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5858042 No.5858042 [Reply] [Original]

Post yfw James Franco directs the Blood Meridian adaptation.

>> No.5858061
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The As I Lay Dying movie wasn't terrible

>> No.5858069

perfect match in talent

>> No.5858073
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Child of God was better than I thought it would be.

>> No.5858075

should i read Blood Meridian? furthermore what about no country for old men

>> No.5858102

Yes to both mate. Especially BM.

>> No.5858117
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Great stories are repeated ad nauseam.
This won't be the only adaptation of Blood Meridian.
Don't worry about it.


>> No.5858206
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>> No.5858226
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has anyone read Love-Shaped Story by TOMMASO PINCIO

>tfw theres literally an italian author using an a italian version of pinecones name

>> No.5858313

How does Franco keep getting the book rights and funding for his mediocre adaptations?

>> No.5858361

Godspeed on your journey anon. I'm about 65% in and haven't touched the book in over half a year. McCarthy's writing extremely aggravates me and it's just painful to keep reading.

>> No.5858387

well what books do you like, guy

>> No.5858392

by getting them from mediocre books

>> No.5858393

I honestly haven't really -enjoyed- anything I have read in the past 2 years. At most my interest was grabbed for some time, but I would not actually feel happy that I read it. Well, one exception - Dostoyevsky's "Notes From Underground". That was absolutely hilarious all the way through.

>> No.5858406

take 2
what is your favorite book ever
excluding transmissions from subterranean

>> No.5858423

I don't really understand why people are so often averse to McCarthy's prose. I understand that it's very ornate in many ways, but to me it's so sweeping, expansive and beautiful, but also rhythmic and understated too. It's hard to explain. It's like an impressionist painting or something, lots of detail and atmosphere made in noticeably thick and long and precise brushstrokes.

But whatever, nig, I guess it's not for everybody.

>> No.5858447

Probably Silverwing from when I was a kid, nothing I have ever read was as enjoyable. I read Waiting for the Barbarians a few years ago and it was pretty nice. Lamb was funny. The Plague and The Trial were okay too.

I'm just sick of reading purely "spiritually enriching" stuff. I dream of reading something both enriching and directly enjoyable. I'm reading something of the sort now (it's as long as War and Peace and I'm 50% in), but it's not even a proper book and still has some annoying shortcomings. I just want to be swept away... I hope you'll be able to help, anon, I don't want to be a lost cause ;_:

Just a normal case of different strokes for different folks. I "get" what he's trying to do with it but it's just completely not for me. For me, the lack of punctuation and proper capitalization just makes it harder to read (especially dialogues) and adds nothing to the style. His extremely dramatic comparisons make me slightly giggle. And the hard vocabulary that makes me have to check the dictionary at least once every couple of pages just breaks the rhythm of the story (especially since guessing from context often doesn't work).

>> No.5858498

anthem by ayn rand and 11/22/63 by steve king were the last books i really loved

>> No.5858507

Actually read Anthem too, it was pretty enjoyable too and it'll be fun to compare to 1984 and BNW when I get around to reading them.

>> No.5858510

BM is godtier, so fucking good, especially if you read along with an audiobook. On my second read through, I did that and luvd it