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/lit/ - Literature

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5839273 No.5839273 [Reply] [Original]

How do you ensure all the literature you've worked so hard on doesn't get lost? How fucked are you if a fire breaks out? Do you resort to 'cloud' services and allow the NSA to peek at every word you write?

>> No.5839292

Why would the NSA care about what I'm writing? I'm not Alexander Shulgin or Ted Kaczynski.

>> No.5839295

who dat OP.

>> No.5839317

I have SSD set up with RAID 1, always back up to an external HD and my primary files are kept on an encrypted waterproof, shockproof USB drive.

>> No.5839321

>allow the NSA to peek at every word you write
lol that's like saying to musicians "if you use cloud storage, then the government can listen to ALL OF YOUR DEMOS"
in either case the answer is "...so?"

>> No.5839326


>> No.5839327

Back it up to an external hard drive, print it, or write by hand if you're that worried.

>> No.5839332

thirsty ass niggas

>> No.5839434

the NSA doesn't give a shit about losers like you so you have nothing to worry about

>> No.5839460
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Nobody here really cares about the NSA or stuff like that because most people here are pretty far on the left. They have their own reasons, the government don't care about this or that but in the end this isn't the place to ask if it's something you are concerned about.

But yes as soon as you put something on a device that has internet at any point it's not yours any more.

Just buy two or three removable drives and keep in different places. Sure if something happens you might not have the absolute latest drafts but good enough.

>> No.5839476

>Nobody here really cares about the NSA or stuff like that because most people here are pretty far on the left.
Why shouldn't people on the left be concerned about the NSA?

>> No.5839484

No one in the Government has the time nor resources to spy on anyone but people they need to.

The only reason the NSA would ever look at anything you have or do is if you give them reason to.

Are you stupid?

>> No.5839488

let's ignore for a second that the left has been the party opposing government surveillance in the US, and let's ignore that most people on this board are not far leftists and even then your post is still fucking retarded because you think that the NSA can access the information on any internet connected device, which is fucking wrong.

I'm actually amazed at how frequently wrong you managed to be in such a short post

>> No.5839537

>not having 62 different backups of more than 2TB
>not keeping paper and private electronic copies
>not being competent enough to point recall shit you work(ed) on at any time
Are you non-autists fucking braindead?

>> No.5841067


>> No.5841083

Nothing to hide

>> No.5841084

>love int
Educate yourself.

>> No.5841106

the fucking eyes!

>> No.5841108

print out a few thousand copies and bury them underground in various international locations

>> No.5841117

hnghhh sauce op u fucking monster

>> No.5841120



>> No.5841655

I actually did lose all my shit when someone broke into my apartment and stole my laptop a few months ago. Really bummed about a few of my poems and essays but I needed to rework the stories and (very fragmentary) novels anyway. Life goes on. But believe me I learned my lesson and back everything up on an external HD now.

>> No.5841873

I use google drive and evernote & secretly pray that, despite everything, it all gets lost.

That happened to Hemingway.

>> No.5842671
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>reverse image search
>everything is either african american or on fire