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/lit/ - Literature

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585505 No.585505 [Reply] [Original]

12th grade fag here...
I like to read books, but only books that are VERY IMMERSIVE.

Over the course of my life, I've read a couple books and these are my favorite:
-The Great Gatsby (IMHO, the quintessential American Novel)
-A Clockwork Orange (They're beating up old men in the 1st chapter, MOAR LIKE THIS)
-The Catcher in the Rye (LOVED THIS, the laid back feel, the adventure of a teenage hormone driven journey, MOAR LIKE THIS)
-The Metamorphosis (loved the comedy in this, the main character gets turned into a bug)
-American Psycho ( I saw the movie and the book had a big impact on me, I literally idolized Bateman except for his violent tendencies, he's everything I wanna be except for a killer)
-Their Eyes Were Watching God (Yes, it's black literature, so what, this book is great, an easy read and it's fucking hilarious).
A Prayer For Owen Meany (Book was like 500 pages, too damn long and got boring at times, but it was a great experience and it was hilarious at times, two 10 year old kids sneak into their teachers room while their teacher and his wife are having sex and they kids get stuck underneath the bed where the adults are getting it on, LMFAO)

Currently I'm debating on whether I should start reading House of Leaves...

Also what is /lit/'s opinion on Stephen King and Ayn Rand.

What are some books you guys would recommend checking out?

>> No.585516
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>> No.585523
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>> No.585526


>> No.585536

Not trolling, if I was trolling, would I really have taken the time to write all that?

>> No.585542

Uhh.. fucking yes? Chrissakes, trolls these days.

>> No.585552

Please excuse me, I suck cocks.

>> No.585556

No guys, I seriously want your opinion, how can I show I'm not trolling, I've never been to lit before, but I was recommended House of Leave's on another forum.

I'm thinking of reading Atlas Shrugged or the Fountainhead but I read in a comic that reading the fountain head can cause one's sense of self entitlement to become enormously large?

>> No.585558

Wow, that sure made it even more obvious you're trolling.

>> No.585563
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>Atlas Shrugged

>> No.585576
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>> No.585579

Okay what books do you guys recommend to newfags?

/mu/ has "lists' of essential music in general and essential music for certain genres...

/a/ has essential lists for animes and mangas

/co/ has lists for comics

does /lit/ have anything like that?

>> No.585585


Here is my list:

-Ayn Rand's works
-The Elements of Style
-Stephen King's works
-Ender's Game

>> No.585591
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Yeah, they're a little elusive though, some of them, i'm trying to get them all back myself. Pic related is the best I have.

>> No.585605
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>> No.585607

Alright children, stay close, cause we're going to dissect a troll today. Watch closely.

>12th grade fag here
Now that paints the depiction that it's a 15 year old 9th grader, no senior in their right mind would call themself a 12th grader.
>I like to read books, but only books that are VERY IMMERSIVE.
He starts out strong with the pseudo-intellectuality.
>-The Great Gatsby (IMHO, the quintessential American Novel)
He reinforces the pseudo-intellectuality with a book we've all read one time or another, forced to in school, and he makes the notion that he's somehow smart for reading it.
>-A Clockwork Orange (They're beating up old men in the 1st chapter, MOAR LIKE THIS)
Hurr hurr violence and randomness XDDDDD
Too apparent.
>-The Catcher in the Rye (LOVED THIS, the laid back feel, the adventure of a teenage hormone driven journey, MOAR LIKE THIS)
Not a terrible attempt if he didn't do another faggoty MOAR LIKE THIS
>-The Metamorphosis (loved the comedy in this, the main character gets turned into a bug)
An entire allegorical short story and his viewpoint goes straight for the straight, 15 year old facts.

>> No.585610

>American Psycho ( I saw the movie and the book had a big impact on me, I literally idolized Bateman except for his violent tendencies, he's everything I wanna be except for a killer)
Too easy.
>-Their Eyes Were Watching God (Yes, it's black literature, so what, this book is great, an easy read and it's fucking hilarious).
He makes the false presentiment that this is /b/ and the thread was going to be spammed with NIGGER NIGGER if he didn't include this.
A Prayer For Owen Meany (Book was like 500 pages, too damn long and got boring at times, but it was a great experience and it was hilarious at times, two 10 year old kids sneak into their teachers room while their teacher and his wife are having sex and they kids get stuck underneath the bed where the adults are getting it on, LMFAO)
>A good combination of the LOLXDDDD and the bare fucking facts. Grah, this troll almost got me on this one.
>Currently I'm debating on whether I should start reading House of Leaves...
Hmm, go on..
>Also what is /lit/'s opinion on Stephen King and Ayn Rand.
Like a shot to the face. Would've been better with only one and a near-respected author, but it was a good attempt.

Overall, I'd say 4/10, there were some spots that you could've improved on.

And yes, I am very pretentious, as well as pompous, no need to remind me. Have a nice night all.

>> No.585614

Is this a list of books I should read if I have a neckbeard, no friends, own a suit of armor, and study fencing from HOWTOs on the internet? Seriously, wtf is this shit?

>> No.585618

impOr+@ñ+ INfòRmáTíÓñ Àbòù+ 4[H@N; ChRì$+Óph€r Pòò|3 (@ka MÓoT @Ka The ADmÌñ h3R3) hAs À v3RY $€RiÒüS mEn+ÀL ÍLIñe$s* He stEÀ|s 0+HERS' Hárd w0Rk, pu8|ÍSh€$ PrÌvÁtE €-MÀíLs (WHiCh H€ móDìF|€$) àñd BLàT@n+|y LÍE$ T0 Hí$ ÜsEr$ |ñ ORDeR tó g3+ ThEm óñ HIs $ìD€o mR. Poo|€, aGeD 22, IiV3$ Ìn ñeW YorK, WH€re H€ à|so á++€NDS <ólL3GE, h|S hoMe àDDReSS [ÁN b3 E@sÍ|y fòùNd usÍNG àn àDdRe$S loóKúp FóR Ny, F33l fReE T0 SHòW Üp @t HiS DòòR WÍth A GÙn, TíNy.4cH@n.Òrg iS @ñ Ì||3GaI CLÓNe óf wWW.Ànon+àLK*c0m, r€mOv3 í+ ìmM3DiáTeIy, $tóP <òñsTáNtIY ddósìNG ÁnD $pAMMÍng üs ÀND stÓP FÚCKÌñG wÍtH Óür DòmAìN. +0 @Cc€ss à+ cÜrr3ntIy, yÒü mÚST ùSE À pRòxy Hos+ prÓvid3D BY @ +rùs+3d PÀr+y á$ |ìSteD h3r€; hT+p;//àt,kìMMóÀ*Se/

>> No.585627

You're the kind of person I threw tater-tots at in high school.

>> No.585622
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You asked for recommendation lists, and that's what you're getting.

Don't be such a whiny bitch.

>> No.585629


I wasn't going to call you pretentious. You should really get a life though.

>> No.585632

Metamorphosis was not funny... I was so saddened, few things have so aptly described my misery.

>> No.585633
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>> No.585640


>> No.585643
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>> No.585648

OP is an elaborate troll, or a mental child. You're judgments of these works are just fucking stupid.

>> No.585654


>> No.585652
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>> No.585656

Assuming you aren't a troll, people aren't taking you seriously because your favorite books are so stereotypical of a teenager (and thus, are subject to certain idealistic fantasies) it's hard to believe you're actually serious.

Most of what you've listed appeals to your demographic in very specific ways (ways I don't feel are necessary to point out), but considering them as a whole they are lacking in... um.... how do I put this...


So, /lit/ is not taking you seriously. If you want to wow /lit/ with a first impression you need to whip out some obscure shit no one has heard of that was only printed in Chinese two hundred years ago.

>> No.585660
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>> No.585662


House of Leaves was epic. But keep in mind that while awesome and unique it is also a parody of Literature itself. You can choose how deep you want to read into it, and there are many levels, but for the basic story(s) there really is no reason to read all the footnotes except the Johnny and Zampano ones.

>> No.585665
File: 2.36 MB, 1500x3688, quick guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.585668

Thanks guys, any good mystery/horror novels?
I like a battle of wits or something that'll just scare the shits out of me.

I heard the call of ktulu is scary, I'm looking for something Poe-Esque.

Very dark and macabre.

>> No.585675

And yes I can understand why people think I'm a troll but really, I'm just a typical teenager, how can you guys expect me NOT to act my own age?

>> No.585676
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>> No.585681

At age 15 I was more literate than you. Far more. And wasn't a recluse / nerd / emo / hipster either.

>> No.585690

Actually I'd basically like a list of "CULT CLASSICS" ie the Fight Clubs, the American Psychos, the Clockwork Oranges, the Catch 22s, the Dante's Infernos...etc

>> No.585689
File: 2.14 MB, 2100x5000, sfguide2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.585691

You become a recluse/nerd/asshat later.

>> No.585696

Go read the syllabus for a high school English curriculum. That's where all of those books will come from.

>> No.585697

29. Surgeon. Wife, 2 kids. 110k / year. Feels good man.

>> No.585698

This is now a thread about essential book pictures.

>> No.585701
File: 28 KB, 484x400, 1270506000973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad is a trucker and makes 140K a year (no high school, 3rd world high school dropout)...

Feels good eh?

>> No.585703 [DELETED] 

ImP0rtáNT ìñfORmá+iÓñ @BòÚt 4[hÀN; <hrí$tOpHeR PoÓI€ (ÀKÁ Mò0T aKA th3 àDMIN HeRE) has Á veRy serI0ÙS M€ñtÁl |IlnEss, H3 S+eÁ|S oTh3Rs' hárD W0Rk, pú8|íSh€$ pRIvÀtE €-MÀI|$ (whÍch H3 MOdiFí€$) áNd 8|AtáñtIY |i€s TO HI$ ú$€rs in òRdeR T0 G€T tHem òN hi$ síD€. mR, PóÒI€, ÀGED 22, LívES iñ NEW y0RK, WHErE H€ aLSO a+TeNds [ÓlL3G3o hìs HÓm€ áDDrEss [An b3 EA$||Y fòùñD úsìNg ÀN AdDREss LoókUP fOR nYo feEl freE to SHOW uP a+ hí$ d0òR wìth á gUñ, +iNyo4[HÁñ.OrG is añ ì|LeGàl <|oNE Of wwwoAn0ntàIk.[òM* r€mÒVe í+ íMmEdÌát€Iy, $+ÓP CónStAñtly DDò$ìng àñD $PÀMMInG ü$ Ànd $TÓP FU[kÌNg WÍth Òür d0MáíN, To @ccEss A+ [üRReN+Iy, yÒÜ MuS+ U$e À PRoXY HÓsT PróvÍd€D 8y A +rüSt€d PáRTY aS lís+3d h3Re; H++P://àT,KIMMOÀ*sE/

>> No.585704

Yeah, because you were a fucking perfect teen, right? Every parents wet dream.

>> No.585710


>> No.585715

Wow... bragging about your life on 4chan.

>> No.585726

And proud. It's okay to be jealous.

>> No.585731


Prove it.

>> No.585734

I bet your dick's like, thirty inches long.

>> No.585738

What exactly does miscellaneous mean in this chart?

>> No.585742


Thirty-two inches, to be exact.

>> No.585749

I know right? What, else? Has he read every book in existence and gets sex 20 times a week and his children are little pieces of perfection like he is?

>> No.585747

So bad it defies categorization, even into one of the dozens of fantasy categories.

>> No.585754

That's not possible.
Are you sure you don't mean centimeters?

>> No.585757

I'm not saying yes, but.. yes.

>> No.585760


>I know right? What, else? Has he read every book in existence and gets sex 20 times a week with his children since they are little pieces of ass.

fix'd lol

>> No.585763

>it was a joke

>> No.585768


He means millimeters

>> No.585772
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>> No.585776

I am laughing so much right now.

>> No.585774

Don't debate reading House of Leaves,

Go ahead and do it.
It tops your entire list.

>> No.585799


WTF am I reading?

>> No.585800

OP Here...
Can someone link me to some torrents (audios/scans) of the recommended books?

I already got all the Chuck Palahniuk stuff on audio and House of Leaves on pdf.

>> No.585810

Burn in hell, you whiny teenager.

>> No.585838

no you, you dumb pedo!

>> No.585845


hurr durr google?

>> No.585849



>> No.585851


oh, and on a more helpful note, probably librivox has a lot of them since they're somewhat old and maybe in public domain

>> No.585867

This topic made me cringe.

Go read Twilight.