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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 260x347, the-prince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
585187 No.585187 [Reply] [Original]

what philosopher do you live by?

pic very related.

>> No.585193

op is a douche.

>> No.585194

tristan tzara

>> No.585196


>> No.585198


close,sociopath ;)

>> No.585201

You are living his satire. It's like you are his worst nightmare come true. Except instead of being the leader of an Italian principate, you are an acne-ridden chronic masturbating teenager. So I guess Machiavelli wouldn't be that upset.

>> No.585203

fuck you, OP is win.

I concur; but he was a realist and therefore not a philosopher at all

>> No.585204

Siddhartha Gautama

>> No.585207


I know man ,everyone thinks machiavelli is some sort of devil that advocates regular baby-eating.

He was just a realist who knew idealism had no fucking place in politics

>> No.585209


It was never satire. He wrote it to please The Medici

>> No.585215

Anyone who lives by everything written by some long-dead philosopher in this day and age is a complete retard.

>> No.585218

I doubt the OP is into politics.

Really, Machievelli's thoughts are really only applicable if you run an Italian city-state and want to conquer more. Anyone who says they live by his ideals is a fucking idiot and probably bought Sun Tzu's Art of War because they think it makes them a better person socially.

>> No.585220


Why do you say that?

>> No.585224

hahah so true, anon, so true.

also did anyone ever go through a phase where they wanted to live as an ''existentialist''. shit fucked me up for years.

>> No.585231


Um...pragmatism is much better than idealism.

I could imagine that a group of five black males is harmless because I want to be egalitarian,OR I could be realist and avoid any situation like that.

>> No.585235
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Yes, because only people who are still alive can be right about how you should live your life.

>> No.585236


If you pursue that logic far enough you end up a hermit sealed off from the world.

>> No.585243


Not really, being pragmatic means living by statistics.

>> No.585248

I've cut myself off from physical contact with other human beings. Five years now. Feels good man.

>> No.585249


None. I read them only for pleasure (cynically) and apply nothing conscisously.

>> No.585251

Lao tzu and Chuang tzu

>> No.585252

Have fun failing.

>> No.585258


Is an impostor

>> No.585260

You know this how?

>> No.585262

why? did you spent all your money on black turtlenecks and french cigarettes?

>> No.585264

because I am >>585231

>> No.585266

Diogenes but really only the cynicism. I don't think I have what it takes to be a stoic.

>> No.585267
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sup guise

>> No.585268

Sure you are. And I'm the Queen of Spain.

>> No.585269


>> No.585270
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meh, but it's damn good in positions of power.

and people are power, neo

>> No.585272

no, just having a bleak sense of things i guess. it was before i really understood what i was reading i guess.

>> No.585275

I go whole hog on his lifestyle. Shit, I'm in a barrel right now.

>> No.585277

Um why do you doubt me?

If I wanted to be a fag for shits and giggles I'd go to /b/

>> No.585280

>implying you aren't being a fag right now

>> No.585281

OP here,

To clarify :while Machiavelli guides my actions ,my moral code is that of pre-Zarathustra Nieztche

>> No.585292


Well, I'm actually of the opinion that the stoic lifestyle only worked for him because of the time period. I can understand his position of the frivolity of acquiring unnecessary things but then I think, in today's age, alot more is considered necessary in order to stay connected with society.

>> No.585309

If the Us government had read machiavelli , maybe they wouldnt be the fortune 500s bitch today

>> No.585323
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>> No.585341
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Hobbes is your man, dude. Pure evil XD.

>> No.585361
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>> No.585370

where's the /phi channel?

>> No.585404

robert axelrod

>> No.585659

I think machiavelli got a bad rap. Isnt he the one who said keep your frineds close and your enemies closer.true shit that there.

>> No.585672
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>> No.585979
File: 16 KB, 300x366, Mirza_Husayn_Ali_Nuri_Baha'u'llah_1868_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bro right here

>> No.586069

Machiavelli was actually a bigger supporter of republics than he ever was of the more popularly-known principalities.

His work... I think it was "The Discourses" is probably a better understanding of Machiavelli's political ideas.

Anyway, I'm a hodge-podge when it comes to a single "way of life."

I like Plato and Aristotle, but I also am a fan of Epicurus. Also, I feel like I might even be a bit of a Hegelian with some existentialism (Buber, Kierkegaard) thrown in.

I usually take some stuff from a lot of guys and try to adapt it to my own life, personally. Not that anon cares, but hey.

>> No.586217
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>> No.586220

Why is his hair in a bun?

>> No.586240


It's porn bro

>> No.586242
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>> No.586244


He had a great sexual philosophy

>> No.586247
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>> No.586248
File: 282 KB, 809x1024, marcus_aurelius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one possible answer: Marcus Aurelius.

This I always remember when I wake up:

"Begin the morning by saying to thyself, I shall meet with the busy-body, the ungrateful, arrogant, deceitful, envious, unsocial. All these things happen to them by reason of their ignorance of what is good and evil. But I who have seen the nature of the good that it is beautiful, and of the bad that it is ugly, and the nature of him who does wrong, that it is akin to me, not only of the same blood or seed, but that it participates in the same intelligence and the same portion of the divinity, I can neither be injured by any of them, for no one can fix on me what is ugly, nor can I be angry with my kinsman, nor hate him, For we are made for co-operation, like feet, like hands, like eyelids, like the rows of the upper and lower teeth. To act against one another then is contrary to nature; and it is acting against one another to be vexed and to turn away."

>> No.586250

Aristotle. But iv been really getting into Epicurus lately.

>> No.586255

fuck yes

>> No.586256

also sprach wut i dont speak german

>> No.586261

"This reflection also tends to the removal of the desire of empty fame, that it is no longer in thy power to have lived the whole of thy life, or at least thy life from thy youth upwards, like a philosopher; but both to many others and to thyself it is plain that thou art far from philosophy. Thou hast fallen into disorder then, so that it is no longer easy for thee to get the reputation of a philosopher; and thy plan of life also opposes it. If then thou hast truly seen where the matter lies, throw away the thought, How thou shalt seem to others, and be content if thou shalt live the rest of thy life in such wise as thy nature wills. Observe then what it wills, and let nothing else distract thee; for thou hast had experience of many wanderings without having found happiness anywhere, not in syllogisms, nor in wealth, nor in reputation, nor in enjoyment, nor anywhere. Where is it then? In doing what man's nature requires. How then shall a man do this? If he has principles from which come his affects and his acts. What principles? Those which relate to good and bad: the belief that there is nothing good for man, which does not make him just, temperate, manly, free; and that there is nothing bad, which does not do the contrary to what has been mentioned. "

>> No.586264
File: 12 KB, 354x233, emma goldman 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of Goldman I always try to question things. Also I follow Hermann Hesse's ideas in Siddhartha

>> No.586272
File: 25 KB, 324x400, Rousseau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Rousseau. :)

>> No.586275


Let's be friends!

>> No.586282
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>> No.586286


>> No.586290

I've really been meaning to buy me Marcus Aurelius one of these days.

I mean, he's nothing new or original in the world of philosophy, but his thoughts are darn inspiring.

>> No.586301

Seriously, do buy it, it's great.

I know he's not original, as I've studied every philosopher before him and he takes a lot from Heraclitus, some stuff from Aristotle and of course from various other presocratics, but the way he writes it makes so much more sense.

He took the ideas and articulated them in his own way.

>> No.586408
File: 179 KB, 523x377, Krishna_and_Arjun_on_the_chariot,_Mahabharata,_18th-19th_century,_India.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mahabharata

>> No.586416

Jeremy Bentham and Nietzche
With tones of moral and existencial nihilism.

>> No.586535


>> No.586556


>> No.586560

Favorite philosopher, not faggot.

>> No.586563


>> No.586568

The answer remains the same.

Taking your cues from someone else seems pretty fucking foolish. So sayeth me. Guidance, yes. Idol worship, no.

>> No.586576

> huge faggot

>> No.586583


>> No.586585

>huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge faggot

>> No.586587


>> No.586591

>you too dipshit

>> No.586594

At least I can make decisions for myself.

>> No.586595

>greentext is for

the game

>> No.586601

David Hume, he broke me from my dogmatic slumbering, if i may quote Kant there.

Albert Camus

>> No.586602

>at least i'm a faggot

>> No.586615
File: 29 KB, 366x440, lolbrunette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still sucking off dead, white men.

>> No.586638

>sucking off himself

>> No.586693

Silly rabbit,
don't be pissy.

>> No.586696
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>> No.586708

Siddhartha Guatama

>> No.586817
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Simone Weil

>> No.586822

scanned the entire thread and I'm proud to say, noone said Ayn Rand, this is a step in the right direction /lit/

>> No.586824

inb4 ayn rand.

>> No.586844

ayn rand.

>> No.586881
File: 35 KB, 300x452, 0631233520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I "live by" a philosopher, both because no philosopher has a monopoly on my philosophical views and because my philosophical views don't greatly effect my everyday life, but John Stuart Mill is in many respects awesome.

>> No.586890
File: 31 KB, 475x475, justinephilsbeddesade_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marquis de motherfucking Sade

>> No.586922

No, really.

>> No.586923
File: 47 KB, 317x475, meditations-by-marcus-aurelius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marcus Aurelius

>> No.587003


>> No.587008

Immanuel Kant.

Universal Template bitch!

>> No.587017
File: 49 KB, 494x564, alan-watts-drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alan Watts

>> No.587023

"Wherever you go, there you are." Was that him?

>> No.587029

I don't think so, but sounds like something he would say.

>> No.587032

Thomas Paine
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison

>> No.587034

Plato (sorta)
Aristotle (more so than Plato)

>> No.587035

Jon Kabat-Zinn. The other white Zen guy. Coincidentally, he is related (by marriage) to Howard Zinn, /lit/'s favorite historian.

>> No.587036

I don't like christians or christianity but Jesus was actually a pretty badass dude with good teachings. I think he'd cry if he saw today's christians.

>> No.587041

The guy was crucified and barely screamed out in pain. You think that badass motherfucker would ever shed tears?

>> No.587064

Christianity=jesus' teachings

>> No.587066

You deserve to die by injection for putting Descartes in that list.

>> No.587096

>live by only one
okay you faggot, you're obviously living a fucking joke

>> No.587101

Majority of Christians are all right. Its some of the really fucking creepy protestant denominations in the U.S. that fucks everything up. Fundamentalists, jehova witnesses, mormons, and basically anyone who believes in the rapture.

>> No.587119


This. There are exceptions, but the above is standard operating procedure.

>> No.587146


non-christian here, I thought all christians believed in the rapture?

>> No.587149


Some don't consider Revelations to be canon.

Most don't really care either way.

>> No.587154

See tripcode, brah

>> No.587158


Ahh yes, the fledging school of r0uZ0MVANc.

I admire your epistemological stances.

>> No.587162


>> No.587167

The Rapture was an invention in the 1800 by some protestant groups. In reality Jesus mentioned the Kingdom of God that was coming but said outright "the Kingdom of God is within you"

Also many don't listen to Revelations because the new testament is all about forgiveness love and acceptance, but then Revelations turns to RAAAGE DEATH REVENGE UNBELIEVERS WILL BUUURN.

I mean Jesus never even MENTIONED hell.

>> No.587175

It's called The Revelation of John bro.

>> No.587178


And Moses never mentioned Jesus.

Funny how things turn out.

>> No.587183

what kind of simple minded faggot lives by someone elses ideas? let them influence you sure, but you should be living by your own ideals.

>> No.587186


I don't think everyone ITT is taking what OP said as "living by" as seriously as you are

>> No.587188

whatever don't really care about the name.

>> No.587190


No ideals you have are self created, everything is the result of outside influence

>> No.587198

OP reads a nobody philosopher.

>> No.588216
File: 22 KB, 350x280, hume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting stance.
So everything wanted comes from without, there is no "intuition" or divine grace?
This guy wants a word with you.

>> No.588218

yeah, that guy wants you to bring his turban back in order

>> No.588222


>> No.588225
File: 245 KB, 741x490, 1271967980221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the Kanye West philosophy

>> No.588243
