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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 36 KB, 271x400, To_Kill_a_Mockingbird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5848857 No.5848857[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>reading liberal propaganda

>> No.5848865
File: 77 KB, 498x780, Dubliners_title_page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading IRA propaganda

>> No.5848876

Are you denying that there was racism in mid-20th century Alabama?
Also, the fact that /pol/acks keep bringing up this book specifically showes how well-read they are.

>> No.5848877
File: 9 KB, 182x277, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading propaganda propaganda

>> No.5848893

>implying any /pol/tard would read a book that isn't Ayn Rand

>> No.5848897

The IRA where a gbol

>> No.5848906


>> No.5848907
File: 67 KB, 400x401, mao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op's clearly a Marxist criticizing liberal pacifism in the face of acute class contradictions

>> No.5848913
File: 103 KB, 392x574, Gravitys_rainbow_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading bananarchist propoganda

>> No.5848922
File: 295 KB, 600x700, keep-calm-and-combat-liberalism-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it

>> No.5848975

Wait, there were people who actually felt bad for the black characters in TKaM? It was a book, it was alright but it wasnt inspiring. I think most of us read it because we had to. Atticus was the only worthwhile character in the whole story anyway, everyone else was horribly played out as soon as they were introduced.

>> No.5849005

I really like this one

Eire Óg used to be my jam though

>> No.5849032


(Just because we're great at music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5G8AJf4Xzw))

>> No.5849038


>> No.5849046

ffs how are you such a fucking casual if you're irish?

>> No.5849053

I don't even know what that means. Rubber Bandits never gets old, though.

>> No.5849055

The absolute funniest thing ever to me is when kids read this in ninth grade English class then think they're some philosopher.

>> No.5849061

I mean you're practically illiterate. Have the grace to pretend you're ESL or American at least.

>> No.5849063

Just because you've read To Kill A Mockingbird doesn't mean jack shit.

It's a quintessential book. It's placed front and center right on the metaphorical bookshelf.

I swear to fucking god, anyone who reads this book contracts a fever and suddenly thinks himself to be a well-read and cultured genius.

>> No.5849069

I'm well-read for what little I've read, tyvm.

>> No.5849078

To be fair, if you were literate at all you wouldn't post such meaningless diarrhoea. Is this like your JC year or what?

>> No.5849087

Don't be such a petty little bitch, mo chara.

>> No.5849090

Why didn't they do to this board what they did to /pol/? oh yeah cause no one comes here.

>> No.5849094

/pol/ was a revenge operation.

>> No.5849106

A phleiche, you're in a JC level reading thread, what did you expect? It's not like I'm looking to get you underageb&, I don't give a shit if you're not past LC or whatever, but let's not pretend that's well read.

>> No.5849120

Wouldn't I hate to have my whole sense of self worth invested in the pretentiousness of books that I've read. Get over yourself.

>> No.5849127

Drop trip

>> No.5849131

The New Irishman - Riding Joyce's Dick

>> No.5849133

m8, it's not pretentious to have read government mandated literature, every other fourteen year old fucker in your class was reading it too in case you thought that was special service just for you.

>> No.5849137

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.5849141

You don't even make sense, brother.

>> No.5849145

Drop trip

>> No.5849150

m8 I don't think you're going to do too well in your JC if you lack the reading comp for that

>> No.5849161

Yeah, that's the point faggot.
It shows how stupid /pol/acks are.

>> No.5849164

This fucking thread


>> No.5849178

There's no reading comp there, m8. You stumbled on my calling you pretentious, started farting on about my maybe thinking government mandates were all for me. I'm better read than you for what little I've read. You're a bunch of empty words and titles.

>> No.5849183

Drop trip

>> No.5849188

Did you get confused about being in a JC level reading thread was where you called me pretentious? Pretence on my part would need for me to pretend about something. You're the one pretending to be well read. I'll cut this synopsis short here, so you can process it.

>> No.5849200

No, I got it (barely, for how pathetic it was), hence my reply, but you carried on a dullard.

>> No.5849206

>hyuck, hyuck, this is, like, a junior cert reading thread guys, us Irish are, like, super literate

>> No.5849210

>being this butthurt at jc reading level
m8 you're the reason they open extra suicide hotlines around CAO results

>> No.5849217

Nice burn, m8. Anyway, I'm off to bed now, have fun with your fancy word buddies.

>> No.5849221

>ITT: the idiot of /lit/ getting BTFO

>> No.5849222

Have fun in transition year! You'll have plenty of time to read off curriculum then.

>> No.5849223

How delusional is this place lmfao. It's something else.

>> No.5849231

Lel fuckin based

>> No.5849232

Aren't you a solider. I admire your standing fast to something so stupid, a true Irishman.

>> No.5849235
File: 3 KB, 124x160, 1346785678557857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading pretext to fart letters

>> No.5849245

Did you not mean it when you said you were going to bed? Does your butt hurt too much to sleep or are you actually in a US timezone?

>> No.5849246 [DELETED] 


It´s happening quietly, try not to let mods know

spam bypass algorithm: 1

>> No.5849251

You've given me interesting thoughts as to what we've become, anon. I'm torn.

>> No.5849253

Fuck off

>> No.5849255


>> No.5849263

Aye - there was a certain romanticism to the fighting Irish. What are you, a verbose whore?

>> No.5849268


I've always considered it an act of Irish rebellion. An attempt to make English Literature a global laughing stock as revenge for the planters attempts to eradicate the Irish language.

>> No.5849296

Well that's fair enough.

>> No.5849463

I think it's weird that she only wrote one book. If you wrote something that successful would you really never write anything again? I always assumed she was dead but apparently she's still kicking.

>> No.5849473

Wait. Do you mean liberal as in "american liberal", the guy who votes for obama or as "everywhere else liberal", the guy who is, well, a liberal (less state, free-market, etc).
Either way I know you hate the guy. It's incredible. Liberals are the most hated people in history

>> No.5849541

>an innocent man is accused of rape by a white woman
>"liberal propaganda"

You're out of touch, OP.

>> No.5849759

Truman Capote's weakest novel by far