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5873554 No.5873554[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How the FUCK did 4chan become "Le contrarian internet image board where traditionalist, reactionaries, racists, religious, pro-gun, republicans from Kentucky congregate".

I mean don't they see the irony of jerking off over Evola and posting pictures of guys wearing fedoras while browsing a site such as 4chan?

>> No.5873563
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Quality thread

>> No.5873567

because we're cutting edge

>> No.5873592

OP, please don't curse. This is an under work-safe board and I would really appreciate it if you could follow the rules. If you don't apologize, I will report this thread to the moderator for review.

>> No.5873596

How do he know we republican?

>> No.5873598

because 4chan doesn't have any actual views outside of contrarianism

liberal values are becoming increasingly popular due to how often they're placed on reddit/tumblr so naturally people here "rebel" in their typical autistic fashion

same reason people hate popular music/movies/books

>> No.5873601
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>> No.5873603

Wahhhh stop liking what I don't like

>> No.5873613

Because we got older. De Maistre was a Enlightenment loving reformist before 1789. Our 1789 was the economic crisis of 2008. You are the idiot who isn't following the dialectic.

Since I am not american I can't comment on pro-gun/anti-gun, but /k/ was a thing way before the whole site became more conservative, especially on the more nerd boards like /a/.

>> No.5873614

you're using that maymay wrong moron

>> No.5873619

>>5873601 <<feget

>> No.5873620

4chan has people from all walks of life using it regularly, and with no filters on said people, so you get a wildly diverse (and often insane) set of political and philosophical beliefs on a regular basis. This becomes more apparent when you frequent multiple boards.

Judging by your post, I'm assuming you're referring to the recently-nuked "stormfag" aspect of the site that camped out on /pol/ and commonly invaded other boards to post poorly-sourced conspiracy image macros. Their presence has definitely increased here over the last two years, but I wouldn't bet on seeing them around quite as much now. They couldn't stop themselves from posting off-topic content outside their containment board so they got they got the /s4s/ treatment.

>> No.5873623


I'm using that yamyam correctly

>> No.5873629

Fedoras are atheist or people who think they are initiated, but aren't(as in /lit/, /tv/ and /mu) ,with taste. How is that ironic when regarding Evola. Evola is pretty /x/ and /x/ has been a famous board here. You contradicting yourself trash.

>> No.5873648

4chan is essentially an ideological reflection of lumpenproletarian class consciousness; 4chan will support anything which forwards the degenerate interests of the lumpenproletariat.

>> No.5873653

I'm very sorry. Please don't report me, this is the only board I can go on and share my opinions. Please I will honestly kill myself if you report my thread.

>> No.5873656

because on 4chan people don't have to appease 'the Big Other'. Thus they are unrestrained which ensues a portrait of human nature in its most purest. Anonymity is a powerful thing

>> No.5873657

i really have no idea how calling things "degenerate" with a straight face became a serious thing on /pol/


>> No.5873662

except the /pol/ opinions op is talking about are very restrained

>devout christianity
>love of fascism

>> No.5873664

Look, I didn't want to scare you or make you do anything drastic. It's just that language can really hurt people. Next time, please think beforehand about the impact that your words might have.

>> No.5873671

No they aren't. They are supressed in modern society when they try to unite with Being and the unrestrained aspect here allows them to finnaly manifest themselfs.

>> No.5873673

Are you anti-gun ownership?

>> No.5873706

I actually am not. But I don't make an issue out of it.

I now realize that I must leave this website. I already tried once with a generic website blocker, but it did not work since I could always access the extention and delete the forbidden websites. I need something that works on IP level mayhap?

>> No.5873724

4chan was always anti-authoritarian. The forces of authoritarianism in the Bush era were the conservatives, the forces of authoritarianism today are the progressives.

4chan used to be far more leftist in the past. But the "definition" of leftism changed, with the rise of SJWs. Today, being leftist online seems synonymous with being an SJW. Even back when 4chan was a "leftist site" compared to what it is today, it still didn't like SJWs. It's just that SJWs weren't anywhere near as numerous or powerful back then.

Do you know who BitingBeaver is? It's a crazy SJW feminazi that 4chan used to fight an "internet war" against. This was back in 2007. Feel free to look her up on ED if you weren't around back then. And 4chan wasn't the only site that "harassed" her, it was SomethingAwful as well. SA, a site that since then has turned into an SJW central.

So basically what happened, 4chan became more "conservative" thanks to these two factors. US being run by Democrats (Americans are still some 50% of 4chan population.), and the rise of SJWs in power online.

I would say that huge majority of people who go to 4chan don't really hold political opinions too different than the people who went to 4chan, say, eight years ago did. We're just as "leftist" as we used to be. Except now we're no longer called "leftist" because we're not SJWs. Remember, in 2007, if you said you supported freedom of speech online, everyone would have assumed you're a leftist fighting the conservatards. Now, they assume you're a bigoted right-winged shitlord. So it's not so much that 4chan changed, it's that the rest of the internet changed too much compared to 4chan.

I mean, sure, there are probably a fair amount of more unironic racists and other shitheads on this site today than there were eight years ago, people who discovered this site thanks to /pol/ and /new/ shenanigans, and redditors who came here because SRS downvoted their racist posts on that site, but I doubt they're a really significant amount of 4chan userbase.

>> No.5873750

This guy knows his shit.

>> No.5873755

>not bleeding edge
Your /lit/ license is being revoked.

>> No.5873772

>with the rise of SJWs
... No one in their right minds cares about what 14 year old girls post on their tumblrs/blogs/whatever the hell they use nowadays.

>> No.5873774

quality post

though im pretty sure at this point that 4chans imaginary online opponent is the same group of people

be it gaia/weaboos/reddit/tumblr/SJWs/furries, all of them have the same annoying personality

>> No.5873776

top notch

>> No.5873778

That guys knows nothing. 4chan is a site for nerds in the so called by him leftists days of 4chan. We have only recently reached the original site 2ch in the poltical department, where the otaku are nationalist. Enjoy.

>> No.5873780

Do tell me more about 2ch and their political state

>> No.5873786
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The vast majority of people are herdthinking retards who instinctively defer and suck up to the nearest source of authority, no matter how arbitrary. Most forums of discussion are therefore run by people with selective notions of free speech, who violate its most basic precept by implicitly claiming that there are self-evidently 'incorrect' or 'bad' things to say, things which are thus verboten in the forums the administer. The internet is no exception, and 99.99% of its centres of discussion are hugboxes run by circlejerking powertrippers who actually celebrate their inability to deviate from the status quo.

4chan, or at least the ideal of anonymous posting which 4chan represents to most of its real members, is the antithesis of this norm. It's a chaotic anus where people choose to die on their feet (read: tolerate shitposting) rather than live on their knees (read: engage in a culture of quasi-Stalinist self-censorship). It attracts people ostracised from the status quo, either for thinking too much or having the gall not to be a sycophant, and accelerates their appreciation of freedom by forcing them to tolerate all the other misfits (and, often, genuine assholes) who suffered the same.

The result is that 4chan a) doesn't take itself seriously, which is the complete opposite of perpetually IRLoffended shitholes like SA or Tumblr, b) has a culture of thick skin which allows for better humour and content creation, drawing even more people in, and c) staunchly defends its freedom from the old oppressors.

Surprise surprise, in a context of free-floating meritocratic chaos, where honesty isn't choked out by Leftist Feelings Brigades, you can't be boycotted or fired for expressing your own thoughts, and there are no progressive stacks to ban you for disagreeing with a tranny, people are free to express the underlying feeling and incipient zeitgeist of their era. And that zeitgeist is rightism. Try to contain your asspain.

>> No.5873795

Have you not visited a single "mainstream" internet website in the past 4+ years? SJWs aren't just 14 year old girls crying on tumblr - look at fucking SA, 4chan's older brother, as an example.

As for me using the term "feminazi", please go google the chick I was talking about. She's a literal feminazi. You know, "all heterosexual penis in vagina intercourse is rape" feminazi.

>> No.5873801

School's out for Australia - and probably everywhere else - right now.

The retards go back in February. I've noticed a distinct change in /lit/ and other boards since then.

>> No.5873803

I see a lot of trap threads.

>> No.5873804

Anime fans in Japan are very likely to express /pol/ like opinions. Instead of Jews they have koreans.

>> No.5873807

>. 4chan is a site for nerds in the so called by him leftists days of 4chan.
I live in eastern Europe and I discovered 4chan when I was 14, back in 2004, when a friend showed me /b/ and talked about how epic the site is.

4chan hasn't been an "obscure" site for a very long time.

>> No.5873815

>le Outback
Come on. An australian can probably comprehend traditionalism even less than an american. They are a joke on this site for a reason.

>> No.5873820

I think the whole country is turning right. Obama's been in office for 8 years. People are sick of him. Anybody but Hilary in 16.
The rot of degeneracy must be end.

>> No.5873825

Let me guess. You and your friend were probably way better with computers that the others in your social and family circle.

>> No.5873831
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Nigger I am currently experiencing tumblr-terms like fatphobia, cultural appropriation and "racified" in public discourse here in the glorious nation of sweden, and these people are viewed as holding the moral highground even if the majority doesn't quite go as far, like batshit jesusfreaks in the pious 19th century. Of course, being sweden, progressivism is in a more extreme stage, but we're still talking about a not totally minor first world country, and this shit was unthinkable even 2006. Suhjuhwuhism is totally a legitimate political force, it's not typical teen garbage like the emo culture.

>> No.5873835

>with the rise of communists
...Nicholas, no one in their right minds cares about what turnip and potato farmers write on their brick walls/goat-skin/whatever the hell they use nowadays.

>> No.5873846

Your and OPs opinions are vastly distorted since you consider this right-wing uprising on 4chan to be an amerishit thing. If you've ever been to /pol/ you'd know that that's not the case. Even on /lit/ the most prominent Christianity is Catholicism. How is that concering republican ideology or popularity?

>> No.5873856


But duder 4chan whilst being anonymous has a certain lingo and overall philosophy. Slowly but surely you'll get sucked into another zeitgeist, as you say. Not being on 4chan allows for better anonymity IMHO:

>> No.5873857

Funnily enough I've never stumbled across anything of the sorts while visiting Sweden. Are we talking about the same country?

>> No.5873862

Might be because if you have any sort of intelligent or critical bone in your body and have rightist inclinations the american right is going to appear as retarded as it is, so you delve into writings and ideologies that have some form of merit.

>> No.5873865

Once we have cleaned house internally, we will turn our attention to degenerate foreign influence. In particular, the dangers of Zionism, the dangers of Marxism, the dangers of Islam and the dangers of Australianism.

>> No.5873866

Yep. Though I don't think it really shows unless you're into politics.

>> No.5873868

And most people stay on /b/

I've lurked 4chan for ages, too terrified to post anything, because I saw you people eat those who fucked up alive. In year 9 and 10, people started walking around casually using 4chan memes and literally fucking greentexting in real life - unironically.

Guess what board they used? The elites of the group migrated to /s4s/, the rest still use /b/. As shit as 4chan might seem, it's always going to be the cool 'uncle' teenagers brag about.

>> No.5873871

Nigger I don't think you've ever been to Kentucky.

>> No.5873874


so liberals in the 50s were just contrarians and shouldn't have been taken seriously? good to know the value of someones views are judged only in the context of their time period

>> No.5873876

d) everyone here is contrarian to the powers that be.

>> No.5873881

If politics means "browsing the Internet and getting upset at what 14 year old girls have posted on their blogs" then I agree wholeheartedly.

>> No.5873884

"bleeding edge" is idiomatic in the tech industry, not a /lit/-specific thing.

>> No.5873886


Nah the conservative swing usually sticks with age, especially the religion part. It's too strong when compared to the consumerist live under late capitalism and it's methods of indoctrination based on material pleasure-seeking.

>> No.5873889


Ye. Only to Ohio. Sorry.

>> No.5873891

This post is giving me a headache. Call a man and explain to him what you mean and see if he can figure out how to phrase it logically for you.

>> No.5873892

This guy. SJWs haven't experienced some radical empowerment on the internet. They exist mostly as a strawman for certain groups to hatejerk over.

>> No.5873894

Family? Sure, us fourteen year old kids who grew up with computers knew more about them than our parents or grandparents. But way better with computers than the average (male) classmate back then? Not really. I certainly didn't stand out because of any nerdy hobbies I might have had. But even if that was the case and I was a nerd back then, the fact that I, a fourteen year old kid from a third world country could find about 4chan thanks to word of mouth, kinda defeats the whole "obscure" website idea so many people seem to have.

I don't think /b/ is relevant on the internet anymore. Today, I'm certain more people discover 4chan thanks to /v/ or /pol/ than they do thanks to /b/. It just doesn't seem to have a presence on the internet anymore, especially the way it did during the glory days. I mean, how many new memes did 4chan create in the last couple of years that spread all over the internet? There aren't any. Bane is a 4cha only thing, and it wasn't even a /b/ thing, it was a /tv/ thing. Ayy lmao and doge come from tumblr. I honestly can't think of a single 4chan original meme that took the internet by storm the same way, say, rickrolling did, from the past 3-4 years.

>> No.5873900


>> No.5873902
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In /int/ we have a phrase for what you just did. It goes:
>let me tell you about your country

>> No.5873905

>3rd world
You are making us look bad, we are 2nd world. Also you are saying that you have nerd hobbies at that age, thus you were bound to know about 4chan eventually, since only someone who has those in an EE country could reach this site at that time.

>> No.5873908

They took The Onion.
Degenerate freaks.

>> No.5873912

What a lovely enemy they are to have! If the people that I oppose are loonies then MY opinions must naturally be sane and correct!
The actual existence of the enemy is of course a matter of secondary importance.

>> No.5873923

>free-floating meritocratic chaos

4chan is no such thing. Spend a good amount of time on any board and patterns emerge, responses to certain subjects become predictable, and the type of conversations that take place are limited in nature.

>> No.5873924

>mfw gaiafags grew up and got on tumblr

>> No.5873935

No-one in the real world cares, at the very least.

I really think the whole SJW thing is purely an internet phenomena, in the sense that it gains most traction on websites that are conducive to its format and content (I need not name them). Whenever I've seen elements of it try to break into mainstream media, it gets a modicum of implicit support by people who don't understand it, but overall gets shut down as most people reading newspaper websites and so on are not the same demographic as someone who populates blogs/Reddit/tumblr/4chan/SA/whatever.

>> No.5873938

It's just funny how this Internet-Sweden (also known as Imaginary Sweden) seems to be so radically different from the Sweden that I've seen and known.
And yes, politics is generally considered to be something different than "posting on 4chan" or "posting on Flashback".

>> No.5873945

Are you an American?

>> No.5873947

>No-one in the real world cares, at the very least.
Yes, this is what I've been getting at.

>> No.5873948

Sorry buddy, but the Internet has been gaining power in the last decade. You didn't expect your grandmother to be on YouTube a few years ago were you? Also many jobs are now directly connected with it via marketing, especially if you own a small local venture. There's a reason we are talking a gone Golden Age of the Internet. It has already been reconciled by the mass man and his trash taste of average-ness.

>> No.5873955


>> No.5873962

There is a distinction between valuing the power of the Internet as a medium and platform, and the SJW 'political agenda' (it's impossible to even say they're a cohesive ideology or group of people) ever becoming a convincing element in political discourse in real life.

I don't deny people can subvert what is accepted in political discourse. But if BTL commentators on broadsheet newspaper websites completely destroy and deconstruct SJW articles when pseudo-journalists attempt to publish them, then what hope has it got irl?

>> No.5873969

>And yes, politics is generally considered to be something different than "posting on 4chan" or "posting on Flashback".
"Into politics" doesn't mean "engaging in politics" for fucks sake.
>It's just funny how this Internet-Sweden (also known as Imaginary Sweden) seems to be so radically different from the Sweden that I've seen and known.
Can you post something with content or an argument or ANYTHING that's not just inane negations of my statements? What's YOUR view of Sweden and it's political and ideological situation?

>> No.5873970

>this fucking thread
/lit/'s lameness is 10x worse than /v/'s shitposting

Fuck all of you

>> No.5873975

whats wrong?

>> No.5873982

I guess it depends on what you consider nerd hobbies.

I played Counter Strike and Warcraft 3 with my buddies and we would hang out on IRC and often link each other stuff from the internet. But we weren't "nerds", we were just normal guys of our age. Everyone did that. Everyone owned a computer and had internet access and played video games. I don't know a single guy my age who didn't do that. I don't understand how did /v/ start believing they're nerds for playing video games. The idea to me is as absurd as someone calling themselves an intellectual because they read comic books.

>> No.5873992

If your friend circle played at the then popular Internet Cafe culture, you were bound to find 4chan or atleast some of your circle were(as happened with you). Same shit happened with me.

>> No.5873996


>> No.5874002

>What's YOUR view of Sweden and it's political and ideological situation?
It's a fairly normal country with fairly normal people living in it. Even in Sweden caricature "SJWs" mostly seem to exist in peoples' imaginations. Perhaps the feminist party would've gained more votes (or perhaps even people in) in Riksdagsval, landsting and kommunwhatthefuckingever if they were more popular? Of course one could think of the Greens' as a party with sun inclinations, but at least here they've mostly made a profile of themselves as fairly liberal pragmatists with a great lineup of politicians rather than a party that has anything to do with "SJWs". Of course their open feminism might mean that they're "feminazis" or whatever, but tbh I've never heard anyone who's used the word "feminazi" say anything worth my while. And as far as I know neither Moderaterna or the SocDems are really "SJWs" in any sense of the word.

Our headlines have been filled about the thing with SD and the funkadoodle going on in the Swedish government.

>> No.5874010

Fuck off reddit

>> No.5874014

Not totally related but I don't have any better place to ask: Do I have to go through Mythology to SWTG? It's getting a little dull and I'd like to start looking at Plato or Socrates but I don't want to throw off my understanding of it. Will just understanding the context they lived under work? I've already read the bits about the Greek world and life Inc conjunction with gods, if that's enough.

>> No.5874030

All people, even those who reject labels and titles, yearn for a sense of community to permeate through themselves.

It's why the specification for Tumblr's hate is getting smaller and more insignificant, going from man, to white man, to skinny, rich white male.

It's why bisexual girls genuinely think they can invite themselves to LGBT parades, despite the fact that no one in that group has an obligation to respect them - and often don't.

It's why communists and socialists have stopped differentiating between terms, and bisect them with a slash.

It's why the definition of the words "rape" and "racism" are changing, while still holding their original conversational influence and stopping power.

It's why media leftists very clunkily, and poorly try to coexist with one-another.

It's why /pol/lution think that their white, Aryan ancestors will welcome them with open-arms in Valhalla, and not vilify them for having blood intermixed with a tribe 50 kilometres in any direction.

>> No.5874044

What is SWTG?
Anon you are going to understand Plato and Socrates way after you read Plato, like you'll reach Birth of Tradegy or Decline of the West and still won't fully understand the greek world-view. I am sure most of us have enough general knowledge about greek myth and Homer to go ahead with The Republic.

>> No.5874045

The open format of 4chan allows anyone to post anything they want... That means, that you can post either a the most liberal thing or the most conservative thing ever.

And I agree with those who believe that most of people here are edgy contrarians. It's because loads of people come here thinking it's a troll central and meme-central like 9gag or parts of reddit.

>> No.5874053

Start With The Greeks.

So do I just go and begin with The Republic? I've read The Odyssey before if it helps.

>> No.5874070

Yes that it. People telling you to begin with the pre-socratics are idiots, since they are way deeper than Plato even if most of them have left us atmost a few sentences.

>> No.5874090

>doesn't take itself seriously
a lot of posters take the site very seriously. See any number of metathreads whining about foreign invaders/mods/moots ruining "board culture" or traditional "4chan values"
> has a culture of thick skin which allows for better humour and content creation, drawing even more people in
Again, false. Express an opinion contrary to the norm and get shitposted into oblivion
>free-floating meritocratic chaos, where honesty isn't choked
again, the format of the site makes any idea appear with the validity of any other idea. However, 4chan has developed an extremely conformist attitude and lexicology over the years that fiercely maintains the status quo and mocks and derides any opinion that does not match it. The downvote system on reddit is as big a disincentive to posting "biggoted" comments as the 4chan lexicology is to posting "progressive" viewpoints. try and tell me /r9k/ and /pol/ aren't hugboxes for asocial misfits.

The following are a few examples of conformist language used on 4chan to stifle free speech. How often do you see the following terms used?
>reddit, SJW, newfag, feminazi, cuck, fedora, newfag, autist, "cultural marxist", normalfag, degenerate, JIDF, blue-pilled, tumblr, neckbeard, edgy, etc. etc.

/pol/ is a mirror of the same aspects of tumblr that it mocks. The communities have essentially the same characteristics, just polar opposite ideological backgrounds.