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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 35 KB, 335x380, aidsintensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5838166 No.5838166 [Reply] [Original]

I want to live in a world where marxists considered as much as shit-tier people as nazis.

>> No.5838168

That's unfortunate because many people find that Marxism and the nazis have/had many redeeming features for all there flaws.

>> No.5838170

hahaha good post, bro
keep posting like this in the future!!

>> No.5838174

Stalinist here, I agree. Western marxists are as shit as Nazis.

>> No.5838178

Commies are the same

>> No.5838186

Stay butthurt, you 16 year old.

>> No.5838197

>people who believe in common ownership of the means of production are just as bad as people who believe in genocide because jews are the devil

>> No.5838216

Yeah, killing 40 million people because they weren't plebs is a good thing

>> No.5838219

I never said that, did I? Not all marxists are Leninists.

>> No.5838224

That's exactly the world you live in. If you are a true Marxist, your recalcitrant nature will disturb them as much as a Nazi.

>> No.5838227
File: 543 KB, 1600x1400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people that believe in ethnic unity and government strength with traditional values are considered as evil as global enslavement and totalitarian 1984 style culture of death

>> No.5838235

>trying to argue with some retarded right-winger and their 40 gorillion
It's impossible, they don't even know what Marxism is.

>> No.5838238

>Not all marxists are Leninists.

But all Leninists are Marxist

>> No.5838246

You haven't even read Das Kapital, faggot.

>> No.5838248

Bet you haven't read mein kampf fagget

>> No.5838250

I can do this

>people who believe in a society built on folk spirit and heroism are just as bad as people who build gulags because goyim are the devil

>> No.5838261

But I am not a NatSoc. I am indifferent to politics. But most marxist faggots like you haven't read Das Kapital.

>> No.5838268

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.5838269

Yeah, heretical marxists. So?

>> No.5838295

Where soes Marx say that 40 million people should be killed? OP specifically said that he hates marxists.

>> No.5838296

/pol/ needs to come back to contain this ignorant bullshit

>> No.5838301
File: 13 KB, 252x300, rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a marxist, nazis, social democrat/liberal, or libertarian

>witness the ever madder howling of the libertarian dogs who are baring their fangs more and more obviously and roam through the alleys of western culture. They seem opposites of the peacefully industrious democrats and ideologists of redistribution, and even more so of the doltish philosophasters and brotherhood enthusiasts who call themselves socialists and want a “free society;” and anti-Semitic screamers but in fact they are at one with the lot in their thorough and instinctive hostility to every other form of society except that of the autonomous herd (even to the point of repudiating the very concepts of “master” and “servant”—ni dieu ni maître runs a socialist formula). They are at one in their tough resistance to every special claim, every special right and privilege (which means in the last analysis, every right: for once all are equal nobody needs “rights” any more). They are at one in their mistrust of punitive justice (as if it were a violation of those who are weaker, a wrong against the necessary consequence of all previous society). But they are also at one in the religion of pity, in feeling with all who feel, live, and suffer (down to the animal, up to “God”—the excess of a “pity with God” belongs in a democratic age). They are at one, the lot of them, in the cry and the impatience of pity, in their deadly hatred of suffering generally, in their almost feminine inability to remain spectators, to let someone suffer. They are at one in their involuntary plunge into gloom and unmanly tenderness under whose spell the west seems threatened by a new Buddhism. They are at one in their faith in the morality of shared pity, as if that were morality in itself, being the height, the attained height of man, the sole hope of the future, the consolation of present man, the great absolution from all former guilt. They are at one, the lot of them, in their faith in the community as the savior, in short, in the herd, in “themselves”—

>> No.5838308
File: 66 KB, 479x720, tipsideology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Die Religion ... ist das Opium des Volkes
>creates religion

>> No.5838309

hahaha that was a good comeback bro
good job!

>> No.5838313

marxists and nazis are very similar in the ways in which they destroy the individual in the name of ideology. i'm pretty sure both movements also saw themselves as the continuation of the french revolution, which is very telling.

>> No.5838314

How's your butt feeling?

>> No.5838317

>we're literally too stupid to understand our own ideology
You do realize that all that ethnic völkisch shit is just a useful myth for forging a community people will be ready to completely submit their conscience to, right? Because, that's like the foundation of all things fascist, the triumph of the will.

>> No.5838320

It's OP. Marxist is a 'buzzword' for me. It contains everybody who based his ideology on Marx. So Stalin, too.

>> No.5838321

pretty blastered hahaha
I love memes bro!

>> No.5838326

>Marxist is a 'buzzword' for me. It contains everybody who based his ideology on Marx. So Stalin, too.
but that's objectivelly incorrect

>> No.5838336

me 2 brah

>> No.5838340

>implying it's incorrect

>> No.5838346

Marxism = Marx+Engels
Everything else is different from marxism

>> No.5838361

>destroy the individual in the name of ideology
privileged bourgeois notions of individualism and subjectivity at the expense of tradition and convention (the aggregate of centuries of human achievement) are just as bad as marxism and nazism

>> No.5838368


Then move to Amerifatland

>> No.5838373

The Way = Jesus and Disciples
Christianity = Paul and everyone else
NatSoc = Hitler and Gobbles
Gay Bathhouses = Foucault and San Francisco

>> No.5838383

Funny how any thread remotely /pol/-like immediately fills with people that haven't read a book in their life. It's a noticeable drop of quality, words like "goyim", people that don't know what basic political concepts like Marxism mean, etc. I don't know what kind of "discussions" they have at /pol/, but I can tell they aren't very smart.

>> No.5838393

That image is like Morgan Freeman and his "speech" about racism
>hurr if we stop talking about it it'll go away

>> No.5838396

tradition and convention, the aggregate of centuries of bloodshed and subjugation, are what makes people gravitate towards bourgeois individualism, marxism and nazism in the first place.
Also, aren't anonymous imageboards too drenched in modernity for your neoreactionary tastes?

>> No.5838405

pleb. do you know el ché? and he was a communist. Double standars. huh?

>> No.5838410

>Gay Bathhouses = Foucault and San Francisco
What about Röhm and the SA?

>> No.5838414

>tradition and convention, the aggregate of centuries of bloodshed and subjugation, are what makes people gravitate towards bourgeois individualism, marxism and nazism in the first place.
So you are saying these things are for those who can't love and deal with reality as it is?

>Also, aren't anonymous imageboards too drenched in modernity for your neoreactionary tastes?

>> No.5838428

No one can love reality or deal with it as it is.

And yeah, shouldn't you be in a well-equipped library inside your countryside mansion, reading Aquinas or something, instead of getting in touch with the most filthy excretions of the legacy of the french revolution?

>> No.5838434


now go start a thread on /pol/ about how Christians are worse than muslims

>> No.5838437

back to

>> No.5838456

>No one can love reality or deal with it as it is.
And therefore we might measure strength as the degree we can do so.

>> No.5838467

Weren't the Nazis socialists for the German people, in the sense that Germans should take care of each other? At least until hitler sold rohm out for the capitalists when he found out that they'd give him the $$$ the party despertedly needed, if the Nazis didnt mess with their businesses?

>> No.5838476

I know what marxism is you fuckin goy. Its communism. Its whateve the fuck Stalin was doing when he fucked up Russia

>> No.5838481

>you fuckin goy


>> No.5838483

>no one really likes death and suffering
>we should admire those who do so more than others
Yeah. No.

>> No.5838485

Really looking forward to the next few weeks.

>/pol/es coming to /lit/ to make /pol/ threads
>get told to fuck off for not posing /lit/erature
>keep crying about how they can't go back to their own board
>get told to fuck off from 4chan alltogether then
>refuses to go because muh home
Soon you will know how the jews felt about their exodus. :^)

>people will reply to this accusing me of being from some libtard circle jerk like tumblr for making this statement
>they will expect to be taken seriously

Also, not /lit/, fuck off.

>> No.5838488

You already do.

>> No.5838490

>/pol/tards calling others goys as an insult
You do realize that this only works when you're jewish, right?

>> No.5838491

>I can do this

apparently not

>> No.5838493

>implying this hasn't been happening for like a year anyway

>> No.5838498

Well, but now their stream will run thinner and thinner, eventually fading into obscurity as their jew memes and ebin pills are forgotten more and more.

>> No.5838499

In your dreams,

>> No.5838500

Well, and I want to live in a world where 2 plus 2 makes 5. This will never happen because it's simply untrue. You can talk about muh Mao and muh Stalin as much as you'd like, you deep down know this is all horseshit.

>> No.5838502

>tfw /pol/ is dead
>tfw The Last Psychiatrist is MIA
>tfw Anthony Cumia was fired

The SJWs are winning. This is officially a different world. Well, if you can't beat 'em...join 'em. Muh gay rights!

>tfw that was probably a catchphrase invented by Jews to subvert children into being submissive

>> No.5838506

You hang out with the wrong people.

>> No.5838512

/pol/ user here.

I've come to the conclusion that the people here that actually believe in marxism and communists are actually just self loathing bourgeoisie that want to free themselves.

>> No.5838515

When the average marxist, instead of being a college-educated intellectual, becomes something like this >>5838502
then your wishes will definitely come true, regardless of the merits of marxist methodology. Until that, it seems that you'll be forced to continue making those STALIN KILLED MORE THAN HITLER posts on the comments section of every WW2 youtube video. Shame.

>> No.5838516



>> No.5838519

Quite the opposite is true. They fancy themselves the elite who would be running the Marxist state, and therefore would be in a far more advantageous position then than they are now.

>> No.5838521

That's probably true of most marxists, yeah. Also, those who aren't bourgois are also all about freeing themselves, just without the self-loathing.

>> No.5838522

>your favourite echo chamber being closed down means that western civilisation is doomed
>western civilisation is doomed because it allows faggots to marry
>muh womyn want to take away my penis
>muh niggers want to take away my women
>my incapabilities are not exactly my faults but the faults of everyone else!

Get over yourself.

>> No.5838525

>When the average marxist, instead of being a college-educated intellectual, becomes something like this >>5838502

A funny 4chan poster?

>> No.5838530

I said "different", not "doomed."

It's kind of funny how some of you literally wait in the wings with foam in your mouths ready to project all over teh evil storm weenies.

>> No.5838533

Yet another /pol/ack that never read the most basic marxist literature and doesn't really understand class conflict and class structure, but he knows there's something about the proletariat involved so he thinks a marxist is supposed to be a broke working-class person. Protip: we also had liberal aristocrats and clergymen in previous re-arrangements, there's no contradition in your witty (and very new!) observation.