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/lit/ - Literature

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5828666 No.5828666 [Reply] [Original]

What are you currently reading, /lit/?

The Rainbow by D.H. Lawrence here.

>> No.5828692
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How is it? I've been meaning to read something by Lawrence for ages but I never get round to it.

I'm reading East of Eden. It's amazing but it's taken to me nearly a year to finish because distractions.

>> No.5828755
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This, first "girl" book I've ever read.(when I've finished)
Capital in the 21. Century
The Struggle for Supremacy, from 1453 to the Present
48 laws of power
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The obstacle is the way

Ye i like to read multiple books at a time.
Keep one at work, one in the car on by the bed, one by the breakfast table and one for chillin on the sofa.

>> No.5828769

A Moveable Feast

Then Anna Karenina once I figure out how to find a good translation.

plus random shit paperbacks

>> No.5828781

Finally started reading Mein Kamf. Aside from the content, does any one else not really like the writing style? I guess he was never an author though

>> No.5828791
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this and Connections by James Burke

>> No.5828823

It's...interesting (and therefore enjoyable). Very 'spiritual'. I've read Sons and Lovers and this is better so far.

>> No.5828825

How to get into reading? I know I want to read, and I know what I want to read. Problem is I already have troubles with energy, and reading drains me even further, particularly as I like to read non-fiction. I end up not processing what I'm reading because I'm so tired, and it becomes an exercise in triviality.

I appreciate any tips on actually becoming well read.

>> No.5828830

Night Soul by Joseph McElroy

>> No.5828858

Gravity's Rainbow.

I can't understand what the fuck is he talking about half of the time.

>> No.5828867

Inherent Vice and gonna start Simulacra and Simulation today probably.

>> No.5828876


The Seven Pillars of Wisdom by TE Lawrence AKA Lawrence of Arabia.

>> No.5828882


>> No.5828887


This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I'm a little perturbed by the fact that he straight up lifted some parts of the book from his wife's diary. Then later blames her for ruining his creative talent. What'd she do, Francis, stop letting you peep through her diaires?

>> No.5828896

misandrist detected

>> No.5828900

Sodom and Gomorrah - Proust

>> No.5829309

Read more and your brain will adapt.

>> No.5829333

Why do you have troubles with energy?
Attack that part of the problem if possible

Other than that. Try reading when you are most fresh. When you feel most energetic so to say(seeing as this is your problem).

>> No.5829336

Just finished it.
OP, I am reading multiple books of poetry.

>> No.5829359

The final chapter of the Rainbow is so fucking good. One of the best sections in the book.

>> No.5829367

Infinite Jest lol

>> No.5829377
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This underrated book

>> No.5829423
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Hey I think I want to read this
What do you think?

>> No.5829426

Orientalism by Said.

>> No.5829431

>muh occidental construction of the oriental

>> No.5829436

Do you listen to
while reading it?

>> No.5829545



>> No.5829570
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Sometime Never by Roald Dahl.

My mom brought home this book, it's a Dutch edition.
Not very far yet but it's quite interesting.
Also an interesting point about the book that's not at all related to the story or it's contents, it has never been reprinted in English since 1948 and is quite rare but the Dutch translation had several reprints and so still quite easily available.

>> No.5829824

well dont forget to buy a keyboard without an damaged capslock-key then, you moron-baiter

>> No.5829837

sorry but that is impossible: everyone knows capitalism is slavery and everyone is forced to major in womens studies and then work at mcdonalds

>> No.5829865


>I AM 18

Don't worry, people can gather that you're a teenager quite easily from your posts without you having to actually state it.

>> No.5829867
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currently this. Just finished the opposite of loneliness

>> No.5829873
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The Miserables

>> No.5829878

Ulysses by James Joyce , Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre, And the mountains echoed by Khaled Hosseini, What joy is by some random Finnish author and Three men in a boat by Jerome K Jerome. And yes, I've only just started reading real literature.

>> No.5829891

JR by William Gaddis
Hardest book I've read but I'm getting used to the writing.

>> No.5829904
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Dark Continent by Mark Mazower, 85% in. First part is interesting, after that it gets kind of boring.

Don't have a lot of time to read non-school books though, everything academic

>> No.5829927

Almost picked this up but the cover was ragged. Enjoying it so far?

>> No.5829945

The Sword of the Lictor

Gene Wolfe memeposters convinced me and they were...kind of right. So far.

>> No.5830749
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post-apocalyptic, survival, gritty, nature

>> No.5830777

The Count of Monte Cristo
Started out great, but the chapters about Villefort were incredibly boring. Thankfully, now the novel is back to focusing on Dantes, and he and his adjacent prisoner are plotting to get the abbe's treasure. Things are much more interesting and well-written now.

>> No.5830850

Haven't read GR, but I just recently started reading for pleasure and I tried Crying Lot and I stopped after 4 pages.

>> No.5830917

Currently reading Ayn Rand's We The Living. I'm up to page 90 and really enjoying it so far. Also, this is literally my first time on /lit/

>> No.5830923


>> No.5830987

Beyond Good and Evil by F. Nietzsche.

Good read. The prose is kind of dirty, but that's what i get for reading a translation. Other than that, it's a fine book, and redirects the reader toward all kind of concepts and philosophers.

>> No.5830995

Dhalgren, by Samuel R Delany
Manhood for Amateurs, by Michael Chabon
Poor Fellow My Country, by Xavier Herbert
Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad
Amnesia, by Peter Carey
The Bone Clocks, by David Mitchell
Paradiso, by Dante Alighieri
Paradise Lost, by John Milton
A collection of short stories by some local writers, called "Breaking Beauty".

I also have about six classics partially read but on hiatus. I think this qualifies as having a problem?

>> No.5831004

Rereading The Castle after having read it at like 16. I'm finally able to look past the muh bureaucracy and actually appreciate it properly.

>> No.5831011

I'm also reading Also sprach Zarathustra, but just to learn German.

>> No.5831012

what does appreciating it "properly" entail?

>> No.5831021

For what purpose

>> No.5831038

Not the best place to start.

Nietzsche's style + vocabulary + wordplay = unintelligible for half the german population in terms of philosophical interpretation. Start somewhere else, and then move on.

>> No.5831065


Although if you are desperated for Nietzsche then read The Birth of Tragedy, The Gay Science. That's as simple as it gets. If you're trying to not understand a single sentence you might as well eat some shrooms and read an arabic translation of Wittgenstein out loud.

>> No.5831092

Anna Karenina

>> No.5831124

Because I want to read it NOW, and don't want to have to wait for my current book to finish. It also has an interesting effect; the first time I read two books at once, it was Tao Lin's Bed + Thomas Ligotti's The Conspiracy Against the Human Race, and those two had a really interesting interplay; it can be entertaining to, say, read something with racist-colonial energies, like HP Lovecraft (I read The Shadow Out of Time yesterday), whilst at the same time reading Heart of Darkness, so I don't stop myself.

>> No.5831143

>D.H. Lawrence

My nigga.

The Plague by Camus for me.

>> No.5831154

About 2/3 through The Opposite of Loneliness right now

Have Don Quixote slated as the next read, then maybe The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.5831159 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5831182

Inherent Vice
been "reading" it for the past month, I can never pay attention for more than 10 pages at a time. When Pynchon isn't ambitious he's a bore. I really gotta force myself to swallow this one, it's due at the library in two days.

>> No.5831336 [DELETED] 
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Mein Kamf

>> No.5831441


Why would I hate my own gender, you retard?

>> No.5831468

>implying you can't be a female misogynist
This dude's just generally gender ignorant all around.

>> No.5831470

Just appreciating the actual themes of the book and looking past the surface reading of "I've stood in line at the dmv, I know what K is going through"

>> No.5831500 [DELETED] 

/pol/ refugee here, can I get some hot chocolate?

I'm a guest, after all.

>> No.5831545

fuck off virgin

>> No.5832790

Thoughts? (Please, no spoilers.)

>> No.5832832


>> No.5832835

Only Revolutions by Danielewski. I like it.

>> No.5832853

War of the worlds

>> No.5832872

The wizard knight. I'm racing to finish it because my sister's coming back from uni next week and she just finished it herself.

>> No.5832873

get ready for a mind-blow.

>> No.5832897

The Bridge on the Drina by Ivo Andric. Loving this book but definitely looking forward to moving on to Andric's more character-lead novels.

However, I've briefly postponed its completion by reading Starship Troopers by Heinlein and starting Foe by J.M. Coetzee. Very strange book, that last one.

>> No.5833657

7 Years in Tibet by Heinrich Harrer

Bad writing, but interesting story.

>> No.5833717

I'm currently reading The Essential Homer by Stanley Lombardo, a terrible translation but muh Chapman hasn't come in the mail yet.

>> No.5833736

chapman, ha

>> No.5833742

My Dark Places by James Ellroy
It is fucking boring.

>> No.5833971
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Nabokov's "King, Queen, Knave".

>> No.5834027

Ulysses, the Odyssey (by the way, do some people really call Ulysse Odysseus?) and The Sea Wall by Marguerite Duras.

>> No.5834044

Whatchu got against Chapman?

>> No.5834158

>do some people really call Ulysse Odysseus
everybody who read a proper translation/mythology book

greeks didn't know the rhyme, it's not authentic

>> No.5834174

Half the world seems to call him Odysseus and the other half Ulysse, with variants of course.

>> No.5834205

ulysses it's his roman name, any accurate translation of 'iliad' and 'odyssey' should call him odyssey

>> No.5834219
