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/lit/ - Literature

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5871721 No.5871721[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with stupid, annoying, boring people on a day to day basis? Do you just tune them out, nod along, and think about patrician literary things? Do you try to enlighten them? Do you correct their false assumptions and argue with them? What is the best method to maintain your solitude among the rabble?

>> No.5871724

Usually I give a short answer to the threads that they make.

>> No.5871742
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>How do you deal with stupid, annoying, boring people on a day to day basis?

Throw my coffee at them and run.

>> No.5871743

and/or squirt them with a gatorade pistol

>> No.5871745

Anyone know any books that deal with this topic?

inb4 Living with Autism

>> No.5871754

I am one of the stupid and boring people. I don't think I'm very annoying in real life, and that's only because I haven't said more than two words to someone in the last six months.

>> No.5871759

>Distancing yourself from the common man for the sake of vanity
>2014 anno domini

>> No.5871760
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I do what I have been doing my whole life. I go undercover. I merge with the herd. Nobody knows a true patrician is in between them. And when they are not prepared... I attack.

PD: I suffer serious emotional problems. Low self-esteem mostly.

>> No.5871766

I am talking about the people (mostly women) who are constantly talking about stupid shit like new shows on Netflix, video games, sports, what they did last weekend, etc.

>> No.5871771

What are some of your techniques of merging with the herd?

>> No.5871773

why do you think its stupid shit? its hobbies they enjoy and can relate to. you sound very very arrogant

>> No.5871778
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>> No.5871781

There's nothing wrong with being arrogant. I am not deluding myself into thinking I am some supreme intellectual but you have to admit that most people are pretty annoying and hard to relate to.

>> No.5871784

Reducing people to "stupid, annoying, boring" says more about you than anyone else.

Not that I'm saying you're stupid, annoying or boring. But you've probably got some issues to work out.

>> No.5871793

>But you've probably got some issues to work out.

>> No.5871796

Confirmed for me
I just looke tired/bored all the time. Talk in a low voice. Don't say very much. When people are being especially retarded walk away. Pick and choose whether correcting eggregeious errors is worth it or if you're dealing with someone who will make a huge dea out if the integrity of their incorrectitude.

>> No.5871797
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>Say to yourself at the start of the day, I shall meet with meddling, ungrateful, violent, treacherous, envious, and unsociable people. They are subject to all these defects because they have no knowledge of good and bad. But I, who have observed the nature of the good, and seen that it is the right; and of the bad, and seen that it is the wrong; and of the wrongdoer himself, and seen that his nature is akin to my own—not because he is of the same blood and seed, but because he shares as I do in mind and thus in a portion of the divine—I, then, can neither be harmed by these people, nor become angry with one who is akin to me, nor can I hate him, for we have come into being to work together, like feet, hands, eyelids, or the two rows of teeth in our upper and lower jaws. To work against one another is therefore contrary to nature; and to be angry with another person and turn away from him is surely to work against him.

>> No.5871800

the problem is you not them. Because of your arrogance you'll struggle to enjoy the company of others because you think youre more intelligent than them. Find traits other than literary enlightenment that you can admire in people eg: kindness, humour, confidence etc and remember “Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.” ;)

>> No.5871802
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>hey OP, want to come over and watch Wolf of Wall Street on Netflix?
>that pleb garbage? Are you not enlightened enough to read a book? Come back when we can discuss Plato's Ethics, whore.

You sound like a bore, is what I'm saying.

>> No.5871806
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Well... Its like not showing off your skills (knowledge in this case, would be). Acting just like them. One thing I find most effective is not talking about yourself. They don't give a shit (or at least the people I know). I don't talk about the books or music I listen to, which is totally différant from what they listen or read, or films they watch.

>> No.5871808

When people start trying to insist their superiority for having reproduced I know it's time to either clam up or leave.

>> No.5871814

>How do you deal with stupid, annoying, boring people on a day to day basis?
I'd like to say something like this
but reality I just don't, I make every excuse I can not to deal with or be around other people

>> No.5871818
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And also not correcting them when wrong. They hate that. And it makes you a "nerd". They made fun of me... :( Well, not anymore with this awesome set of techniques!

>> No.5871820

*tips chastity belt*

>> No.5871828

>Its like not showing off your skills (knowledge in this case, would be).
Not to mention, people who are desperate to show off their knowledge are usually ignorant and arrogant.

>> No.5871844

I don't see how this is helpful. He is basically saying people have brains therefore you should deal with their bullshit because "it ain't right" to not do so.

Why is it okay for people to subject me to their stupid shit but I can't subject them to my stupid shit? I realize that it's better to find friends with common interests but there is some circumstances where it is impossible to deal with other people.

This is basically what I do now. I just interview them, ask them questions.

>> No.5871847

Some one acting so overtly arrogant would be entertaining, I mean christ I rather talk to a hobo then guy number 547 conforming to social norms

>> No.5871849


It seems like the majority of people are incapable of talking about anything abstract or intellectual. It might have something to do with sense of humor. It isn't really a matter of showing off your skills or knowledge. With talking to most people, it feels like I am running with ankle cuffs on. With others, it is perfectly fine and I could stay up all night with them, watching TV, doing stupid things, whatever.

>> No.5871872

I just taunt them all day. Like, I usually reply to their dumb asinine comments with ironically dumb and asinine comments.

4chan has ruined me.

>> No.5871927

I've been doing this and wish to stop. How to return to sincerity???

>> No.5871961

Isn't this what they call a "defense mechanism"?

>> No.5871974

I'm pretty sure Netflix, video games, and sports are the three things I talk about most on the Internet.

>> No.5871985

>He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.

>> No.5873610

>Why is it okay for people to subject me to their stupid shit but I can't subject them to my stupid shit?
Because you let them. They can smell your low self-esteem and abuse it.

Be a man and get others to follow your lead. Start lifting.

>> No.5873630

Try to push them off of a balcony and then cry when I get beat up and nobody will help me get home.

>> No.5873634

>Oh god why am I so much better than everyone

>> No.5873641

OP, the fact that you can't form a basic empathetic bond is a reflection of your own problems, not of this "herd" you've conceived. Because according to your standards, apparently anything to do with film, physical activity, social get-togethers and video gaming marks one as part of "the herd". That's a really diverse set of interests, which means the problem is your inability to expand your own interests, not the inability for random people to cater to your desires.

The fact that you single out women in particular as "the herd" also indicates that you don't have much experience with the opposite sex.

>> No.5873710

You have the maturity of a 14 year old if you think people like this are actually shallow just because they like to talk about entertainment and shit. It's a social tool to start a conversation and have something to relate over. It doesn't mean that's all those people are thinking about. Nobody wants to start a conversation and talk about philosophy or whatever if they don't know you. It could easily become and argument or be too heavy and just plain awkward.

>> No.5873781

the solution is absurd behavior. Act absurd and thereby confuse your subject and slightly drive him insane by increasing the lunacy. Surprise attacks can add some extra flavor.

>> No.5873896
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Don't listen to this philistine, OP. Never expand your interests into childlike activities to fit in with other people. Silence and a sense of humor are the tools you need to use in dealing with the ordinary person.

> a social tool to start a conversation and have something to relate over
The personal-cultural lives of the majority of people are dominated by shallow entertainment and cliché ideas. It actually is all they're thinking about.

>> No.5873898

I filter tripfags out if that is what you are asking.

>> No.5873904

When I go into work I completely shut off my brain. I can literally feel the void, the lack of any real thought going through it. It's worked pretty well so far, although some of my coworkers undoubtedly think I might be a bit retarded.

I do this so I can save my mental energy for writing and classes, works well.

>> No.5873917
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>I filter tripfags

Take as an extreme example a man who possesses no trace of the power to discriminate, who is condemned everywhere to see anonymity: such a one no longer believes in his own board, no longer believes in himself; he sees everything flow apart in mobile points and loses himself in the stream of shitposting: he will, like the true pupil of Anonymous, hardly dare in the end to type a sentence.

>> No.5873918
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>> No.5873926

Nothing wrong with small talk. Also Think of stupid ppl as children or cute animals. Isnt it fun to play w small kids and pets? Yes bc they're adorable. Their stupidity is irrelevant to play, cooperation, communication, and even attraction/flirting(dumb bimbos)

>> No.5873946

>Rick Roderick died in 2002 from a congestive heart condition.

>> No.5873984

oh look op is one of those lucky souls who is smarter than the average bear.

check this out. realize that the people who see the greatest degree of boredom in others are 99% of the time the most boring oblivious people themselves. it takes a real interesting person to not deal with gross generalizations about people and bother with really getting to know someone in an unpretentious manner.

so here is my answer to you. no one makes you deal with anyone. you do it when you don't like it because you're a coward. and trust me, you're not someone to enlighten anyone. just the like rest of the angsty teens here.

>> No.5873993

shooting is the answer

>> No.5873994
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>realize that the people who see the greatest degree of boredom in others are 99% of the time the most boring oblivious people themselves.
Did you get this straight from the mouth of Dr. Phil?

>> No.5874020

Generally people are a never-ending fountain of marvelous (as should be evident in psychological testing - the profound metaphor which lies in every expression) - but if they are stale or stagnant, all that's needed is to shake them up a little; or perhaps they are not stale or stagnant at all, but a picture of perfection.

>> No.5874025
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nope. just common knowledge for anyone who isn't too stupid to see it.

>> No.5874029
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Society is like a corpse that purges at the mouth.

>> No.5874035

wow a reasonable generalization about people on /lit/.

these are strange times.

>> No.5874048
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Have fun standing around bored with a red cup in your hand listening to retards mumble about nothing all evening because your mind is clouded by your unreleased sexual impulse. I will be in my bedroom in the dark, all alone.

>> No.5874118

not sure what you're talking about. you either watch too much tv are assume 99% of internet idiocy=99% of reality. or maybe watching too many road trip teen movies.

there are times to be in the dark alone but you're kidding yourself if you think you have people figured out. there is more variety out there than you will meet in your lifetime. I guarantee it. you'll never know how small you are in your bedroom alone. you're only going to assure yourself how big and unique you are when you're the only one in the room. how much time will be wasted this way?

>> No.5874127
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I didn't read any of that.

>> No.5874152
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i know you did.

pretend you didn't all you want. we both know the truth. even now you're reading it for a second time trying to come up with one-liners or quips that will try to emotionally invalidate my points.

you can kid yourself but you can't fool me.

>> No.5874161
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I didn't read any of that either.

>> No.5874164

Why do so many people get baited by such obvious shit

>> No.5874168

better to think of a hurtful but clever nickname like 'piggy', anon, that'll really piss him off

>> No.5874175
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still not fooled by you.

probably have my posts memorized by now.

>> No.5874186

ITT: People that have deluded themselves thinking that every philistine out there is interested in culture, history and literature

>> No.5874220

culture, history and literature are only fragments of life. there is no greater art than life itself in all its variety. cultured or not in your eyes. when you call people "philistine" I immediately know you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.5874237


That's about the same way I see it.

>> No.5874243
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I have a feeling someone here has Lords of the Ring on their bookshelf.

>> No.5874260

Where do I learn "humor"?

>> No.5874265
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Consider studying mathematics.

>> No.5874267

tbh as a historian there's nothing worse than Wikipedia-warriors
thank god most people are fuctional human beings

>> No.5874274

I wasn't kidding, which book would you recommend me to learn Humor?

>> No.5874281
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Beavis and Butt-head

>> No.5874286

Dude u are so weird lol

Post more

>> No.5874300

I am not familiar with that book, what is it about?

>> No.5874343

most people can be interesting conversationalists once you get them started on their favorite topics.

most people will look at you funny if you try to talk about philosophy because it's not really talking about anything really, other than how to live a life, which is the same as going to a live baseball game and trying to talk to everyone about the rules the whole time.

>> No.5874354


hahahaha tripfags falling in love in an anonymous cartoon board

I have seen everything

>> No.5874437

im an observer in this world, i dont deal wiith other people and i dont make them deal with me.

>> No.5874477

You dunce, you barbarian, you coxcomb, you nitwit, you woman, the entire point of the novel is that he abandons that viewpoint.

>> No.5874513

Holy fucking shit.

You're real.

>> No.5874519

>I just looke tired/bored all the time. Talk in a low voice. Don't say very much. When people are being especially retarded walk away. Pick and choose whether correcting eggregeious errors is worth it or if you're dealing with someone who will make a huge dea out if the integrity of their incorrectitude.
that's called being a boring aspie fuck bro. source: done that forever, am a boring aspie fuck

>> No.5874524

yeah personally i'd rather talk about "greatest hits of western lit vol 1"

>> No.5874974
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>> No.5874983


>Everybody knows something you don't know.

Stay humble OP, in the right company you, yourself, are one of those "stupid, annoying, boring" people.