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/lit/ - Literature

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5858101 No.5858101 [Reply] [Original]

>He considers himself literate but hasn't read Paradise Lost

>> No.5858112

>He considers himself literate but hasn't read Paradise Regained

>> No.5858115

i want 2 read paradise lost but i havent read the bible + it sounsd essential + the bible is gayly long

>> No.5858120
File: 53 KB, 452x605, make it look like an accident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He considers himself literature but he is able to read written language

>> No.5858122

I've already read Ulysses without reading the Odyssey, and I just sort of wedged my own reading in until it fit, square peg round hole style. Can I do that with Paradise Lost?

>> No.5858123

You know, to be considered literate, all you really need is a 6th grade reading and writing level.

>> No.5858128

You seem considerably too fucking retarded to understand Paradise Lost whether or not you've read the Bible, my friend.

>> No.5858130

But I have

>> No.5858142

i think youre the retard :) lol

>> No.5858146

Yes, though I recommend getting the annotated version to help with the allusions. A true work of genius is hardly ever fully grasped however.

>> No.5858161

>considerably too

I'm afraid it is you who is the retard

>> No.5858171


Can anyone recommend a decent annotated Paradise Lost? I couldn't make it past the first page without notes.

>> No.5858181
File: 47 KB, 620x324, john-milton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there is a paragraph of explanation per each line of verse

>> No.5858194

search amazon for Milton complete annotated english poems, or google. there is an edition that has a painting of some sort looks like a demon and something else, it is good, sorry , working from memory.

>> No.5858222
File: 10 KB, 208x210, 1418528310686[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people start a thread by shitposting

>> No.5858223


Found it. Thanks.

>> No.5858381

>Considers self literature
>isnt even Paradise Lost

>> No.5858402

it's like we're on /b/ and the only form of discourse is done by taunting it out of the person and lacing posts with derogatory insults for no reason.

>> No.5858669

That's 4chan.

>> No.5858677

>he considers himself literate but posts on an chinese cartoon imageboard

>> No.5858707

A basic understanding of the Genesis story will do. There will probably be things that go over your head, but it will still be readable.

>> No.5858710

I've read it, it sucks.

I like when idiots on here take intro to literature and get that "look! I'm reading big boy literature!" attitude.

>> No.5858718

>Pretentious cynicism and shallow denouncement of universally praised and enormously important works of western literature makes me smart

>> No.5858730


What is it about it that you didn't like?

>> No.5858882

>I couldn't make it past the first page without notes.
Really? I read it without reading any of the notes and understood it fine. (John just hated the King and that's why God is such a stupid cunt who ruins all of humanity, also because that's what apparently happens in the Book of Revelations)

>> No.5858915


Pretty much.

>> No.5858972

Really hope you're not being serious.

>> No.5860482

He is

>> No.5860497

Ugh you're nooot well reaad until you've read Paradise Looost in Greeek. *tips nose.

>> No.5860512
File: 37 KB, 460x276, Portrait-of-Milton-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5860514

I find Paul's translation into Aramaic is really the superior version. It captures the subtle humor of Satan much better than Milton's English.

>> No.5860530

just leave

>> No.5860556
File: 14 KB, 185x160, 1376474034156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this is so dumb, people paying attention to modern classics yet knowing nothing about "true" classics that set the bases of everything (and don't try to talk about deconstruction or things like that, how can you deconstruct something that isn't built ?)

>> No.5860561

I am literate and haven't read your gay book, blow me OP you dumb faggot

>> No.5860588

What's a good non-annotated hardcover version with the Dore (or possibly Blake) illustrations?

>> No.5860602


>> No.5860619

Paradise Lost amounts to religious fan fiction. It's trash, literally speaking.

>> No.5860626

If you have a copy that is annotated and you don't want to read the annotations...don't read them!

>> No.5860660



>> No.5860669

Do I need to read Homer before getting into this

>> No.5860671

I find they get in the way and are distracting. I don't like annotations at least on the first reading.

>> No.5860705

Nope, just Genesis.

>> No.5860712

lel, wait... you are joking right? --- I mean ideally you would read Milton''s influences and precursors but if you're not a literature major/professional, just read what interest you. It won't make you a pleb, true plebery is more about following the crowd than it is about not being hyper-educated, most people don't seem to understand this.

>> No.5860721

Virgil more so than Homer. There is significant allusion to the classical epic tradition and the more Romantic, Spenserian epic. If you haven't read those or the Bible a lot of the similes and lists (most in the narrator's invocations) will not make too much sense.

>> No.5860775

This guy
is spot on. There are a few references to other parts of the bible and the ancients (most notably Homer, Virgil, and Ovid) but you'll be able to understand (and hopefully enjoy) Paradise Lost without them.

While we're on the subject, does anyone know which translation(s) of the Bible Milton himself would have been using?

>> No.5860796

You speak like a pleb who hasn't read The Faerie Queene or Milton's comment that Spenser was his great original.

>> No.5862439

i would call my self literate and havn't read Paradise Lost too.
but i reed the ilias is school (in ancient greek)
and reed some oher classic thinks like "Asterix Galus" ^^ (more fun than ancient greek)
i woud nerver say oh your so ignorant you havn't reed my favorit book.

>> No.5862473

I mean paradise lost is based on the very first fucking thing in it. You don't even have to read half of genesis for christ's sake.

>> No.5862477

>you must read my favourite book (or in this case the book i just finished reading) otherwise you are dumb dumb

kill yourself faggot. 2/10 for making me reply