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File: 115 KB, 1170x879, 10010535_10107291803973274_8365994914197271309_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5825055 No.5825055 [Reply] [Original]

All entertainment is escapism

>> No.5825058

Everything is escapism

>> No.5825071

More importantly it can never work for long.

>> No.5825078

I guess that's one way of phrasing/looking at it

>> No.5825080

Wow, what a house

>> No.5825088

it's Bjork's

>> No.5825093

Escapism from what?

>> No.5825103

everything is entertainment

>> No.5825106

Iceland owns.

It depends. You can tell a lot about a person by the sort of entertainment they take. Screamo music, soaps, etc. - they're all very easily tied to a certain type of personality/certain considerations in life.

I agree that everything is escapism pretty much. But what if there was just harmony? What if everything was just perfect from the very beginning? Is that an impossibility?

>> No.5825122
File: 92 KB, 446x693, 1332738920600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>House in Elliðaey near Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland
No. That was a dumb tabloid story.

>> No.5825124

Some art is enlightenment and not escapism

>> No.5825126

I, for example, very much like dubstep music, which reminds me of that painting "Girl with a Pearl Earring", a beautiful voice flowing through a markedly mechanical monster :)

>> No.5825145

But escapism from what? What is there to escape from?

>> No.5825153

Are the two mutually exclusive? Can't I read a novel to escape the pain of everyday life or something and still ultimately find it an enlightening experience?

>> No.5825158

Fear. Entertainment is to tame a beast.

>> No.5825163

I like entertainment and I don't feel any fear from anything right now. What happens?

>> No.5825168

People become robots, solid walls of coping mechanisms.

>> No.5825173


Boredom, meaninglessness, responsibilities, etc. I for one am browsing /lit/ while erotic roleplaying with a kitsune and an absol instead of reading Stoner. The later of which, while arguably more fulfilling long term, is still keeping me from doing nothing instead.

>> No.5825177

You're an absolute bender

>> No.5825178

>I, for example, very much like dubstep music

>> No.5825181


>> No.5825192

>everything is escapism
is the thing we are trying to escape from also escapism?

>> No.5825193

fuck off and die.

>> No.5825195

These trips need to stop...

>> No.5825196

So death corrupts the possibility of everything being just harmony, you're saying, anon?

>> No.5825202

Escapism is great though. Fuck real life.

>> No.5825205

Most everything that is human action is escapism, anon.

>> No.5825212

all your posts read like they were written by a 20 year old girl majoring in communications who is taking an elective intro to philosophy class or something

>> No.5825217


>> No.5825218

What are they escaping from was the question.

>> No.5825229

Imagine the world before you started stereotyping, categorising etc. You weren't born into the world with a full awareness of what everything is, anon. Just try to imagine what that must have been like.

>> No.5825235

But what if I like entertainment because it's fun and don't try to escape anything?

>> No.5825238

Nothing is 'just fun'.

>> No.5825252

Why? I eat cake for its taste, for it's fun, not because I'm trying to escape the human condition and the horrors of postmodern capitalism etc etc

>> No.5825263

But is all escapism entertainment?

>> No.5825264

So "escapism" is an ordinary, inbuilt human tendency to distinguish between things.

>> No.5825268

Actually, there's huge escapism in gustatory taste, Tallis.

"Most of all he liked grilled mutton kidneys which gave to his palate a fine tang of faintly scented urine" -- Ulysses, toilet humour in gustatory taste.

Like, Indians favour really hot food, living in a really hot fucking place - is that not reminiscent of Stockholm syndrome in gustatory taste to you? Hypnotists are fond of fucking with how people taste things. One can easily be hypnotised into drinking a bottle of vinegar and feeling refreshed after it, in fact.

>> No.5825272

Escapism is to be comfortable.

>> No.5825273

I live in Québec and I don't enjoy real fucking cold food. I like indian food too. I eat it because I like it. Not trying to escape my problems or the absurdity of life, I just like indian food on a cold friday evening before going out.

>> No.5825276

please shut the fuck up

>> No.5825277

I think that the pig is so tasty a meal for fat capitalist Americans says a lot, too, btw :P

>> No.5825282

Well, we need to be warm in order to survive, Tallis...


>> No.5825286

So not only is a lot of art not escapism, according to you, but also a great deal of human action isn't escapism, since there is a great deal of both that does not tend to the object of greater comfort. A lot of actions and works of art are engaged upon with the object of disrupting one's own state of comfortableness.

Any objections?

>> No.5825287

If I take a walk outside, am I escaping the warmth? Is this possible, if we need to be warm in order to survive?

>> No.5825288

Flagellation plays into being comfortable through discomfort, anon.

>> No.5825293

A lot of cultures enjoy pig. Just because you can attribute a figurative meaning to it through the stretch of you imagination doesn't mean that there is any substance to your interpretation.

>> No.5825296

It's a balancing act. Freedom is a big one too. Who's going to feel comfortable feeling as if they are imprisoned? :)

>> No.5825298

Are all forms of life just different ways of escapism from suicide? Isn't suicide escapism from life? Is blue a form of escapism from red, and red, ---- escapism from blue?

Is A escapism from B, and B from A, and all things that may be defined either A or B, thus your proposition is impossible to falsify and thus meaningless?

>> No.5825299

Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.

>> No.5825304


all universal/categorical imperatives are autism

>> No.5825305

It is certainly very curious that the pig should be considered one of the tastiest of animals, anon.

>> No.5825315

literally what the fuck are you even talking about

the trip doesn't automatically give you authority. this is literally sone of the most retarded shit ive ever read in my life

>> No.5825319

Not everything is escapism. What is a form of escapism, however, are your methods of argumentation.

>> No.5825321

Contain your infantile rage, child.

>> No.5825322


>> No.5825324

why did you not respond to tallis?

>> No.5825334

I am getting tired of this. Just because you can keep saying words at me, does not mean that I am wrong. And there are obvious parallels between the pig and humans, the thoughts 'pig' brings to mind, which should render it curious that pig flesh is considered so tasty. Again, it is very easy to manipulate a person's gustatory tastes by manipulating their thoughts.

>> No.5825337

Because Tallis is being a dumb child throwing his entire life at me in order to find himself some break in my knowledge. I am giving the principles, I'm not here to make sense of a person's entire life, that would be quite the chore.

>> No.5825341

Are you a stoner? Be honest. This is some real stoner-like thoughts.

>> No.5825345

add stoner to the description in this post and it all makes sense

>> No.5825347

>Because Tallis is being a dumb child
hey there kiddo, quit the name-calling, this place is for adults

>> No.5825349

>hurr i like teh cake it gud. like book 2

OK bro.

>> No.5825353

>Just because you can keep saying words at me, does not mean that I am wrong.
LOL you have some of the most unintentionally funny posts on this whole board.

>> No.5825361

>Just because you can keep saying words at me


>> No.5825363

You should probably think a little about why that sounds funny to you, anon :P

>> No.5825364

I'm sorry, but either you lack the capacity to properly explain your beliefs, or there isn't any actual sense behind the things you say. I'm leaning toward the latter option.

>> No.5825370

>hurr the harmonies of the universe and death its the harmonies u know?

Ok bro.

>> No.5825376


>> No.5825378

It's quite simple, anon. It really is quite simple. I have given you everything, all you need to do is get over going 'no, no, no, no,' like a child, and understand it.

Tallis' clashing with me as I were the new king trip is rather pathetic btw. I gave you a chance Tallis, but you are quite the child.

>> No.5825380

if i'm entertained by non-fiction it still has a purpose beyond escapism lol

>> No.5825381

official soundtrack to all of Paradise's posts

>> No.5825386
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>> No.5825387

You're a loser, dude. Enjoy.

>> No.5825389

every time Paradise posts I hear a bong-rip echo faintly in the distance

>> No.5825392

Just tripfag things

>> No.5825394
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>> No.5825401

it's called making a joke and laughing at things. its a really cool form of escapism. you should try it some time

>> No.5825402
File: 15 KB, 253x380, considering considerations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top level banter

>> No.5825410

That is exactly it for most of you, actually. It's like the fedora meme, to forcefully categorise atheism as this fat joke. Tallis is actually quite the loser, though.

>> No.5825412

I was at pic related this summer.
Awesome place, but almost unreachable.

>> No.5825418

Isn't insulting me a form of escapism?

>> No.5825419

>tfw when bjork posts on /lit/
>tfw when i have no face prepared for this grand occasion

>> No.5825425

*bubbling water echoes in the distance*

>> No.5825427

Your posts are actually fascinating in fairness - deeply illustrative of a marvelous capacity for delusion - but I would be embarrassed to have made them myself. Sometimes a child needs to be snapped at.

>> No.5825431

now that I think about it, the concept of "paradise", is itself the ultimate archetype of escapism. coincidence?

>> No.5825435

your posts are deeply illustrative of schizophrenia

>> No.5825440

No, rather the schizophrenic is a thing controlled in your philosophy :)

>> No.5825444

Is schizophrenia escapism?

Isn't paradise structured around the triangle of the trinity? Coincidence? I think not. loominatee detected

>> No.5825449

thats almost as deep as your post about the harmonies of the universe

can i get your dealer's number? thanks

>> No.5825451

This thread is a piece of art, really.

>> No.5825452

this is the kekkest liquid comedy gold I've seen in a while on /lit/

>> No.5825453
File: 25 KB, 301x301, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would milton say about this debate?

>> No.5825462

No life, but rather escapism visible.

>> No.5825465
File: 42 KB, 534x432, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paradise lost

>> No.5825468

dat og kush you be smoking is a piece of art nigga

>> No.5825472

yeah paradies lostthe debate

>> No.5825476

that would be the joke

>> No.5825480

Is miltonian verse escapism?

>> No.5825481

No I didn't. I'm right :P

It's just a bunch of retards would rather cry at me than understand me.

>hurr he say things about mind, mind is like...crazy man! hurr he have waking hallucination

Fits a stereotype that people would much prefer to just slot me into than try to understand me/concede I might be aware of something they're not. Fascinating, really.

>> No.5825487

actually, this thread was really an intervention, Paradise. We're all very concerned with you.

*Paradise's parents walk into the thread*

>> No.5825488

Is hittin dat dank weed escapism?

no lol 420 smoke weed erryday

>> No.5825489
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>> No.5825497

How easily lead are you :)

>> No.5825504

passive aggressive smiley face is passive aggressive

>> No.5825505


>> No.5825509

lol. Well, I left out the obvious one for a reason, anon :)

>> No.5825516
File: 855 KB, 1700x2275, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God tier syllogism son I am proud

>> No.5825519

tahks hegel your like my favorite philosopher

>> No.5825525

>a kitsune and an absol

Just say 'fox' you awful bastard.

>> No.5825528

dialectics... escapism????

>> No.5825530

nice trips friends

>> No.5825531
File: 123 KB, 400x277, TheodorWiesengrund.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In late capitalism art lost it's autonomity, therefore OP is right.
>inb4 muh art/books/music have meaning and are critical.
no they probably aren't you pseudo intellectual faggot. the cross-eyed transfixion with the amusement that almost every "art" today has negates any critique and any creative thought reflecting on today's society it might pretend to have.

>> No.5825534

Dead on.

>> No.5825540

your probably like the shittiest person ever to hang out with irl

>> No.5825544

drop trip kill self

>> No.5825548


>> No.5825552

you told him m8

>> No.5825563

Depends what escapism implies one is escaping. Have to be very clear about that before even bothering with a discussion.
Unless you want ebin tripfag wars

>> No.5825569
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>> No.5825572

You have no education. No culture. You know next to nothing. You discuss subjects you know nothing about. You literally litter your "argumentation" with unproven claims and prove a profound inability to form any, -- any -- kind of coherent argument.

This kind of "argumentation" - or, let us say; --- rambling, --- does not justify you as a rational person against every single person in this thread mocking you; the mockery, the point-and-laugh behaviour began with your very incapacity to rationally respond to the posters ITT, thus you were labelled as irrational and deemed unworthy of argumentation.

Hop off the board, the computer, and flip open a book. It might be more helpful to your mind and ours than this aimless and deconstructed --- or, more appropriately, aconstructed: for deconstruction implies prior construction --- puddle of shit that constitutes the nameless horror that you've yclept your point.

>> No.5825573
File: 661 KB, 820x460, ITT tripfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed this thread

>> No.5825576

this is literally the only post Paradise made in this thread that makes any sense.

>> No.5825578

aha, this should make him mad :)

>> No.5825579

what do you imagine you are achieving by posting this, giving an attention seeker attention?

>> No.5825583
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>mfw Paradise responds to this post with more incoherent bullshit

>> No.5825584

I like reading myself write and listening to myself talk, --- it's a form of escapism I have yet to control.

>> No.5825588

lol. Try harder dude. It makes sense.

>> No.5825589
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>> No.5825592

the pointless shit you write isn't much above that other faggot

>> No.5825598

I hope everyone in this thread including me dies

>> No.5825602

Epin. I swear, this is the most art-filled thread /lit/ has ever known.

>> No.5825608

>doesn't respond

>> No.5825612

were already dead because of the imbalnce of the universal harmonies or some shit that paradise said

if you dont agree then u smokin da wrong kush son

>> No.5825620

It would be pointless.

>> No.5825622

>disrespecting the herb

>> No.5825629

Don't worry. Not anyone has escaped dying yet...

>> No.5825632

addressing the legitimate complaints of someone you are debating with is pointless?

teach me this new form of debate

>> No.5825636

dying is just another form of escapism, anon

>> No.5825641

Paradise may be a dumb cunt but there is nothing to address in that post

>> No.5825647



>> No.5825649

>You literally litter your "argumentation" with unproven claims and prove a profound inability to form any, -- any -- kind of coherent argument.
>the point-and-laugh behaviour began with your very incapacity to rationally respond to the posters ITT

>> No.5825651

>'Weed Tycoon' Paradise
I'm dying pls my sides are escaping me

>> No.5825652

i voted paradise because weed tycoon made me laugh

>> No.5825659

What legitimate complaints? The only really tangible thing I pointed to in there was hypnotists manipulating people's tastes, which is very easily googled. The rest of what I said is just extrapolation, using the mechanic to build everything else. There are no experiments besides which could prove this stuff, it would be monstrously inhumane to condition a person throughout their youth and life in order to do so. Tallis is just crying dashes and semi-colons at me, as if he has more of a place here for using them.

>> No.5825662

I voted paradise because I also share his retarded stoner outlook on life.

>> No.5825663

The Anons in the peanut gallery are the real winners of this thread

>> No.5825668

Tallis is a loser child who got bullied in school basically, needing very much to be an 'intellectual' bully in compensation.

>> No.5825679
File: 703 KB, 245x200, dcknp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paradise is still going! He's spoiling for round two!

>> No.5825683

I won the thread hard dudes :3

>> No.5825685
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>> No.5825686

i hate them both but paradise is clearly a casual

this is the kinda stuff that comes out of the mouth of people that are either stoned and "like... really thinking about life dude" or just began contemplating certain concepts

id expect to find paradise participating in such loathesome intellectual territory as free will vs determinism or existentialism

>> No.5825692

insincere :3 face is insincere

>> No.5825695

Well I voted for myself :3

>> No.5825696
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>> No.5825699

You know it's true and so do I. Keep crying.

>> No.5825704
File: 31 KB, 405x351, the dangerous bullying of tallis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5825707

if theres any chance that at some point in the future you will look back and realize what a tremendous faggot you were it would make me genuinely happy because you clearly possess the potential to be an actually intelligent person

but first we have to wean you off that kush

>> No.5825715


>> No.5825718

ty for the backhanded compliment anon :3

>> No.5825720


>> No.5825721


>> No.5825724

it wasnt a backhanded compliment. it was an insult followed by a compliment

>> No.5825725

You forgot 'escapism' bruh

>> No.5825727


>> No.5825730

I think it was a backhanded compliment anon :3

>> No.5825733

well, as this thread clearly demonstrates you think a lot of things that are blatantly incorrect

>> No.5825737

your too negative anon! smoke the herb and feel the good vibes :3

>> No.5825745
File: 400 KB, 352x240, 1409779498938.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that Tallis once threatened to beat up a bunch of Anons in real life over their interpretation of Waiting for Godot, and claimed he had beat someone up over Nietzche in the past.

It's nice that he finally found someone dumber than him to pick on

>> No.5825751

shit thread is saged.

>> No.5825752

your right, man. this thread has been real funny tho. im done, goodnight.

*disappears in a puff of dank smelling smoke*

>> No.5825760

>Daily reminder that Tallis once threatened to beat up a bunch of Anons in real life over their interpretation of Waiting for Godot, and claimed he had beat someone up over Nietzche in the past.

>> No.5825763

a nigga who beat he own brotha man over a questionable interpretation of a 19th century German philosopher

a shameful nigga

>> No.5825764



>> No.5825765

is your first name Chris?

>> No.5825769

>It's nice that he finally found someone dumber than him to pick on

>> No.5825773

>hurr he call dumb

Was clever, in fairness, anon :o)

>> No.5825775

this banter in this thread is great tbh

>> No.5825779

we all think you're really dumb Paradise

>> No.5825782


>> No.5825786

Did Paradise escape the thread?

>> No.5825788

why are you still responding in this thread?

>> No.5825790

Holy shit I just saw this

this is too good

>> No.5825795

yeah he's a major pleb

>> No.5825797

No you don't :)
I think most of you are very dumb, though.

>> No.5825800


anyone disagrees with >>5825779 ?

>> No.5825803

he actually has a really meta appreciation of dubstep which transcends the pleb/patrician dichotomy

>> No.5825806

but he listens to dubstep tho

>> No.5825807

That anon who told me I 'clearly had the potential to be actually intelligent'

Really, he was rooting for me, just afraid to actually back me up :3

>> No.5825813

no that was me and i actually think youre retarded


>> No.5825820

I understand, anon. It's OK :3

>> No.5825869
File: 1.69 MB, 200x200, 1401290215187.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck. When did /lit/ get so shitty? Do you guys do anything but tripfag and shipost? There has been barely any real discussion in this thread.

>> No.5825900

shit threads get shit posts. Did you really think the OP of "All entertainment is escapism" would invite an intelligent, stimulating discussion?

Besides, this thread was fun to watch. Lighten up

>> No.5825915

ITT: Paradise is a fucking autist and/or troll.
Glad I'm not deciding which one cause praise the Lord for filtering

>> No.5825940


god i love this woman...

>> No.5826034


Look at Paradise's posts in this thread. This guy is the epitomization of casual newtrips who don't read.

>> No.5826051

lol y'all got trolled by Paradise

>> No.5826052

Only butthurt newfag autists use filters

>> No.5826057

couldn't decide which insult to go with, eh?

>> No.5826062

I think he's genuine.

>> No.5826085


>> No.5826094

No, you're obviously butthurt and new and being triggered by posts you KNOW you're going to see when you come motherfucking 4chan is autistic as fuck. "oh I'm going to use 4chan and block half of it". You are so god damn retarded it's ridiculous.

>> No.5826098

chill out mate

smoke the weed and let the good times roll

>> No.5826110


>> No.5826112

where is pic?

>> No.5826117

I'm stoned now. You are the dumbass coming to 4chan getting your sensibilities offensed and announcing what a baby you are like anyone gives a fuck. How you are this self-unaware?

>> No.5826120

in the op you moron

>> No.5826121

man you need to get off these bad vibes 420 bob marley represent smoke real kushhhz not this mean shit u be smokinnzzz

>> No.5826159


>> No.5826190

geographically you fucktard faggot

>> No.5826254
File: 624 KB, 722x525, 1416486506356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really calling people "fucktard faggots" when you don't even know how to find image sources?

>> No.5826331

thats not her actual house
she lives in reykjavik
tfw ive been there

>> No.5826338

hey you nasal jew cumslut, fuck you

>> No.5826386


>> No.5826398

Paradise reminds me of this /mu/ trip called crazyaga.

>> No.5826433

autistic AND kike?

>> No.5826437
File: 910 KB, 450x346, steam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most underrated in thread
you only said that because someone mentioned Stoner earlier in the thread and it planted the idea in your head

>> No.5826450

Every1 in this thread need to get laid


>> No.5826511
File: 62 KB, 345x427, gustave-dore-lucifers-fall-from-paradise-lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're thrown back into reality after a good immersive literary or cinematic experience

>> No.5826525

sex is escapism

>> No.5826527

>beating up anyone

he's a french manlet

>> No.5826619 [SPOILER] 
File: 72 KB, 395x605, 1417919841428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They behave just like any anon. Makes it easier to spot the ones you don't want to pay any mind to.

Have I been filtered by this guy or something? >>5825122
>House in Elliðaey near Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland

Aw-yeeah! That's what I'm talking about!

>> No.5826623

>They behave just like any anon.
>implying we're all the same

>> No.5826726

Eventually m8

>> No.5826739

Please tell me this is a reference to that clickhole article "7 quotes for a nihilist" or something like that.

>> No.5826765

As an autist you people shame me.

>> No.5826774

m8 I am in the top ten least autistic people in the world

>> No.5826796

In a very general sense. Are you claiming to be a perfect angel? Which posts are yours?

>> No.5826801

Just that one.

>> No.5827087

Yes. Real art isn't however.

>> No.5827125

no it's not. bjork's house is in reykjavik by the water. it's a painted all black

>> No.5827133

>rill art
lel you mean rill spooks m8

>> No.5827167

why does the newtrip talks to himself? is he autistic? doesn't he notice nobody cares about him?

>> No.5827195

>All entertainment is escapism

No True Scotsman.

>> No.5827197

Suck anonymous dicks, m8

>> No.5827207


>> No.5827211

I was merely outlining the absurdity of your bitching, anon :)

>> No.5827221
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>> No.5827225
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Boob -> >>5825122

>> No.5828740

Thats not her house, it was just a false rumour

>> No.5828909

just want you to know that I am sending bad vibes your way, and whatever words you choose to counter it doesn't matter because I am still sending bad vibes your way.

>> No.5828924

What's wrong with escapism?

>> No.5828929


>> No.5829094

This is one of the worst threads I've ever seen in my /lit/ life yet. Fucking teen stoners and triplames shitposting like it's end the of the world. Cancer, each all of you.

>> No.5829110

It's that time of the year again. Seasonal breaks m8.