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/lit/ - Literature

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5859959 No.5859959 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for some more top-notch stuff to read, so we post our top 5 works of fiction:
1. The Gulag Archipelago, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1973)
2. Danzig Trilogy, Gunter Grass (1963)
3. The Sound and the Fury, William Faulkner (1929)
4. The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse (1943)
5. Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon (1979)

>> No.5860148

1. Canticle for Leibowitz- Miller, Jr.
2. Mother Night- Vonegut
3. Don Quixote- De Cervantes
4. Brothers Karamazov- Dostoyevsky
5. Lolita- Nabokov

>> No.5860254

>Gulag Archipelago
Get out of here, troll.

>> No.5860316

Sorry, forgot that it was in my 'overall' top 10, the top 5 of which I copypasted onto here, next in line would be The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka (1915)

>> No.5860322

You keep a Word document of your favourite books? You can't just, you know, remember them?

>> No.5860328

The Monk, Lewis

M/F, Burgess

>> No.5860352

I keep an Excel document of what I read every year, and there's a top 10 page I made recently out of boredom

>> No.5860363

no order

Pale Fire, Vladimir Nabokov (1962)
Ulysses, James Joyce (1922)
Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy (1877)
The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald (1925)
Middlemarch, George Eliot (1874)

>> No.5861051


>> No.5861060

when you become a serious hobbyist it is the norm to keep a list. Movie people, beer people, restaraunt people, all of them do it.

>> No.5861074

Some people have read more than 3 books in their lives.

>> No.5861104

If you can't remember a book after you've thought about it for a few second then you don't like it enough to categorize it as a favorite.

>> No.5861140

1. Moby-Dick, or, The Whale, Herman Melville (1851)
2. Blood Meridian, or, The Evening Redness in The West, Cormac McCarthy (1985)
3. To The Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf (1927)
4. Underworld, Don DeLillo (1997)
5. Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon (1973)

>> No.5861196

What does making 'favorite' lists have anything to do with having trouble with remembering them at will you dumb, dumb motherfucker, the point is in recollecting your favorites specifically in text form precisely because this kind of desire occurs, for whatever entailing reasons. Get your head out of your dumb fucking ass

>> No.5861214

No order:

Titus Groan-Meryvyn Peak
I Am A Cat-Natsume Soseki
In Search of Lost Time-Proust
The Magic Mountain-Thomas Mann
Mason & Dixon-Thomas Pynchon

>> No.5861683


>> No.5862391


>> No.5862415

Did you read all of the volumes of ISoLT? How long did it take you?

>> No.5862489

>Danzig Trilogy
This guy get it.

>> No.5862781

1. Operi Homeri
2. Sophokles - Aias
3. Shakespeare - Troilus and Cressida
4. Spenser - The Faerie Queene
5. Orwell - 1984

>> No.5863102


>> No.5864480


>> No.5864713

>when you become a serious autist it is the norm to keep a list.


>> No.5865029

Blood Meridian
Sandalwood Death
His Master's Voice
Foucalts Pendulum

Top Contenders
Complete Works of Lovecraft
On the Marble Cliffs

>> No.5865460

1. I am Legend- Richard Matheson
2. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy- Douglas Adams
3. Dune- Frank Herbert
4. Night Watch- Sergei Lukyanenko
5. I, Robot- Asimov

>> No.5865757

>Complete Stories of Hans Christian Anderson
>Pastoralia (Saunders)
>Brave New World
>Animal Farm
>The Time Machine (H.G. Wells)

>> No.5865814

In no particular order:

Heart of Darkness
Blood Meridian
Moby Dick
Les Miserables (abridged)
Brave New World

not an original list by any means, but all of these books were well conceived and had a powerful effect on me nonetheless, while exhibiting few or no flaws.

>> No.5865937

franny and zooey
the clown
the moon and sixpence

>> No.5865993

i recently read dune and just finished dune messiah. I feel that Herbert just got lazy at that point as Dune was such a good read where he created the entire universe and built the characters so well, but Messiah just felt sloppy to me. Is it worth finishing the series or am I just gonna be disappointed?

>> No.5866044

Gravity's Rainbow came out in '73 I believe.

>> No.5866050

1)The Catcher in the Rye
3)Blood Meridian
4)How to Be Alone
5)Infinite Jest
I feel like my list is too /lit/ canon. What can you guys recommend?

>> No.5866123


>Ask the dust - John Fante
>The setting sun - Osamu Dazai
>The trial - Franz Kafka
>Hunger - Knut Hamsun
>Steps - Jerzy Kosinski

>> No.5866368
File: 2.50 MB, 1820x4348, .Top100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we post our top 5 works of fiction
>so we can talk about the /lit/ core just once more again and again

Almost every book mentioned in this thread is also on the infamous Top 100 we made some months ago. Pic related.

Most of my top 5 novels are on the top so I won't even bother posting them.

>> No.5866383

1. The Recognitions, William Gaddis
2. The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles, Haruki Murakami
3. V, Thomas Pynchon
4. Chronic City, Jonathan Lethem
5. Asphodel, H. Doolittle

>> No.5868534

I've read a lot of the standard /lit/ core and while I acknowledge them as better works of art I wouldn't rank many of them among my favorites. My favorites are the books I felt the most personally attracted to, that jibed with my personality, and were the most fun to read. My top 20:
The Book of the New Sun
Bridge of Birds
The Deep
Einstein's Dreams
Eisenhorn Trilogy
Ender's Game
Heart of Darkness
House of Leaves
Illuminatus! Trilogy
The Little Prince
One Hundred Years of Solitude
The Silmarillion
The Sirens of Titan
Soon I Will Be Invincible
The Stars My Destination

>> No.5870192

>The Little Prince
>Heart of Darkness

mah nigga

>> No.5870351
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>no Tao Lin

>> No.5870425

>not top

>> No.5871047

Solid, if a bit hivemind-y

>> No.5871055

>reading abridged anything
>not insisting that editors are all stupid
>still being on 4chan

>> No.5871058

Not that I agree, but I'm a little surprised that 4chan voted on something and it wasn't total shit

>> No.5871103

1. East of Eden, John Steinbeck
2. Master and Margarita, Bulgakov
3. Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy
4. VALIS - Phillip K. Dick
5. Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell

>> No.5871194
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>> No.5872372

Thanks to everyone who posted their favorites, still wouldn't mind seeing some more

>> No.5872376

Gulliver's Travels
Gravity's Rainbow
If on a winter's night a traveler
The David Icke Guide to the Gobal Conspiracy
I Am a Cat

>> No.5872381

>Canticle for Leibowitz
I'm real happy to see this, especially listen alongside the like of 2666, Ulysses and Brothers K. I just read Canticle about a month ago and I'm frankly astonished I never see it discussed, let alone mentioned or suggested on /lit/, ever.

>> No.5872387


1. Underworld, DeLillo
2. Don Quixote, Cervantes
3. Lives of Girls and Women, Munro
4. Absalom, Absalom, Faulkner
5. The Long Goodbye, Chandler

>> No.5872390

>The Gulag Archipelago, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
i think solzhenitsyn would mind if you call it fiction, it's publicism

>> No.5872412


>> No.5872490

If you weren't impressed by Messiah, don't bother.

>> No.5872546

I didn't read much, so you might take my books with a pinch of salt. In no particular order:

One-hundred years of solitude
Moby Dick
Flowers for Algernon
Three stigmas of Palmer Eldritch
Moon is down

But if I see this thread in another time I would've probably wrote something different.

>> No.5872563

Suttree - McCarthy
Absalom, Absalom! - Faulkner
Ulysses - Joyce
Labyrinths - Borges
A Smugglers Bible - McElroy

>> No.5872613

Harry potter
Crime and Punishment
and i haven't really read anything else

>> No.5873101
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>> No.5873204

This thread just confirns how plebby most posters are, same entry level books, baby's first "serious lit" books, fantasy, mostly anglocentric books.


>> No.5873245

yann martel - life of pi
stephen king - it
jean racine - phaedra
jane austen - pride and prejudice
dan brown - the da vinci code

>> No.5873920


>> No.5874805

Post yours then.

>> No.5876180
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Why should you expect any better from a chinese cartoon forum?

Well, at least it isn't as cringeworthy as this:


But yes, /lit/ is nothing but constant circlejerking about the very same books from the "sticky canon", troll threads about GRRM and people pretending to have understood Ulysses without even reading it.

>> No.5876186

Talk shit post list

>> No.5876864

But if you reveal your taste, people can criticize it.

>> No.5876894

Have you read any other McElroy? Cannonball was such a slog to get through, but I forced myself through his style to experience it, if that makes sense. I read another short story by him and it was the same sort of dry and unconventional writing hiding some pretty interesting ideas and imagery. Anyway, I guess what I'm asking is — "is smuggler's bible real hard?" I have it here, but I've been reading other stuff.

>> No.5876901


Jej underrated classic imo

>> No.5876918

1. The Rings of Saturn: W.G. Sebald
2. The Vivisector: Patrick White
3. Nausea: Jean-Paul Sartre
4. The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoevsky
5. Molloy: Samuel Beckett

>> No.5876935
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>jej master race

>> No.5876936

>1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
>69. Everybody Poops
>72. John Dies at the End
>77. Atlas Shrugged

Good god

>> No.5876996

>The Rings of Saturn: W.G. Sebald
Fuck me in the ass. That book is beautiful.

>> No.5877016

>99. Candide by Voltaire. (UP:102 | WS:100 | Total:202)
>100. Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler. (UP:62 | WS:140 | Total:202)

so, there: two objectively equal works. 202 points apiece.

>> No.5877051

No order, semi-arbitrary selection anyway.

Nightwood - Djuna Barnes
The Death of Virgil - Hermann Broch
Infinite Jest - Davide Faustus Eggers
In Search of Lost Time - Marcel Proust
2666 - Roberto Bolano

>> No.5877053

Infinite Jest, Brothers Karamazov, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man are all you need to get through life.

>> No.5877085

The comments are even worse:

>I feel so awesome right now: I have 127 of these books on my bookshelf.
>I think many of the ones you don't will be the troll votes :)

>I can't believe the alchemist isn't in the top 200 :s

>> No.5877279

those are good.

>> No.5878397

>Master and Margarita, Bulgakov
Moi negr

>> No.5878834

Point Counterpoint - Aldous Huxley
Notes from Underground - Dostoyevsky
Posthumouse Memoirs from Bras Cubas - Machado de Assis
Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace
Underworld - Dellilo

>> No.5879356


>> No.5879450

1. Metamorphoses
2. Beowulf
3. The Canterbury Tales
4. The Name of the Rose
5. Ulysses

>> No.5879485

In no particular order

Hundred Years of Solitude
Sound and Fury
Anna Karenina
Act of the Damned

>> No.5880956


>> No.5880975

Don Quixote
The Brothers Karamazov
Infinite Jest

>> No.5881182

Wind-up Bird Chronicles - Murakami
Lolita - Nabokov
The Stranger - Camus
East of Eden - Steinbeck
It - King

>> No.5882295

How the fuck did IJ make it to #1
This list needs to be redone