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/lit/ - Literature

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5826207 No.5826207[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or has the post quality seriously dropped on /lit/ over the past month or so? It seems like we're getting a lot more new age spiritual hippies and tripfaggot manchildren. Seriously, there's even a shitload of Catholics here as well that think Aquinas was the end all be all for philosophical discussion.

>> No.5826223


>> No.5826227

You've been here less than three months. Admit it.

>> No.5826229

More like 9 months.

>> No.5826233

It´s December, silly. And winter break hasn´t come yet.

>> No.5826234


Still a newfriend. /lit/ hasn't been 'good' since Quentin/brownbear days

>> No.5826242

Well I've occasionally gone on the board over the past 3 years, but I only lurked until about 9 months to a year ago.

>Quentin/brownbear days
I remember seeing Quentin. Not so much brownbear. I spoke to Quentin a few times, he's not a very well educated fellow.

>> No.5826244

>Is it just me or has the post quality seriously dropped on /lit/ over the past month or so?
We have this thread at least once a month.
I don't know if it's still dropping but it got bad right after summer.

>> No.5826249

I think we're starting to get new posters from /pol/. And they are bad for the board's culture.

>> No.5826257
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>new age spirituality and tripfags
>not the cats and hellenismos
there are always going to be poisons on this board, but meta bullshit about "how bad it's been lately" is the only constant one
/pol/ and /mu/

>> No.5826261

>I think we're starting to get new posters from /pol/.
They've been here for at least a year.

>> No.5826263

Why /mu/?

>> No.5826267

>They've been here for at least a year.
They've been lurking for a year, but they've come full out recently. Just the other day I saw a thread on /pol/ bitching about getting banned for spamming Catholic copy-paste in that Hellinistic religion thread. I'm dead serious.

>> No.5826269

>what's the [music] of literature

>> No.5826276

They come for the jazz and stay for the unintelligible comments?

>> No.5826279

No, what i'm seeing more often is the /pol/itizatino of /lit/. more threads about crazy rightwinger philosophy, more inquiries into crazy rightwing literature, more shitheaded racist and bigoted posts than there ever were in the past year. /pol/ is radicalizing ALL of 4chan.

>> No.5826281

You can thank...

and most importantly



>> No.5826283

>They've been lurking for a year
They posted. There used to be a conservative or reactionary or whatever the fuck thread up at all times just a few months ago. When it wasn't up it was because the butthurt mod deleted it and in minutes there would be another one complete with mod mocking.
>Just the other day I saw a thread on /pol/ bitching about getting banned for spamming Catholic copy-paste in that Hellinistic religion thread.
Come on /pol/lacks, you're the only board that raids others now. it's 2014 and you're 40. it's time to stop.

>> No.5826293

>They posted. There used to be a conservative or reactionary or whatever the fuck thread up at all times just a few months ago.
So they were self contained?

>> No.5826294


>> No.5826296

/Phl please.

>> No.5826307

Just because they posted heavily on single threads? no.
They have a board for their own, hell, two if you count /b/, and they're still not contained. If two boards aren't enough a thread surely isn't.
By the way the /lit/izens who lash at them with knee-jerk reactions are more annoying than them.

>> No.5826314

It would be nice if 4chan got together and got mods to ban any /pol/ out of /pol/

IP ban, if they reset, they reset, but shut that entire board down, and ban anyone who raids other shit with their retarded filth.


the board to systematically cause 4chan to implode.

>> No.5826319


>> No.5826320

>By the way the /lit/izens who lash at them with knee-jerk reactions are more annoying than them.
Should Moot try purging the board again then? I seriously don't want these faggots to stay here any longer than necessary. I get it, niggers and Jews are bad news, but I like my literary discussion.

>> No.5826327


Moot should make a containment board containment board

>> No.5826332

But that's how /lit/ has always been. I last was here years ago, and earlier this week I get on for the first time since, and there are still fucking Catcher in the Rye threads, Ayn Rand, driveling philosophy discussions by people who don't even understand philosophy, etc.

>> No.5826333
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We are the children of the hippie generation.
The generation that destroyed the world with multiculturalism and globalism.
We long for the nostalgia of earlier days when the world was not so degenerate.
The fact that the pol ideology resonates with so many proves it.
The leftists became the establishment and now their children are fighting back

>> No.5826335
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>> No.5826339

>I stand in your mom's pussy because it's so big

Any time you see a reply resembling this off topic nonsense, it's a /pol/tard.

And those are not /lit/izens going to /pol/

That's /pol/ raiding /lit/, finding that /lit/ actually teaches them something about right winged literature, and that same /pol/itical retard going back to /pol/ and bragging to them about some horse shit like a neckbeard band geek goes to his mom when he makes an A on a test.

>> No.5826344

meta posts are the worst cancer of all. Delete your thread.

>> No.5826345

you should have seen /lit/ when it was first made. it was just genre fiction shitposting everywhere

>> No.5826348

/lit/ has always sucked.
Back in the day, Ayn Rand threads got you banned.

>> No.5826349

4chan is always terrible because it only takes one faggot to ruin a discussion, whereas it takes all people acting well to have a nice discussion.

The best thing you can do is to stop replying to inflammatory posters. Nothing beats trolling harder than ignoring the troll.

>> No.5826350

There's also these
Ctrl + F /lit/

>> No.5826354

Yes, but it eventually got a lot better.

>Ayn Rand threads got you banned.
Ayn Rand is still a ton better than the niggers and Jews rants.

>> No.5826355

>that day when Feminister got blown out
>I never have to read his retarded interpretations of Nietzsche ever again

>> No.5826357

Which one of you did this?

>> No.5826362

/lit/ has always been full of sociali- I mean children.

>> No.5826363
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>> No.5826368

It looks like the thread is ignored.

>> No.5826370

Who the hell is Laurie Penny

>> No.5826374

>discussions by people who don't even understand philosophy
now if there's a problem with /lit/ that makes "muh summer /pol/ raid" pale it's this. "/lit/ doesn't read" sounds like a board meme, every board has its one but this is actually true. there's an astounding number of people on /lit/ who don't read because they CAN'T read and you can see it by the way they read and respond to posts in here.
They can't read and they use terms they don't understand (all of which require 30 second google searches to comprehend).
Trying to have a discussion about anything here is like pissing in the wind, that's why a lot of people just shitpost and submit forced memes.

>> No.5826375

Are you the fucktwit who posted that thread on /pol/? If so how fucking stupid can you be.

>Guys, I think OP wants us to post on his board more

That is the latest post on the thread, thanks a fucking lot, faggot.

>> No.5826380

How do you infer that I was the one who made that thread? Because I didn't

>> No.5826381

I did ask, but sorry for mislabeling you. Whoever the asshole is, though, deserves to be sodomized with a fork.

>> No.5826382
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that was obviously someone from /pol/ trying to bait them. how new are you?

>> No.5826383


Apt description of why I love /lit/

>> No.5826393


There are some serious /pol/fucks in here trying to justify their posts using this logic...that is, the same logic that forced them out of their own shit board and into others.

classic /pol/


>> No.5826411

Never once posted on /pol/. I even criticized /pol/ in this thread.
>knee jerk everything that looks bad on my litmus test of what type of posts are allowed
You're exactly like them. and you can't read

>> No.5826429

>Atheists are mad because everyone is realizing that god is real

>> No.5826435


1. you're the children of babyboomers. not everyone was a part of the counter culture movements of the 60's, and chances are your parents (or grandparents) were not.
2. globalism is a right-wing innovation. so thanks a lot.
3. first of all "longing for nostalgia" makes no sense. secondly, your nostalgia is mostly invented and revisionist.
4. "degenerate" is a buzzword that means nothing.
5. this is not an argument. the fact that hateful, reactionary politics that capitalizes on race resentment and perceived victimization resonates with a demographic of mostly socially inept white americans means nothing.
6. the fact that you think the status quo is "leftist" shows how very fragile and warped your worldview is.

>> No.5826588

people act like the /pol/ variety of "muh bix nood" and "muh jews" shitposting is anything new, but it's not. ironic racism has been a 4chan cornerstone extending as far back as shit like shoop da whoop (that's more YTMND i guess but whatever)

whats actually new is a small, easily impressionable sector of the board taking these memes seriously and adopting them into their worldview. there are teenagers on the imageboard right now who identify as christian fascists, most likely because of the nazi meme that has hung around /pol/ or /new/ for years. whats especially hilarious about these idiots is that nazism probably wouldn't even be that prevalent on here if not for dumb shit like the habbo hotel raids