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File: 139 KB, 755x927, mystery-and-melancholy-of-a-street-1914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5873042 No.5873042 [Reply] [Original]

What books give the feeling of the infinite?

>> No.5873066

__B O O K S B Y________L_I M M O R T A L
O R________Q____O R____P
R G________B O R G E S_ _H
G E________A
E S_____J O R G E

>> No.5873109


>> No.5873121

infinite jets

>> No.5873124

Just read The Library of Babel by Borges

Why read a long book about the infinite when you could read a short story?

>> No.5873125

my dick in you ass hole

>> No.5873127

Stuff by Borges. Library of Babel in particular.

>> No.5873129

critique of pure reason
aristotle's physics

>> No.5873138

I'd recommend Stewart's Calculus for a beginner

>> No.5873141

infinity and more

>> No.5873153

That pic is aesthetic as fuuark

>> No.5873162

why did you use "fuuark" instead of fuck? do you not want to swear? if you didn't want to swear, shouldn't you have used a word that isn't similar to "fuck"? did you use "fuuark" intentionally for some comic effect? maybe some joke i didn't read on /b/?

>> No.5873166

its a /fit/ related meme originating from zyzz
"im shredded as fuuark brah"

>> No.5873170

People are already recommending Library of Babel, and you should read it, but I prefer The Lottery in Babylon. (The relationship with infinity is a bit more subtle but still clearly there.)

>> No.5873208

fuuark doesn't mean fuck though

>> No.5873212

Thus spoke Zarathustra

>> No.5873236

It's 'fuck' written as though it was spoken with an accent.

>> No.5873239

er, yes it does

>> No.5873249


>> No.5873260

This, it starts over again at the end.

>> No.5873263

if you are too much of a pussy to say the real word then just don't say it ok.

>> No.5873270

wtf its just a slang

>> No.5873276

it must be exhausting to carry around that huge unwarranted sense of self-importance all day

>> No.5873292


>> No.5873387

such a magnificent de chirico

>> No.5873391

A book containing a stream of digits which is equal to the diameter of your mother's vagina

>> No.5873489

Kind of hit or miss but try Cloud Atlas

>> No.5873497

This painting will soon replace the Mona Lisa as the most recognized in the world. A few centuries after that, its image will replace the air we breathe. Looking at it (which will be on mouse pads, t-shirts, and even full-scale throw rugs) will sustain us, and a glance at it will allow us to live a bit longer.

Magnificent, marvellous, astounding, all that.

>> No.5873523
File: 476 KB, 1293x1600, mystery-and-melancholy-of-a-street4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

higher res

>> No.5873568


i just bought this on thriftbooks for $4.02, in "Very Good" condition, the purchase was catalyzed by you two anons

>> No.5873650
File: 90 KB, 417x626, also_sprach_zarathustra_i_-_iv-9783423301541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a coincidence, another de chirico

>> No.5873667

Yeah, de Chirico was inspired by Nietzsche's writings on Turin.

>> No.5873681


>> No.5873712

I like de Chirico and all, but you guys are giving him the sloppiest throatjobs ever.

>> No.5873730

Finn, again! Take. Bussoftlhee, mememormee! Till thousendsthee. Lps. The keys to. Given! A way a lone a last a loved a long the riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.

>> No.5873756
File: 6 KB, 275x183, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>infinite jets

>> No.5873762

>and but so, the the jets flew infinitely over the fields.

>> No.5873826

100 Years of Solitude

>> No.5873832


Sounds pretty finite to me.

>> No.5873839

the ending pretty much leaves no room for repetition.

>> No.5873855

they want a book that repeats over and over?

I meant it gave a sense of the infinite as it applies to the human race, civilization; change and existance

>> No.5873859

Finnegan's Wake

>> No.5873864

the infinite passage of time

>> No.5873883


>> No.5873899

I've not even read it, I just posted because I figured I'd get those precious (You)s of recognition from it

>> No.5873933

complete works of Kafka

>> No.5873965

I'm mildly impressed.

>> No.5873971

Came here for this, wasn't disappointed.

Also - The Next Night We Ate Whale, by the Right Honorable Linus the Taoist

>> No.5874031


I always have a strong sense of deja vu with de Chirico's art.

>> No.5874068

the third policeman

>> No.5874087
File: 92 KB, 456x1024, Girgio-de-Chirico-456x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

I'm not talking about books that GO ON forever, but that give the FEELING of the infinite; a deep existential melancholy.

>> No.5874098

more chirico pls

>> No.5874109
File: 137 KB, 700x298, Ernst_Murdering_Airplane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5874176

If you're going to speak in vague terms, expect to be made fun of. Clarify what you mean - there are about a billion books that touch on melancholic feelings of some sort or another.

>> No.5874862
File: 33 KB, 514x566, 1368446632300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but are you >>5873832 and/or >>5873263? Because there's something vaguely autistic about how you seem to view /lit/ as some kind of exclusive club of which you're an integral part. Kind of like you're speaking for everybody? Clearly OP doesn't want a book that loops around on itself like FW. Granted his request is somewhat abstract, but most readers here with brains are able to discern what kind of reading experience he is looking for. I thought of Blood Meridian and how it spans years and, in the judge, describes a kind of otherworldly evil that existed long before the events of the book and continue long after. Maybe the OP will take that suggestion and run with it, or maybe he will discard it, but either way, we'll both just let the conversation continue or end or change and not be shitty about it. Know what I mean?

tl;dr stop being shitty

>> No.5874923

Read the Border Trilogy by Cormac McCarthy. It's been years and I'm still damaged.

>> No.5874947

Grendel by John Gardner

>> No.5874961


perks of being a wallflower

>> No.5874975

All of you are fools. OP is clearly interested in mysticism. I recommend Friedrich Schleiermacher's On Religion.

>> No.5875924

I was gonna post that.

>> No.5875945

Ignore every response ITT and get to work with:
The Higher Infinite: Large Cardinals in Set Theory from Their Beginnings