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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 50 KB, 500x334, jean-paul-sartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5839150 No.5839150 [Reply] [Original]

MFW you plebs can't read French. Some of the greatest literature man has ever crafted is forever outside your linguistic ability. Stay uncultured, plebs.


Link related, it's me reading a passage from the greatest novel ever written, as Camus wrote it, not some watered down translation.

>> No.5839151

how would i go about teaching myself french?

>> No.5839152

>forever outside your linguistic ability

you mean like three months of practice away

>> No.5839158

nobody cares about french. in 50 years it will be just another dead language

did you record that in a fucking thunderstorm?

>> No.5839160


You go back in time and replace your mother with a French woman.


Enjoy never being a native speaker, and never understanding the subtle nuances of the language.

>> No.5839166

camus a shit

>just push a boulder up a hill and you'll be happy XD

>> No.5839171

the only people i ever met in real life who speak french are security guards from africa, most useless language ever, anything interesting written in french was already translated a century ago and there is nothing new from that dead language

>> No.5839172

>forever be aware that Cervantes, Goethe and Shakespeare alone are better than all your literature combined

>> No.5839194

proust a shit

>just eat the madeleine and you'll be happy XD

>> No.5839202

>modernist introspective pseudo-psychology

uh ok

>> No.5839223
File: 58 KB, 640x840, cervantes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I speak a superior language.

>> No.5839241

Your childish wording made it clear that what will follow will not be a significant contribution to literature. I was thus not surprised to subsequently read the name of this inferior author. Sodomize yourself with a baguette.

>> No.5839258

I have an image of you one handedly typing this while masturbating.

>> No.5839269

Actually French speaking is on the rise, thanks to Africans. It would be a mistake to think the real world stops at North America, Europe and Japan.

>> No.5839278

>inferior author
lel forever pleb

>> No.5839286

>he literally thought up the first authors that came to mind from either countrie
If you actually knew German you'd know that Goethe isn't as hot shit as he's claimed to be. Can't speak about Cervantes, I don't speak Spanish.

>> No.5839287

the chinese are taking over africa, the few areas that still speak the imperialist language are dying out

>> No.5839298

They're not, actually. I won't bother digging the sources because the thread is shit and posters are dumb but French is predicted to rise dramatically by 2050.

>> No.5839309

I could say the same thing to you about my mother tongue, italian.
But i'm not that obsessed with my country's culture and language so why bother

>> No.5839338

if french was really increasing the french government wouldn't be throwing money at america schools to have french programs instead of much more relevant stuff like french and mandarin, also if you think the chinese aren't all over africa like maggots on a corpse then you are living in a fantasy world

>> No.5839348

>if french was really increasing the french government wouldn't be throwing money at america schools to have french programs instead of much more relevant stuff like french
>you are living in a fantasy world
Meh I only read pubmed articles, what do I know

>> No.5839352

oops i meant spanish, i always mix up the decadent languages of the mediterranean race

>> No.5839356

>mediterranean race
oh i see you're one of those people

>> No.5839378

people who aren't stuck in the shadow of the failure of the roman empire? guilty as charged! hows the 15% unemployment and sky high taxes treatin ya over there buddy?

>> No.5839382

Mah nigga.

>> No.5839383

dunno, I came out on top due to having had a decent education that taught me that having an opinion of a country based on some wiki stats is probably a bad idea
now kindly fuck off back to >>>/int/

>> No.5839435

>Not realizing that all philosophy worth reading is written in German

>> No.5839441

lel okay keep telling yourself that

>> No.5839451
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>> No.5839454

>tfw bilingual in french and english since birth
truely a glorious feel

>> No.5839469


>bilingual since birth

Alors, l'existence ne précede pas l'essence.

Soit Sartre n'as pas raison, soit tu t'exprimes come le cul d'un gorille avec diarrhée.

>> No.5839494

>Alors, l'existence ne précede pas l'essence.
>Soit Sartre n'as pas raison, soit tu t'exprimes come le cul d'un gorille avec diarrhée.
avec =>une<= diarrhée*

2/10 m'a fait répondre.

>> No.5839519

well, considering that i am in south africa right now, it certainly would be a mistake, since it would mean i would be floating in space.

anyway [citation needed]

>> No.5839539

jesus google it for yourself I'm not your spoonfeeder especially when everyone itt is such an inflammatory cunt

>> No.5839541


Argument intacte.

>> No.5839552
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Merci de toute façons.

>> No.5839555

that which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. or put another way, you are a massive idiot

> everyone itt is such an inflammatory cunt

naturally you believe that excludes you, right?

>> No.5839560


>> No.5839562
File: 13 KB, 240x320, rottenmeier-von-heidi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Merci de toutes façons.


>> No.5839566

fuck. replied to wrong post

apparently i am a massive idiot too

>> No.5839579

you're acting as if we're having a debate
except I don't have to prove anything to you, feel free to believe whatever you want to believe

>> No.5839956


Any book worth reading is translated to english anyway, so who cares?

Stupid frog eater.

>> No.5840045

>third world country monkey babble

>> No.5840049

Sartre a pas raison pauvre con. Je te défonce quand tu veux okay

Sartre c'est une grosse merde. C'est un enculé de première de plagiaire qui adorait les camps de concentration stalinien

un grand mec, finalement

>> No.5840591


Va défoncer un livre de logique basique, espèce d'abruti des cavernes.


>> No.5840640


>"Croak, croak, croak"

>> No.5840649

>he thinks Sartre is a good philosopher
>he thinks anything worth reading is written in French
Haha enjoy never being a native speaker of Shakespeare's tongue you baguette-fucking cunt

>> No.5840681

The only place in the world you'll ever be and will ever need to use French is France.

>> No.5840683

He's Quebecois actually.

Add the almost entirety of Africa and half of Europe and you'd be right.

>> No.5840713


>entirety of Africa

I said WILL be. Most of us will never be in Africa.
In Quebec you'll get by with English.

>half of Europe
>France... and.. half of Belgium and a third of Switzerland
>in none of those countries is it the only language.

>> No.5840714

Ton arrogance est une disgrâce.

>> No.5840721

Ta mère est une disgrâce totale et complète.

>> No.5840728


Francosphere confirmed for irrelevant.
More an intellectual curiosity than anything else. You'll do better learning German, far more helpful in unearthing its god tier Idealism and poetry.

>> No.5840755

Every place in Europe that speaks French also speaks English. Even in France it was pathetically easy to get by with little to no french.

>> No.5840781

French is a beautiful language that, if presented the opportunity, you should learn. It's hard to make an argument for it's superiority over English when most of this conversation is in English.

Rule Britannia!

>> No.5840791

>Camus and Sartre are the finest examples of French lit

Good, I won't have to waste any more time on francophone garbage.

>> No.5841142

This is such a pompous thread. You should all be ashamed.

Maybe instead of glorifying your privelege of being able to read all these great(est) authors, you should actually be reading them.

>> No.5841152


>Rich vocabulary for philosophy, one that doesn't translate properly or well
>Tendency toward clarity and specificity, with even the notoriously dense authors simply requiring acclimation
>Most important and seminal thinkers in philosophy for the past 200-300 years
>Masters of movements still cutting edge and relevant today
>Limited, non-agglutinative vocabulary, translates fine to English
>Tendency toward deliberate obscurantism even at the lowest level, allowing for total charlatans to masquerade as legitimate philosophers to hipsters for decades
>A few important movements, mostly simple undergraduate level (Enlightenment era) or only of interest to women and hipsters (20th c.)
>Masters of fraudulent movements that are clogging philosophy and culture today


>Great masters and innovators in Romanticism, Realism, and Modernism
>Mellifluous but precise poetry from a language well-suited for it
>Covers great philosophical themes
>Several great masters like Goethe
>Mostly derivative works of saccharine romanticism or outright romance, of little interest to moderns
>Limp language, 'weak'-feeling, no clear stops or divisions, tendency toward the saccharine and effeminate, inferior in flow to fellow Romance language Italian (which also has a superior corpus of poetry)
>Mostly interpersonal, emotional stories, designed to titillate rather than enlighten or cause introspection, good for female readers
>More prolific than profound (Sartre)

-Culture & utility-

>Politest people on earth
>Powerhouse of Europe, leader of the EU
>Either win wars or lose them when the entire planet joins in
>Notoriously rudest people on earth
>Notoriously indolent
>Flagging relevance, second fiddle to Germany in EU
>Lose wars before they start

>> No.5841158

German Masterrace.

>> No.5841180

I Am 14/88 American: The Post

Sorry, I know you're trying hard but as a German I simply find it ridiculous.

>> No.5841181

eh bien, je peux lire et meme ecrire francais, mais j'ai peu d'interet pour leur litterature donc je l'utilise a peine

>> No.5841183

i read some sartre yesterday and i cannot believe anybody takes him seriously

>> No.5841213

why? This is something people on this board say all the time without providing any argument. I agree that he is not a particularly good _writer_.

>> No.5841221

His ideas are not particularly profound -- they are mediocre. He is a terrible playwright. Heidegger rekt him. He doesn't believe in the unconscious. Just an overall lazy thinker.

>> No.5841223

I thought the same thing until I actually understood him after reading Heidegger.

>> No.5841422


Even the most nationalistic Germans are know would never discard French literature and philosophy.

Schiller was the biggest Frenchboo.

>> No.5841488

To be fair the unconscious in a Freudian sense is pretty much nonsense and has been BTFO by philosophers, psychologists and cognitive scientists.

>> No.5841493


Sartre is hyped because he both presented himself as a great philosopher and a great writer.
Writers thought he was an important philosopher, and philosophers an important writer.

He's a con artist pretty much.

>> No.5841503

>Add the almost entirety of Africa and half of Europe and you'd be right.

confirmed for never having been to either africa or europe

here in SA i hear a lot of languages. english mostly, a bit of afrikaans, some local languages that i can't distinguish between, a bit of arabic and a handful of others. never heard any french, as far as i can remember.

>> No.5841506

Yeah, but then English, the patrician language that all other countries go out of their way to learn wouldn't be my first language. I wouldn't have the intuitive understanding of that language frenchfags will never have. I think I'll pass.

>> No.5841509

>I live in SA hence I know all of Africa
I actually grew up in Western Africa, everyone and their mother speaks French because it's the local interlingua

>> No.5841513

Well at least we finally agree that Sartre was a great author before philosopher. Like wayyyyyy before him being a philosopher.

>> No.5841514

>I wouldn't have the intuitive understanding of that language frenchfags will never have.

What intuitive knowledge? Nouns aren't gendered. There are no complex grammar rules.

My dog could learn English.

English is quite the opposite of patrician.
It's vulgar.

>> No.5841518

Official Patrician Language list coming through
>Ancient Greek

Looks like French couldn't make the cut.

>> No.5841521

>everyone's proving my illogical statement wrong therefore i'll start calling people a retard

you said "almost entirety of africa"
check a fucking map
also stop being so proud of your failed colonial past

>> No.5841522

How unfortunate then that your children's children's children's children will still be speaking and reading it more than their mother tongue, just like you :^)

>> No.5841523

Yeah I'm the same poster as one guy who posted 5 years ago
jesus christ why is everyone on this board so fucking dumb

>> No.5841528

stop using it then
go find some fucking backwater board where they speak your dying waste of time language

>> No.5841532


If the Earth hasn't become a radioactive wasteland, they'll all speak Chinese by that point.


You sound distinctly butthurt at the prospect of being vulgar and uncultured.

Don't let this complex of inferiority rule you.

>> No.5841536
File: 15 KB, 190x266, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw native English speakers' clear insecurity belies their knowledge that their language is inherently ugly and beyond redemption even in the hands of their greatest masters.

>> No.5841546

You just used 'belie' when you wanted its antonym.

At least we aren't Germany's pet.

>> No.5841552

y'know, when you're so deep in a hole, it's ok to stop digging

>> No.5841555


>spend half the time cheating on a qt with a younger one, being on vacation, and doing nothing while reciting poetry around a cheese assortment.

>autistic germans work all the time to sustain our carefree ways

I wonder who's the pet in that relationship.

>> No.5841576

when did you see a pet animal working

>> No.5841581


Yesterday at the airport when a couple of German shepherds were trying to sniff cocaine out of your mother's ass.

>> No.5841614


lol BTFO

>> No.5842092

>talking about French lit
>pic of Sartre
Obvious troll

Où en est ta Judith Tallis?

>Thinking that OP is French

>>Camus and Sartre are the finest examples of French lit

>> No.5842156

Why are the /pol/tards so dumb and uncultured? The average IQ of the board decreases drastically when they enter a thread.

>> No.5842218
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>> No.5842220
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>> No.5842248

The most beaultiful language alive is Italian, due to its simlarities with Latin. So much strength and melody. Hearing an Italian good speaker is like listening a God.

And the most intelligent one is German. So much expressiveness, so much preciseness. One of the better languages to forge words to new expressions and concepts.

English is practical. French, on the other hand, it is OK-ish, but nothing takes away my impression that i'm hearing a snake speaking when I listen to French.

>> No.5842257

gendered nouns aren't comlex

>> No.5842258


>> No.5842267
File: 753 KB, 1280x532, Harry-Snake-PSF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> my impression that i'm hearing a snake speaking when I listen to French.

>not speaking parseltongue


>> No.5842270

I literally started teaching myself French this weekend. Took some classes in elementary and middle school, but always regretted not following through. What am I in for?

>> No.5842271

>ctrl+f tallis
don't you have some courant to suis?

>> No.5842294

>I can read and meme write french

>> No.5842298


back to reddit

>> No.5842307

irritation and fast speech

>> No.5842314

French is the only language in which you're still fully audible while speaking with a cock your mouth.
I once heard a French friend tried to make 'Voilà c'est ça' sound less faggy...he yielded after the whole table was shaking with laughter.

>> No.5842317

>No Hugo or Dumas.
I guess it's popular to have shit taste here.

>> No.5842324

Not really.

>> No.5842326

It's shit.
Read Chénier, La Fontaine, Quinault, Malherbe, Ronsard, Corneille (both), Boileau
These are REAL French authors

>> No.5842366
File: 44 KB, 146x128, tfw hell is nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Il n'est pas français


>> No.5842368


That is not the troll-fisher part :)


>> No.5842374

>never understanding the subtle nuances of the language

whoa. kind of like, every other native speaker of any other language? whoa.

also, italian has more nuances than french so don't even try.

>> No.5842379 [DELETED] 


No. It's not French.
Even foreigners trying to speak french are more understandable. And these niggers talk like this in France too. It's a disgrace to call it "French". It's africanized french, that's all.

>> No.5842380

the chinese already know french so communicating with post african colonies is not difficult. literally no where in africa is mandarin/han/chinese/cantonese spoken.

>> No.5842676

Tu aurais quand même pu choisir un meilleur auteur que Sartre...tu sais bien que c'est un meme sur /lit/..

>> No.5843217 [DELETED] 

I can't believe people are under the delusion that China's brief moment in the imperial sun is going to end any differently than Japan's... East Asians are a worker ant species, they can only ever catch up and then crash and burn, they are chronically incapable of getting ahead.

>> No.5844253

quel voix de merde

>> No.5844336

to those who requested a sauce:

Want To Know The Language Of The Future? The Data Suggests It Could Be...French

Also, if French is that bad, explain the numerous occurrences of french books in the rankings (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_100_best_books)), in the Nobel prizes, in the academic works (http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=AKqYlxMAAAAJ, Derrida, Deleuze are the most quoted on GS)

Genuinely asking.

>> No.5844363
File: 79 KB, 296x300, liste_Francophonies-et-lAmour-de-la-langue-francaise_7491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Euh, bien sûr. J'en connais de bien meilleurs, du moins, pour moi, et comme renseignement, je te dis que je ne suis pas OP.

Et le Français, n'est pas que la France.


>> No.5844371


Every language serves a purpose, and helps to express nuances, and oddities which are unique to each one of them.

>> No.5844581 [DELETED] 

So the language of the future will be French because 2 billion sub-Saharans will be speaking a bastardized version of it? Since when have niggers even relevant in ANY way? 2 billion black French-speakers are not worth 100 white English speakers or yellow Chinese speakers.

>> No.5844619

Two of the countries bordering France has better literature, let alone the rest of the world outside of Europe
Please get off 4chan and go eat snails Pierre

>> No.5844663


je n'ai pas un clavier avec ces symboles stupides

>> No.5844880

Terminée, je crois; 1200 vers, corrigés.

>> No.5844996
File: 117 KB, 500x708, tumblr_ms952yxSMb1srjwkeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, shut the fuck up.

>> No.5845078


>> No.5845089


glorious potato recording

>> No.5845102
File: 81 KB, 576x534, do not joker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The most beaultiful language alive is Italian, due to its simlarities with Latin.

>> No.5845111

English is hands down the greatest language of all time.

>> No.5845139


>> No.5845150

your caricature sounds almost as bad as french, boy.

>> No.5845176

italian is no more latin than romanian is

you don't know how latin is spoken exactly

>an italian good speaker

your impression of german and french is entirely subject to your own linguistic conditioning so don't act like you're being objective here

english is not very practical orthographically, phonetically or grammatically

>> No.5846324

Bravo, tu as mis combien de temps?
Tu cherches un éditeur? Impatient de le lire en tout cas

>tfw you're the first Tallis' fan
Feels good m8

>> No.5846459
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I see no other no to end this train wreck of a thread...