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5840891 No.5840891 [Reply] [Original]

Is Pale King worth reading for someone who liked Infinite Jest? The whole unfinished nature has me sort of skeptical, but on the other hand Infinite Jest can barley be called 'finished' itself.

>> No.5841010

how was Infinite Jest not finished?

>> No.5841015

If you edit all the useless bullshit out, it's a sliver of a book, almost a pamphlet.

Remember, gang, editing is part of the process.

>> No.5841049

I just finished The Pale King and thought it was alright. It felt more incomplete than any of his other works for obvious reasons, but you get over that. It's a good book if you want to get a taste of what struggles American modern life brings.

>> No.5841051

i'm about halfway through and it's been mostly character sketches, even moreso than ij
it's ok

>> No.5841061

You're not getting the book if you think it has "useless bullshit".

>> No.5841516

Yea, I don't think you understand what IJ is about.

>> No.5842480

Only one way to find out.

>> No.5842486

Is it worth reading for someone who doesn't care about
>the American [...]
and only liked Infinite Jest for the jokes and humorous voice?

>> No.5842498

I do, tennis.

>> No.5842552

I'm rereading this right now actually. If you like Infinite Jest, you'll like this. Possibly more.

>> No.5842677

The Pale King is filled with tiny masterpieces and DFW's best writing. Read it.

>> No.5843809



I also get the sense it is less tryhard then IJ, it seems he dosnt give a fuck in TPK which I think may make it better then IJ.

>> No.5845210


no idiot it's about xX420blazinitXx

>> No.5845769

I thought pale king was horrible. I kept waiting for the aha that made it all worth it. By the end I could understand why the dude killed himself. What a depressing worthless project to marinate in for years.