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5840729 No.5840729 [Reply] [Original]

What does the next century hold for western society?

>> No.5840799
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Either the greatest of the chaos's, or a techno-renaissance. The latter, is on the makings, and we are enforcing it, here, and elsewhere, one idea at a time.

>> No.5840810

Political trend towards corporatism, authoritarianism, surveillance society will increase, driven by competition from China and probably eventually India as well. Wouldn't rule out either a world war or major political twist away from democracy, but it's more likely that mechanisms of social control are too well established and the west will keep on at a low boil. That said, secret polices are now employed in most of the western nations and that's never a good sign, it foments mistrust of the government. But we are many years, maybe many decades away from major political unrest in the west.

Wars with other blocs will be highly localized, proxified, and sanitized. Cold War 2, basically, only this time there is no well-articulated ideological distinction between the two sides -- or even a hard line between them.

Socially, the major issue of this century will be the decline in the "native" (white) populations of western nations and the corresponding swell in immigrant populations. Expect moral panic from left and right alike, but nothing substantive to change about who makes policy or what policy is made. You can also expect the number of those in third-world-style poverty and those incarcerated to increase; maybe these will become hot-button issues but I doubt it.

Philosophically, current attitudes of indolence and narcissism will prevail, because that's where the money is.

>> No.5840812

The end of time, literally.

>> No.5840836

You mean figuratively?

>> No.5840866

Extinction by broiling

"Time" as we know it goes on. Timekeeping ends

>> No.5840877

On the notion that there will be another Cold War, which I fully believe will happen, I feel that it definitely won't be an equal in relation to its predecessor, in either magnitude or scope. Sure there might be the occasional proxy war here or there, but the Russian Federation is a mere shadow of it's soviet counterpart. It could quite possibly be a confrontation in the Asian-Pacific area, seeing as tensions are already quite high in the area.

>> No.5840923

unprecedented tyranny

>> No.5840935


I was more thinking of China than Russia, though I think Russia is gonna get fucked sometime this century -- less probably by war than by total economic and political collapse. But as I said, the defining feature of geopolitics in this century so far is that there are no real great enmities, because everybody is playing the same game.

>> No.5841029


What the hell would happen with all of Russia's nukes if that were to happen?

>> No.5841036

>West & East dichotomoy

>not universal trasendence


>mass extinction

>> No.5841063

That kind of already happened. Who knows where loads of those things are

>> No.5841075

more barbarism?

>> No.5841107

More alienation, more depression, more meds.

>> No.5841122

Apparently the only thing we have a hundred years left in is trees – wood. All the minerals will be gone well before that, coal, gas, and oil, all the metals. In the next hundred years, we’ll have used up, or extracted, every non-renewable resource sans wood. So where do we go from there?

Obama gives a speech to his nation recently about the threat of ISIS. “Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks,” he tells his nation, even forsaking Europe with a lovely little inflection of tone. “We are leading the world in energy independence. We are curing all the diseases.” And meanwhile national surveillance in the states has been beefed up, what, a hundredfold? Looks like someone’s bunkering down.

Money pools. It always has. Everyone knows it, they’re just dumbasses when it comes to applying it. We may have a bunch of rules whereby whatever resource in whatever place, is belong to that place’s people, but they’re easily gotten around/not exactly solid. Some fat Arab with a bunch of wives and Ferraris and Lamborghinis, with nothing ridiculous even left to spend money on, sees a pixelated number go up on a computer screen and a world’s superpower gets another huge chunk of what’s *really* left, and the rest of us are one step closer to being left out in the cold. That’s the real reality of it – that’s globalisation. And while most people are bickering about absolute bullshit – muh freedoms, Jesus Christ – we’re edging nearer and nearer to complete totalitarianism by the very thing people hold to be their own sovereignty.

I don’t know what the next century holds. I have no idea. But it doesn’t exactly look promising, either. Russia is retarded, everything they do is basically a knee-jerk reaction to American policy, but they have a whole bunch of nuclear bombs. China – well, did you see the Beijing Olympics? There’s control over a people for you. And that might as well be what the American government is striving towards now, with all its bullshit. Honestly, I think we’re all absolutely fucked bar some huge revolution – no matter what Futurama might tell you otherwise. There’s not going to be some system of just sharing what we have once it’s all out of the ground, there’s just a system of playing semi-nice while it’s being extracted. Capitalism is great while there’s plenty, it gets things moving, every other selfish retard plodding his own patch, nobody to take it from him because everyone’s a retard, they’d do it wrong and people would just end up killing each other… but how long is that going to last? Soon the retard on his little hill is going to have nothing and nobody left. Should be an interesting hundred years or so, really.

>> No.5841130

stupid robots that everyone will hate and wars amongst the poor that no-one will care about

>> No.5841133

Orwell had it spot on, really. This whole 'hurr robots, technology' bullshit is just a dream of being put gently to sleep. And that's the only time I'm going to put forward that book as a warning.

>> No.5841143


>> No.5841146

Once James Woodward's reactionless thruster is properly demonstrated, and then scaled up, humanity will be an interstellar civilization. It certainly won't look like Star Trek or Star Wars or even Mass Effect, but we're blasting off. Even WITHOUT FTL and reactionless drives we're already expanding out into the solar system.

I'll be interested to see what becomes of literature as the world looks more and more like something out of science fiction.

>> No.5841147

I don't have time to watch that, but Obama's speeches are actually fucking frightening.

>> No.5841164

>Technological escapism
>Nature vs. Man original sin extravaganza
>Cynical reductionism
>Multicultural panacea

Choose your narrative.

>> No.5841170

lel this guy is a fucking lunatic

>> No.5841172

>Obama's speeches are actually fucking frightening
why haven't I filtered you yet?

>> No.5841174

What's the Cynical Reductionism narrative? Is it along the lines of everyone adopting a "Why the fuck do people do anything when the inevitable outcome is death" kind of attitude? Or would it be more like "Life is meaningless because lol chemicals in the brain nothing is real"?

>> No.5841179

>Why the fuck do people do anything when the inevitable outcome is death

That's more of a narcissistic/nihilistic narrative.

I'm thinking more anti-authoritarian/right-wing narratives.

>> No.5841182

>anti-authoritarian/right-wing narratives.
What, you think the Libertarians would become rebellious or something?

>> No.5841190

Not sure what you mean.

Just pointing out that they tend to atomize reality and make it adhere to an impossible perfect unified narrative that is often excessively cynical. These types of projections always seem to me to be more expressions of effete angst than anything else.

I'm guilty of this myself as a right-winger from time to time.

>> No.5841192

A better question would be are their any predictions from around 1900 that ended up being good

>> No.5841195

So what you're saying is that right-wingers just keep predicting bad things for the future as well as analyzing everything that's happened so far as bad. That doesn't sound healthy.

>> No.5841196


lol if you believe this. except for the part about how the world is growing closer and closer to a fictional state

>> No.5841201

I mainly posted it for what he says about Brzezinski at 11m25s in. He talks about his book The Grand Chessboard.

>> No.5841202


to remain board-topical, E.M. Forster's "The Machine Stops" was pretty perceptive

>> No.5841208

Well, there's a fine line between realism and cynicism.

Cynicism and optimism probably being equally silly, methinks. It seems to me that the key distinction is probably that cynicism and optimism are voyeuristic of the historical process.

>> No.5841214

more bureaucracy, more socialism, more law enforcement, more sequestration of personal freedom, more centralized educational standards, more government spending, more invalids, more social marxism

less prosperity, less scientific progress, fewer artistic productions, less ambition, less commerce, less innovation, less regard for western history and traditions

>> No.5841216

I was gonna make some reference to chess in my first post, but I don't know where it went.

Careful anon, turning a blind eye actually breaks the brain :)

>> No.5841218

Don't forget more stratification.

We're fucked either by genetic engineering or by dysgenic breeding patterns.

It's probably going to be hard seeing an underclass with an IQ differential of 60 points on average as human.

>> No.5841222


I know which side of that differential my children are going to be on

fuck the slaves. they don't need IQs over 100 to begin with

>> No.5841237

An attempt to reverse multiculturalism that ultimately fails, followed by extinction.

>> No.5841239

m8 but if you fuck the slaves...

>> No.5841250

With capitalization and punctuation like that, we are reasonably confident that we too know which side you and your offspring are/will be on.

>> No.5841252

1984 is pretty much spot on. The masses being fed sex and terrorists, blind to what's really going on. I wouldn't be fucking surprised if Bill Clinton is the most faithful husband the world has ever known.

>> No.5841254

It all begins with a spectre haunting Europe...

>> No.5841256


>I can make groundless inferences from posts on 4chin!

My children will probably own most of yours.

>> No.5841267


Single parents can't adopt Chinese kids.

>> No.5841274

Multiculturalism isn't inherently bad you fucking mong, and it's been around a very long time. Nationalism has always caused more pain and suffering anyways, to say nothing of the problems of resource-drain and overpopulation. Stop parroting what /pol/ tells you.

>> No.5841280

You can if one party clearly does not have the capacity for rational discussion.

>> No.5841283

Doubtful. Women can legally abort their rape pregnancies.

>> No.5841284

>less people have been killed by evisceration and disembowelment than old age, so the former is inherently justified or good!

>> No.5841290

>Multiculturalism isn't inherently bad you fucking mong
I wonder who could be behind this post.

>Nationalism has always caused more pain and suffering anyways
Nationalism and multiculturalism are not the only two possible ideologies when it comes to organising immigrants in society. Stop parroting what /lit/ tells you about /pol/.

Nationalism's flaw is it sees ethnicities and nations as inherently in competition, and rankable and some as superior. It's ethnocentric, and therefore wrong. Multiculturalism's flaw is it sees ethnicities and nations as inherently co-operative and compatible, and equivalent in practical terms. That's also wrong, as you should well know if you'd ever had to live in an immigrant ghetto like your local Chinatown or whatever.

Nations and ethnicities should co-operate but remain separate. We can be brothers with the Asians, but that doesn't mean they have to live in our hours. Conflict stems from us being forced not just to work together but to live together. I don't want to genocide all Chinese people, I just want them to stay in China. If they do that, I'll stay in my country, and we'll both be happier for it. Separate but equal.

>> No.5841291

>it sees ethnicities and nations as inherently in competition

Uh, that aligns with a realistic interpretation of modern political theory and is basically correct.

>> No.5841293

False comparison.

>> No.5841294

/Lit/ - literature (not world politics)

>> No.5841297

Oh wow, surely with those two words you've deflected all critique from your argument that whichever ideology can be ascribed to more aggregate damage at a fixed point in history (ie. right now) is instantly invalid and a rival or competing ideology is implicitly validated by antithesis.

Oh, wait. You're just a dumb dumb.

>> No.5841303

buh bye

>> No.5841305

>realist theory
>basically correct

Besides, realist theory only recognizes states, not nations. States may be inherently competitive, but nations don't have to be. The Chinese and the Vietnamese can get along at an ethnic level while still competing over strategic resources at a state level.

It's like if Australia and New Zealand went to war over whatever. Sure, we're at war with them, but that doesn't mean I want to genocide all New Zealanders. State conflict without ethnic conflict.

If you wanna start talking about things other than states mattering in international politics you're already saying that classical realism is at least partially "incorrect".

>> No.5841317

All in-group/out-group dichotomies are inherently competitive. I want to have what you have and allot it to my friends and family. My extended family, including my racial group, is just an extension of this idea when applied to a social ethno-discourse. I am not above using the state as an apparatus to allot resources to my preferred in-groups and neither is anybody else. The probability of you convincing me of a new in-group is low and the entire basis of globalism.

That's the reality.

>> No.5841319

What in the name of fuck are you talking about lmfao

>> No.5841325

State: the actual government institution that governs and does violence
Nation: a loose community with shared cultural elements (myths, legends, traditions/rituals etc)
Nation-state: A state that encompasses an entire nation.

So South Africa is a state. The Kurdish people are a nation. Denmark is a nation-state.

This is all basic Political Science stuff. I'm not just pulling this out of my ass - this is what you'd get taught if you walked into any International Relations faculty in any university in the Western world.

>> No.5841333

No, I get that. Where I'm losing you is this grand solution of Chinese people going back to China.

>> No.5841347


Try me faggot

>> No.5841356

The problem is that Chinese people are in my country. That is the problem. It's not that they cause problems, it's that the fact that they are here at all is in fact the problem. So yes, the ideal solution is them going back to China.

>> No.5841377

I'm surprised you're not telling me to go post on reddit instead over being a tripfriend. Mate, you have far bigger problems than Chinese people running a shop down the road from you.

>> No.5841380

>muh homogenous nation-state
>people that look different than me are scary
>why is my mother's basement so damp and chilly??

You're a fucking imbecile. Go back to /gsg/ and whinge about blobbing or something.

>> No.5841386

>ridiculous men of straw

Posting privileges revoked.

>> No.5841395

Politics is a joke, to be honest. There is absolutely no solution or stance besides revolution unlike has ever been known before or some grand delusion of bludgeoning your way to the top of the power structure, that your kids might live on in power like some North Korean shit or some other dumb shit like that. Nobody's going to give a fuck about your petty gripes about taxes, either. The right is fucking retarded.

>> No.5841400

Politics is literally Total War, and if you deny that, you're a fucking monkey.

>> No.5841406

Trust me, I'm resisting the temptation.

And yes, I know there are bigger problems. I'm not an idiot and I'm not a single-issue voter either. The harmless Chinese couple owning the shop down the street doesn't bother me - it's the fact that they're going to keep coming, more and more and more, until I am a minority and a stranger in my own country. You cannot deny that that is a very real possibility, and even likely, unless our policies change. All you can do is try and tell me it's not a bad thing, and I don't believe you when you do.

>implying I'm going to dignify that with a reply
Oops I just did. Oh well.

>> No.5841410

In fairness, the anti-multiculturalism guy is at least perceiving the great threat in otherness, just has really ridiculous ideas about dealing with it.

>> No.5841421

This >>5841410 is about you.
What, we're all just going to live in separate countries with people who look exactly like us, so no one can get single out, and we're all going to live happily ever after, eh? What about if the Chinese land a bomb on you and all the other dudes who look just like you from where they are, all looking the same too?en

>> No.5841428

Anyone see that video where they ask the three little kids about world politics and the little white American kid wants to build a gigantic wall?

>> No.5841432


increasing automation smashing formalised jobs as the primary model of systemic contribution/dependence and purpose in life (at least for swathes of certain people like the lower class, young, and uneducated)

increasing internet-aided decentralised collectivism/new-ochlocracy/secular cults as a means of social and political control

the ruin of many old institutional models

increasing virtual-city style (in the sense that communities on the internet are not bounded by infrastructure in the same way as real world cities, and thus they can accrue a self-perpetuating monopoly in ways that real world cities cannot) economic models, with online populations and communities harnessed (knowingly and otherwise) for simple and complex tasks... with social/reputational models of promotion/success/self-esteem, and data acquisition an imperative

that's just sort of observing/extrapolating though, but basically i feel like people and their time are in many ways becoming a more fluid commodity that competing forces seek to attract and hold+administer...

>> No.5841436


There are few empirical benefits to multiculturalism

>> No.5841441


Politics - Politics

>> No.5841443


I agree, multiculturalism isn't inherently bad, but within a democracy it will cause strife. Democracies naturally favour nationalism and other collectivist movements, so when you start fostering what is essentially nations within nations eventually one of the groups within that nation of nations will subjugate the other, and they will do it democratically. Tensions are already boiling over.

>> No.5841450

Good point, dude. Let's send them all back to China!

What about creating strong bonds between people, though?

>> No.5841452

>What, we're all just going to live in separate countries with people who look exactly like us, so no one can get single out, and we're all going to live happily ever after, eh?

Of course not.

I'm not promoting homogenity as the cure-all that will bring about utopia. All I'm saying is that I don't like foreigners and I want them to go and stay go. Obviously, from that perspective, multiculturalism is bad. Will that fix the world? No. But it will fix a small part of my corner of it. And it's not even as if I want all foreigners deported the very next day. I wouldn't even care that much if not a single one left. I just don't want any more coming in. I don't want to be a minority in my own country. I want my children to grow up in the Australia I grew up in with the values and culture that I grew up in, not some mongrel mish-mash of a thousand different places that are alien and cold.

I can tell you why I don't like foreigners if you'd like but they're basically the standard reasons.

>> No.5841453

It was the little black American, lol. The little white American was way worse...

>> No.5841455

My only hope and comfort is that as an antinatalist NEET I'm at least not part of the problem.

>> No.5841456

>What about creating strong bonds between people, though?
Expats generally live in enclaves, and multicultural societies perform more poorly on social cohesion measures than homogenous ones. It's just common sense. Birds of a feather flock together.

>> No.5841459


good answer

>> No.5841461

I don't think you think very deeply about the things that bother you, dude.

>> No.5841465

This is only true if you're not white.
That's a tongue-in-cheek joke, by the way.

Your opinion is noted. Feel free to probe my depths if you'd like. Ask me a question. What's bothering you about my worldview? Why do you disagree?

>> No.5841467

Which is understandable. It can be a scary thing to let the full weight of the world in. And this is why nearly everyone is an autist.

>> No.5841482

Hopefully there will be continued exchange of western ideas into east and vice versa, thus diminishing the validity of the distinction in the first place.

More likely: environmental collapse, complete and chaotic dissolution of the present global economic order and US hegemony followed by considerable and unprecedented conflict over the power vacuum and probably eventually ending in nuclear holocaust.

>> No.5841485


Lel post link

>> No.5841492

lol, I fucking like you BigPenis. Can I come play video games in your house when the world collapses?

>> No.5841495

Here you go buddy: >>5841441

>> No.5841498


haha, I'm not much of a gamer. I don't really know what I do with my time to be honest. Mostly ruminate on things and read trivia online. But you're welcome to drop by for conversation!

>> No.5841502

I don't know what to say to you, dude. I basically think you have autism/really fucking childish notions of politics, the safety of the home being absolutely massive inside you but with no real thought about things otherwise, just telling mean kids to go to their homes, stay out of mine, yadda yadda, the world is saved lmao

Sorry, it's hard not to get kinda manic talking about this shit.

>> No.5841505

Me neither. I would like that :)

>> No.5841507


I don't see why killing the Chinese is a bad idea honestly.

>> No.5841508

Must be scary as fuck living right off China, basically.

>> No.5841511

Sounds like you have understood nothing I've said to you.

I'm not selling this as a way to fix the world. I know it won't. I just don't like foreigners and want them to fuck off.

That's literally all this is. I want them to leave.

You don't seem interested in finding out why I want that so I haven't volunteered the information, but your continued casting of this as me trying to build a utopia through nation-states is wrong.

I don't want to build a global utopia, I just want to build a white Australia.

Where do you live, out of curiosity?

>> No.5841517

I live in Ireland, where all our wars are merry and all our songs are sad - couldn't you tell by my posting? :)

Psychoanalysing people by country is actually super interesting and precise IMO.

>> No.5841519


Many of the things multiculturalism does are good by the standards of your masters. =)

>> No.5841524

>be foreigner living in Australia
>nazis want me to leave
>but i'm a white German
>nazis love me
>say "we need more of you"
>be confused

>> No.5841533
File: 86 KB, 500x500, rancorrancoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't rly comment on the western world, but in regards 2 big fat faggot murikkka:

u've got a collegiate student population thats bein quietly n markedly herded towards models of progressive thought which purport to cure systematic inequalities but r rly just salves slicked 2 temporarily alleviate the symptomatic expressions of real systematic inequalities. oppression hierarchies and this secular-eschatologically derived, neo-catholic, efficacy-draining guilt inherent to the "intersectional" concept of "privilege" do nothing to upend the systems around which these ideas arrange their ethically valid apogees. "poc" ppl rail against white ppl and claim to give a fuck about "black lives" w/ absolutely no comprehension of the monolithic carelessness the system has about race/ethnicity/socio-economic status @ the end of the day as anything but markers built to categorize and prioritize pragmatically pivotal aspects of socio-political conduct as a whole; the same thing happens w/ anti-SJWs.

the college model also trains youth to remain content in their unconscious obsequiousness by prioritizing useless venting mechanisms n frivolous slacktivist centralization of individual resources/time/effort investment up the economic hierarchy (i.e. twitter tirades a la Arab Spring action, offsets of indulgent consumer spending w/ corporate charity drives or "we'll donate 1 dollar for every 15 you spend" incentives, etc.) while, at the end of the day, providing for their most basic comforts and excess decadences in exchange for submitting to the auspice of wage slavery.

n what i'm talking about isn't exactly new or special but it's metastasizing at an unprecedented rate in ppl who could make a difference and its distracting ppl who'd want to see the system change from the real problem of the system itself - which i don't think i or anyone could summarize in a single 4chan post. the cut of the jib's this, though: comfort and perception keeps ppl OK with how much the world goes to shit, and any "activist" who thinks they can even hope to impact a god damn thing some part of this inimitably vast, preternaturally prepared paradigm doesn't already control without the willingness to sacrifice not only their life but all the opportunity that its worth won't accomplish a single thing that isn't playing into a primordially premeditated arrangement.

>> No.5841538

Bit disingenuous. You're obviously more similar to them than different. Although, if mass immigration in Australia was exclusively German, even then you would see conflict. This conflict would be quicker to disappear than any conflict that might arise with immigration from an African or Middle Eastern country though.

>> No.5841540

It's a compatibility thing. Certain cultures are more compatible than others.

>> No.5841542

It's really difficult to read you when you write like that. Maybe save that style for the shorter shitposts.

>> No.5841543
File: 37 KB, 331x224, godtac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


n i use the phrase "primordially premeditated" not in the sense of ALIEN JEW REPTILIAN ILLUMINATI GRAB YA TIN FOIL HELMETS *heads 4 /pol/* but more in the sense of the solitary condition we can't exactly talk ourselves out of categorization and thinking in this manner. there doesn't need 2 be an illuminati or w/e kind of analog ne1 can conjure up when the systems you arrange for efficiency quickly spiral out of ur control and start gaining traction as entities in their own right.

>> No.5841550

i lik u

>> No.5841551
File: 12 KB, 209x193, chenergy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*talk ours of: categorization and thinking

colonoscopy in progress smfh


maybs *shrug* but just saying "all is faggot" doesn't quite have the same ring 2 it

>> No.5841562

I feel like German and Australian (or Queensland) culture don't fit at all, and German culture is more close to some Asian cultures (like Japanese).

Queenslanders celebrate the larrikin, the "works good enough" work attitude. All Australians I ever worked with were a pain to work with - usually late, more than shoddy craftsmanship, if it was half-way done it was complete. It's no miracle most of the scientists working at Australian universities are not Australians.

Where we Germans (and for example Japanese, or Koreans) spend our time trying to improve our work, Australians spend it drinking crap beer and eating garbage sausages on paper bread. It's no wonder you guys are not a world power in any aspect of that term (a bit inconsiderate of your tiny population size of course).
After the fall of the wall, East Germany was economically in the toilet and still managed to create and manage to keep a world-class optics company (Carl Zeiss).

>> No.5841572
File: 32 KB, 395x416, tackle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


y-y-you too :gay:

>> No.5841577


>> No.5841582

u wanna fucking go me, cunt? you looking for a slapping?

But yes, you are correct about North Queensland being a toilet and Australia as a whole being a toilet. But some of us like this toilet, and that's why we want to keep the people who aren't our fellow toilet-dwellers out. You guys go and rule the world and do whatever, just stop coming here.

And I totally agree with you about German culture. I traveled over there recently and it was exactly like I thought it would be. You people are so uptight about everything. It's not just that you don't talk to your cashier or anything, it's that it feels like you're not even allowed to. Like the big German police will come and arrest you for small-talk at the bus stop.

>garbage beer
You're not supposed to swill it like a faggot, you're supposed to scull it and get wasted you fucking mong. Of course it tastes like piss - it's the equivalent of non-poisonous metho. Best thing to do is get a sack of it (or goon) and peg it to a clothesline and drink it like that.

>> No.5841596
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5841604

Yep, that's an Australian all right.

>> No.5841626

The problem with Australia, and I say this as an Australian, is that we have not needed to actually do anything productive or innovative for far too long. Our economy has consistently grown for ~20+ years on the coattails of a China-driven commodities boom, big immigration, and blowing up a nice big housing bubble. Our companies would rather laze in Australia incestuously managing oligopolistic business models than take risks competing in the wider world. Our governments have pretty much wasted a one-time boom, and now as it's winding down they have no new model to replace it.

It will all have to fall apart dramatically before the Australian mindset even has a chance of changing. Hopefully not too soon though, I'm almost out of university and I need a job. =S

>> No.5841631

>But yes, you are correct about North Queensland being a toilet and Australia as a whole being a toilet. But some of us like this toilet, and that's why we want to keep the people who aren't our fellow toilet-dwellers out. You guys go and rule the world and do whatever, just stop coming here.

Fair enough only if you guys stay in your toilet - stop flooding the streets of London and Whistler, and stealing the one-night-stands of fellow backpackers with your sunburned abs and sexy accents. BTW, what will happen to you standards of living when mining stops? You have no fallback industry like for example Qatar and UAE are trying to develop. They're not great, but at least they're trying.

>You people are so uptight about everything. It's not just that you don't talk to your cashier or anything, it's that it feels like you're not even allowed to. Like the big German police will come and arrest you for small-talk at the bus stop.

I wouldn't say that the Coles or Woolies-ordained "small talk" enforced on cashiers is not uptight. I can't count the number of times where I could see that the cashier just had to ask "how was your day" without giving a shit about what came back.
And I have to say, I had more stress with Australians about nothing (especially Australian bouncers and police) than with German police. Every time German police were called to my house parties they were courteous, nice and understanding. Australian police just pour out my beer and give me a fine :( Your bouncers have choke-dragged me out for falling asleep in a club, I couldn't even imagining that happen in Germany. I got a blanket from a German bouncer for my sleeping friend!

>Best thing to do is get a sack of it (or goon) and peg it to a clothesline and drink it like that.
Wheel of goon is great fun!

>> No.5841632

Western stealth dictatorships. Revolutionary violence in Eastern countries.

>> No.5841646

>what will happen to you standards of living when mining stops?
It collapses. In fact, it's been dropping already for two years now. We've been a banana republic for over half a century and thanks to our current mob of politicians it isn't going to change any time soon. Hooray for democracy.

>I can't count the number of times where I could see that the cashier just had to ask "how was your day" without giving a shit about what came back.
I dunno, I regularly have real conversations with servers and I work at a McDicks and regularly have real conversations with customers.

It was just weird to go out in public and be completely alone.

> I had more stress with Australians about nothing (especially Australian bouncers and police) than with German police. Every time German police were called to my house parties they were courteous, nice and understanding. Australian police just pour out my beer and give me a fine :( Your bouncers have choke-dragged me out for falling asleep in a club, I couldn't even imagining that happen in Germany. I got a blanket from a German bouncer for my sleeping friend!
Probably because Germans don't cause problems. Police are only as rough and assholeish as they think they need to be and Australians are boorish and violent. I won't deny that. It's just a low level or predictable resistance to being made to do things, but it means that when cops or bouncers want to make you do things they jump straight to using force.

Anyway, I'm literally going to the beach now so maybe I'll be back later, but I gtg. Cya.

>Wheel of goon is great fun!

>> No.5841751

fucking hell, this thread.

dear mootie, please make /pol/ back as it was so we can be free of these morons

also, the future: eloi vs morlocks

>> No.5841783

Goddamn, what the fuck is wrong with this board, this is worse than fucking reddit.

And I thought the other boards were going to shit. At least they discuss irrelevant fucking shit like video games and anime, not real art and politics when they shitpost.

This board will actually make you a worse writer and a dumber person overall.

>> No.5841785

oops forgot this fucking homo>>5841751

>> No.5841787

>eloi vs morlocks

I can give you an interesting a/pol/lonian interpretation of that if you like.

>> No.5841798

You are a delusional fool.

>> No.5841816

Mate, you completely lack self-awareness. If thinking your "ayy lmao 420 blaze it common sense" version of philosophy is right, then I'd rather stay deluded.

Same things with that faggot who types like a literal autist.

>> No.5841820


im the rancor raccoon fag what exactly's butt bout my post?

bsides bein big word gayly but u cant exactly formulate an argument against intersectional privilege w/o recognizing that its srsly fuccin beholden to judeo-christian guilt trip nonsense n ingrained social apocalyptic sentiment

honestly askin no disingenuous bullshit bruvinsko

>> No.5841822

I'm literally mindblown by how delusional you are right now, dude. The projection is real. And you know it, too, so go fuck yourself.

>> No.5841823


Russian federation is basically transformed soviet union

>> No.5841827

itt: /pol/

>> No.5841829

Your posts read like an autist mlp version of James Joyce, I'm not reading that shit beyond the first three words, not even the post I'm replying to.

Aren't you Irish mate? Stop trying to be a yank
>the projection is real
stop trying to be a niggeryank

>> No.5841833


>> No.5841835

Nil ach focal e, mo chara. Bi ciuin anois le do thoil.

>> No.5841841
File: 1.96 MB, 500x388, dunkawnsoreass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



y comment then man? y even concern urself w/ mentioning the fact that u think the things i say r too prolix when u won't even read what i'm saying???

i'm talkin 2 u p. normal here. y do u think i would needlessly obfuscate a point i'm tryin 2 make on an internet message board brother?

just ??? wat

>> No.5841844
File: 403 KB, 1447x1185, matisse_red_studio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wheel of goon is great fun!
Haha fuck such a german line

I'm not the guy you're replying to but I'm in a similar situation to you (german living in Qld - probably lived here longer considering how german you still sound). Why are you here out of interest? I've got a British passport + as soon as I have enough money I'm out of here

>> No.5841843



>> No.5841853
File: 1.78 MB, 350x255, astounding quite quality.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



bark lay-up these dubz doe

>> No.5841855


look at all those ipods