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File: 6 KB, 177x285, Martinluther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5864907 No.5864907 [Reply] [Original]

The original shitposter.

>> No.5864950


Well played.

>> No.5865011

>durr if everyone were able to read it without a middle man we'll get back to how christianity originally was

The original spergshit

>> No.5865031

>muh indulgences

>> No.5865046

>implying there is any real christian basis for a pope and it's not just some clever translation tricks the Roman bishop pulled out of his hat at the first nicene council to consolidate authority and re-establish the office of pontifex maximus.

>> No.5865048
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The original /pol/tard

>> No.5865056
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Who or what was St. Peter, heretic?

>> No.5865060
File: 30 KB, 295x390, face_of_autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faces of autism general?

>> No.5865072

none of christianity has a basis for anything, any different version is just as credible as the next

>> No.5865074
File: 577 KB, 1462x2244, 1400466358814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying socrates wasn't a proto-troll

>> No.5865090

what do you mean face of autism
it's a perfectly normal face

>> No.5865094
File: 103 KB, 624x434, socrates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He didn't shitpost to ruse the whole continent.
He was more like pic related.

>> No.5865112

You know the Bishop of Rome didn't even attend Nicaea, and had little to do with its rulings, right? He sent two presbyters in his stead because he couldn't be bothered to come.

>> No.5865247
File: 71 KB, 640x360, 130211085036-pope-benedict-generic-head-on-view-story-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>couldn't be bothered to show up to his own coup

Even better.

>> No.5865254


Not the center of authority for the early church :P

>> No.5865255
File: 87 KB, 726x544, wat dat nigga doin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if it just started fucking raining as soon he was done

>> No.5865289



Everybody knows that Protestant/Lutheran/Anglican countries are far better developed and have a greater number of achievers in sciences and art than Catholic countries.

>> No.5865304
File: 1.54 MB, 2048x3072, open in case of heretics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creating art

Like they didn't just use it as an excuse for mass orgies and landgrabs by the peasantry.

>> No.5865315


Shakespeare, Bach, Beethoven, Milton, Mozart, Rembrandt, Dickens, to name just a few.

>> No.5865336

>tfw everyone makes out this story to be some badass, defiant act
>tfw you find out nailing your work to the door was just how it was done since it's hard to ignore an essay or whatever taped to the front door of the building you're about to enter
Totally killed the romance of the story for me.

>> No.5865339


Uh, how so?

>> No.5865345

Fuck you, don't group the Münster Rebels with Lutheran royalist scum.

>> No.5865349

What do you mean? You wanted him to have invented nailing things to doors?

>> No.5865354

Luther was just an academic, arguing for an academic debate on his theses. A lot of people did this. The debate on his theses however, never actually happened. And a lot of the succes Luther's ideas got was from peasants misinterpreting him, to Luther's vexation.

He was nobody special. Just a theologian declaring a defense of his theses, as was common practice.

>> No.5865360

THe way I was told the story was Luther just waltzed up, was all "Fuck you, Catholics." and the act of nailing the theses to the door was also an act of vandalism. People exaggerated the story my whole life and when I was reading up on Luther it was just business as usual. Like posting your essay on a chalkboard in an office for others to see. Not a defiant act, a normal act.


>> No.5865380

I'd say pretty defiant considering he was signing up for some pretty severe punishment if his predecessors were any indication.

>> No.5865384
File: 995 KB, 250x250, sensiblechuckle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5865402

Oriental Orthodox. The first and still the best.

>> No.5865453

I don't think you understand how the Catholic Church rolled in those days. If we translate Luthers actions into a modern context, it'd be like posting a note on how our educational system has abandoned its higher purpose of helping people on their path to becoming individuals, eventhough you know full well that your teachers will never tolerate that kind of disregard for their authority, and that they have the ability to ruin your life if they so desire.

>> No.5865514

>defiant act

Even in his 95 theses, Luther repeatedly reaffirmed the authority of the pope. It wasn't until much later after being repeatedly called an idiot (he was) that he came up with >muh edited scriptura >muh gratia >muh fide >muh sola to spite them all.

>The debate on his theses however, never actually happened

The Council of Trent anyone?

>Just a theologian

He was far too uneducated to be a theologian

>> No.5865520

Shakespeare was a Catholic, or, at any rate, certainly wasn't an Anglican.

>> No.5865577


What matters most is not his personal believes, but the culture he was inserted in. The theater in Spain and Portugal were mostly concerned with autos and the production of religious plays. Also: the censorship was harder on Catholic countries (although it was quite a problem in Elizabethan England too).

Someone with Shakespeare’s gifts, even if he had found a job in the theater in Spain or Portugal was not going to produce the same work that the English Shakespeare produced, and that because of the culture of the country of which he was part of.

As for Shakespeare’s personal credos: it doesn’t seem to me that he was very connected to any religious practice. He hardly mentions Jesus or the trinity or stories from the gospels or things like that. God is curiously absent from the world of his plays. When he does is generally when characters are swearing or to make metaphors. I am not saying he was an atheist (I think few people in that time were actually non-believers), but religion sure didn’t seem to be important to him.

>> No.5865786

Well we must be careful here when discussing culture; Shakespeare belonged to the generation immediately following the break/creation of the Church of England, and to say that the culture of England had been thoroughly or significantly de-catholicized is somewhat bold. Shakespeare's contemporary culture, that nurtured him and received him, was predominantly "Catholic", in essence, if not on paper.

And I agree, I wouldn't make the case that Shakespeare was tremendously religious, but I wouldn't bar it altogether on the ground that his plays don't evidently deal with theological subjects or exude a Christian/religious tinting. There are plenty of surely devout men and women who's life work bear little trace of their religiosity, at least overtly.

>> No.5865820

That wasn't his original appeal for a defense of his theses, darling. You don't seem to understand my post. Luther just hosted a university debate, that one never happened. The resulting religious doctrine spiraling out of control etc., lead to the council of Trent, but that's completely irrelevant.

>> No.5866176
File: 387 KB, 630x630, 356385683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is the reason why Nordic countries are doing so good, because the christianity what we have here, isn't so messed up, like it is in southern europe.
Even though we don't really have faith here, and ironically it's because Lutherism doesn't ask anything from the "participant".No one creates a strong faith or relationship with god here, since we don't even have to go to curch.

>> No.5866207

I guess Pietism never happened in Lutheran countries.


>> No.5866255

Of course, and also all sorts of deformations and cults have formed.
But majority of the population is "raised" Lutheran. And you can't really be raised that way because there is nothing to pass on.
Lutherism only asks that you hold faith and belive in god. You don't even have to tell it to anyone.
No church, no praying, no diets, no god.

In real religions, such as Islam, where the god and the religion is in their day-to-day lives, i can see why people belive in god.
Here, it's just considered childish, most of the time.

When i was younger and i watched simpsons on TV, i never understood why they went to the church.

>> No.5866263

What nordic countries are doing good?

Norway is rich only thanks to low population and oil,
Sweden avoided 2 wars, Finlan profited from trade between USSR and West...
It has nothing to do with religion.