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/lit/ - Literature

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5842013 No.5842013[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've made it a habit of reading in the evenings before going to sleep. But now i have a gf and she wants to come over for movies and sex all the time. What do?

>> No.5842029

Enjoy the sex while she pretends she wants it. It'll get boring soon enough.

Alternatively, fuck her from behind with an open book laying on her back. Or have an audiobook of the Phenomenology of Spirit as background music. Engage in dialectical congress and sublate her cunt imo

>> No.5842030

ha ha, pleb.
; ;

>> No.5842043
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Disregard females, acquire potential for mental development.

>> No.5842048

Your genes want you to reproduce, but your brain should know that you have much more important things to do.
Not to mention how fucked up humanity is.

>> No.5842056

>Or have an audiobook of the Phenomenology of Spirit as background music.
I wish I knew girls who'd fuck me while listening to Wittgensteins lectures.

>> No.5842060


>tfw laying in bed beside gf reading books together before bed

also, what's wrong with watching movies? if you're watching proper films you're still doing something intellectually stimulating while also enhancing your knowledge and understanding of another significant artform

>> No.5842087

Of course, I do enjoy films, but I want to read, too.

>> No.5842096

read at a different time of the day

>> No.5842101


I guess I sometimes forget that not everyone has the privilege of getting to read for nearly the entirety of their work hours. I am sorry.

>> No.5842116

put a finger in her asshole and then take it out and so but wipe it on the sheet so it leaves a stain and she leaves in disgust and you can read for yourself

>> No.5842373

>implying you wouldn't start obsessing jealously over the idea that she's really thinking of Witty

>> No.5842400


Make time for reading, when I had a girlfriend I would spend all my time with her and never read. Eventually we got tired of each other and had nothing to talk about. We would argue more too. If you make some time to read and be alone, some of these thing can be mitigated and she'll appreciate seeing you more.

>> No.5842402


Is that many commas kosher?

>> No.5842403

Have sex, read instead of pillow talk.

>> No.5842440

there is no better power move in a relationship than denying sex

i dare you faggots to try it sometime

>> No.5842454

Do you still apply this in the normal situation where your gf would obviously have less libido than you do?

And what sort of results can you get out of it? Get your gf to start exercising? Eating better? Reading? Wear nicer clothes?

I can see how it might motivate her through insecurities but explain more.

>> No.5842470

Girls actually have higher libido than men but they sublimate it until they get to middle age.

>> No.5842478

It can turn out eitherway, really.

If you deny it too often, she'll probably start looking elsewhere.

>> No.5842510

fuck her right in the pussy

>> No.5842539

>and so but
>being John Green
>nearly 2015

>> No.5842544

>implying women are capable of sublimation.
sublimation and displacement are not the same thing. Sublimation requires the possession of spirit --- ergo it totally eludes women.

>> No.5842551

Instead of movies, read to your girlfriend. And also read during sex.

>> No.5842557

There are people on lit RIGHT NOW who have never had sex.

And they think they can talk about the human condition.

>> No.5842562
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>> No.5842563

Who gives a fuck about the human condition?

>> No.5842565
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>> No.5842567

Ride the sex as long as it lasts, especially if you didnt get it too much before the. In a few months the relationship will become more routine and you can switch sex over to the evening after work and then read before bed. Or have her come over earlier anf then read between sex and bed. Youre an adult I think you can figure this out.

>> No.5842568
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I dunno, humans?

>> No.5842570

have sex with her, then read a book together. thats what i did with my gf. i thought i wouldnt like reading together with her, but if your reading speed is somewhat similar its actually quite enjoyable.

>> No.5842574
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I don't have any more fully appropriate images.

Also, is anyone else having to type in the captcha every time?

>> No.5842577
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>> No.5842578


It's so funny how many virginal people there on this website. But even worse than that is how many people seem to have never had any relationship with someone they had any genuine affection for. I'm convinced this lack is partially responsible for all the threads about the villainy of female characters (especially all those threads about how terrible a character Edith in Stoner is when everyone who has ever been in a relationship knows that it's Stoner himself who is a cunt, not Edith, not by a long shot). I almost feel bad for all of these lonely people who cannot hope to understand any literature that involves love (which is a huge portion of all the best literature). Just wise up and stop being such cunts, lit

>> No.5842580
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>> No.5842586
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Of all the boards to complain about in that respect, /lit/'s pretty low on the list.

>> No.5842591
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>> No.5842593

>gf being coy, wants to fuck but wants me to initiate it or something I dunno
>somehow this becomes a contest of seeing who can ignore the other the most
>pick up some random book from next to my bed, intending to pretend to read
>hey what the hell this one's dog-eared about 60% of the way through
>start reading from that point
>remember that I'd put this book aside just as it was getting good, because university
>these characters!
>this story!
>get really into reading it
>actively disappointed when she slides over and starts undoing my jeans

>> No.5842597

Irrelevant as no one mentioned sexual sublimation.

>> No.5842601

>I'm convinced this lack is partially responsible for all the threads about the villainy of female characters

Interesting thought, but I don't think it's solely confined to that. The phenomenon also exists with the wife in Breaking Bad, for example. There's something deeper at play, but I'm way too tired to offer any personal theory.

>> No.5842604
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Women seem to dislike Skyler too. I felt bad for her myself.

>> No.5842614

There are people on lit RIGHT NOW who have never killed a man.

And they think they can talk about the human condition.

>> No.5842623

>tfw you did both for the first time in one night
>that feel when

>> No.5842642

I regularly drink with a man who killed a man, does that count? I have done some fucked up shit also, which gives me the shivers thinking about sometimes.

>> No.5842646

I also think that post about 'hurr sex human condition' was largely ridiculous btw.

>> No.5842665

Virgin ignorant of the human condition detected

>> No.5842673

I am the motherfucker, bitch.


>> No.5842790

Edgy misogyny.

>> No.5842793

fucking answer this

>> No.5843208

never leave us, jameis

>> No.5843214

>There are people on lit RIGHT NOW who have never had sex.
that would be me!

>> No.5843223

fine for me because she wakes up later than me, so I just read in the morning.

Works out well because she thinks i'm being all affectionate cuddling her while she sleeps, while i just have one arm round her and stroke her side to disguise page turning motions.

>> No.5843242

tfw you want to be alone to read and watch art films and smoke weed and listen to music and shit but your gf is clingy af and complains all the time but too cute and good in bed to break up with

how do you even begin to approach this situation it isn't sustainable

>> No.5843255


Unless these are surface complaints, suck it up and break up with her. You'll look back in two or three years when everything's become monotonous and realize you wasted your life on somebody comfortable, who you don't admire, and you'll have wasted her life as well.

>> No.5843261


I can imagine that would be fun to talk about the book as you go.

But I am the slowest reader in the world, so that shit would never work for me.

Also, no girlfriend.

>> No.5843290


Sublimation and displacement aren't the same thing. Sublimation is a functional displacement that serves a higher purpose, like the use of sexual energies to pursue career goals or art. Displacement is broader, it means the shifting of energies from one object to another, and if you're using it instead "sublimation" you're probably talking about a neurosis, e.g feeling uncontrollable lust for bar stools because your friend's husband accidentally stimulates your pussy by shifting bar stool at the bar you go to, and you can't accept wanting to fuck your friend's husband.

>> No.5843294

>somebody comfortable, who you don't admire
idk yet if that's what i want to do right now at least but i'm gonna give it a lot of thought

>> No.5843299
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>> No.5843313


Staying with her only burns away years of vitality that you could be using to cultivate yourself or to find somebody of quality, who you are truly compatible with, who, as the years go by, is more and more likely to end up seriously committed.
You also need to seriously consider the fact that relationships are extremely demanding. Your GF's problems are your problems. You have to assist with them, recover from them, etc. Yes, it's nice to have sex and companionship, but companionship can be gotten from friendships, and sex you can get from a FWB or your hand.

>> No.5843492

>Ride the sex as long as it lasts
This. Then move on, because of >>5843313
>You also need to seriously consider the fact that relationships are extremely demanding.

>> No.5843509

>My wallet cannot hold all of my money and my diamond shoes are too tight.

>> No.5843685

The last one was unnecessary.

>> No.5843695

>Get your gf to start exercising? Eating better? Reading? Wear nicer clothes?
How lucky she is to have you.

>> No.5843698

Read the karma sutra

>> No.5843898

Wittgenstein wrote in his journals that while he masturbated he thought about vanquishing his opponents in debate

>> No.5843916

captchas gone all freaky

>> No.5843921

it actually isn't quite enough. should be
>Of, course, I, do, enjoy, films, but, I, want, to, read, too.

>> No.5844113

I find it very hard to believe that someone as stupid as yourself even sees daylight more than twice a week.

>> No.5844285

Jesus Christ you're a pretentious asshole

>> No.5844700


This is where you fucked up.

>> No.5845010

>not wanting to watch arthouse films with a qt hipster gf

jesus christ, you're a boring faggot

>> No.5845025

Is this the opening line to your new novel or something?

>> No.5845586


>tfw your gf wants to do nothing but watch art films

>> No.5845628
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>tfw nowadays the idea of being inna relationship just seems like a hassle and not worth even trying to accomplish anymore

I feel fucked up, lit.

>> No.5845639


I used to feel the same way and then I realized that a proper relationship occurs when you find someone who feels like your best friend and you want to hang out with them all the time doing fun things

>> No.5845674

I felt something close to this once I think, wasn't even an official relationship and didn't last very long at all but it was the first time I actually felt loved by someone. You just reminded me of the moment she said I love you over the phone, I thinks it's the only time a girl has told me that and ment it. I just got really emotional for a minute.
But yeah, I guess I just don't expect to come across any girls I have a whole lot in common with anymore. And I value my time alone a lot, I'm afraid of that being taken away from me.

>> No.5845680

>tfw gf actually gets blue vagina and needs to have sex twice a day or else it feels painful
>tfw I broke her hymen and she bothers me like a lapdog for teh sex
>tfw we try to read but sex gets in the way

>> No.5845683


Yeah I only ever feared losing my time alone when I was in mediocre relationships. The relationship I'm in now is basically a partnership. If I tell her, or if she tells me, that it's time to be apart and do things individually there isn't any resentment or complaint or anything. We read together, we watch movies together, and essentially I do all of the things I would by myself but I have someone beside me while I do them. I never realized why people valued relationships so hugely until I got into this one. Things can get horrible but you know you have that person with you to get through them.

>> No.5845698

I'm glad for you dude, always gives me a little hope and warmth when people are grateful to be in a relationship with the person they're with.
Cheers m8

>> No.5846103

You act as if those aren't essential traits in maintaining a healthy human.

>> No.5846128

>tfw gf is a literary patrician
>tfw plebs bother her because she's reading in public
>tfw she keeps writing all the time, little stories, notes and shit and keeps piling up notebook after notebook
You be mirin' my /lit/ gf?

>> No.5846141


I hope she gets published, good for her. Just don't be an insecure dork and grow to resent her success if she breaks out.

>> No.5846143
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>tfw when there are people on this board right NOW that consider rubbing your genitals with other people a spiritual experience
You are retarded if you think it makes ANY difference. This doesn't even deserve any attention. It is not a moment of enlightment or connection of two souls. Merely a biological imperative. Its nice, just like eating ice cream is nice.

I have had the same situation as OP and personally i think he is a massive pussy. If you think that you have something better to do atm then fucking tell her to buy a dildo. I have literally pushed my horny gf off my lap once, because i wanted to finish Dune that night and didn't feel like taking a shower.
She mumbled something about me being wierd, but i wasn't even listening. You are not entitled to treating me as a fleshy dildo just because I'am a guy and all your past partners were horndogs high on testosteron.

I did finish Dune that night btw. Didn't regret it for a second.

>> No.5846150


>You are retarded if you think it makes ANY difference. This doesn't even deserve any attention. It is not a moment of enlightment or connection of two souls. Merely a biological imperative. Its nice, just like eating ice cream is nice.

Man watching adolescent guys cognitively reframe their insecurities like this is always embarrassing to read. Stop this, son. Just stop.

>> No.5846165

What the fuak are you talking about? I had sex yesterday. It was good, but its not a fucking Kubricsque moment of realization and mind expansion. You really gotta be sexually inexperienced to blow it out of proportion like that.
There are pleasures in life that are just as satisfying and its pathetic to see men act as if their lives will be automatically validated just by experiencing some pee pee friction pleasure.

>> No.5846187


You bastardized it down to the level of "ice cream". You are running on as many coping mechanisms as the guys that you're trying to criticize and you're too angst crippled right now to see it. Just take stock and get some perspective here.

>> No.5846257

those legs

>> No.5846327

Fuck her right ine the puss
develeop insomnia so you can read at nights
Make sure to pick up smoking and nevder open your windows in room.
Your room will smell like pussy and stench of old smoke and frankly it is the most manly parfume.

>> No.5846332

there are people on lit RIGHT NOW who have never raped a loli
And they think they can talko about the human condition

>> No.5846464

Reading out loud.

I'm doing it with my girl, it's awesome.

If she isn't very literary oriented, start with something easy and entertaining

>> No.5846486
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Disregard women and sex, acquire forms.

>> No.5846500

"do you love me?"
*flips the page*

true patrician

>> No.5846502

> Ima big boy cause I had sex once, you betta be scared of me now.

>> No.5846513

>tfw when there are people on this board right NOW that consider rubbing your genitals with other people a spiritual experience

>tfw when there are people on this board right NOW that consider staring at ink on a page a spiritual experience

This figure of speech is appalling.

>> No.5846522

I'd agree with your argument if you didn't cite Stoner as an example; Edith isn't a villain but she is the antagonist.