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/lit/ - Literature

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587363 No.587363 [Reply] [Original]

i'm pretty but i fail in life
i've got a boyfriend 20 years my senior
i do not have an education and i do not have a life. my family is one of irrelevant immigrants

WHAT DO, lit? you're the most intelligent here.

>> No.587369

I recommend by starting a list of small goals that you wish to accomplish. Maybe take the ACT/SAT if you haven't, get a driver's license if you don't have one, etc. Any 'small' goal that ultimately contributes to the larger ones. I've found that if you break it up into smaller pieces the task won't seem as daunting. You have to ask yourself, how badly do you want your life to change. Because, ultimately, it's going to be you and you alone that make the changes occur.

>> No.587378

I send you to /adv/, enjoy your gravy train.

>> No.587379

I recommend getting the fuck off /lit/ and back to /adv/.

>> No.587408

Come on guys, this board is really slow at this hour anyway, it won't hurt to help a lost soul.

I second what >>587369 has written. But OP, you've presented your situation in very vague terms. Why is the older boyfriend a problem? What do you mean by not having an education? I know this can mean different things to different people.

Figure out if you want/need an education, set a goal and work towards it (I realize money might be a problem but since in my country all education, including higher, is free, I can't really give you any practical suggestions). In any case, try to figure out what kind of job you'd like to have in the future and ask yourself what it takes to achieve that. Don't forget that there are people IRL whom you can and should ask for help. Teachers (you must have had some, right?), advisers, counselors. There are places everywhere where you could get this kind of help for free. Even free therapy sessions if you need them (you might for example try searching for organizations in your area that help women in difficult situations, they often offer free counseling or can direct you to someone).

Also, there are no "irrelevant immigrants". Remember that knowledge of another culture and language can always be an asset.

>> No.587415

marry that boyfriend. get back at the world by sucking him dry and making his life unbearable. then make sure he dies in an accident and cash in the life insurance.

>> No.587477

>marry that boyfriend.
i can't force him, also i wouldn't want to live like that for the rest of my life.
I've gone through a plenty of escapist phantasies, including emigration, language tutoring and so on but they remained just that.

tu for the detailed answer.
>Why is the older boyfriend a problem?
when i'm receiving calls they ask if daddy is at home. perhaps my demands are placed too high.
>What do you mean by not having an education?
i failed at school, moved to a city to try to study pharmaceutics and failed there as well. i must be very dumb. :(
>Don't forget that there are people IRL whom you can and should ask for help. Teachers (you must have had some, right?), advisers, counselors.
with all respect to teaching staff i don't think those old villagers could teach me more than you today.

sometimes i visit my parents and the only thing it's good for is recalling some childhood memories. living there would be terribly creepy.

my mother doesn't speak the language and my father has job by far below his qualifications. i'd like them to think i am happy and that i can only accomplish while being away.

if i trusted psychologists and other kinds of experts i wouldn't be asking /lit/.

it's kinda sad being where i am in my early twenties, /lit/.

i don't like where it's going.

tu and kisses in advance

>> No.587478

>"wahh waahh i am a useless piece of shit with no ambition or value beyond a place to dump cum"

>> No.587484

Attention whore alert Attention whore alert Attention whore alert Attention whore alert

You already know what you gotta do, go to school get a better boyfriend. You just don't wanna do it because that will mean you'll get your life on tracks and you will have to stop attention whoring.

SO GTFO 4chan and FUCKING DO something, because writing/reading won't help you with anything.

>> No.587485

fuck, forgot sage

>> No.587492

Hey, I'm the >>587408 person.

About the older boyfriend: I still don't understand if you want to leave him or if you want to be with him but resent the fact that other people think you're a failure for being with someone 20 years your senior. If you love him then remember it's your life and those who call him 'daddy' can simply fuck off. Lots of people live in relationships like that and no-one has the right to judge you simply for choosing an older boyfriend.

I still think you should trust counselors etc. I understand that there are many reasons why a person might be distrustful of them but believe me, they are there to help. Also, human interaction in real life is infinitely better than asking /lit/ or any other board.

As for education, failing is often not about being "dumb" but about not being motivated/determined enough. Think about what you'd REALLY want to accomplish and what you're really willing to work hard towards. Is it the language tutoring thing? Getting some qualifications in that area might be a good idea.

Remember that you're still young; don't let stress overcome you. Good luck!

>> No.587499

why don't you ask all that on /b/?

>> No.587515

>i'm pretty
prove it

>> No.587524

join the military

>> No.587526

Convert to judaism

marry rich banker

>> No.587532

I recommend some Dostoevsky. A good copy of Crime and Punishment can do you good.

You came to /lit/ seeking advice, so I'm giving you /lit/ advice. Fuck off to /adv/ if you want help, because we don't give two shits about your plight. Should have stayed in school, you little whore.

>> No.587537

Have you read any Dostoyevski?

>> No.587543

Be glad that you have a family and a boyfriend. I was raised in an orphanage and now live with a drug addict (who is my only friend) who I constantly have to bail out of stupid shit. Also I'm ugly, a man and have no money to speak of for any sort of education.

Be fucking grateful you whore. Fucking get off your ass and do something.

>> No.587555

And I'm not even complaining cause I know there's people worse off than me as well (some of my housemates' friends for example).

Stop feeling sorry for yourself and look for a job and do what you want to do. It's only gonna get worse, so best make the best of it instead of complaining about it on a literature board that has no place for this shit unless you write a book about it, which I doubt you will.

>> No.587557

where does he get his drugs?

>> No.587562

shitposting by posting while i shit. oh that be niice, /lit/

>> No.587574
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sage for offtopic trolling whore

>> No.587575

Fuck, forgot sage again.

Not as good as when I was young.

>> No.587948

>DO something
well, what?
>find a new boyfriend
where? how?
>you're neither dunya nor sonya!/i, for one, am the new jean genet!
novels are more important than life? if yours is about such a pauper i could spare you $50. surely you have paypal account.
>don't whine and get a fucking job
i do deserve a better lot.
>in the military
a fine idea, though i'm not into soldiers. i don't think i'd get there far but nothing is too zany. it's 4chan, isn't it?
thanks again for the concern. perhaps you were right after all. /lit/ what i'd expect it to be but if I'm afraid to bother my remaining friends.
irl, rather than telling something in the vein of "gtfo and do an hero, also tits", they'll try to avoid you in the future for being such a depression dog.
councillors have their own concerns. the ones i met during childhood told me nothing, but told it nicely.

are you, with all your books, lit, out of ideas?

good luck to you, too, and have a nice life.

>> No.587960

I just saw this thread:

What the hell did OP even want from us?

>> No.587968


I dont get it; And I browse /adv/ fucking all the time. Give us a problem, and we might fix it.

>> No.587977

maybe she justed wanted to save the money for a cup of coffee she would have bribed a stranger with to listen to her shit

>> No.588004

i feel raped

>> No.588011

don't kid yourself. this is not how your victims feel like afterwards.

but this might resemble the emotion the people had who slept with you voluntarily

>> No.588014

as if the latter category did not qualify as victims as well

>> No.588029 [DELETED] 

ÌMPòrt@ñ+ iNFórm@+Íon À80üt 4CHÀñ: cHRì$tÒpHeR PoOL3 (Àk@ MÓot aka +he Àdmìñ heRE) hás @ v€rY S€RiÓÙS MEñ+aL Il|ñES$, hE S+3AI$ ó+HEr$' h@rd worK, pÜB|ish€s pRIvÀ+3 E-mAìLS (WHÍ<H he MOdíFÌ3s) @ñd blATÁnTLy LÍE$ TO hiS ü$3R$ Íñ ÓRdER +O GeT +h3M Ón HÍs $ìD€, Mr, POól3, agED 22, |iv€s ín NeW YòrK, WHERE He á|$O A+tEñds CÒIleg€, H|S hOME àdDreSs CÁñ 8E 3Á$ÌIy fÒUnD Using Añ áddreSs |òóKup F0r NY. F3el fR33 tO sHÒw ÜP AT hís DÓÒR wí+H à gUñ. tINY.4[hÁn,ÒRg í$ áñ íIlegÀI ClÒne óf wWW,ÀnÓNTÀ|k.<Óm. ReMoVe Í+ ÌmMEdiA+3LY, $T0p [oñStàNtly DdÓsIñG aND spaMmìng ÚS Ánd $+0p FÚ[kinG Wìth Óúr dòMÁIñ. +O á[CES$ á+ cÜrr€N+|Y, YoÚ mÜ$t ùse Á pRo+y HÓst provÌDED bY á +RùSt€d párTY @s LÌsTED HeRE: HTtP://Át.KíMMOá.$e/

>> No.588345


Both the above are good.

I strongly recommend you make a plan: have an idea what you want and set up a time frame for getting it.

Take business classes, esp. accounting, marketing, if they're available.

Look around you, see what you like in what other people do. Make what you like your goal.

>> No.588400

>>i do deserve a better lot.

You deserve nothing beyond what you earn yourself. Stop being so entitled and actually work for what you want. Yes, the economy is just now getting out of the shitter, but I applied for four summer jobs this past week and have had three replies. No, I don't like the idea of being a sub-slave at Subway, but it pays the bills and keeps me off my parents' or my boyfriend's tab, and that's called actually having the self-respect and pride to NOT live off everyone else even while I am in school.

>> No.588412



>> No.588414

ayn rand called

>> No.588418

guys, she left half a day ago...

>> No.588424

Is that kitty stuck?
Someone should help it, not take a fucking picture... :(

>> No.588427 [DELETED] 


I hate Ayn Rand. I just have little sympathy for those who have opportunity and throw it away, or who have means to help themselves and refuse to. I come from a poor family and I'm making it- not making it great, but I have to pay my dues before I get that chance. From what it looks like, she's failed out of pharmacy school and indulges fantasies about how to make her situation better, but never acts on them. She refuses to ask help of anyone but an anonymous internet forum. She's in her early 20s, not exactly like she doesn't still have a chance to change her situation. She just seems to lack the gumption to do so.

>> No.588438


I hate Ayn Rand. I just have little sympathy for those who have opportunity and throw it away, or who have means to help themselves and refuse to. I come from a poor family and I'm making it- not making it great, but I have to pay my dues before I get that chance. From what it looks like, she's failed out of pharmacy school and indulges fantasies about how to make her situation better, but never acts on them. She refuses to ask help of anyone but an anonymous internet forum. She's in her early 20s, not exactly like she doesn't still have a chance to change her situation. She just seems to lack the gumption to do so.

>> No.588442
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>> No.588448

Why mention the boyfriend's age? Are you happy or not? Isn't that what really matters? If you're settling or (worse) using him because he has the financial means you don't, then yeah.. you should fix that, but otherwise?

>> No.588465
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>> No.588529
File: 4 KB, 106x127, hi..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've got a boyfriend 20 years my senior
that is perfection!
πενία τέχνας εγείρει!

>> No.588534
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take this shit to /adv/, you stupid cunt.

>> No.588560

Please lady, that sounds like a bunch of Horatio-Alger-American-Dream bullshit.One person who can pull themselves by their own bootstraps does not prove that everyone can do the same. I know some wealthy, educated people who have a bunch of opportunities and yet feel lost, depressed or suicidal for different reasons. These may be pretty extreme cases but it's pretty usual for all sorts of people to feel lost and helpless at times, to the point of asking for advice on 4chan.

>> No.588755


Okay, let's try this on for size. I've been pretty damn depressed, and you better believe I've fucked up good opportunities. I've had a lot of shit these last years, but I see no point in asking people I don't know for help. If I need it, I go to people who know me. I'm sorry she's had a shitty start, but so do lots of people. I don't think I'll live the American Dream. I think I'll find a job that pays the bills and do what I love on the side- that is, writing. If I some how, some day make a living off that, I will be happy. However I also realize that to get ANYWHERE I have to work. Even a dipshit idiot like Stephenie Meyer went to college and wrote stories in small-time publications before she got something major published, and we're not even talking about real literature there. You have to do the work before you get the prize. Some people get lucky, and some have the skills to jump a few steps, but have no doubt that the majority still have to do it the hard way.