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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 195 KB, 450x338, le edgy bandanaman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5870410 No.5870410 [Reply] [Original]

And but so hello, everyone, I'm new here(1). Willikers! My name is David but you can call me David Foster Wallace. Haha, as you can see, I'm a good deal more edgy than the prototypical poster here. That's why I find myself here, to mix 'n' mingle with other edgelors. I'm 46 years old(2). I enjoy reading Tom Clancy alone(3). Clancy is one of my favorite authors. Because it's edgy for an acclaimed author to read what are seen as lowest-common-denominator action novels. And so but with any sort of luck at all, I might meet some other sap who's just as edgy or even edgier than me, but so please respond.

Marijuana is literally evil and anyone who uses drugs is a terrible person who needs serious help(4). Until next time.

And but so,

David Foster Wallace

1 "New" here meaning not "new" in the general sense, as if I were as the adage goes "born yesterday", but rather, that I am a newcomer(a) on this asynchronous anonymized online messageboard.
a "Newfag" in the local parlance; part of the "board culture" includes, strangely enough, appending various adjectives with "fag" for no apparent purpose.

2 People have told me I'm "mature" given my age.

3 I live a lonely, dark, depressed existence fueled by my existential angst and misunderstood genius, but so if this upsets you, there's really nothing more to say.

4 This sentence serves as an example of me being edgy, in case you weren't already convinced.

>> No.5870418


>> No.5870423


>> No.5870424

delete this

i'm embarrassed on your behalf

>> No.5870430


>> No.5870521

wat abutt lobsers

>> No.5870568
File: 825 KB, 1147x1663, ThomasPynchonGoesFishing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5870696

what the fuck is dfw wearing on his head all the time

>> No.5870706
File: 5 KB, 291x173, put.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white slacks and trainers

>> No.5870723

I always assumed it was a gauze bandage or something and that he had suffered a traumatic head injury. Turns out he just liked the headband idea in tennis.

>> No.5870744

evidently franzen is 6'2" so that puts dfw at like 6 even

weird, i thought dfw was like 6'4" or 5"

>> No.5871053

I have said this on /lit/ a million times and I'll say it again.

He wore it because he saw himself as mentally ill and his bandaging his head was a subconscious way of admitting this.

>> No.5871480

A bandana

He sweated a lot and was really self conscious of it

>> No.5871487
File: 144 KB, 600x372, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5871493


>> No.5871553

>People unironically spend time creating memes.

>>And but so hello, everyone, I'm new here(1). Willikers! My name is David but you can call me David Foster Wallace. Haha, as you can see, I'm a good deal more edgy than the prototypical poster here. That's why I find myself here, to mix 'n' mingle with other edgelors. I'm 46 years old(2). I enjoy reading Tom Clancy alone(3). Clancy is one of my favorite authors. Because it's edgy for an acclaimed author to read what are seen as lowest-common-denominator action novels. And so but with any sort of luck at all, I might meet some other sap who's just as edgy or even edgier than me, but so please respond.
>>Marijuana is literally evil and anyone who uses drugs is a terrible person who needs serious help(4). Until next time.
>>And but so,
>>David Foster Wallace
>>1 "New" here meaning not "new" in the general sense, as if I were as the adage goes "born yesterday", but rather, that I am a newcomer(a) on this asynchronous anonymized online messageboard.
>>a "Newfag" in the local parlance; part of the "board culture" includes, strangely enough, appending various adjectives with "fag" for no apparent purpose.
>>2 People have told me I'm "mature" given my age.
>>3 I live a lonely, dark, depressed existence fueled by my existential angst and misunderstood genius, but so if this upsets you, there's really nothing more to say.
>>4 This sentence serves as an example of me being edgy, in case you weren't already convinced.
>People unironically spend time writing using meme narrative.

>> No.5871606

It's pretty sad that everything people on this board know about him comes from either this board itself or whatever small part of Infinite Jest they read. The image of him perpetuated by you unfunny fucks is just so retardedly off