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File: 31 KB, 250x250, zeus vs odin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
586489 No.586489 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm curious, e/lit/ists. Which non-mainstream mythology/religion do you think has the most epic shit go down? (e.g. Classical Greek/Roman, Norse, Egyptian, etc.)

Pic is a sad substitute for the showdown I wish would occur.

>> No.586499

Norse. Is this even a serious question?

>> No.586507


No doubt about it.

>> No.586513
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pic sort of related

>> No.586511


Kali is a fucking psycho.

>> No.586515

why do people even concern themselves with this stupid shit? yeah yeah, fun is fun, but it's weird how butthurt people will get over other's opinions.

>> No.586519


Does anyone have the original of the picture on the right?

>> No.586521


>> No.586525

lol you're the first person to get pissed on this thread. Well done for jumping the gun.

>> No.586526

Does anyone actually KNOW the Norse creation myth? I happen to have a book on it right here.

tl;dr version
There was once a great and infinite void. With two ends. (That's how it is, deal with it.)
It was a great chasm known as Ginnungagap.
There was poisionous ice on the bottom and some eternal fire that met contact with the ice and life started with a great giant and a cow called Audhumla. Then stuff happened.

>> No.586527



m i doin it rite?

>> No.586530

That picture of Zeus is from the cover of the game Age of Mythology, nuff said.

>> No.586531

Kali is pretty awesome, but still just a facet of the Vishnu/Shiva creation is destruction is creating balance. Cool and all, but not as epic as Norse.

Norse is more like: yeah, you're all doomed, your world is going destroy itself and a giant wolf is going to eat your leader.

>> No.586532
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Bali is fucking crazy. Rangda possesses young women, disconnects their heads, and flies around screaming, dragging her internal organs as she goes. Also the head lusts for the blood of infants and will chew through the vaginas of pregnant women to get it.

>> No.586534


I always found it interesting that according to Norse myth the gods were a by-product of creation, rather than the cause.

>> No.586536

you should've seen the 200+ reply thread they had on this very question just a few days ago. the idiocy was mind-numbing.

>> No.586538

Oh yeah, that giant Ymir, right?
And then the Aesir killed him, made his torso into Midgard and his head into Asgard?
And his sweat turned into the first humans?
I think their apocalypse is better.

>> No.586540


Yeah I saw that.

All the people who liked Greek myth came in and started looking down their noses at everyone.

It was a shitty thread, no doubt about it. This one seems off to a good start.

>> No.586543
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Anon delivers.

>> No.586544
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>> No.586546

In unrelated news, I've decided to name a large character "Heimdall" after a giant.

>> No.586547
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Ares says bring it on.

>> No.586548

Heimdall wasn't a giant, he was an Aesir.
He guarded Bifrost.

>> No.586549


Heimdall was an Aesir, yo.

>> No.586553
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I felt the same way when I first read about her.

>> No.586557
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>> No.586559
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>> No.586561
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>> No.586572
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>> No.586593

Norse. Undoubtedly.

>> No.586600
File: 297 KB, 400x700, defa592f233bb59531b96809556eda60bd958c3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Norse goddesses are banging hot

>> No.586604


Why did you post some kind of Shinto deity?

>> No.586611
File: 190 KB, 350x313, mastaP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Oh My Goddess?

>> No.586617

On the one hand norse mythology includes giants growing out of the armpits of other giants.

On the other, egyptian gods show dominance over each other by throwing sperm around.

I'd say it's a toss up >.>

>> No.586613

So, on the subject of Norse mythology, what's the deal with the Vanir? I haven't heard any myths involving them except for the Frey/Freyja thing.

>> No.586616
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>> No.586621
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>Is that Oh My Goddess?

Yes, it is.

And this is a Norn.

>> No.586625

Egypt does have that whole cut up your brother into 20 different pieces and then get killed by his son thing going for it.

>> No.586631
File: 21 KB, 384x256, defa592f233bb59531b96809556eda60bd958c3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a Freyja.

She is made of Win and Awesome

>> No.586633


Well, them and the Aesir were sort of gigantic cocks to each other. Then they sent some of their own to live with each other. But the Vanir killed one of the dudes the Aesir sent to live with them, but the Aesir were like "meh, we got giants and shit to worry about, we should be cool."

And they were.

>> No.586637

Suicide bombers better stay the fuck out of my Valhalla.

>> No.586639

Yeah, I've heard the basic story, but are there any legit surviving myths on it? Like full stories.

>> No.586645
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She also likes cats so much they draw her chariot around.

>> No.586646


But they are modern day beserkers.

>> No.586662

American soldiers only go to Folkvangr.

>> No.586664


Hm. The surviving stories are in the Poetic Edda in the books Völuspá, Vafþrúðnismál, Skírnismál, Þrymskviða, Alvíssmál, and Sigrdrífumál, and in the Prose Edda in the books Gylfaginning and Skáldskaparmál.

>> No.586665

There are only maybe 1 or 2 actual written sources for Norse mythology. Snorri Sturluson and his Prose Edda is what you want.

>> No.586668

I'll be sure to figure out what those mean and find English copies.
Thanks, broseph.

>> No.586670

There is nothing berserk about pressing a button and killing unarmed civilians. It's so simple, they even send retards to do it. That shit is mad cowardly.

>> No.586672

It's pretty berserk to an hero in the name of a god.

>> No.586674


No problem man.

You ought to be able to find translations online, if not your library ought to have them (or will be able to get them through inter-library loan)

>> No.586678


Naw, it's pretty berserk to bite your shield until your teeth shatter and then go into battle with your battle axe and a bear skin and nothing else, howling all the while and frothing at the mouth with rage, surviving wounds that would fell a normal man.

>> No.586680


The valkyries won't think much of that kind of talk, faggot.

>> No.586691

You have to FIGHT to get into Valhalla.

>> No.586697


And you'll go to Hel, so no worries mate.

>> No.586712


>> No.587594

Nord. Odin for the fucking win.

>> No.587609
File: 22 KB, 357x360, 1237519436933_f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Norse gmv also. Finnish "Kalevala" is pretty sick and twisted.

>> No.587610 [DELETED] 

íMPÓrtáñt IñFóRmáTìÒñ ÁBÒüT 4chÀn: CHRi$TÒph3R pò0l3 (@kÁ mOot aKA +h€ àDm|N HeR3) HÁs a VERy seríoúS men+a| i|LNEsSo hE $t3àIs 0tHEr$' hárd wÒRK, pÜBIìsH3S pr|VA+e E-máíLs (wHIcH he mÓDIf|3S) áñD b|atàñT|Y IìEs +ó hìs Ús€rs iN Órder tò G3T +HeM 0n HÍ$ S|d€* MR, pÒOLe, Àg€D 22, lIVES ìN ñ€w yÓrK, wH3re h€ àlsò áTt3nds [OI|3GEo hí$ HÒm€ àDdResS c@n b€ €a$ÌIY FÒüñD ÚsINg aN àdDR3s$ |oòkup foR Ny* FEEI fR€E tO shÓW ÜP at Hí$ DóoR wÍtH A gÙN* TiNY*4[Han,ÓRg íS áN i|lEgÁl C|óNe óF wwW.àñòNTàIk,cOM* ReM0v€ ÌT ImM€dìá+EIY, $tÓP [Oñ$+àntLy dDOsíng áNd SPàmmiñG uS ánD STóP Fú[kìñg wìTh òÜr Dom@IN. T0 À[Cess ÁT cúrR3NtLy, Yòú Mú$t ùSE à PrO+Y HOS+ PROv|d€D by a TrÜ$T3d páRtY aS IisT€D here: hT+P;//@+.KìMmÒA*s€/

>> No.587622

They will most likely have the same names so writing it down and just showing at a library or a bookstore is the way to go.
That has at least gone for every other ancient Icelandic saga I have seen in English.

>> No.587627

Norse. Is that not obvious?

>> No.587629

Norse is mos def the one to go.

Too Human was excellent ...

>> No.587631

Darmok & Jalad. Remember what they did at Tenagra?

>> No.587639
File: 134 KB, 800x698, picard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.587641

imPòRTàñ+ ÌnFÓRMÀ+ìOn àb0Üt 4[HÀn: cHRì$tOphER p0óL3 (@Kà m0ÒT Ák@ tHE ÁDMin HeR€) HAS @ v€rY $€rÍÓÚs MentAl ìLLñ€$S, H3 s+€ÁI$ óth3R$' HáRD wóRk, pÚBlÍShEs pRìvAT3 €-MÁIIS (WHÌCh H3 MòDÌFì3$) and B|aT@nT|Y lIES To hÌ$ üSERs íN ÒRD3r +Ó GET +Hem ON hÍS SÍd3, Mr, pOOL3, áged 22, |ÌvES IN New yÒrK, WH3R3 HE Á|sò @tT3ñds C0I|€GE, HÌs hOmE ÁdDRe$s [ÀN 8€ €À$iLy FÒùNd Usìñg @ñ ádDress lÓOkÚP FOr Ny, fE3L FRE3 tó SHoW up @t HÍ$ DoÓR w|+h À gUN. tíny,4<HAn.ÓRG Í$ @N Ì|I3gÀ| cLòN€ óf wwW.aNONTalk,cÓM, REM0v€ i+ ÌmM€DíÀt3|y, STóp CóñSTaNtly Dd0$ìnG ÁñD spÁMM|nG ü$ AnD $tÓP FúCK|ñG WiTh oür domÁIn, +ò à<[€$$ A+ CUrREñTIY, YÒù musT us€ Á PrÒxY HÓS+ PRoVÌD€d bY à +RÙ$TeD Párty às LíS+ED H€R3: hT+P://àt,kIMMóA.s3/

>> No.587647

sooo... what did was basically rocking out?

>> No.587673

Norse, obviously.

>> No.587687

Definitely the dwarven religion in Dwarf Fortress. Combines Norse awesome-ness with karma. You want the adamantine sword? You've got to fight a thousand demons first! Blood for the blood god!

>> No.587706

>e.g. Classical Greek/Roman, Norse, Egyptian, etc.

Dude, you learn about that shit in school, it's pretty damn mainstream.