's nephew discovers the screen and interprets its function as being related to the empty cans of oil and the disemboweled body of the woman he had recently discovered near the river. Days later, the nephew's mother receives a call from the salesman, offering her a deal on credit repair. She accepts and spends the last of her month's money on restoring her credit as an attempt to qualify for a loan to save her house from being foreclosed on. Eventually the old man kills his brother for stealing the oil. The salesman finds the emptied body and wraps it in a tarp, carrying it home. He brings home another female client and asks her to stay the night. Nearby, the old man's nephew burns the house with the machinist's screen and uses the oil to make a path beyond the yard, setting fire to his mother's church. The salesman wakes up the next morning and takes his date to an empty beach house.

>> No.5875717

It's about a mysterious loner with amnesia (Rhyce Karêi) who is also a vampire, and he wants to avenge his nemises (Flashbird) who killed his girlfriend and Flashbird is also his brother and he uses guns while Rhyce uses his katana and he can cut steel with his katana.

>> No.5875724

It's a socia-cultural-political novel about Tamil Nadu. It's a mix of fictional and non-fictional elements. I plan to comment on the Tamil movie industry and its viewers from the viewpoint of rebel avant-garde porn makers.

>> No.5875809


How much research have you done on the period. I'm guessing its a part of history which interests you, so have you been reading many history books on the period, or works from the time?

>> No.5875861

would read

>> No.5875865

My journey from growing up as a nomadic yak herder in Nepal to an Ivy league graduate.

>> No.5875876

Mine's about a traveler who gets a job on a commercial fishing trawler. All the characters on board are pretty kooky and interesting conversations and events happen.
The meth-head skipper ends up having a burn on the boat and everything goes to shit.
Based on personal experience

>> No.5875928

"I, Engineer?"

>> No.5875948

A fat, self-absorbed assistant professor at a 3rd rate university that gets blown apart by an ancient UNIVAC computer just outside of his subbasement office; revived in a scifi swords and sorcery universe; falsely imprisoned by mad, blood-purity obsessed cyborgs; and, finally, made leader of a band of escaped prisoners turned space pirates.

The fat assistant professor eventually becomes the Count of Monte Cristo in space. There's also a ton of Robert E. Howard inspired violence.

>> No.5875952

The book will relate to an unfortunate prolonged incident happening to one of my old friends. I can tie this to something that is of national interest in the country where I am from and will write it in my native language. It's a controversial subject here, but affects a lot of people as well as a major public figure. It's also a big issue in the US and its on the rise in the medical world, but not yet recognized as a serious issue.

It'll be depressing as shit, but with that kind of glimmer of hope that only those who know the situation that patients like these are in will get.

Got it all outlined in my head. Currently doing research.

I am sure that the book is publishable if well written and was quite amazed when I found out that it wasn't written yet(in a similar way/similar subject).

What remains to be seen is if I can write anything decent at all, but I will give it my best shot.

Sorry about being vague, but I am paranoid about it.

>> No.5875962

>Sorry about being vague, but I am paranoid about it.

As a veteran writer, don't be. Everyone has a good idea for a book. Ideas are easy. Writing is hard. Finishing is damn near impossible. All that maters is that you can finish what you start, and that you can honestly recognize the difference between good writing and bad. There's a lot of things you'll rather be doing than working on your novel.

>> No.5875978

Don't be vague or don't be sorry?


I agree

>> No.5876089

are you a wizard? And yes

>> No.5876293
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>> No.5876579


>> No.5876683

Would like to read, can you post a page?

>> No.5876688


>> No.5876689

Yes, of course. I did a lot of preliminary research before starting the book, and am in the process of researching right now so I can fill plot points out as I come to them. I read some books from around the period (The Decameron, The Book of the Courtier, The Heptameron) as well as a general history of the Renaissance world up until 1453 to get some historical context. Read a lot of articles for more particular things I found on JSTOR. But, I need to continue doing more research to get a fuller picture of things as we go on, especially some Islamic sources for the parts in The Levant and North Africa.

>> No.5876709

The follows the incredible exploits and unbelievable adventures of a circle of cultists that do nothing but drink and eat all day.

>> No.5877118
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This is when they're being fitted for their suits and commander vale makes his grand entrance. Rough draft, of course.

>> No.5878608


>> No.5878622


>> No.5878726 [DELETED] 
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it's a collection of short stories or vignettes about the a fictionalized not-earth where magic science mysticism aliens mutants radioactive waste nukes alchemy magic mushrooms and of course, ADVENTURE play a vital role in the "regeneration" of mankind. most of humanity has been killed off, and the remaining humans are the remnants of modern civilization before the disaster. scattered, the book details the lives of individuals, hundreds of years after the collapse of the current paradigm, with aliens, fairies, elves, angels, demons, and even enlightened cone-shaped humans who have split off from mainstream humanity early in history, moving in/returning to an earth that is no longer being occupied by an immature mankind. gratuitous violence and references to esotericism and popular culture abound, plus my own idealistic visions of what the future could possibly be like, when we've outgrown all the isms of today

>> No.5878740

don't give away too much of your story. I can feel your passion and excitement to make this grand vision known. however, keep it secret. hold it close to your heart. in my experience, and from what some teachers and friends have told me, it's best to not diffuse so much of your idea's "energy" out to the world before it is fully realized. takes away from the motivation to write it.

kind of like how jerking off several times a day before meeting up with your gf and actually screwing dulls the orgasm.

i'm suggesting this because I like your ideas, and want to eventually read the story later on in life

>> No.5878783
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>anyone on /lit/ writes a novel
>line after line of dialogue
>dialogue makes up half the novel
i pray to god if he even exists that none of you do this

>> No.5879033

It's been done as a movie, it's called Adaptation.

>> No.5879039

Sounds really interesting.

>> No.5879359

>le ebin maymay

>> No.5879521

After an unexpected divorce and a waning relationship with his son, a Gulf War veteran begins to fraternize with old friends from his delinquent youth. He takes a job in an industrial town, where he meets a young gambler, and tries to save him from his increasingly dangerous dealings.

I can't tell my father I'm writing this, though, because it's about him.

>> No.5879581

My second idea is much more fleshed out. A historical drama. Thoughts?

In the aftermath of a bloody raid on a New England colony, an accountant steals a tremendous amount of money from his father-in-law, the governor, and abandons his wife. He convinces his cousin, a halfblind alcoholic, to hijack a militia outfit headed for the mountain tribes, in order to reunite with his daughter in New Hampshire.

It's kind of like my ode to True Grit.

>> No.5879616

...I want to say what it is about, but I'm too frightened that one of you assholes will steal my idea and write it better than I ever could.

>> No.5879623
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Steampunk-fantasy about perspectives, namely western "civility" v. eastern "barbarism".
>sky pirates ftw

>> No.5879626
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>book 1 of 18...
*long, drawn out sigh*

>> No.5879631

I don't know if novel, but longish thing:
A middle aged copule discover that their room is a perfect spying spot to watch their 20 something neighbor; on one hand watching him starts to become a kink but at the same time it develops a sort of electra complex for the wife while the husband gets a middle age self satisfaction telling himself that he had his shit together at that age and that he could fix his life if he wanted to. They eventually start sending prostitutes with elaborated instructions to try and help his life and relive fantasies.
It has a second part that includes contacting the neighbors that get that sweet spot and it gets with a variety of kinks and varying degrees of uncomfortable.

I want to write smut but make it so dry that it reads like Carver.

>> No.5879639

My novel about /lit/ is about how /lit/ is shit.

>> No.5879648

In Santa Fe, New Mexico, an ex-Confederate captain and a young Spanish courier have their prized horses stolen on the same summer day in 1899. When rumors spread of a marauding Indian cult led by White man, the town begins to panic. The men scramble to catch the thieves. Then things get weird. Really weird.

>> No.5879661

It's a novella about scavengers in a wasteland who find the first flower growing since INSERT APOCALYPSE HERE happened.
There's a big reward for it, so they decide to split up and race back to the nearest town.
It's pretty fun. The narrative hops between different people, which you find out at the end is actually a piecing together of the facts by one of the only surviving scavengers as he looks for the other survivor.

I feel like I connected their paths really well, I'm quite happy with it.

>> No.5879699

Yo tell me when this is done, I'd love to read it.

>> No.5879708

A retired boxer trains a homeless Ukrainian emigrant, while overcoming some personal struggles.

>> No.5879857

jeez. Naish. Might steal/10

>> No.5879864
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Mine is about a futuristic amusement park where dinosaurs are brought to life through advanced cloning techniques

>> No.5879981

How the fuck did you read the text in that image?

Calling samefag.

>> No.5879986

Jesus this made my night

>> No.5880032

It's kind of like La-Bas (thematically) but it takes place in 21st century America and with furries instead of satanists.

>> No.5880456


Open Office. Poorfag detected.

>> No.5880458

you know people pirate programs, right?
it is a thing where you... ah fuck it

>> No.5880465

a futuristic amusement park where dinosaurs are brought to life through advanced cloning techniques. I call it "Billy And The Brontosaurus"

>> No.5880474

better work on your novels quickly, i'm stealing all of your ideas as we speak

>> No.5880509

Literally just a bunch of stories about idealized versions of my friends irl messing around in a cyberpunk city. It has deeper tones about how relationships change and grow or fade over time, but it's mostly just for fun. I plan on making a few physical bound copies as a hobby and just passing them around.

>> No.5880536

ms office is free dude

>> No.5880562

No it isn't.

>> No.5880565

Distraction mostly.

>> No.5880569

change "flower" to "organic dildo" and I'm in.

>> No.5880571

It's a modern retelling of my favorite Greek myth with a tiny Joyce reference and a touch of postmodernism

>> No.5880599

underated post

>> No.5882184

>he doesn't know everything is free on the interwebs

>> No.5882263

One about a BDSM relationship falling apart and one about a twentysomething who's retracing his bum father's footsteps around the country and encountering all of the other families his father abandoned.

>> No.5882291

Im making a steampunk novel. It has a gear on the cover.

>> No.5882334

A young man gets fed up with life, but instead of killing himself he decides to kill god. This sets him off on a journey with some newly found friends. As the story progresses, it becomes more and more obscure the deeper the friends dwelves into the realms of the creator.

They finally complete their quest but the man suddenly finds that the person bleeding to death in his arms isn't a god but his psychiatrist. Throughout the book his friends gets more and more stereotypical to various mental disorders and in the end their great adventure was nothing more than breaking out of their psychiatric ward.

This however, isn't like the usual big cliched plot twist. While it deals with mental disorders and the man is most likely schizophrenic, the major theme of the book is general delusion: on the adventure the man gets more and more answers to life questions and believes he can figure it all out but in the end it was all figments of his imaginations, nothing but answers to his world.

It all ends with him getting locked in some maximum security place and the stress puts him back into is fantasy world were he is victorious.

Just came up with this, probably really shitty but I'm probably not going to write it

>> No.5882436

A mechanic from Wyoming who has dry skin that gives him sever bacne meets an escaped convent girl who wants to get into show business and they both elope and head to California together. This story is on the backdrop of the fact that the U.S. government, under the directorship of Emperor Charlemagne X and President William Henry Clinton have constructed a National Police Department, an army powerful enough to reign in the rebellious Free Cities in the States and help complete the invasion of Mexico.

>> No.5882444


nothin but nice

>> No.5882472

considering how cliche and shitty the plot sounds, i would hope it is postmodernism

>> No.5882483

>killing god

>> No.5882507

Thats the thing about it, the man believes that he can fix all the worlds problems by killing god (like creating the world of Zarathustra or Ivan Karamazov or something). In the end he was the 2deep4u guy and was just delusional.

>> No.5882516


Orcs,goblins and ghouls have always been vilified by the realms of men and kin, now Zuukq Far-Sea will return to his homeland and reunite his family's clan to forge the first Orcan dynasty in 600 years all before mankind wipes them from the face of the earth.

>> No.5882554

wait shit this sounds too much like cabaret fuck fuck

>> No.5882608

A man with nothing to lose meets the man with everything to lose in a bar. They sit together and enjoy various rounds of craft beers until last call at 4am.

>> No.5882614


this is pretty cringeworthy dude, like the other anon said 'killing god' isnt as deep as it sounds to you, plus the omg hes mad plot twist is literally the worst plot twist

>> No.5882836

Trying to formulate ideas for a story in my head is always arduous, I always want to explore untrodden soil and actually teach my readers something rather than vomiting "lel werld so bad" on them

>> No.5882851

Nothing, I don't like fiction.

>> No.5882962

Sounds like a shit version of Sucker Punch, which is in itself a shit movie. At least the movie has hot girls.

>> No.5884490

he was being sarcastic, I think.

>> No.5884683


>> No.5884742

Yes, I understood that he was. I was trying to explain that his attempts to kill god to fix his problems wasn't real. He is the "edgy teenager" who is trying to be deep and have all the answers and god is capitalism/communism/society/patriarchy or whatever. The book isn't really about mental illness and the typical mental illness plot twist where everything goes away isn't going to be dramatized since that isn't what the book is about.

I mean, the idea is shitty, but it's not going to emphasize on "killing god" or mental illness. Those are only tools explain the real message.

Hopefully this will be able to get the message out or i should get tested for assburgers or something.

>> No.5884752

Attention is everything nowadays. So I write a book insulting Kim Jong Un

>> No.5884796

this is, huh. wow.

>> No.5884913

Ok, how about a utopian tap to even out all Tia gloom and doom horseshit (I took the idea of the island from COLOSSUS from call of duty black ops 2) On a man made floating island in the middle of the Pacific. a twelve year old Aryan boy wanders the landscape of a perfect society built by collective of men dedicated to science

>> No.5884932

Mine is about a girl who can leap through dreams, and this way we collect the snippets of a bigger narrative in which different universes are uncovered.

There is a scene where she get her legs amputated with a chainsaw (she wanted it) and get fucked so hard by her captors that she becomes light.

>> No.5884943

Stop watching anime and playing WOrld of Warcraft. It's warping your shit, junior.

>> No.5884948

I don't watch anime, and don't intend to play WoW anytime ever. There are many things to my story that I won't be posting ITT, lest one of you dried-up sacks of entrails copy it.

>> No.5884953

seems like a rip-off of a bad sci-fi movie i saw once and that gangbang seen from bolango, try to be more original dude

>> No.5884963

Set in the twelve dimension, elephant borrow freeze drawers visible barstool ju ju. Fruit, Bolivia, Nuopoly... onto heather quelling oxygen cramming in wintertime?

>> No.5884966

Plenty other shit I have not mentioned in my post. I'd rather be consistent and familiar than original and all over the place. Check your priorities, m8.

>> No.5884971
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>Post-Modernism: The Post

>> No.5884972

oh, that dream stuff reminded me, i saw a long poem in my dream today, i think i read a book in my dream and it was a couple of pages where it was written, it was a shitty one though, something similar to the egyptian or tibetian book of the dead, incantations about avoiding different afterlife sufferings or rather avoiding to be separated with your nation in the afterlife, i vaguely remember since i forgot it as soon as i woke up and well, it was shitty, no meter, no rhyme, bare parallelism

sorry for blogging :3 but i think it's a bit lit related

>> No.5884974

you probably mean 'sliders' series

>> No.5885041


You probably wouldn't understand even if I told you.

>MFW that's the title

>> No.5885043
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a cop solving a crime in Detroit just following the 1967 riots

>> No.5885045

An alternate world set in a sultanate ruled by a vampire. Sort of like Castlevania meets the Arabian Nights.

>> No.5885096


I hope its an open and shut case, 15 pages long.

>> No.5885123


>> No.5885156

There's an interesting book about the Maghreb and Levant slave-circuit, I think it's called 'Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters', forgot who wrote it though.

There's alot of potential for interesting plothooks in the book.
Also, the book treats the subject up to the battle of Lepanto, so it fits your timeslot perfectly.

>> No.5885174

It's post-apocalyptic fiction. I don't care that it's shitty and overdone, because it's really fun to write and I like to read my work when I'm done with a chapter. It's like I'm reading the story the way stories used to be published in magazines, a chapter a week.

>> No.5885277

That is actually really cool. Could you link me perhaps to some of your work? A chapter or excerpt?

>> No.5885422
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Right now, it's still in the pre-writing phase. I originally envisioned it as something like a cross between an illustrated light novel and an illuminated persian manuscript, so I've mostly been trying to assemble some drawfriends I know are really good at producing something in that vein who may be interested in reading a roughdraft of a chapter. Plus, it has been something that has required a large amount of research for the setting and story I envisioned.

It's one of those things where I may put it off for a week (school kinda gets in the way), and then when I'm listening to some music or reading a book, I suddenly get that spark of inspiration and have to write down a few new pages of notes on the characters and concepts or write down dialogue pieces.

I can post some of the character bios and world building if you want though. And maybe when I have the time, I can crunch out a sample of the writing style I'm going for.

>> No.5885471

I have a few, a couple being Fantasy and a few others jsut random shiz

>> No.5885549

>That is actually really cool.

>> No.5885554



>> No.5885566

Enough Twilight shit has been written already. Making it arab won't make it less retarded. It will make it retarded and arab.

>> No.5885589


>Enough Twilight shit has been written already

And you ascertained the similarity of my concept to Twilight from an eight word hyperbole in which it was never mentioned as an influence? To be perfectly honest, I wanted to write the story precisely because I was tired of vampires being portrayed as tragic, misunderstood victims of circumstance who feed the fetishes of housewives as opposed to evil Count Orlokian monsters who prey on the innocent and who need to be removed.

And when I say "Castlevania," I don't necessarily mean Lords of Shadow.

>Making it arab won't make it less retarded. It will make it retarded and arab.

You know, you could just admit you don't like vampire stories or kebab. But acting as though kebab and vampires wouldn't be interesting for those who like one or both without any further knowledge of the concept seems a little ignorant.

>> No.5886122

That's retarded. Vampires don't strap bombs to themselves and they don't dress their unholy concubines like beekeepers

>> No.5886199


Well, for one, this is a fictional story so it doesn't necessarily correspond to historical reality nor is it meant to. You may as well be complaining about Disney's Aladdin not reflecting a historically accurate portrayal of the medieval Middle East. But of course, you haven't even asked how historically accurate I intended this concept to be.

>Vampires don't strap bombs to themselves

This is a story that takes place before discovery of gunpowder. Sorry I didn't make that clear.

>they don't dress their unholy concubines like beekeepers

Neither did the real sultans of the Middle East and Anatolia actually, except when they left their palaces with their women. Otherwise, the harem women generally wore whatever they pleased within the confines of the harem space since the only men who would see them were the eunichs and close relatives.

>> No.5886202

Internet memes

>> No.5886213


go on.

>> No.5886656


well aren't you the life of the party

>> No.5886712

But they should. They should also ride on puppies. Gigantic bat puppies.

>> No.5886813

Basically about an oenophile who struggles with alcoholism after his wife dies

>> No.5886853

I write poetry exclusively because it's easier and I'm kinda unmotivated to be frank. I can come up with really good plots lines and concepts but Id rather read and improve my vocabulary a good deal before I start a novel.

>> No.5886860


>> No.5887278


>> No.5887671


I know the feel. But you could try epic poetry.

>> No.5887764
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>implying poetry is easier

>> No.5887775


I don't know, it just is for me. It takes less dedication and writing a novel that is coherent and well tied together seems very daunting to me. Poetry just comes naturally to me when I write it so I guess it's just a personal thing.


I actually started writing one a while back, I stopped though but it was really fun. I think my writing will go poetry to epic poetry to short stories and then finally a novel when I'm in my 30's.

>> No.5887874

It's about a society which sees love as an illness which needs to be terminated.

>> No.5887882

would anyone here read a scifi sequel to Gunbuster?

>> No.5888281

>I actually started writing one a while back, I stopped though but it was really fun. I think my writing will go poetry to epic poetry to short stories and then finally a novel when I'm in my 30's.

I kinda wanted to try my hand at epic poetry, but I'm not sure I've read enough epic poems in full to really have a grasp of the style of any particular tradition.

>> No.5888299

In a vaguely cyberpunk future, a city is carved into two sides - North and South. The two sides are ruled by rival gangs.
The story is told from the perspective of two cops (partners) as they try to solve a routine murder and get pulled into the gang war. Another perspective is a young man from the South gang, who starts off as sympathetic and a good guy but eventually stages a revolution and takes over the North, then turns on the South. He becomes the antagonist of the cops.

>> No.5888373


Any more details?

>> No.5888417

Not a lot, still planning

>> No.5888931

teen as fuck

>> No.5889153

It's about a gay guy, living in an oppressive word. Mostly christians, but since it is Yurope, I put a little rise of the far right and post-crisis social bullshit into it.
And wild gay sex scenes. Orgies and drugs. Ya'll americans and SJW types gonna love this. Kinda hoping a movie deal and an Oscar outta it.

>> No.5889337

Gay people aren't oppressed. They're just a minority that not everyone accepts. Try fagging less. This all rhymes but your butthole is a mess.

>> No.5889498

It begins with a bizarre young man introducing himself as ''dr. Ajax and his manservant Scaevola'' entering the office of an assistant secretary for president Roosevelt and eventually murdering him, with Scaevola stealing his face and putting it on as a mask.
After that it turns to a sadistic and disturbed Frenchman recounting his life to interrogators, and that scene turns out to be a case file that a hideously ugly major of an organisation that is practically heavenly NKVD is reading. He gets involved in a plot. He also gets advice from a cunning rat that may or may not be a figment of his imagination born out of the intense pressure that constant purges since the Roman times have put to his psyche.

Also a Finnish soldier in the Swedish army in the Great Northern War during the 18th century deserts his unit and straggles around a winter Russia, where a knight of some sorts drags him to a man holding a court in a supernatural mountain. The man gives a vibe that really, really resembles Satan. He intends to recruit the Swede to a circus that travels around the Europe, and he has a plan.

That in turn ties to a Polish son of an artisan in Krakow who decides to turn against his friend because of jealousy and suspicion.

Halfway ready. Would you read it, /lit/?

>> No.5889533

Here they are opressed. Constitutionally

>> No.5889815

Not everyone is equal. Deal with it.

>> No.5889820

duh, it will be aimed at teens

>> No.5889832

That doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

>> No.5889833


Sounds interesting.

>> No.5889834

Do you just assume he lives in the US?

>> No.5889836

I tried to tell the blacks that but they wouldn't listen.

>> No.5889839
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A descending dream layer state funneling a man into self realiztion. Follows the dreamer, though other dreamed entities are sentient, gradually realize they are in a dream, and that they will die. Main character is not the dreamer, but dominant, alpha male type winner character (Hutchinson). Story is ultimately about friendship between men and the definition of effort in a world that ends. Hutchinson 'dies' when the dream ends, so what were his efforts for? I want to carry the message that what effort you produce and the change you incur in others is the meaning of your life.

Plot would follow guy layer to layer, jumping from one scene to another as dreams do but never returning. Each layer passed, or descended through eliminates a number of the dreamers, but its ultimately a mcguffin to isolate Hutchinson and dreamer, who I'm characterizing as weak.

They're going to float for 20 years on a raft made of driftwood and their own labor, surviving on each other and the sea. Once he finally awakes, there'll be a note on the table with an empty pill bottle and a botle of wine.
"I dreamt of Hutchinson again. I think I'll visit him a little longer this time."

Realizing his failed suicide and Hutchinson's sacrificial message, he's meant to look for a way to fix his life for the better and model his life after his gone frined, but all that will be implied after I end it with him reading the note, because

>muh modernism

>> No.5889860


I'd like it better minus the love story and as a comment on mental illness and being terminally ill. Have him trying to make sense of it all while struggling with not making sense could be rather poetic.

>> No.5889979 [DELETED] 

An extremely delusional vibrant young man runs around trying to play the part of detective in a modern-but-slightly-exaggerated world. He always wears sunglasses, a hardhat, and a lei no matter the situation, and lives in complete utter poverty in a crummy flat. By day, he's a groundskeeper for a park, but he's paid with sandwich bags full of pennies and has to use old rusty scythes and shit to garden because nofunding.

Everyone thinks he's a nut (and he is), but he's convinced that he's a sleuth and a well-respected celebrity figure, most of his solved cases come from dumb luck. He thinks he has fans, but he really doesn't, and most other people don't even know who the fuck he is. He's literally just a guy who sticks his nose in things he shouldn't.

One day, he meets a qt homeless orphan who knows who he is and actually does respect him. As it turns out, this kid is his number one follower and the only person who pays attention to him. He doesn't like kids so he doesn't think much of her, but eventually takes her in and makes her his assistant. He however, only refers to her by that label and always sees himself as superior.

And then they go and have fun mystery adventures and shit I guess. Dumb, I know, but I just want to write something fun and not "deep" or anything.

>> No.5890009


Dump the day job and you've got Raskolnikov cum Don Quixote.

Your orphan is Sancho Panza, my african american constituent.

I like your idea, but you need to work on flavoring him without making him gimmicky. He can be vibrant without a lei, poor without bags of pennies. Perhaps he works a minimum wage job that would put him in contact with a lot of overheard dialogue, opinions, etc. Most popular paperboy on the block is a good one.

>> No.5890015

A search for a flower? Sounds like Gilgamesh to me.

>> No.5890025 [DELETED] 

This sounds like it could work great as a saturday morning cartoon or a funky animu if the tone was right.

>> No.5890029


This sounds awful. Like 1/10 bad. You're creating a fantasy conflict that's already been done better. You want gang fights? Romeo and Juliet. You want cop intrigue? The noir genre exists. You want revolution? The French did it better. Even cyberpunk deserves more than crime drama. Seriously, this wouldn't make an episode of Law and Order. Also cyberpunk that doesn't have the implications of technology integral to it's message and plot is fucking fluff of the worst kind.

Example: Neuromancer- Implications of A.I., cyber implants, GREAT
You: I want to write about struggling peoples....

>> No.5890035 [DELETED] 
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Is it true that writing Fantasy/Sci-Fi is bad because it means you don't have to study up on historical references and can do whatever you want or is it just shit that hipsters say to scare you?

>> No.5890044


Neither. Sci Fi is a genre like any other containing both good and bad examples of workmanship. So much of the former condition was observed in this more modern genre, that the second condition was necessitated. We've evolved the idea "If you're going to do it, do it well."

I think you should consider this principle, if you are to pursue the genre. If you go bigger than Asimov, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.5890053


Good doubles.

>> No.5890102


Cool premise.

>> No.5890246

...wow. I had an idea for a novel similar to this. Whatever, I will set it in Birmingham.

>> No.5890301

I don't live in the US. One of governing parties is a christian fundamental party. They shit on the pope because the pope said evolution is real and gay should marry

>> No.5890363

so this sounds like the best thing in the thread

>> No.5890447



>> No.5890713

There's at least one book that's done everything better than anyone in this thread. Someone somewhere is better at everything than you ever will be, too, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to keep trying to improve.

As far as your concerns:
- Gang fights: who the fuck reads R and J for gang fights? And just because they've done it no-one else can?
- Cop intrigue: what the funk? Why would anyone not write something because there exists a genre for it?
- Revolution: I'm sure they did pal, but guess what? I'm gonna do it again, and so will other people - forever
- Cyberpunk: I said vaguely. I mean overcrowding, slightly advanced technology but with most people living at roughly our level and the elite living lives of luxury (though that isn't going to matter at all other than something for the poor to aspire to). Defs no AI, no implants, no augments

>> No.5890771

How are the workers picaresque? Maybe you used the wrong word. Not sure picturesque would fit well, either.

>> No.5890778

Harold Bloom encounters a Wizard from Hogwarts, magic and literary analysis ensues.

>> No.5890798

An ostrich on a far planet with a cerebral modification who loses his hatchlings because he planted the eggs near a nuclear facility.

No I'm not kidding.

>> No.5890803

I've had one in my head for a very long time that's basically a version of 2001: A Space Odyssey where the monolith is a person or persons.

>> No.5890805


don't know what that is, but google tells me it's H-anime, sooo... no?

>> No.5891009
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It's a post-apocalyptic road story about a man who joins a wandering scavenger convoy as it journeys across the lawless expanse of Eurasia doing odd jobs, looting, and killing people. His goal is to catch up with his former friend who stole something very valuable from him, and has been on the run ever since.

>> No.5891102

Listen, the anon gave you advice in full honesty to help you. He happens to be right - your idea is shit, there's no way around it. Instead of getting butthurt, maybe you should listen to criticism? You're not writing for yourself but readers, and so far the two of them (me and him) that have bothered to give criticism are outright repulsed by it.
You're not going to be near every reader's ear explaining this or that badly written part. Ideas are a dime dozen, execution is more important; if the idea clearly sucks based on short description, it needs to be changed.

>> No.5892107

A girl is obsessed with a guy who is obsessed with her obsession with him

>> No.5892147


There was an 80s movie about this. Bitch put battery acid on his car and killed his kid's rabbit. All he could think about was her obsession.

>> No.5892155


What's it called?

>> No.5892165
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>What's it called?

>> No.5892169


Fatal Attraction

Michael Douglas was great in this.

>> No.5892219

I've always heard of this movie but I never cared to watch it. Now I'm interested.

>> No.5892261

A mute kid with buckteeth and bug eyes accidentally awakens a spooky ventriloquist dummy from hell or some shit who then "possesses" him by snapping his jaws on his skull and following him wherever he goes, all while being overwhelmingly annoying and giving the boy hundreds of migraines. He's ordered around by him to do incredibly inconsequential tasks, taunted constantly, and threatened multiple times.

The dummy would start out as legitimately terrifying and even homicidal, but eventually would show his true colors later on down the line as a pesky fucking one-liner spouting tag-along who talks big but never does shit. A complete freeloading moocher who does nothing but talk down on everyone else.

It would be revealed that he used to be a monster of some sort, but was confined to a dummy by curse and then eventually got so adapted to it that he just turned into a big wooden slob.

Mute kid mostly tolerates his behavior, and in return the dummy takes a liking to his unquestionable loyalty. He still shits on him, but won't let others do.

It ends with the dummy becoming a telemarketer to better himself.

>> No.5892270


I want to hate it, but that last line still has me smiling as I write this. If you could incorporate Princess Bride level wit like that every once in a while, I'd read that. I'd read it twice.

>> No.5892290

I really like the image of a possessed dummy just casually strolling down a cubicle office greeting everyone with a huge grin and a hot cup of coffee.

>> No.5892344

This is a really funny idea.

>> No.5892348

Shamefully, I'm one of those guys trying to write his own fantasy novel. Hopefully I'll be able to make it something more than a completely and utterly generic rehash of what we've all seen before.

Mostly, I'm just trying to temper the scale and scope of it and tell a relatively different kind of story in the genre. I'm trying to keep it all within one city and the small surrounding region, and make the social interactions between the characters feel contemporary in a way. I want the focus to be on things other than wars and ancient evils.

>> No.5892355


>> No.5892357

There was an episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force with literally this exact same plot anon. The one with the Mummy.


>> No.5892367

Aren't all the villains in that show basically that?

Just big wannabes whos talk like they can dish out pain but instead...just sort-of mooch off the Aqua Teens?

>> No.5892374

It's about a clumsy but exceedingly lucky French Muslim merchant, Barnabé de Merrier, who moves to London in the early eleventh century in search of riches and glory. There he sets up a spice shop in a dark back alley, having spent most of his money getting to England, and calls it "The Spice Rack". Finding that a large number of people assume his shop is a public house, or even a brothel, he quickly branches out into selling exotic spirits, by buying cheap English ale and throwing random spices into the barrels. He starts his search for prostitutes willing to work for him, but assumes incorrectly that he'll need at least one prostitute per regular customer, leading to him employing a veritable army of prostitutes, which he has no way of paying, and gaining the nickname "The Moor de Merrier". Read on, gentle reader, to see how de Merrier gets out of this mess, and how he attempts to disguise his business when his distinguished grandmother visits him!

>> No.5892376

All except for Hand Banana

>> No.5892522

i wrote it when i was 18

its mostly prose

>> No.5892563

Help me / lit /. Everything I write I don't like and feel displeasure and I can't go on. At first I feel motivated, but after a few lines and read what I wrote, I feel this way.

>> No.5892593

rythms of urgency my friend


>> No.5892603
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>mfw that guy just got made into a grade A shit statue

>> No.5892613

A man who blows up a planet in the process of time travelling to the future lands in the wasteland he created with amnesia, journeying under the protection of a bounty hunter who was contracted to capture him by one of the economic figureheads of the dystopian space government

>> No.5892703

Do you mean that he blows up the planet he's on in the time that he left behind while going into the future, and he's in the remains of it how ever many years in the future later where a dystopian civilization has developed, or he destroys the planet when he arrives in the future, and then travels through the newly formed wasteland?

>> No.5892708


>> No.5892711

The first one, I think, destroying it is part of leaving, and he lands in the desert.

Oh, and the one hiring the bounty hunter is aiming to tear down the government by exploiting the amnesiac's power. He is the best and worst guy in the story.

>> No.5892716

I can't fucking write a novel.
It's all just short stories or scripts.
I don't know why.

>> No.5892720

How exactly does his time travel method destroy the planet anyway? How do you portray time travel and all of the implications of it in your story?

>> No.5892725

Also, I'm sick of the cool or bad ass bounty hunter character. I think it's overplayed

>> No.5892732

This is the only instance of it. He's a dr Manhattan type capable of messing with the fundamental forces of the universe (gravity, electro mag, nuclear force) the massive release of energy buries the planet's surface under an ocean of rock and dust.

On a grander scale, the planet's a macroscopic superposition teleporting semi-randomly throughout its star system.

This is pleb-tier science, I know. It's action adventure, sue me. This is an excuse for space cowboys, lightning and moralizing.

>> No.5892758

What do you mean by Dr. Manhattan type? Like he has the exact same back story?

>> No.5892761

No, just a power level comparison.

>> No.5892765

Well how did he come to acquire that power level? That seems like it should be a pretty big thing

>> No.5892772


>> No.5892802

Where does it actually come from? Idk
He's an inhuman force of nature, he just is, and appeared from nowhere. (I have an implied backstory but still the question is unanswered, people were just suddenly able to do these things and the state comes to play on that paranoia about who may or may not be a monster and exploits it for power)

It isn't until he loses his identity that he learns to be a person.

>> No.5892818

Well what even was his identity before he loses it? So far he sounds like he just exists without any sort of purpose or reason

>> No.5892833

>he cant read that text with ease

>> No.5892853

I have a whole cyberpunk world and very interesting devices, characters and places... but no story at all

im great creating characters and their background, but i cant put that in motion. ie. actual story... any ideas?

>> No.5892861

before that, he's caught in a self fulfilling prophecy about the powered people being enslaved and abused, trying to rally them all together and free them in a resistance which leads to the fear and crack down that causes what he's working against.

From the very beginning he knows he will lose and everything will get fucked but he can't do anything about it. Time is fixed. The reason for travelling time is he finally finds something he can't predict, an actual opportunity for the future.

This probably sounds like shit boiled down like this, sorry sleep needed

>> No.5892862

Project your fucking life.

>> No.5892880

This. All writing in the end is going to be about yourself and your experiences in one way or another.

>> No.5892905

Come on man. You can do better than this paint by numbers revolution of the oppressed X-Men shit. Try to think outside the standard young adult adventure story archetypes. We don't need anymore slave uprising stories.

>> No.5892914

eh, that's backstory. They fucked up and lost.

The real plot is a guy with the highest moral standard betraying it for the right reason while acknowledging that he's committing terrible evil for a good cause and hating himself for it because the ends never justify the means.

>> No.5892931

It all depends on how you show this character deal with this self hatred and how he came to have such a high moral standard.

>> No.5892934

Finish it, bojo. You're just a poser if you don't finish your stories.

>> No.5892936


i do not know what part of my life project on it. i dont even know if it is really cyberpunk or just some dystopia tale. I want to center the story on decay; i happen to think food processing will end on very feeble humans, like jello feeble. Very prone to broke. So its a future with human parts being interchangeable (blood type is homogeneous by this time). It would explore the possibilities of psychology and identity on ever mutating and decaying bodies. ps. i think this has been explored already, oh well.

>> No.5892940

Make it a metaphor for how your own life and all the relationships you've had have decayed over time. Show us how that feels with the imagery of your story.

>> No.5892972

yup. it pretty much describes lots of stuff of my life. i could sit and start describing the city where this takes place and i could go on and on. i understand what i am projecting and even why, however, i cant, as i said, put it in motion, as in describe stuff happening, or how X leads to Y. In some way, i feel comfortable with that world as it is, its familiar to me, i dont want it to change or resolve. Then what?

>> No.5892989

Sounds like you don't do enough self loathing anon. That's the heart of what writing is. Constantly analyzing your own life, what you thought it was going to be, how it became what it actually is, where you want it to go, and where you really think it's going to go. You have to identify all of those things, those relationships and lessons that shaped your life and how. Then you express them through a story in a detailed over arching metaphor.

You're supposed to shape the world you're creating around the story, not the story around your world. The world will just feel empty if it isn't centered around a strong theme.

>> No.5893018

Assassins and shit.

>> No.5893043

1976, World War II vet turns detective in a small backwater town. Dealing with a whole fuckload of disappearances, a weird ass psychiatrist, and an Italian who can't shut the fuck up.

>> No.5893222

It's about gay cowboys in a dark fantasy universe. Sort of like Berserk. Just with gay cowboys.

>> No.5893310

It's about a Poland-Lithuanian/Absolutist France type of government (in space) falling to pieces because of a Revolution. The king's nephew and his father are kidnapped by rebels and the nephew is accidentally sold into slavery. A Priest who abandons the revolution because he can't handle what was going on, so he explores space with a Pirate. A young Aide to a noble uncovers a plot by a leading church figure to try and wrest control of the galaxy by forging a new heresy. The King's daughter going turncoat while at university, becoming president of its revolutionary club, and then having it all slip out from under her since she can't accept killing her father. And how the four surrounding empires that used this state as a buffer for so long are going closer and closer to a total all against all war because of the revolution.

I'm still in the pre writing stages.

>> No.5893342

Its about a roman corn farmer trying to make his way in life

>> No.5893345


>> No.5893359

Two girls that are so self assured and egotistical that they invent the idea of a show being based around their lives. It follows the girls as they create the idea, and then how they discuss with each other the plot points happening to them as they happen, then as the show begins to consume them. Could be a screenplay, haven't started it.

>> No.5893364

A pothead tries to fix her insane sister.

>> No.5893371

Why is it set in space?

>> No.5893376
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niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice one anon!!!!

>> No.5893385
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Because it would be more interesting, I guess, I don't really have a good justification for it.

Thanks for saying that, it's really making me think about this better.

>> No.5893437


does he by the end leave being a w33d degenerate?

>> No.5893457

I don't even know what the fuck that means.

>> No.5893485

holy shit ur autistic

>> No.5893526

"Ur" <implying "you're"


>> No.5893910

>"Fixing hulls, plus a slew of other tasks." Another explosion sounded in the rest area, this time even bigger. The walls, floor and ceiling shook hard enough that even the lights flickered on and off.
>"What is he doing in there?!" Samuel yelled to his coworkers.
>Just then, clanging began blaring at the far door. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked towards the door...
It goes on and on in that fashion.

>not being 20/20+ master race
Seriously though it's fucking tough on the eyes.

>> No.5894541

The Battle of Stalingrad with vampires;

basically, Stalin is a vampire who carefully arranges for the German Sixth Army to be surrounded at Stalingrad to allow an international cadre of vampires to prowl the ruined city feasting on the besieged soldiers there.

I don't know, I'd quite like the main character to be initially a diehard nazi who slowly loses his anti-semitism when he realises that there's worse things out there than Jews...

>> No.5894651

My novel is partially based on the Siege of Stalingrad as well, nothing to do with vampires though.
Can you suggest any good reading/watching on the Stalingrad matter, or is your knowledge of it confined entirely to Enemy at the Gates and CoD, like mine?

>> No.5894690

enemy at the gates is such a crap historically

>> No.5894722


Anthony Beevor's book on the siege is pretty good; I recommend that. He evokes some powerful images in his description of starving Germans etc

>> No.5894730

Inspired by a footnote I found in a book on the history of suicide, it's about a group of gamblers in 1721 England (capitalism's first great crash) who share their earnings and vow to kill themselves when they run out.

>> No.5894734

I don't have it totally worked out yet, but it's going to end with someone saying "Doopity-do Motherfucker!" and then he shoots a midget.

>> No.5894759

6/10 would read

>> No.5894792

I find it most hilarious that Zaytsev did actually date a chick played by Rachel Weisz, but there never was a sniper duel as depicted in the film.

>> No.5895005

can we forget this word ever existed? i think we would all be a lot less queer if we did.

>> No.5895014

Heating food in plastic containers is bad for you brah.

>> No.5895151

that's not the only problem... it basically uses a lot of cliches most of which weren't true to the time of stalingrad

>> No.5895168

such as?

>> No.5895199

It's a comic novel about a violent manic depressive dental assistant.

>> No.5895246

mostly about how the red army acted

also it's one of the top 10 inaccurate military movies by some military site


ask on k for further details

>> No.5895308

novelization of Her(the movie

>> No.5895587

It's about your average fag hating, gated community living jesus freak nineteen year old Texan girl discovering that her longtime friend is a degenerate tranny. They leave their home in Halcyon Gates after planning a fake wedding and then keeping all the funds for themselves. The tranny's parents just fork over the money no questions asked because they're glad a woman's de-queering their son. The girl's parents are against the marriage at first, but eventually she comes to discover that her dad is actually a secret faggot and blackmails him for a 50 grand for the wedding. Turns out the gated community is home to a circle of super conservative, closeted gaydads, and the pathetic and fucked up women who help them live their lie. The impetus for the girl to leave home isn't actually to help her tranny friend- she's actually disgusted by 'her'- but her mom ends up torturing her with a taser. One of those hook shot ones.

This is actually only the first third of the book.

>> No.5896104

it's in a script format right now but i might write a novel or short story about it.

anyway it's about a group of young men who are paid to go to the funerals of nobodies, but they're also a small cannibalistic cult and they're paid in the bodies of the people at these funerals.

>> No.5896136

A day in the life of a lonely twenty-something guy, first person narrative, his actions and thoughts, including distractions, catchy songs and a lot of daydreaming and sexual fantasies with the women he runs into.

>> No.5896148

So basically the plot to every single college creative writing project written by a guy.

I can't wait for your shitty attempt at purple prose to describe really boring, mundane things like your stupid desk in trig class.

>> No.5896161

>a novel about myself

>> No.5896205

Well, please stop while you're only a third in.

It sounds like utter garbage.

>> No.5896267

i am actually going for a simple style based on short sentences and words you don't have to look in the dictionary

im trying to make it as universal as possible, but its not like i can write about anybody else,, it will be though to explain to my gf why half of the book is about other women.

but of couse i'll say that it isnt really about me

>> No.5896269



the jealousy

>> No.5896281

The short story I'm currently working on is about a guy who helps a girl cut herself

>> No.5896282

it's about a generic american public uni student (myself) who subconscious slowly starts controlling his life. subconscious parts are dictated in fluffed up third person and the boys parts are in first. some shit happens and then all is well in the universe.

>> No.5896289

this doesn't sound as interesting to me as i think it does to you

>> No.5896306

no i'm well aware of how bad it is.
haven't come up with a twist or something better yet though.

>> No.5896318

>haven't come up with a twist

Please don't. That doesn't improve stories

>> No.5896320

Friendly reminder that english literature is stupidly universal and lacks of any cultural identity.

>> No.5896415

It's about video game journalists. I intend to humanize them, but still show times where the characters could have been true to their beliefs abd gone against the tide of what they believed to be popular opinion, but instead didn't.

The framing device is halfway between a text adventure game and If on a Winter's Night a Traveler, with a second-person perspective, "you" going through the closed office of a journalist website, each office containing a more traditional short story about that character. However, as the story progresses, the details about the "you" become less and less neutral, and it's revealed that the reader's been led to look at the story through someone else's perspective.

>> No.5896428

>and it's revealed that the reader's been led to look at the story through someone else's perspective.

Wow, groundbreaking.

>> No.5896451

friendly reminder that it only seems this way because the culture from which english literature springs is the globally dominant culture.

>> No.5896920

>I am Jack's failing colon

>> No.5896933

It's about how books were first discovered in the Amazon on November 5th, 1872, and the grueling Book Rush that ensued. The climax involves a fifty mile wide fire that destroys most of the original plots mined from the deep sectors, leaving fictionists with only 10 to choose from for the rest of time.

>> No.5896965

fair enough
completely different though obviously

>> No.5896975

I've been thinking of writing a short story, or a series of short stories, about a young individual along with some sort of non-human traveling companion and the adventures they share in a foreign, largely nonspecific world. It's been a long time since I wrote something that wasn't for school, so I thought something short would be a good way for me to begin teaching myself to not be garbage at more imaginative writing. I've also been craving adventure of my own for the past couple years. I'm hoping writing about the experience will help sate some of my own wanderlust.

>> No.5896994


Create bight. ...
This knot requires a minimum of seven turns, so leave plenty of rope after your bight to work with.
Create another bight. ...
Wrap end over legs. ...
Continue wrapping. ...
You can make more than seven turns, but always use an odd number so you can finish off the knot properly.
Finish turns. ...
Pass end through loop.

>> No.5897290
File: 1.40 MB, 193x135, 1409704163829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do all "complex big accomplishment" stories end with the main character punching himself in a puddle of drool?

Just once I want this kind of story in reverse. The main character thought he was purchasing macaroni and cheese from the sanitarium cafeteria, but really he was slaying a dragon, performing complex corporate espionage, and exorcizing a haunted orphanage.

>> No.5898129

A world-class crime lord rebels against the same organization that's in charge of keeping him and his operation secret.

>> No.5898151

I have a couple.

- man goes searching for his missing wife.

- teenager struggles to understand their special power

- buskers trying to earn money

- collected adventures from a small train stop town in rural Australia

- life changing episode in a man's life told by a narrator that hates him.

Am I gonna make it /lit/?

>> No.5898233


An air guitar competition at a convention for an online exclusive television show is put on pause when an group of environmental terrorists threaten to flood the city if the company execs (who own the show, network hotel and chamber of commerce) don't show.

seen from /perspective/ of boy home form college

>> No.5898620

It's a story just about some guy who is either a total failure kind of fat loser or macho man walking around the streets of the city fantasizing about getting into brutal fist fights with everyone he sees.

>> No.5898738

The last point sounds really interesting, but the one that will get published is probably one of the first three

>> No.5898967

Working on a few projects:

- A short story cycle regarding the people from a particular county in upstate New York of where I'm from. It chronicles their plights, pain, and hopes for a better life (albeit broken dreams at times). Each story takes on varying subject matters: failed marriages, unemployment, child abuse, etc. I have nearly all the stories, and am editing them before submitting to publishers.

- Sketching out a novel that details the deterioration of a couple that initially meets in college. After they graduate, the girl goes on to do work for the State Department in the Middle East, right about the time the Arab Spring ignites, and is later wedded to a political activist there. The guy goes onto grad school, and gets a job back in the impoverished area where his family is from. Their experiences cause them to grow apart as they fail see to see the suffering of the other, and the people that are struggling for better lives. Aside from lost love, the novel will tackle the issues of nation and identity. (Based on personal experience)

- Lastly, just an idea I've been toying with, but it will be another novel broken into three parts. Each part represents a generation of the same family, and in the background, it documents the growth and decline of the city that they from (again, upstate New York). In the older generations, the characters will work for the prominent companies in the area, but as local economy decline, the younger generations are forced to move and seek employment elsewhere, and in turn, accelerating the decline of the family.

>> No.5898975

No the last one sounds like a rip off of Amadeus and the rest sound like boring tropes and clichés