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5839428 No.5839428 [Reply] [Original]

I was considering becoming a vegetarian and it got me thinking. Why do animals even deserve rights? Where can I read about why animals should have rights?

>> No.5839438


>> No.5839440

You would have to conclude that they either have inalienable rights, or that people give them rights.

>> No.5839442

because they're le living things too!!!!

I type this as I eat chicken wings

>> No.5839443

why should foetuses have rights? eating a cheeseburger is like aborting a baby you fucking baby killer

>> No.5839449

i just ate some fucking delicious veggie burgers i got at some indian market taste like a mix of somasa and hashbrowns so fucking delicious, i'm not even vegerarian, i rather be eating chicken mehkani but these fucking things are way better than a fucking regular cheeseburger

>> No.5839452

Animals don't have rights. This is a necessary state of things: the things we do to animals go far beyond eating, like animal testing. You could argue that research isn't necessary, in which case I'd tell you to fuck off.

>> No.5839465

Peter Singer a shit

But yeah OP if you would like to read the most compelling argument for animal rights this is the book to go too

>> No.5839479

If animals don't have rights then what makes you think humans do? Why would you tell me to fuck off because I don't condone testing on animals for products like shampoo and deodorant? Why should humans test on animals for drugs that are ineffective and still bare health consequences for users?

>> No.5839483

what makes you think i think humans have rights?

>> No.5839498


>> No.5839506

And you don't think that we have rights? You seem to think that we have the right to test on animals, and destroy the earth through the waste produced by factory farming. The meat industry isn't just bad for the animals that are killed, it's bad for us and our children. They have to inherit our trash and the meat industry is among the worst for producing pollution.

>> No.5839515

I don't think he's saying we have the right to do these things but we it's not morally wrong not to

>> No.5839522
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pic related

>> No.5839628

Moral Order xD

>> No.5839635

They deserve some sort of respect because they are sentient. Acting as if we are above them is foolish.

>> No.5839667

why do vegetarians name their shit after meat
veggie burger this tofu hot dog that
they obviously miss meat

>> No.5839715

why do meat eaters name their shit after the citizens of german cities?

>> No.5839745

human's dont really have rights either. It's an idea we created. They're not "real". That being said, there is a general consensus that we should treat each other all with some decency. Humans are social creatures that have traditionally survive in groups. Someone who expresses cruelty unnecessarily is someone who is generally unstable and detrimental to the herd, and as such are excluded and detested

>> No.5839769

well that never stopped u from aborting the unborn now did it

>> No.5839772

What a stupid unrelated comeback.

>> No.5839781

We can do whatever we want. It's not a matter of rights, it's a matter of what's beneficial to our species.As of yet humanity is still greatly flawed with countless injustices and tragedies. We put our advancement before everything else, and if we finally reach stability we can then seek to benefit other species. We should not go out of our way to treat other species cruelty, but if testing on animals saves human lives, why on earth would you chose animals over your own species?

>> No.5839797

it was a stupid response to a stupid question

>> No.5839798

would a hungry lion hesitate to eat you? Even if you threw in a meat perfectly healthy meat substitute do you really think it would rise above for the sake of your life? If we are not above them as you claim then eating them should be no problem, right?

>> No.5839806

he feels guilty for being too successful as a species, it's just privilege and/or success guilt taken to the fucking absurd

>> No.5839835

cats are a bit of an exception, because they need nutrients in their diets that only exist in meat. most mammals can survive perfectly well on a vegetarian or vegan diet. if, for example, the hungry animal was a wolf, and its choices were to eat me, given that i would be snarling and growling and prepared to defend myself, or a similarly-sized and equally yummy substitute (and o i am o so yummy), a sensible wolf would take the tofu and run

>> No.5839850

I'm a vegetarian, but I don't really give a fuck about animals.

Since I rely solely on supermarkets for my food needs I see no reason to eat meat, in that the production of meat products requires food, water, and land for the animals in question. Since relying on these supermarkets means I can easily sustain myself without the wasteful and disgusting (from the perspective of health and sanitation, not from an animal rights angle) processes of meat production, I do.

>> No.5839874

I'm a vegetarian on ethical grounds, however the fact is animals don't have rights and aren't even protected by the NAP because they themselves can't follow it. I believe in non-violence to all creatures, but in terms of objective morality? Animals are below morality.

>> No.5839881

do you angst this much about the environmental impact of all the products you buy or only food? seems kind of hypocritical to only get all uptight about meat production and not say your shoes, oil or microprocessors

>> No.5839896

but you're adding in the element of you snarling and growling. This is more or less a question of whether or not animals care in the slightest about human lives? I believe this to be no, unless there is some relationship established prior, I would need to see some hard evidence to be convinced otherwise

>> No.5839904

The question is where do rights come from.
For humans it is either because we will them or because they come from our very nature.
There is no such nature for animals so form a natural law standpoint no, animals should not have rights.

>> No.5839907

I think rights is a bit of a strawman, as it's a legal thing isn't it?

Just forget all about that and ask yourself, do animals suffer? do I care about their suffering? would a vegetarian diet alleviate their suffering?

>> No.5839909

I try to be as low-impact as possible in most everything, yes.
This guy

>> No.5839919

giving some homeless bum my lunch money instead of eating a salad would alleviate suffering but i'm not gonna do it and neither are you

>> No.5839922

It is a legal thing because of philosophy.
Suffering has nothign to do with it.

>> No.5839926

You could, though.

>> No.5839927

Sorry, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't growing crops also require land, food (mulch), and water? You might be expending too much energy worrying about the consequences of eating meat (sanitation-wise).

>> No.5839935

you could but you don't just like i could eat a salad instead of a chicken sandwich but i'm not going to

>> No.5839944

If you think about it every luxury you experience comes at the cost of another person's misery. Money you spend on your additional happiness could be spent on the basic essentials of survival for someone else.

>> No.5839945

Of course it does, just on a way smaller scale.

The amount of water it takes to sustain industrial livestock production is staggering, let alone the water and land it takes to make their food, which we don't get to eat.
I think that's a shitty argument tbh m8

>> No.5839947

the way i see it the exploited mexican guy who has to break his back picking tomatoes for 50 bucks a day suffers more than some chicken

>> No.5839952

Why should people have rights?

>> No.5839959

but i mean once you've taken on all the suffering in the world as your personal responsibility (and only a supremely bourgeois ego would even think to do this) you have to consider the suffering in every single thing you do

>> No.5839962

What about the exploited Mexican working in a meat factory for 50 bucks a day?

>> No.5839966

I'm genuinely curious, not trying to be an asshole, is it really that significant?

>> No.5839974


those guys get paid good money, when i eat a steak i'm also supporting the middle class, unlike vegetarian poverty pimps

>> No.5839975

50 bucks a day is a lot of money actually.
My mother is a teacher and she works for less.

>> No.5839978

Our nature that is relatred to the Divine.

>> No.5839980

I'm assuming after taxes? How many hours a day?

>> No.5839985

To be fair, not eating meat does not mean a person doesn't enjoy meat. Most vegetarians are so because of moral reasons, not out of some dislike of meat.

>> No.5839987

I would eat humans I had to to survive. That said I live mostly vegetarian, as it is a good dietary choice and cheaper.

>> No.5839990

>he has to live on 50 bucks a day

oh its all clear now, you can't afford to eat meat and then try to play it off like you're making some sacrifice...yeah, bro, i'm like that to, see i sacrifice by not wearing any gucci, i mean i totally would but like, im just so sensitive to suffering and stuff that i just wear polo instead

>> No.5839993

8 hours, after taxes.
Average pay is 750 bucks, she earns about a grand.

>> No.5839995

bullshit, most vegans are just vegetarians who also happen to be lactose intolerant...saying "bro i don't eat milk products to reduce suffering" sounds better than "sorry dude, milk makes me fart" when some offers you some

>> No.5839998

Sorry to hear, I do believe teachers are incredibly underpaid

>> No.5840000

But I don't think taking on the suffering of the whole world is the point, more just making the best decisions through thought.
>you have to consider the suffering in every single thing you do

I don't think that's a bad thing, we have to realize the suffering we create and try to be as comfortable as we can with it.
Yes. Especially on a grand rather than individual scale. It takes over 2000 gallons per pound of beef.

>> No.5840002

well why don't you give all your money to teachers to reduce "teh sufferangs" or do you only care about the sufferings of cows and pigs

>> No.5840007

I'm not a vegetarian...

>> No.5840012

>I don't think that's a bad thing, we have to realize the suffering we create and try to be as comfortable as we can with it.

yeah, well, i don't shop at walmart because they are little bitches who exploit their workers, but you won't hear me bragging about how i overpaid for a dvd player or something to fight exploitation, vegetarianism is clearly and ego performance otherwise you wouldn't constantly talk about it like this thread for example

>> No.5840013

what do vegans have to do with vegetarians not necessarily disliking meat? vegans are faggots, fuck vegans, all i'm saying is most vegetarians enjoy meat perfectly well, they just don't eat it for moral reasons.

>> No.5840014

What the fuck are you talking about?
I'm actually well off due the my father beigng a lot more sucsessful and I eat meat at least twice a day.

>> No.5840016

Bullshit. No teacher works @ or near the min wage.

>> No.5840021

not every teacher is in a union bro, she probably works at some McCharter School in a red state

>> No.5840022

>look how cool and counter counter culture I am on teh internets

Not all vegetarians make a show of doing so. You know that. You are also a faggot.

>> No.5840024

*2000 gallons of water

40% of fresh water in the US is used to irrigate crops for livestock feed, according the the US geological survey.
I never bring it up in public, I only brought it up in this thread because that's the topic. I'm not sure why you're being this accusatory.

>> No.5840025

i'm just saying i would totally wear gucci and rolex but im just such a sensitive guy that i choose to wear cheap stuff instead just like vegetarians choose not to order lobster for dinner

>> No.5840026

What about all the other bullshit though?
Butter has little to no lactose, and clarified butter has none at all. Yoghurt has naturally occuring lactase from the bacteria in it. None processed cheeses have almost no remaining lactase. Vegetarianism is fine, but almost all veganism is vulgar moral showboating.

>> No.5840028

Exept there are countries outside of america.

>> No.5840034

>you know that

no, i don't know that, this semester i have heard no less than three fuckwits loudly announce to the room that they are becoming vegetarians and then be loudly congratulated by other vegetarian fuckwits (one of these people is fucking obese like 300 pouinds, bitch needs the atkins diet not more fucking carbs but whatever)

>> No.5840035

>50 bucks

It's not unreasonable to assume they are referring to dollars, you faggot.

>> No.5840039

>veganism is moral showboating

what? but i thought you cared about suffering? i guess you just don't have the balls to go all the way

>> No.5840042

>no, i don't know that,

My sympathies, being a faggot is one thing, but a retarded faggot...

>> No.5840043

as a meat eater, you just did brag, and while I agree you should not impose your beliefs on someone else, claiming that the entirety of vegetarianism is an ego performance is just blatantly false and disrespectful to non-imposing vegetarians. This thread was started so someone could gather information to decide to be a vegetarian or not. The intentions are good for the non-imposing, but it doesn't make them superior or inferior. By generalizing you make yourself out to be just as bad as the "vegetarians that constantly talk about it"

>> No.5840051

I find there is a high correlation between those who eat those kinds of foods regularly and those who seem to be following a particular diet more because its "trendy" or "hip" than anything else.

>> No.5840054

oh come on everyone can tell vegetarianism is holier than though bullshit, all ascetic performance is dude

>> No.5840063

Because their suffering is not essential to our existence. Voluntarily forcing other creatures to undergo mass suffering is undesirable for anyone with any sense of morality.

>> No.5840069

why? what's wrong with mass suffering?

>> No.5840072

It is immoral if unnecessary. I said that, you faggot.

>> No.5840074

why is it immoral? i don't get it

>> No.5840075
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Donna Haraway's Companion Species Manifesto is good for a laugh. But it's mostly about pets

>> No.5840076

The last thread on this topic had some valid points from both sides, nearly all of these things we're talking about were discussed in a somewhat serious manner. This thread on the other hand...

>> No.5840078

Fuck you nigga, they are animals.

>> No.5840084

We arbitrarily decided that humans have rights and animals don't, because we're humans. The less akin to humans it is, the less rights it has. Welcome to science ethics.

>> No.5840085
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>lol morality and grammar aren't real

Double faggot.

>> No.5840087

grammar isn't real, it's just a tool of the modern nation state system: i.e. a country is just a grammar with a flag

>> No.5840092

I'm not the same person you were talking to fagballs

>> No.5840097

vegetarians arbitrarily decided that plants don't have rights because they still need SOMETHING to eat

>> No.5840111

It's because plants aren't sentient you imbecile. Plants aren't capable of suffering. This does not mean that deforestation and current agricultural practices are okay however.

>> No.5840114

terrible troll thread

>> No.5840116

I never said you should
>It is a legal thing because of philosophy
nice argument

>> No.5840125

>implying you can know anything about the qualia of a plant.

>> No.5840133
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>> No.5840142

so you're saying vegetarians are just manchildren? i agree

>> No.5840146

Animals do not have a capacity for morality, because their minds are not as evolved as ours. They are guided by fucking instincts and can't rationally reflect on their choices.

What a retarded argument

>> No.5840148

>Plants aren't capable of suffering.

According to my extensive research (Roald Dahl's "The B.F.G."), flowers scream in agony when they're picked. You think I is swizzfiggling you?

>> No.5840152

can you know anything about the qualia of say a cow? or another human?

>> No.5840154
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>> No.5840157
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From the last veg thread

>> No.5840163
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>> No.5840171
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>> No.5840172


>> No.5840173

>not biting your grandmother
fucking plebs

>> No.5840184
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>> No.5840185
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I'm no vegetarian, I adore eating meat, I have no intention to stop. What I care about is how the animals are treated and slaughtered, I don't want them to suffer. Ever been burned? Imagine the pain that bull felt getting that hot iron on its ass, or that whale harpooned dozens of times. It's terrible, I don't want anyone or anything going through that shit. Animals feel just as much cold, pain, and fear as we do.

>> No.5840190
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epic win

>> No.5840192

a baby loves it's mother, but still drinks her milk

>> No.5840194

Could you, oh I don't know, productively contribute to the thread instead of posting these pictures sarcastically?

>> No.5840197
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>mfw people use an inherited Christian moral language while denying Christianity
>mfw people advocate that anything "has rights" without explaining what it means to "have rights", where these "rights" come from, or asserting any argument for why one is entitled to them

Seriously why. The constitution says that we're granted particular rights "by God", and we've inherited this language of inalienable "rights" from the religiously- and spiritually-minded writers of this constitution. If we get rid of this mindset, we can't continue to use this kind of language because there is no longer a foundation for it. It just turns into murky bullshit and ambiguous emotional appeals, or worse, pointless legalism (we have rights because, well, the government just says we do!).

>> No.5840199

was that supposed to make me feel bad or something? just kinda reminded me of popcorn

>> No.5840204
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what is productiveness? why is it better than sarcasm?

>> No.5840208
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>> No.5840211

This is fallacious. If we used to think rights were derived from god but no longer believe in god does not necessitate that we discard these beliefs that have long since been conditioned into human behavior. What is more, it is more probable that morality and rights created god rather than the reverse, given their prevalence across all faiths.

>> No.5840219
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we need to get the word out, people are killing themselves and poor animals to do it!

>> No.5840223

Most sane people go by the Declaration of human rights as written down during the French Revolution

>> No.5840225

more like:
>hey anon would you like some steak?
no thank you
>why anon it's all juicy don't you love the smell?
thanks for making it but I choose not to eat meat sorry, maybe save it for later?

>> No.5840229

There are good reasons to be vegetarian if you believe in human rights as well.

>> No.5840233

This is 100% and also engineers do the exact same fucking thing

>> No.5840235

No one cares. Stay mad.

>> No.5840240

I do not understand why someone's more ethical dietary choice bothers you guys so much. Vegs are against animal cruelty, environmemtally harmful agricultural practices, and are about minimizing suffering as much as possible. Why does this bother you so much?

>> No.5840248

>in god does not necessitate that we discard these beliefs
It necessarily does, because the only reason given for these rights (and their inalienability) is that they were granted by an all-powerful eternal creator. Where do rights come from? Why is one entitled to them? What does it mean to "have rights" in this sense?

None of what you posted explains any of it, all it does is try to ignore it
>it's been conditioned into human behavior, so there's no point in questioning it, stop!
>Well the fact that we believe God granted people rights is enough, even though God's not real
No, and no. That does not explain the rights issue at all. Just saying "well lots of people believe it" neither makes it true, worth continuing, nor immune to questioning.

>> No.5840252

There are very few who seem to be offended by the idea of vegetarianism.

Calm down.

>> No.5840256

why do anti-abortion protestors bother you so much? why would someone's ethical choice to save unborn souls from murder upset you so much?

>> No.5840261

>has tried 7 times in this thread to steer this topic onto abortion
>no one has responded yet

lel, just stop.

>> No.5840264

>Vegs are against harmful agricultural practices


>> No.5840266

>"no one has responded yet"

>> No.5840267

why are you dodging the issue? you can't be a vegetarian and oppose the rights of the unborn, unless of course you are just a self-absorbed asshole putting on a show at lunch

>> No.5840272


tåp kæk

>> No.5840275

don't you think tobacco farming is just as wasteful as growing feed for beef? yet the majority of vegetarians are also smokers. boy, edgy teens sure are fucking tedious.

>> No.5840277

The abortion of an unborn child and the mass suffering and slaughter of sentient animals aren't analogous

>> No.5840281

vegetarians are actually statistically proven to be more emotionally healthy as well as physically on average

>> No.5840287

all these generalizations lel

>> No.5840289

>more emotionally healthy
>childish attachment to farm animals

yeah ok bro

>> No.5840290



>> No.5840292

>"The data on abortions displayed on the Worldometers' counter is based on the latest statistics on worldwide abortions published by the World Health Organization (WHO). According to WHO, every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day."

>> No.5840296

125,000 human lives snuffed out every day and all this fucking faggot can thing about is if a chicken somewhere is being inconvenienced

>> No.5840299
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eat my salami

>> No.5840301

stay mad BRO

>> No.5840302

No one cares. OP is also obviously a thinly vieled excuse for a propoganda dump. Please remember to report off topic posts

>Heh... Anyone wanna recommend some video game books? Lets talk about vidya though.

Does not make a thread on topic

>> No.5840309

similar threads have been posted for quite some days now
how is this lit, at all? go ask >>>/sci/ (protip: they'll probably laugh at you)

>> No.5840313

>Trying to use "lel u mad"
>Spamming propaganda no one wants to hear so you can prosyletize your faggy lifestyle of emotions

How do you even get this retarded? Is it your backwards, unnatural diet?

>> No.5840314

separate issue.

Start an abortion thread then. This is about vegetarianism.

>> No.5840318

What I meant to say was that the suffering that occurs during the abortion of an unborn child who is not fully developed is not analogous to the suffering that befalls an already born and sentient animal used in the meat and dairy industry.

>> No.5840323


>> No.5840331

The suffering of any human being will never be (and can never be) analogous to the suffering of farm animals.

I do believe that the unnecessary cruelty and harm to animals is bad though.

>> No.5840340

I'm sure there's a correlation between people who have the time, money and ability to become vegetarians and emotional and physical health. That's not causation.

>> No.5840342

It's absolutely unreal how oblivious you are. How are you this dumb? You came here to spam bullshit no one wants to hear, you attempt to call people mad and when someone tells you to shut up shitpost in all caps. I'm afraid if I stop eating meat I'll end up ass buttfucking retarded as you.

>> No.5840343

Why do you insist on calling them farm animals?

>> No.5840345

>implying eating meat en mass is natural
>implying adhering to nature even matters to anyone
>being so ass ravaged I mirrored your shitty umad you need to backtrack

Ah, untermensch.

>> No.5840355

>muh feels

calm down, mate. You seem quite agitated.

>> No.5840359

meat factories =/= farms

>> No.5840360

Because they are animals on a farm. I also just referred to them as "animals" in that same post, I'm not sure why you'd think I'm insisting on one term or another.

>> No.5840363


most obvious false flag award goes to

>> No.5840365

So what you're saying is vegetarians are smart, independent and wealthy while meat eaters are dependent idiots? How is that not an argument to aspire to be among the former?

>> No.5840371

this really does happen more often

>> No.5840373

I applaud your perspicacity anon, fuck you are astute.

>> No.5840378

when did it stop being okay to get mad on the internet? Like 2008? I think before then when people posted stupid shit on 4chan we just spammed them with shitposts and called them retards a lot, maybe sometimes spammed gore and stuff.

>> No.5840384


>> No.5840390

Just because the root of something is illogical doesn't mean that thing is somehow unworthy. Ethics have become their own thing independent of religiosity due to years of religious influence. It's not that hard to understand.

>> No.5840397


>> No.5840400

he gets it

The problem with 4chan is that fewer and fewer people are 'in' on the joke of 4chan

>> No.5840403

>It's not that hard to understand.
I'm not sure what made you think I misunderstood when I mentioned it in my first post here. I am well aware that people are using a Christian moral language without its foundation. However, saying "well this is what the majority of people already believe" does not defend it from questioning or means that it's correct or should continue to be used, it's just a lazy excuse.

Please answer the questions whenever you're ready.

>> No.5840410

Jesus fuck. All it means is that people who are already in a healthy, stable environment are much more likely to become vegetarians. Probably because they have less pressing issues and the time and means to pursue lifestyle changes.

It may be more healthy, but that statistic is not proof of that.

>> No.5840424

When normalfags discovered the internet.

>> No.5840428

That's nice you malnourished, whiney little bitch but no one cares and you obviously are.

>> No.5840438
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Why do vegans always use ad hominem?

>> No.5840455


>> No.5840456

vegetarians can't into lifting and muscle gains

>> No.5840629
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Do not forget, you're also an animal.

>> No.5840633
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>> No.5840641
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>fail troll is fail

>> No.5841723

Animals eat each other alive, so I don't think I'm in the wrong for eating pieces of a dead one.

>> No.5842448

Your forgetting that lions are complete plebs

>> No.5842556

not true hamburger or frankfurter iare merly words to show where something is from. so there are frankfurter sausages and hamburger meat pattys.
in short frankfurters and hamburgers.

>> No.5842587
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>> No.5842824

in america atleast, its wicked expensive to eat even just "normal" food, not to mention vegetarian and especially vegan. That's one of the reasons obesity is such a problem; poor people can only afford cheap, mass-produced factory food loaded with all sorts of preservatives etc.

>> No.5842846

what about the day when we can produce food/meat without any animals.
ie. cloning or whatever the term is

Would you still be morally opposed to eating meat/animal products if no animal died or suffered as a result?

>> No.5842898

Its up to you how you treat animals. Its not going to matter in anyway in the end.

>> No.5845262

interesting ntopic el bumpo

>> No.5847403

Why is this on lit?

>> No.5847541

Why is any philosophical shit on /lit/? Because mods don't give a fuck and because moot is an uneducated sellout who can't be arsed to make a philosophy board. Platon's writings may be found in books, but they sure as hell aren't literature.

>> No.5848214
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This. Also Practical ethics.

I don't think any reasonable person would find much ethical issue with this. The point isn't to never to never consumed animal products, the point is to minimize suffering.