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File: 36 KB, 400x400, meaning-of-life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5859053 No.5859053 [Reply] [Original]

what is the meaning of you life?

>> No.5859056

To fill it up with love and destroy what you hate.

>> No.5859060
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>mfw this thread

>> No.5859061

to better those around me, and better human being.

>> No.5859063

I don't have a 'life' separate to the experience that I am undergoing right now, as if my experience somehow fits within this overeaching and transcendental thing called 'my life'

>> No.5859066

Can I change my answer to this?

>> No.5859068

to die

>> No.5859071


>> No.5859080

To wake up as entirely as you possibly can, which will affect the collective unconscious and thus push the species forward.

>> No.5859082

lol, I like this answer too.

>> No.5859092

Generate as much happiness and as little suffering as possible.

>> No.5859098

This so much

>> No.5859106

To live in a manner that most closely conforms to your creative impulses and informed beliefs.
The most important aspect of life to me is freedom, and I don't believe you can live a life of significant meaning if you are being oppressed or if your actions are oppressing others.

>> No.5859108

To leave the world in a better state than I found it

>> No.5859116

In a word, love.
Finding the love of life itself.

My words have failed me entirely but that's the best way I can put it, as simple as it might sound.

>> No.5859121

colect dank mems and get dubs my friend

>> No.5859130
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I used to believe it was to unite the human race under a scientifically led institution with aims of expansion, utilitarianism and convenience (something my dad mockingly referred to my belief as being an ant).

However something completely personal and humanely eye opening occurred and led me to believe that I am here to learn my destiny while educating and slightly uplifting those I come in contact with.

Sometimes I still dream of a terran utopia though.

>> No.5859131

>doesn't post a dank meme
>doesn't get dubs
You, my friend, have failed at life

>> No.5859134

Better as defined by your own subjective standard of goodness, I assume.

>> No.5859136

There is no meaning. God doesn't exist. We're advanced animals living on a rock and nothing more.

>> No.5859174
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>> No.5859206

Would it be meaningful for life to have a meaning? And, if yes, would that be meaningful? And so on.
Yet, this spiral of meanings would not be meaningful, because it is infinite.
Hence, there is no meaning of life.

B. B. B. B. Beat that.

>> No.5859214

But suffering is often instructive and beneficial

>> No.5859222

"Meaning of life" is one of those things--like "true love"--that our culture obsesses about only because they're told to by books, movies, TV, and magazines.

If the media had never mentioned "the meaning of life", ever, absolutely nobody would care to think about it. It would be completely immaterial.

>> No.5859258

Why is life worth living? It's a very good question. Well, There are certain things I guess that make it worthwhile like... For me, uh... I would say... what, Groucho Marx, to name one thing... and Wilie Mays... and... the 2nd movement of the Jupiter Symphony... and Louis Armstrong's recording of Potato Head Blues... Swedish movies, naturally... Sentimental Education by Flaubert. Marlon Brando, Frank Sinatra... those incredible Apples and Pears by Cezanne... the crabs at Sam Wo's...

>> No.5859266

To find objective meaning of life

>> No.5859272

to create the best character there is by my deeds and traits.

>> No.5859295

who cares, we're all just gonna die anyways

>> No.5859563

To have a good fucking time.

>> No.5859572

Nice things make life meaningful.

>> No.5859577
File: 116 KB, 300x531, despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To balance the positivity of life with equal negativity.

>> No.5859629

This interests me. Lit recs on this idea?

>> No.5859640

fuck bitches, get money

>> No.5859651

The meaning of life is to fucking live to our full potential as humans. Make art, make love, make war, make poetry, be emotional, think rationally, run and jump and push and pull things. Do all the things we as humans are built and wired to do.

>> No.5859665

das it mane.
Aquire bananas and spread my genes.

>> No.5859675
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>what is the meaning of you life?
I do not know, for it is not possible to.

>> No.5859677

"What is the meaning of life?" is a badly postulated question which lacks clarity and conciseness.

>> No.5859705
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The meaning of life is


>> No.5859716

What would you do if the "meaning of life" not yours, but humanity as a whole was something against our desires? Would you it anyway? Without a single question?

>> No.5859753

The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.

>> No.5859755

To climb, to climb as high as you can, to kick those climbing beneath you and drag down those above you, to reach the summit and throw those already there to their dooms, kings from their thrones, scholars from their ivory towers, to take my place at the peak and crush those trying to do what I once did, to reign.

>> No.5859767
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Such thing as the "meaning of life" is impossible, because even if there was one, its very existence would contradict itself, because a meaning needs to have something to be based on, something concrete and self-sufficient, logically speaking. For instance, suppose we were created by more advanced life forms that created as an experiment, so the "meaning of our lives" would be to keep advancing as a species in order to give the more advanced beings the feedback they expect. That, in itself, would be the meaning of our lives, but what is it based on? What is the meaning of their experiment? This logic could be used with any kind of meaning, for there is no meaning that can sustain itself without needing something above it. Meaning is just something abstracted by humans, anyway, the concept itself doesn't have any credit to it. Don't ask me what to do with the thing we call life, though, I wouldn't know.

>> No.5859781


I second this

>> No.5859811

Check em.

That's the meaning.

>> No.5859819

small kek, but kek

>> No.5859867

So NatSoc is the answer to true happiness?

>> No.5859927

go to bed wittgenstein

>> No.5860114

>Aquire bananas
nigga u gay

>> No.5860131

The meaning of life is to be as ebin as one can be.

>> No.5860133

i don't have the impression that very many people who like this idea have any idea of what it means

>> No.5860150

To secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.

>> No.5860197

>nigga u gay
no, you.[1]

[1]popular response used by children to fire an insult back at the author.

>> No.5860283
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Saddest thing I saw today

>> No.5860444

Sure, meaning isn't grounded by the mind of God, but that doesn't mean there's no meaning. You're reading these words, aren't you? What are they meaningful in virtue of? Their relationship with a language/culture. Meaning is intersubjective.

>> No.5860643

What happened?

>> No.5860805

for me the meaning of life is to eat ass. but if your not into that the meaning for you could be eating dick or pussy.

>> No.5860873


>> No.5862168
