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/lit/ - Literature

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585225 No.585225 [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/ reading as of this moment?

I'm reading Slaughterhouse-five, haven't read a somewhat lighthearted novel like this in some time. I missed Vonnegut :(

On other news, I'm contemplating buying an e-reader, suggestions?

>> No.585304


what's lighthearted about vonnegut, you ereader wanting piece of shit?

>> No.585312

You've never cracked a smile whilst reading Vonnegut's works?

>> No.585316

In that case, Nabokov and Kafka are also lighthearted.

Eh, I'd agree with this.

>> No.585320

Get a Sony PRS-300

>> No.585322


he shares the same humor as satan. Not funny, not funny.

>> No.585327

You have one?

>> No.585328

Don't buy an e-reader, buy a book you thick fuck. You're killing the industry.

>> No.585333


but saving the environment

>> No.585337

I'm planning on studying in Japan for up to a year next year. I'm not going to buy more books and not be able to access them abroad.

Fuck that.

>> No.585338

Eh, right now I'm in a collection of Lester Dent's pre-Doc Savage works. Specifically "The Sinister Ray"

On that note, I'd also suggest Thursday Next if it's lighthearted you're looking for. Granted, I've not read all of the series but I like what I have read.

>> No.585366

I'm reading The Crying of Lot 49. I'm loving it so far, and it's a much easier read than Gravity's Rainbow. (Someday I'll finish that)

After that I'll read Notes from Underground.

>> No.585376

[spoilers] BILLY DIES [spoilers]

>> No.585378 [DELETED] 

IMPórTañT iNF0rmàTIÒn À80uT 4[Hañ: Chri$TopHeR p0ÒLE (ákÁ MóóT akÁ ThE ádMÌñ H3Re) H@S Á v3RY $3rìÓùS M3ñ+al ìL|neSSo he STEÁl$ oTHERs' HÁrD Wòrk, PuBlI$HE$ pRIvATE E-MàÍI$ (WhiCH h3 MòDífí3s) ánd b|A+añT|Y Iì3s tÒ HÌs ÜS€R$ ìñ ORDER +Ó G€T +H€M ON H|S sIDeo MR* pÒoIE, ÁgeD 22, LÌVES |n n3W YOrK, WhERE H3 A|So aT+3ñd$ còII€Geo hìs hóME àDDRESS <@N B3 3á$íIy FòùNd uSINg @ñ àDdress |0òkÙp FòR nY, F33| fr€3 tÒ $HOW up A+ hì$ DOor witH à GÚño tìNy*4chÁN*oRG Ì$ àn ìlleg@| [lóñ3 Of WwwoÁNón+ÁIK.[ÒMo remÒVE Ìt ÍMM3D|@TeIY, s+OP C0NS+Añtly DD0sInG ÁND $PàMmÍñG Üs aND S+0P FÙCkìNg wí+H 0Ur DÓmAIN, +Ò à[cES$ @+ CÜrrENtLY, yóU MÙs+ u$€ a PrÒxY HÓ$T prÓVid€d bY À +rÜ$+eD pàR+Y ás IISTeD HerE: h+tP;//at*kIMMÒA.s3/

>> No.585395

I sure hope he does not! But given the story up to the halfway point, I hardly see how it's likely...

>> No.585405


Paul Lazzaro kills him.

>> No.585427


lrn2 use spoilers you fucking ASSHOLE

>> No.585495

shot by lazer rifle in the future, duh

>> No.585500

Why didn't you fuckers tell me 8 pages after I read it?

I just got back from reading (yeah 8 pages) and found out you fuckers weren't lying :(

>> No.585511 [DELETED] 

ìMpÒRTanT IñforMáTÌoN @80üT 4[HáN; CHRi$TóPHeR p0òL€ (ÀkA m0ot @Ká +h3 @dm|N HeRE) Hà$ A V€Ry $eRiÒüS MeN+AL iIlN€s$* H€ s+e@L$ 0tHErs' Hárd wóRk, pÜBlÍsh3$ PRÌvÁt€ 3-MáÍ|S (WH|<h H3 modIfÍ€$) ánD 8IÁTàNtLy |iES +O H|$ ùs€Rs ìn Òrd3r To g€+ +hem òN HìS SÍD3* mRo PÓOLe, AGeD 22, IÌv€S Ìñ N3w YòRK, wHer3 HE àLSò át+3ñdS cOLl3G€* hÍS HÒm3 @ddReSS [áñ Be eàsÍ|y FOund úSíng àn adDrE$$ LÓókÜp fÓr Nyo F€El Fre€ TÓ shÒW ÚP ÀT HÍ$ DÓOR wi+H Á gÜñ* +ìNy.4<HAn*OrG ÍS áN |ILEGÁL [|0Ne Óf wwwoán0NTÀlk,coM. r€mòV€ |t ÌMm€dIaT3|y, $TÓp CònSTANTIy ddò$ìng ÁNd SPAmmìNG üs @nD $+Óp fù[k|ñG w|tH 0ür dÒmÀIn, tO à<CESs @T cuRReNtIy, yoÙ MuS+ ÜS€ @ PròXY hòst pRÒV|D3d By a TRÜs+eD pÀR+y Á$ líS+€d h€r€: HTtP://áT,kiMmOÁo$€/

>> No.585510

Holy shit OP, just finished reading this. About 45 minutes ago. What the fuck.

>> No.585525

I'm reading Brideshead Revisited at the moment and I'm having a hard time getting through it. I'm not sure why, but I am. Any suggestions to make it more enjoyable?

>> No.585527
File: 102 KB, 1024x768, fearandloathing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Job: A Comedy of Justice.

About a third of the way through. It's alright, but not as good as Heinlein's other works I've read.

>> No.585569

Currently in book 2 of the Aeneid.

>> No.586160

Trying my damndest to finish Paradise Lost, because I started it 3 years ago, am at Book X/XII, but it's such slow going...

After that, it's off to Herodotus' The Histories, because I am gay for ancient history books.

>> No.586210

I didn't enjoy Paradise Lost either but have always liked Herodotus.

I wonder how much is due to Milton's agenda and H's clear lack of one?

>> No.586218
File: 34 KB, 410x166, girls_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lack of agenda

>> No.586227


Job was a speedbump in the long slow downward spiral that started with Time Enough For Love, and mercifully ended with Sail Beyond the Sunset. The only other classically good Heinlein from that era was Friday.


>> No.586234

>Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.586243

Well Paradise Lost is masterfully written; it just has the problem that all epic poems have, what I like to call the "Shield of Aeneas" problem.

"Hey guys, lets spend 4 pages describing Aeneas' shield, effectively destroying the momentum of the story!"

"Hey, let's have a 3-page lament given by Satan whining about how he's evil and misses being good but then says 'lol wutever'!"

>> No.586252

Battle Royale: The Novel. And I've never seen the movie which doesn't make much sense, but whatever.

42 characters right from the start. I might need to make a list to keep track of who is who.

>> No.586268

You think he has an agenda?

>> No.586270

I'm reading this too. So far so good.

>> No.586274

Bayonets to Lhasa by Peter Fleming (who was a great writer, btw).

A historical look at the British invasion of Tibet at the turn of the 20th century.

>> No.586294

I started that a few days ago just randomly and I was nearly falling asleep. I need to finish Song of Solomon and Moby Dick first though.

>> No.586309


I think the agenda is
"Greek democracy or variant thereof is good.
Persian despotism bad.

Valiant fractured Greece fights off monolithic evil Persian empire. Goooooooooo Achaea!

PS, here are seven cool places you might want to visit. These might be big some day."

>> No.586322

Stories driven by plot alone really weren't regarded as important until relatively recently. It was style all the way down.

>> No.586337

Oh. I never took it that way, only as dramatic action.

>> No.586338
File: 13 KB, 300x249, ereader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP wants one of these.
I'm reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. Good read, it's not overly British and the characters are quite moving.

>> No.586357

I don't deny that it IS a recent development (I'd say post Don Quixote, that was the case), but it doesn't make it any harder for the reader who is used to a more modern style.

Also, of the 'epics' of the West (Aeneid, Odyssey, The Divine Comedy, and many more), I would place Paradise Lost personally towards the bottom of the list.

I like to joke that Milton was blind while writing Paradise Lost, and it shows.

>> No.586361

Hogsfather alongside As I Lay Dying.

>> No.586363

I'm reading Blood Meridian for the first time. Only about 70 pages in, but it's great so far. Better than The Road.

>> No.586425
File: 66 KB, 432x713, miley-cyrus-reality-show..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chipping away at Grave Peril. Treasure Island is up next.

>> No.586883
File: 353 KB, 1200x1562, Goethe%27s_Faust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.586935
File: 74 KB, 480x480, norman-mailer-old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oswald's Tale by Norman Mailer. About halfway and since early was engrossed in the story.

>> No.586963

Ken Kesey
Sailor Song

>> No.587000

Buy a good tablet PC with E-ink

everything else is shit.