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5838656 No.5838656[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ drink coffee?

>> No.5838661


>> No.5838666

Do I do drugs (Caffeine)? No, I'm not an idiotic sheepy.

>> No.5838671

Yeah, I do regularly. It's delicious and I stopped drinking tea when I cut down on lactose.

>> No.5838674
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>I'm not an idiotic sheepy.

Supreme gentleman strikes again!

>> No.5838676
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>> No.5838678
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No I drink tea but when I need caffeine I take pills I buy at the drug store because they have a lot more. ( and I don't like the taste )

>> No.5838679

Gets confirm that you're a faggot.
Coffee master race reporting in

>> No.5838690

beelzebub confirmed for top lit shitposter

>> No.5838695

>drinking it for the effect of caffeine
>not drinking it to compare how aeropress and v60 bring out different characteristics of this light roast Yirgacheffe

>> No.5838700

I like coffee and tea--equally in sensation, taste--but the process of making coffee (in the sheer diversity of instruments with which to do so that massively change the outcome) is so much more enjoyable for me.

>> No.5838708

>not going to your local coffeeshop
>not bringing your favorite book with you
>not spending countless hours there just reading and casually overdosing on caffeine

>> No.5838710

>not drinking bathroom coffee like a master of efficiency

>> No.5838716

>bringing your favourite book to a coffee shop
>not bringing Hunger Games so you can attract the attention of cuties

>> No.5838719

>the process of making coffee is so much more enjoyable for me.
I don't smoke pot these days but I still love to roll a J.

>> No.5838720

Yah, I mean that's nice too, no doubt, but I'm pretty invested in the production of coffee, so I like being intimate in my brewing. Additionally there are so many methods that aren't employed at even third-wave coffeehouses that I can do at home for the art of it.

>> No.5838725

*excluding some Japanese coffee-houses I've been to which have far more technical operations than I can replicate in my basement coffee nook

>> No.5838737

I only really drink black tea.

>mfw someone says he likes black tea but only ever drank earl gray at starbuck's or something like that
Earl Gay is piss.

>> No.5838744

Who /FrenchPress/ here

>> No.5838745

Op here:


>> No.5838752

I'm /houseblendblack/

>> No.5838753

ayyy its yo boy

underrated post

>> No.5838766
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espresso all the way

though, I still drink reg coffee

>> No.5838768

Tell me why you like French press and if I should consider getting one.

I just got an aero.

>> No.5838772

Do you only drink coffee in shops, or are you just loaded?

>> No.5838774

easy to use, cheap, works well, portable, and you feel like a cowboy

>> No.5838777

I drink coffee but that's because I like it, and I only drink expensive espresso. No Starbucks and restaurant shit, I got my own machine, them niqqas don't know shit about coffee.

Blue Mountain all day erryday

>> No.5838778

Favourite black teas? I'm still pleb tier so I mostly drink assam and lapsang souchong because I don't know any better.

Never even had a ceylon or darjeeling.

>> No.5838779

The coffee tastes better and comes out much stronger. You can see the oily alkaloid sheen. It's also nice mixing different whole beans together in a container (like espresso and a dark roast).

>> No.5838785

Mostly regional german teas based on assam and darjeeling.

>> No.5838789

Aero is superior in all instances unless you're making company

I guess 'muh silt' can be nice, and it makes you feel like you're in the heritage of writers all energized by french press coffee.

>> No.5838790

pu erh

>> No.5838792

making for company*

>> No.5838805


I drink instant coffee at home with a tablespoon of soymilk, a teaspoon of honey and a splash of vanilla. I'm cheap.

>> No.5838808

at my college, there is a shitty vending machine that doles out a full cup for a dollar

at home I just use a $5 stove-top one

>> No.5838814

Do you guys use keurigs?

>> No.5838818

that's for poor people with no taste

>> No.5838820

The question remains.

>> No.5838828

I think the only blend worth drinking is Newman's Own "Newman's Special Blend." I got one for Christmas one year, and I never use it save to try the market of k-cups and see what's decent. The new Holiday Roast from Peet's is ok too, but there's no chance I'd ever choose either over doing something by hand.

>> No.5838834

I don't understand what makes "good" coffee taste better. Unless its instant or it's got grounds floating in it, I like it.

>> No.5838841
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It makes me sick if I drink it too early in the day.

>> No.5838846

>got grounds floating in it
>he doesn't drink Turkish coffee

>> No.5838848

>I don't understand what makes "good" books better. Unless it's japanese or has an ugly cover, I like it.

>> No.5838862

As others said it's easy and enjoyable to use. The coffee has a bit of a different flavor and texture (better) because it's more oily. Normally that "oily" stuff is absorbed by the coffee filter. It feels and tastes thicker and fuller.

They're cheap, but you also need hot water to pour in it, so I'd recommend an electric kettle. That may seem obvious to Britbongs, but they're less common in America.

>> No.5838871
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I fucking love coffee. I only drink it black, except on holidays where I add some egg nog.

>> No.5838882
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>qt neighbor keeps giving me these long looks
>always telling me to knock on her door and she'll make me tea
>mfw married

>> No.5838900

This is a great reason not to use Keurigs and other automated coffee makers. Making coffee by hand for someone is so seductive, it's impossible not to at least modestly eroticize it I think.

>> No.5838905

Well, coffee tastes like shit and that's what I associate making coffee with. So, nah.

>> No.5838909
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Oh god, I have a new fetish now.
>mfw imagining her slowly depressing the plunger on my french press and then filling my cup with a smile
I think I need to move away.

>> No.5838912

free waitrose coffee masterrace