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5858785 No.5858785 [Reply] [Original]

Best women in literature?

>> No.5858791

read the sticky

>> No.5858807

Kitty Scherbatsky is best girl

>> No.5858813

Adriana Trigiani

>> No.5858820


>> No.5858834

Good question.

>> No.5858845


>> No.5858850


>> No.5858851


Mrs. Meursault

>> No.5859221

Why not? It hought you liked women (lesbgian)

>> No.5859470

Catholicism produced the greatest female writers.

>> No.5859478

There aren't really. There are some who are considered good because the standard is lower, but none are comparable to men.

>> No.5859480

I'm fond of Jean Rhys and her semi-autobiographical characters. It's nice to see depression and degeneracy from a female perspective.

>> No.5859482

George Eliot. So good she has a man's name.

>> No.5859483

Of course, Beauvoir.

I also like Pizarnik, but too modernist, even pomo.

>> No.5859486
File: 9 KB, 240x273, FlanneryO'Connor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Flannery O'Connor wrote some pretty good stuff.

>> No.5859496

She was as stupid as the other 20th century French 'thinkers'.

>> No.5859497

> Of course, Beauvoir.

Third-rate. Worse than Sartre and that's very bad. Her novels are shit.

>> No.5859498

O'Connor is great. Most definitely overlooked on /lit/. She was a master of irony.

>> No.5859499

Simone Weil.

>> No.5859502

Woolf, Yourcenar, Highsmith.

Old dead white lesbians equals best women writers.

>> No.5859508

That's because 'coloured' women aren't allowed to go to school or be lesbians.

>> No.5859510

Woolf is second-rate and a not a lesbian. The same cheap academics who claim her as a lesbian also disgustingly insist that her husband provoked her suicide. You should expect more from queer studies academia than tabloid-tier gossip.

Yourcenar is great but a bigoted anti-feminist.

Highsmith is nothing.

>> No.5859520

She literally had sex with a woman and wrote a book about timeless love for her.

>> No.5859524

i dunno, i find that she lacks subtlety

on that subject - who would /lit/ say is the funniest female author?

>> No.5859527

>Yourcenar is great but a bigoted anti-feminist.

damn she sounds awesome. where do i start?

>> No.5859530

Simone de Beauvoir or Ayn Rand. They're not intentionally funny, though.

>> No.5859548

7/10 keks, very good anon.

>> No.5859556

They had sex once and it was more of a platonic thing.

But all women are bisexual in this sense. Lacan was right.

>> No.5859579

What a stupid and unfalsifiable idea backed up with no evidence. Definitely sounds like Lacan.

>> No.5859583

>Highsmith is nothing.
opinion disregarded

>> No.5859597

Women are in love with their own image and learn how to desire by talking with other women.

What do you expect if you can't see your own genitals and must always imagine them in the 3rd person?

But go ahead, keep thinking that "women are exactly like men, you bigoted virgin."

I'm sorry if I'm destroying your entire worldview by saying it but women are objectified because they objectify themselves. Women can't get wet unless they feel that someone else is appreciating their beauty.

>> No.5859604

Any evidence to back up that statement?

>> No.5859609

>What do you expect if you can't see your own genitals and must always imagine them in the 3rd person?
The American obesity problem has really gotten out of hand then, hasn't it?

>> No.5859612

Yes, women whoring around in chatrooms. Women wearing ugly makeup and then justifying it with "I don't wear makeup for men! I wear it for me!" Beautiful women marrying ugly men. etc etc

>> No.5859628

Empirical evidence, please. Not anecdotal evidence.

>> No.5859632


>> No.5859643

Give me empirical evidence for women being able to articulate what they want.

Zizek was right.

>> No.5859647

I remember i liked, Pearl Buck, Hildegard von Bingen and Woolf.

>> No.5859653

That, women being unable to articulate what they want, is, again, an unfalsifiable claim. You're not good at this whole science thing, are you?

>> No.5859655

Someone else has read Pizarnik?

>> No.5859659

And men?

>> No.5859660

So is women being able to articulate what they want.

>> No.5859661

Pizarnik is top shelf shit.

I love her. I've been immersed in Borges and her for the past few weeks. Absolutely lossless.

>> No.5859663

More like, a master of ironing. (High-fives bro wearing tanktop and backwards cap)

>> No.5859666


>>5859661 here

You're reading her in spanish, right? Translated poetry is... well...

>> No.5859667

Yes, I haven't made that claim, though. You simply inferred it, erroneously, from my demand for evidence to back up your statements.

>> No.5859673

You should read her diaries. Usually, I try not to find out too much about an author's personal life, but I make special exceptions for writers like her or Anais Nin.

>> No.5859683

You mad?

>> No.5859684

Of course! I always try to read in the work's original language. I took Portuguese at uni just to read Lispector and Guimarães Rosa.

>> No.5859686

No, just laughing at your typically continental behaviour.

>> No.5859687

Will do. Thanks for the tip Anon.

>> No.5859689

Nice trips mate

>> No.5859690

>What do you expect if you can't see your own genitals and must always imagine them in the 3rd person?

And I thought Freud was chatting out of his ass. You don't actually say these things in real life, right?

>But go ahead, keep thinking that "women are exactly like men, you bigoted virgin."

I never understood why being a virgin makes you unable to ''see the truth'' about women. I learned absolutely nothing after having sex.

>> No.5859725

>I'm sorry if I'm destroying your entire worldview by saying it but women are objectified because they objectify themselves.

It's the other way around, dummy. Women are conditioned to objectify themselves by the gender roles set by our culture.

>What do you expect if you can't see your own genitals and must always imagine them in the 3rd person?

Lol are you an actual moron?

>> No.5859835


'The second sex' is amazing, imo.

>> No.5859844

except you've only read the english translation which is famously bad, so you only really like the book - or like to be seen as someone who likes the book - for the liberal hipster points it confers upon you

>> No.5859847


>> No.5859856


Jane Austen

>> No.5859866
File: 22 KB, 256x350, Kathy_Acker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5859871

B-but I read it in English... And if I founded it amazing was because the ideas, not because the prose.

And in fact, i'm a /pol/tard.

>> No.5859889

*In Spanish. I'm Spanish. Fuck.

>> No.5859904

>le scientism face

>> No.5859911

Frances Burney, imo.

>> No.5859925
File: 100 KB, 800x1321, Le Guin - The Dispossessed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just weary of the /pol/ threads. "Oh my god my sides" wasn't the best image to use. Is OP looking for a list of the best women in literature? We've made those. Aren't they in the sticky?

>> No.5859944
File: 49 KB, 339x500, De Beauvoir - The Second Sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it.

>> No.5859946

Memoirs of Hadrian
The Abyss

That's all I've read. I've read bad reviews about her book on Mishima, which according to the reviews had more to do with her than Mishima.