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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 657 KB, 705x981, alice in wonderland seven seas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5822527 No.5822527 [Reply] [Original]

>go to B&N
>notice this cover for Alice in Wonderland
The audacity of weeaboos, holy shit.

>> No.5822533
File: 703 KB, 865x1200, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This 320-page collection contains all of Lewis Carroll’s original text along with two full-color spreads and one hundred black-and-white full-page and spot illustrations.


>> No.5822534

Get the fuck over yourself.

This is marketed towards children and guess what? Children love anime.

Get the fuck over yourself

>> No.5822548

I guess the question is are they replacing shipments of the regular editions with shipments of this? Or is it a completely separate product, and, as I would assume, sold in a separate part of the store?

If they're forcing this onto the classic, that's one thing, but if it's just a special interest option I see no problem here.

looks better drawn that most of that "Folio" society garbage

Not to mention >>5822534

>> No.5822561

'The Audacity of Weeaboos' would be a great name for a hypermodern novel.

>> No.5822563
File: 13 KB, 285x285, ulysses manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to university bookstore
>see this

They had a bunch of other ones, Moby Dick and Don Quixote. There's a bunch of them in Japanese, they even have a manga Mien Kampf.

>> No.5822564

Brb, buying this.

>> No.5822565

>a manga Mien Kampf.
I-I don't believe you

>> No.5822568


You can read it here:


And yeah supposedly there was some controversy in Germany or something.

>> No.5822571

I don't know if that Alice looks fine as fuck, or if she looks too much like Teddie from P4 when he crossdressed, but I will buy this anyway

>> No.5822578

doujin when

>> No.5822585
File: 114 KB, 640x951, Often_she_would_stand_upon_the_walls_of_Troy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was posted already

i personally see no problems, anime style is quite cute, original illustrations are more authentic, but they are mostly interesting for historical purposes, alice was illustrated multiple times

btw japanese art affected english book illustrations in the 19th century already, pic related

>> No.5822587

is there an Alice anime?

>> No.5822594

I'd be lying if I didn't say she looks cute as fuck, would buy.

Svankmejer's Alice is a masterpiece, but his one flaw is he didn't pick a particularly cute loli actress.

>> No.5822602

I fucking love anime. And you, as well.

>> No.5822604
File: 35 KB, 500x606, tb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer this cover myself

>> No.5822611

I get what you are saying. But that fact that it was thought up by some marketing team in a board room still doesn't make it appropriate. Calm down.

>> No.5822619

I love fucking anime and you ass well

>> No.5822631

Why on earth would you hold publishing companies to a higher standard than any other business?

>> No.5822647

My girlfriend has a weeboo friend that comes over sometimes. She seemed alright until she started watching gay anime porn while we were in the room. It was strange, but even stranger was the fact that she seemed completely oblivious to what she was doing. No shame, no self awareness.

Honestly the fans tend to be odd and even at times, insufferable. But I guess my point is that they seem like a passionate and reliable consumer base. They are worth pandering too even if they do have to bastardize book covers to get them to buy it.

>> No.5822651

If it doesn't have anything lewd, it's not worth buying

>> No.5822653

Alice is my waifu!

>> No.5822665

>Švankmajer's Alice
Holy shit that movie was terrifying. It will always hold a special place in my heart.

>> No.5822670

>not fapping to Alice in Wonderland eroge and trap doujinshi

stay pleb

I've seen this before but I still have no idea how you turn Ulysses into a shoujo manga. It's mostly dudes bantering and jerking off.

>> No.5822672


>> No.5822676
File: 129 KB, 600x800, Alice.Margatroid.full.887047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5822690

Thanks for bringing a smile to my face. I've got a bad case of the "feels".

>> No.5822695
File: 38 KB, 270x321, 1396534677213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I named a cat Alice after Alice Margatroid herself!

>> No.5822707
File: 43 KB, 318x424, Nabokov's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If Nabster had taste

>> No.5822794

Quit being autistic.

>> No.5822819

john shade and his wife (the foreground) being stalked by charles kinbote (the background)?

>> No.5822829

That type of clothing is specifically meant to seduce lolicons.

>> No.5822838
File: 143 KB, 692x1952, Alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know that Teddie was dressed as Alice, a demon from the SMT series based on Alice in Wonderland, right?

Here's her original SMT artwork.

>> No.5822847

Why is alice always so lewd? She's always depicted a bit more risque then whats allowed at the time for a girl her age.

>> No.5822853

Because she's a psychonaut.

>> No.5822882

Honestly, if anime style suits any classic work of literature, it's probably Alice. Those books are hugely popular in Japan anyway

>> No.5822893

Girls from the time would've worn longer underpants than that

>> No.5822902

Perfect. I just wish I knew how to change the bottom text to say the appropriate author now.

>> No.5822924

Lewis Carrol was a massive paedo.

>Alice trap doujinshi
I demand sources for totally non-sexual scientific research purposes.

>> No.5822929

I wonder why.

>> No.5822930

I don't know if I can give you sources, but I can give you two exquisite images of sad pandas

>> No.5822936

It's not his fault anime is awkward and embarrassing making him want to distance what he loves from it

>> No.5822953

anime drawing style isn't anime though
a drawing style isn't something inherently bad just because it's misused
it has deep cultural roots too, japanese fine art was about stylization for hundreds of years
also i already posted a crane's illustration for iliad for children inspired by the japanese art, it's the end of 19th - beginning of 20th century

>> No.5822969

Why, just what I needed for my masturbatorium. Furious scientific research will be made.

>> No.5822978

>Lewis Carrol was a massive paedo.
Isn't that true for every writer from that time period?

>> No.5823005
File: 245 KB, 595x842, 1417815019514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not already imagining every character in every book in an anime style

What are you even doing here?

>> No.5823014

>I-it's not like I wanted to split the oceans for you p-people


>> No.5823018
File: 375 KB, 700x1022, 32d31ffb34cc2cf57f38867a8c19ee93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5823046

>trap alice

mein nigga.

>> No.5823068


>> No.5823843

Honestly that looks cute and the anime style fits the book quite well.

>> No.5823856

>tfw AIW fetish.
>tfw gf dresses up as Alice and I fuck her brains out

Feels so good man.

>> No.5823864
File: 361 KB, 1270x668, gravity's rainbow anime movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5823880

They even have Marx's Capital. How is it possible that grorious Nippon still surprises me after all these years?

>> No.5823936


Anyone know where I can find this? I've searched everywhere online and nobody seems to have scanned and translated it.
I'd be really interested in seeing just how bad it is

>> No.5823951

Looks kawaii as fuck, would buy.

>> No.5823955

>trap alice doujins
>this is a thing that exists
This is the best day of my life

>> No.5824132

You should check the manga guide to physics etc.

>> No.5824257

I have proof!


>> No.5825100
File: 230 KB, 640x452, 1415058701346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody actually posted pictures of the illustrations in the book a while back. I thought I had them saved, but I can't find them now. That shit was cute as hell.

>> No.5825114
File: 206 KB, 693x1000, SevenSeasAIW-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is cute as fuck, would buy.

>> No.5825116

Not really. Read "In the Shadow of the Dreamchild". The idea that Dodgson/Carroll was a pedophile is entirely a modern myth.

>> No.5825123

>implying i didn't buy this last time it was posted here

>> No.5825133
File: 218 KB, 721x1000, SevenSeasAIW-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't all books illustrated like this?

>> No.5825182

I don't know, cute stuff is cute.

>> No.5825204

Because most books aren't japanese light novels.

>> No.5825266
File: 133 KB, 1440x1080, 1414282365811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't mean they can't have cute illustrations.

>> No.5825295
File: 18 KB, 176x250, Acharis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the generic animu styles which you consider to be 'cute' are the results of decades of artistic incest. Illustrations in a book serve a very clear purpose: They are meant to enrich the experience of reading, and so they should be done in a style that reeignforces the mood the writing is trying to convey. Illustrations need to have personality.

>> No.5825317
File: 765 KB, 246x266, 1324632269131.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, you're telling me that in a book based around a school-girl, a children's book, originally based on a story told to a school-girl, "cute" illustrations do not enrich the experience of reading a children's book or reinforce the mood of a children's book about a child wandering through a fantasy land?

That's a weird position to take, but a'ight.

>> No.5825339

>"Why don't all books have illustrations this cute"
>Succinct answer to retarded shitpost

Somehow, I always knew it was the anime retards who have to be a shithead, unpleasant fucking faggot about -everything-. It is not at all surprising people that immature and actually autistic watch anime all day long.

>> No.5825352
File: 57 KB, 320x353, 1323062977177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except I'm explicitly talking about one book, Alice in Wonderland, sorry if that wasn't clear enough when I mentioned "a children's book about a child wandering through a fantasy land".

>anime retard
>shithead, unpleasant fucking faggot
Whoa, what are you so mad about? I'm just asking what makes you think that cutesy-styled illustrations detract from the experience of reading a children's book, or how they cannot reinforce the mood of a children's book about a school-girl wandering through an imaginary fantasy land.

If you don't have an answer, that's cool too, but there's nothing here to get so aggressive and mad about.

>> No.5825365


Considering that Lewis Carroll was a pedophile, I can't help but feel that he would approve.

>> No.5825366
File: 1.91 MB, 2648x1647, De_Alice's_Abenteuer_im_Wunderland_Carroll_pic_23_edited_1_of_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh for fucks sake.

Yes, it is a childrens book, but what makes Alices journey special and interesting isn't fucking moeblobbery. The charm of taking the reader on a magical journey through Wonderland comes from its fantastic nature, its weirdness. What does >>5825133 add to this? how does it make our experience of reading the book any more impactful?

>> No.5825372
File: 12 KB, 162x196, 1278355282674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, cool. I didn't know I was in /jp/, oh wait, this is /lit/.

I guess I'll head over to /jp/, post some great western literature and totally not get banned into oblivion.

>> No.5825374

Except you literally asked why all books can't have those illustrations and anyone can read the post confirming the one I'm quoting here as a superfluous lie. Is this "trolling"? Are you stoned?

>> No.5825379

>and totally not get banned into oblivion.
>first day on 4chan

>> No.5825446

No, I didn't. Is this your first time on an anonymous image board? Your having trouble following the thread of conversation or differentiating between users, I'm the one who asked how a children's book about a school girl in an imaginary fantasy land being illustrated in a childish or cutesy art style detracted from the mood of the children's book or detracts from the experience of reading it. I feel like I'm repeating myself.

>> No.5825457

You're*, even. My mistake.

>> No.5825464

So you're admitting that you're an idiot who made a pointless post that didn't at all apply to the one you were responding to? That's an interesting position to take.

>> No.5825466
File: 13 KB, 244x250, 1392152521027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, Anon. You need to step away from the computer and ask yourself if an illustrated edition of a kid's book is really worth getting this angry over

>> No.5825477

>Tfw I could have been born as a "EVERYTHING' LE
MAD LOOK I POSTED XDDDDD" mentality person

Wow did I dodge a bullet. Maybe anti-natalists are on to something.

>> No.5825486
File: 5 KB, 240x80, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you even trying to say?

>> No.5825494

doujins when?

>> No.5825496

What creates you guys? I've always been curious but you just stop posting when I ask. Are you just stupid? I mean, a lot of people are. It's just so wierd to dedicate you're life to going "haha, I said he's mad! No but I said you're mad! Lol but I said so!". I feel like mere stupidity isn't the culprit. Is it fear of verbosity? I notice that anyone who dares type more than a sentence is often forced into the box of "LEMADXD".

>> No.5825501

Lewis Carrol is a novelist and mathematician, you ignorant twat.

>> No.5825508

Not who you were talking to, but I recommend you look into treatments for autism.

>> No.5825551

>Wanting to know about a phenomena is autistic

Well maybe you could help me even though you supposedly aren't him, as you are clearly the same sort. It's funny you would choose to use autism in the case of my posing a question in relation to this fascinating behavior, rather than the people who's entire lives revolve around being sort of annoying and watching cartoons.

>> No.5825562

Nope, I'm saying you're attacking me for a position I never took in the first place. Can you please answer the question? How do cutesy-style illustration detract from a children's book?

And I honestly have no idea what you're still so upset about.

>> No.5825566

Pandora Hearts is heavily inspired by Alice. Yumekui Merry as well.

>> No.5825567

to be fair, the original post said "why aren't all books illustrated like this"
you sorta jumped in on the argument and took it in a different direction

>> No.5825577
File: 28 KB, 271x294, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I hope this is just your retarded idea of a joke or something but I suspect it isn't

>> No.5825599


>> No.5825600
File: 101 KB, 500x366, 1410112995809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that everyone on 4chan is obsessed with belittling and undermining somebody elses intelligence?

>hurr you fucking retarted mouth breather

It's like I'm on /v/ or something, I like to pretend you guys are above this.

>> No.5825611

if you're stupid that makes me smart
if i'm smart and you're stupid, that means i'm right and you're wrong
also you can just be like hey you're dumb rather than respond to the substance of the post
but i mean hey it's 4chan

>> No.5825613

>Being this mad

>> No.5825623

no i mean i'm not calling you dumb i think you had a legitimate response and the other guy clearly misinterpreted what you were saying
i just mean in general

>> No.5825634

The 19th century? no. The only famous ones I can think of are Lewis Carroll and John Ruskin

>> No.5825676

Actualy >>5825114 and >>5825133 do exactly what an illustration is supposed to do. The picture of Alice in the hallway is set up so your eyes will wander past the larger doors before finding the small one Alice is crouched in front of. The simplistic way the doors are drawn allows you to imagine there are more than are actually visible. Furthermore, despite Alice and the tiny door being the most detailed objects in the picture, they take up a small amount of it, which conveys the feeling of finding something out of place (and thus important) in somewhere that is otherwise meaningless and uniform.

In the picture of Alice being giant, the way the picture is framed helps make it look more claustrophobic, Alice isn't just confined by the room as she grows, she is confined by the very pages of the book.

The only reason you miss these things is because you dislike Anime art style and that prevents you from seeing anything other than a generic anime girl. (Which is consistent with her portrayals as an ordinary girl in a cute dress)

>> No.5825706

Is there some wierd property about this thread where no one sees that guy is actually responding to someone who said "all books" or am I just being baited here?

>> No.5825722

i acknowledged it twice

>> No.5825723

Lol your posts are always immediately recognizable by the reaction images and are some of the worst on this board

>> No.5825734
File: 16 KB, 838x88, Screen Shot 2014-10-11 at 10.19.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right, just accept it and move on

>> No.5825749
File: 33 KB, 460x456, Aladdin_1d5675_5378642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here it is.
He has some good stuff but mixed in with mediocre and shock in my humble opinion.

>> No.5825777

I want this Alice Anime version but I already have a cheap crappy one with no images and a expensive one with images.

I have better books to waste my money on but I still want it. ( along with Trevor Browns version )

>> No.5825843

Only two of those are mine, and I made it pretty obvious considering they're both a part of the same discussion and using literally the same exact wording to ask the same question. Congrats, I guess?

>> No.5825904

how is it not appropriate?

if anything, the style complements the story quite well

>> No.5825925

All businesses should be held to improbably high standards as they are who determine what we consume

>> No.5826016

more info?

>> No.5826031

>That moeblob artwork

>> No.5826118

uh, no. First, the effects you mention have nothing to do with the manga art style (ie you did not show how the manga style/moe added to the story)

Second, let me analyze a hentai scene for you in the same style. The scene is a closeup shot of the guy's penis in a girl's vagina when the male is about to orgasm, a common device used in hentai animation. The camera holds still on the action.

We note the ridiculously high sized the genitalia are in this frame. Less than one feet of the anime world is displayed on a screen space that normally displayed tens of feet. This radical shift emphasizes the climax of the scene. The viewer is forced to turn his own attention fully to their genitalia, and this suggests the characters have only attention for their genitals at the moment of climax as well. Both the characters and the viewer's attention are confined by the very edges of the video screen.

Additionally, we note the confining extends across time as well. By keeping the camera still, the This emphasizes that the characters themselves are frozen by their pleasure, and is a visual metaphor for the overwhelming nature of the human orgasm.

Anyway, my argument is that you can easily make such arguments about pretty much any illustration.

>> No.5826129

... which does not invalidate the opinion that the illustrations are well done despite being in manga-style.

>> No.5826132

The illustrations are kewl though, while most hentai is fugly. Also your interpretation of entirely hypothetical, non-specific hentai scene is strained and unconvincing

>> No.5826139

...which doesn't invalidate that the scene adds nothing to the story.

>> No.5826160

Why do they need to add something to the story. Ideally nothing should be added to the story, as it is fine as is.

>> No.5826163


that came out of nowhere

it's just an illustration of a scene on the book,
doesn't have to add or do anything aside from illustrating a passage on the book

>> No.5826167
File: 3 KB, 126x95, 1229767841337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice derail. I'll give it 2/10.

>> No.5826170

Alice is cute. I want to fuck Alice.

Thanks for reading.

>> No.5826203

>doesn't have to add or do anything aside from illustrating a passage on the book
I'd argue if they're merely illustrating a scene, it detracts from the novel, forcing on the reader what image to see instead of leaving it to the imagination. The reader's attention should not be divided between the world he creates in his imagination using the text, and the world presented by the illustration.

So unless the image adds something (Moe, for example), it doesn't justify the loss.

>Ideally nothing should be added to the story, as it is fine as is.
And this is why illustrations aren't used in novels, the other involving cost and space.

>> No.5826222

The illustrations aren't keeping you from imagining the scenes how you want to. They're just there for fun

>> No.5826247

Looks cute and well drawn. 10/10 would buy

>> No.5826252

>The illustrations aren't keeping you from imagining the scenes how you want to.
No, but they make it harder.

>> No.5826266

WAAAHHH!! they made a cover in the style of an indonesian political cartoon for my favorite children's book! I'm UPSET!


>> No.5826272

It probably is the best children's book of all time, tho

>> No.5826282

I want to molest her. I want to fulfill the stereotype of all men being pedophile rapists.

>> No.5826288

>The audacity of weeaboos

ここは4chanなんですけど。。。 迷子さんですか?

>> No.5826298

I've never heard of that stereotype.

>> No.5826312


>> No.5826456

Not gonna lie, I'd buy it. Some neat novelty factor there, and it looks cute.

>> No.5826461


>> No.5826475
File: 995 KB, 1520x2688, 1415057033475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5826491
File: 1.18 MB, 1520x2688, 1415059168819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's not too may pictures of it from what I can find.

>> No.5826497
File: 1.13 MB, 1520x2688, 1415059278433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5826514 [DELETED] 

I don't know, you seem pretty unpleasant and autistic yourself m8

>> No.5826520

You getting butt-devastated on 4chan in an argument over anime is pretty autistic, though.

>> No.5826540
File: 23 KB, 269x311, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this phenomanenally upset
>Hours later

Dear christ, anon

>> No.5826544

I can't pronounce what I typed

>> No.5826555

I don't understand why it's considered a children's book. Sure children can understand it fine, but how does that make it "for children" and not also for adults?

>> No.5826558

Because it's written for children.

>> No.5826563

I'm not even the same guy you fuckwit.

>> No.5826570

I know that but I guess you're the mad one now anyway huh xP

>> No.5826572


>> No.5826580

Because it was written for a child, his friend's daughter and was originally told on a rowing trip with his friend and his children. When he was going to have it published he had other children read it and asked for their opinions. The book is literally "for children", but that doesn't mean adults can't (and do) enjoy reading it too.

>> No.5826592

>After you non-ironically brought up the phenomena of "HAHA BUT NO I SAID YOU'RE MAD" that I was questioning
>Hours later

You are truly an enigma. I say non-ironically because your reaction now indicates you were definitely not joking like I was hoping when I posted the triggered picture.

>> No.5826653

Why do you even respond?

>> No.5826662

Well that guy got actually mad and called me a fuckwit from reddit, so apparently I do it to "win".

>> No.5827634

I took a look at the reply thread. Here's why I thing you're a massive fag.

Purposely stupefying others people's arguments in greentext is a dick move, especially since you don't convey his argument. If his post is retarded, there's no need for exaggeration. Just quote it. It won't suddenly become less retarded. You may insult him after you properly quote and shred his argument if your wish.

>Somehow, I always knew it was the anime retards who have to be a shithead, unpleasant fucking faggot about -everything-. It is not at all surprising people that immature and actually autistic watch anime all day long.
Here's a great example of how quoting stupid arguments is better than purposely exaggerating them! It's 100% made up insults and 0% legitimate arguments. For example "fucking faggot about -everything-." is obviously not true. On the other hand, the insult "You suck at arguments and insults. I think you shouldn't be allowed to have children," is much better insult. I've already given evidence that your arguments are terrible, and it's also reasonable we don't want idiots having children.

Anyway, you always want to have more legitimate arguments mixed in with the insults. You do have one nice post where you point out the post in question was referring to "all books," leaving you with one argument out of 10+ shitposts.

>> No.5827637
File: 10 KB, 171x176, 1404498209297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5827642
File: 36 KB, 554x720, 1451510_604311109630161_599881292_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dorian Gray Bishonen

>> No.5827756

Now I'm imagining characters in books to be anime characters, and you know, it's not bad. Except for something like One Hundred Years of Solitude.
>every character practically has the same name
>they'll all end up looking alike except for having purple and blue hair
It'd be even more confusing than the original.

>> No.5827768

Do you think it's some amazing illumination that I was shitposting when I asked the retard after my initial, as you admitted, "good post", why he likes to spam "umad"?

Anyway I'm sort of torn in getting this book. I haven't read Alice in a probably years but I can't decide if I want an anime one. All of the pics posted so far only show alice. Are there anymore that show Wonderland or it's inhabitants?

>> No.5827778

>All of the pics posted so far only show alice
one of the first pics shows adorable hatter and cute dormouse too

>> No.5827792
File: 11 KB, 197x256, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That Hatter

Well the rest of what I've seen looks pretty good...

>> No.5827858

>Do you think it's some amazing illumination that I was shitposting when I asked the retard after my initial, as you admitted, "good post", why he likes to spam "umad"?
First, personally, I don't recommend responding to shitposting with shitposting in arguments. I think it's lazy. I'd much rather point out how stupid their shitposts are, add in insults, and if I'm feeling especially sadistic, I'll try to depress them so much they hang themselves.

Second, you know how I greentexted your first post, which came before your "good post?" My point was that your posts were already shit from the beginning. Having one decent line in the middle is like having a gold coin in a pile of shit: it's still a pile of shit. You can do better. The problem with with you is you ask "Why are you a moron?" or "You are a moron" instead of clearly stating "You are a moron because X,Y, and Z." You could do a much better job of arguing others into misery.Remember, if you're talking to morons, you can't expect them to understand why they're worthless unless you spell it out in easy to an understand format. Insults need to be grounded in logic; hold the moron's hand as you guide them into a world of hurt. You could give shitpost arguments like "I fucked your mother" and will make them a bit unhappier, but you don't get the soulcrushing effect of convincing someone they're worthless, you know? Or even better, you get to make sense.

Anyway, I plan on getting the book. It's too cute not to get. I've been meaning to read the book version anyway.

>> No.5827864

I'd honestly be more worried about that rabbit.

>> No.5827880
File: 293 KB, 1000x726, SevenSeasAIW-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's too cute not to get.
This shit IS cute. The book is good too, a solid read, but it's been too long since I've read it for me to say much else about it.

>> No.5828276

Alice would make a killer anime.

>> No.5828363

that's cute woulda fuck that anime alice

>> No.5828425

Alice-chan kawaii desu ne

>> No.5828433
File: 2.85 MB, 1280x720, 1402227550971.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd enjoy every book I read more in anime style.

Anime can also be edgy when needed be.

>> No.5828558


Damn this is cute, I really like the style.

>> No.5828613

>tfw Alice will never tie you to the bed and rape you
>tfw Alice will never spit in your mouth
>tfw giant Alice will never smother you to death with her giant pussy

>> No.5828615

yes, she is not the queen of hearts

>> No.5828642

Love the style. What's it from?

>> No.5828702


>> No.5828724

>tfw Alice will never tie you to the bed and rape you
>tfw Alice will never spit in your mouth
>tfw giant Alice will never smother you to death with her giant pussy
there should be a doujin for this, right?

>> No.5828853
File: 123 KB, 600x811, youareaweeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5828880
File: 35 KB, 315x475, fuckkkkkkkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just going to leave this here

>> No.5828884


>Tfw you do this and kind of feel guilty for violating the author's creative vision.

>> No.5828971

>tfw you wish you could draw so you could make unauthorized manga of your favorite novels

>> No.5828990

>Yes, it is a childrens book, but what makes Alices journey special and interesting isn't fucking moeblobbery

>implying there's anything wrong with moeblobbery

>> No.5828996

>violating the author's creative vision
We are improving his vision

>> No.5829214

This seriously makes every book better.

>> No.5829866

The only times I've done this is when I read War and Peace then later Anna Karenina. What is it about uniquely Tolstoy that would make my brain do this?

>> No.5830112
File: 19 KB, 350x272, HA_HA_HA_OH_WOW_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a great piece of children literature
>made by a pedophile

>> No.5830138
File: 50 KB, 331x500, canadacover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More interesting than 90% of literary fiction covers, sadly.

Why does literature put less thought into presentation than any other art form?

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

>> No.5830229

>Svankmajer's Alice
Just watched that movie.

Would like to point out there are 2 loli panty shots around 40:00 when the block house is under siege by the skeletons. It's right before and after she kicks the dinosaur from the chimney. The second shot is longer.

Not sure if I'm supposed to fap.

>> No.5830254
File: 27 KB, 224x346, stranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ covers are constrained by several things
>unwillingness to depict main characters, as this will taint a reader's imagined version of them
>simultaneous desires to have something classically inoffensive, yet also eye-catching and contemporary

So like 90% of the time they end up being this boring geometric shit

>> No.5830437

I feel you, for some inexplicable reason the only time something like this has occurred to me was just after reading Asimov's Mirror image: I had a strong urge to imagine it as a an animated short. Even though I pictured it in a western style, I think anime could work too.

Though now that >>5823005 said it I'm probably going to start doing this with other books as well. Damn you /lit/!

...although usually I just imagine books in a way that matches the setting, prose and the general view of the time-period it was written in.

>> No.5830538

The Stranger is boring geometric shit, though

>> No.5830911
File: 966 KB, 768x1024, stalin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao

>> No.5830928

Svankmajer created something Carroll would have wanted to see... if anything it's not sexual enough.

What did you think of it otherwise?

>> No.5831051

me too. i'm gonna buy this.

>> No.5831091

I think it's genius at points, but it's badly paced. The first half dragged, and I was thinking about dropping it when the skeletons came. That elevator scene especially was annoying. When it dragged on I was left waiting for the next panty shot.

But yeah, otherwise, Parts like the sleeping sock getting its eye stitched were great.

>> No.5832058 [DELETED] 

Reminder if you actually imagine things in anime style you have overdosed on a supernormal stimulus and your brain has actually changed as a result.

It's actually been damaged due to the peak shift that anime artstyle induces.



This is one of the underpinnings of Japan's demographic crisis, and their males lack of interest in women.

It is also one of the reasons that `weebs` on the internet, people who watch anime/read VNs/manga/etc for most of their waking hours, start to claim (true or false) they're "not attracted" to real people.

Anime style exploits the naturally evolved stimulus of attraction and exploits it, similar to how junk food operates.

>> No.5832074

>exploits the naturally evolved stimulus of attraction and exploits it
A bit redundant, don't ya think?

>> No.5832082

Yes, it's late and I was typing quick. I forgot I was on /lit/ where I should be more careful.

>> No.5832085

It's copypasta. Report it.

>> No.5832093

It's not copypasta you fucking faggot this is the first time it's ever been posted, you can check the archives.

Someone copy-pasted it into the /a/ thread about 30 seconds before i cross posted my own, non-copypasta post, there.

>> No.5832099

I'm pretty sure I've seen that shit at least twice in /vg/

>> No.5832100

>Reminder if you actually imagine things in anime style you have overdosed on a supernormal stimulus
On the contrary, I was >>5829866 and I don't watch anime at all.

Interesting stuff though

>> No.5832109

That exact post is not pasta, but it might be rehashing ideas used before, but it isn't pasta.

Those are real things and have come up a number of times, I've seen posts that include it.

>> No.5832113


>> No.5832142

I don't know what to feel about this

>> No.5832159
File: 5 KB, 220x230, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck do people cross-post our shit onto other boards. Why? Christ. The best thing for /lit/ is for every other board to forget that we even exist. Fuck whoever did that. Seriously, fuck off faggot.

>> No.5832162

Does /lit/ have people that wallow in their own intentionally bad taste?
I guess not, I heard you guys kick anyone who reads Martin or Harry Potter off your board.

>> No.5832164
File: 18 KB, 633x758, 1365551242072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw they're making fun of us

>> No.5832175

/lit/ kicks them off because they're fantasy/young-adult

>> No.5832184

Naw we have plenty of decent ASOIAF threads here

Notwithstanding a couple insecure tryhards the people that don't like asoiaf have given up arguing about it. Same goes for Harry Potter. I would tell anyone who DIDN'T read Harry Potter when they were a kid to get the fuck out

>> No.5832197

On a side note, which one of you fucking splerglords is actually arguing with them? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.5832212

You guys really are worse than us. Even if we hate outsiders, I've never seen someone complain about being crosslinked.

>> No.5832216

>I would tell anyone who DIDN'T read Harry Potter when they were a kid to get the fuck out
It's not a good enough series to justify that.

>> No.5832224

It's not crosslinking, it's crossposting shit from here to make other boards mad

>> No.5832226

this. fucking plebs

>> No.5832228


/a/ and /lit/ share a fair amount of userbase, actually, so you don't get to be forgotten.

>> No.5832232

>not starting with the Greeks

>> No.5832236

This is cute as fuck.

>> No.5832238

Part of why we don't like it is because we know you'll then have a dumbed down discussion of it. It's insulting that we're discussing the same topics.

Obviously /a/ wouldn't complain when people corss-post their material; it's not possible to dumb /a/ down any further.

>> No.5832244

Daily reminder that anyone who directly links their personal identity to a "home-board" is a legitimately sad human being.


>> No.5832245

the /a/ thread has now been deleted as off-topic.

On which point, has Anyone read _Sylvie and Bruno_?

>> No.5832248

>a/ and /lit/ share a fair amount of userbase,
I refuse to believe that people who like cartoons made for little girls in a Pacific island with radiation everywhere actually appreciate quality literature.

>> No.5832251

>is a legitimately sad human being.

Do you know where you are?

>> No.5832252

my sides

>> No.5832255

I watch anime (don't post on /a/ though) and I am willing to bet I am significantly more well-read than you

>> No.5832261

>Obviously /a/ wouldn't complain when people corss-post their material; it's not possible to dumb /a/ down any further.

This is completely untrue. Don't act all superior now if you don't browse the board or have a slight hint of knowledge in anime or manga in general, because if anything it'd make you look dumb and not anyone else.

>> No.5832262

Ohhhhhh how much?

>> No.5832265

like, a shit ton

>> No.5832266
File: 235 KB, 680x680, 1414270364056.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5832267

>Daily reminder that anyone who directly links their personal identity to a "home-board" is a legitimately sad human being.
Daily reminder people too stupid to formulate arguments can only make up insults

>> No.5832271

Then what was the name of Hitler's never-attempted land operation on Great Britain

>> No.5832275

Why the FUCK would I care if

I'm not arguing because this isn't something any god damned rational person would argue about. I can't even FATHOM how weak your personal identity would have to be that you would take pride in how much better the 4chan board YOU go to is than the another 4chan board.

If you found yourself personally insulted when someone insulted /a/ or /lit/ then it is probably time to get the fuck off 4chan. Board tribalism is the most pathetic shit

>> No.5832276
File: 64 KB, 563x563, 1375825688665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5832277
File: 519 KB, 500x281, 1004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

List me off your favourites, you seem overly sure of yourself to the point where you forget that taste is subjective.
Ive seen over 800 shows and read over 600 classic novels, try me with your "significantly more well-read" taste.

>> No.5832281

Not that guy but are you serious now, that literally takes one google click

>> No.5832282

Well then you better brush up on your reading comprehension mate.

Read my post again. Then read yours. Then come back and tell me why I said you have shitty reading comprehension.

>> No.5832283

Shows how misinformed you are.

>> No.5832284

Just so you know, il/lit/erate, such a question is easy thanks to google. If you want to expose someone as a bad reader, then you should ask them to write an essay or somthing to that effect.

>> No.5832286

I want to know what your favourite books are, there is no real reason other than your previous comment is slightly annoying.

>> No.5832289

>This is completely untrue.
That is completely untrue

>if you don't browse the board or have a slight hint of knowledge in anime or manga
/a/'s shitty quality has nothing to do with how familiar I am with it. I'm surprised that you don't try to claim /a/ is not shitty instead of questioning how familiar I am with it.

> it'd make you look dumb and not anyone else.
You have to realize /a/ makes itself look dumb.

But I've been on /a/ for years until a few months ago. Samurai Flamenco was the last straw for me

>> No.5832290

face it OP. the japs have better cartoon art styles than western cartoonists. people are just emulating what they like.

eventually most western animation will be based off of anime and manga, and that's all there is to it.

>> No.5832291

Well now you've ruined the question.

New one: what was the wild animal that Crœsus' son attempted to kill when he was pierced through the heart by Adrastos?

>> No.5832294
File: 4 KB, 190x190, 1402729647698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5832296

Wow. it's like I'm really on /a/.


>> No.5832297

Actually, anime can be pretty good when it has an actual story behind it. It's just a different medium of expression that just so happens to be used mainly for moe and ecchi. But there's quality stuff

>> No.5832299
File: 206 KB, 751x1057, kawaiihitler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5832302
File: 820 KB, 1000x1414, 1417840588486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it like to not perceive this as excellence?

>> No.5832303

meant to quote >>5832248

>> No.5832306

Well I'm imagining this is for kids, not adults
As a kid, I really doubt I'd be looking for the themes of this book
If so, it seems to do its job pretty well

>> No.5832308

Please don't tarnish my posts by quoting them with your greasy manchild fingers.

>> No.5832309

There are many currently airing shows that zero Moe and Ecchi factors that rely solely on plot exhibition, art, and character development. You can tell someone is new to anime the moment they claim all anime is "moe and ecchi" without even taking the time to look at whats currently airing.

>> No.5832312

The original book is for kids you moron.

>> No.5832313

Let me tell you how these next comments of ours would have gone.

>I like Faulkner, Nabokov, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Mann and Hawthorne

>Nuh-uh you haven't read all of those author's works prove it. *asks relatively obscure question"

>*Answers question*

>Nice use of google faggot.

3rd person:
>Nabokov was a purple prose untalented hack

>and your taste sucks

etc. etc.

I'm going to spare us both some time and end it here. Point I was trying to make is: it is more than possible to have more than one hobby, and other hobbies include anime for some readers. Furthermore, I also suspect that the majority of faggots that waste time belittling the taste of others' on 4chan probably are dumb kids hoping to hop on "le /lit/ patrician train" by being elitist dicks to other boards. Which would quite explain why everyone hates us, despite the fact that most core /lit/erati are a fairly inoffensive bunch

>> No.5832314
File: 245 KB, 380x403, 1406583575618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You imply that moe has no value as art, when it is in fact a nuanced and engineered evocation of concepts like femininity and sympathy, lost in most works these days. There is "moeshit" but to say moe has no value is simply wrong.

>> No.5832315

I watched the whole thing, Ive never seen an anime before but this is... surprisingly interesting?

>> No.5832320

>/a/'s shitty quality has nothing to do with how familiar I am with it.
Yes it is, to see the thing that makes /a/ different from MAL or animesuki or reddit.

>You have to realize /a/ makes itself look dumb.
This baseless statement does not qualify as an argument, I could say the same about anyboard I hate.

>> No.5832324

Looks like we're dealing with a... a....

*gets all sweaty and nervous* /l-l-lit/ expert *gulp*

>> No.5832328

>concepts like femininity
>lost in most works these days
i agree about lost sympathy though

>> No.5832334

>Projecting this hard
Give me a fucking break, I just wanted to know the taste of someone who throws around the claim that they are "significantly more well read than" random anonymous posters, ironically enough I get the most pretentious and warped answer as a result. A+

>> No.5832335

>Reading Rozen Maiden manga
>Have some cool Alice references like all the "Alice game" thing

>Second half of Rozen Maiden tales
>It's 80% made by Alice in Wonderland references

>> No.5832338

No shit
The point is, is that it doesn't ruin his artistic vision at all, since there was none to be had with kids in the first place

>> No.5832346

>There are many currently airing shows that zero Moe and Ecchi
Let me replace "Moe and Ecchi" with "Generic shit." And there you go. My claim is all good!

>they claim all anime is "moe and ecchi"
I said "most." Either you're deliberately misquoting, or you're our of whack. I clearly state there are good anime. My point is anime is very frequently used for stories which are basically concentrated moe/ecchi.

>You can tell someone is new to anime
This is how you can tell someone is new to arguing.

>moe is not inherently bad
I agree. But you misunderstood me. My exact line is "anime is used mostly for moe/ecchi" ie. it's a problem when the majority of the show is just moe and ecchi, with little of anything else.

>> No.5832349

Anime is not sophisticated art. Anime is as to sophisticated visual art as the Beatles are to Beethoven. So it might have value as pop, but it has no enduring value, no person with any trace of taste would hang an anime picture in their home.

As for the stories, I won't comment on that as I am unfamiliar with them.

>> No.5832354

Do you even know what the word projecting means? Or is it a word you learned on 4chan and thought it's used against anyone you want to insult?

>> No.5832369
File: 21 KB, 700x400, angels_egg_33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear /lit/, Angel's egg is a masterpiece of cinematic literature, if you ever decide to pick up an anime I highly advocate this one.
From /a/ with love.

>> No.5832374

>this season no moe input

>Psycho Pass
>Terra formars
>Nanatsu no Taizai
>Log Horizon
>Ai Tenchi Muyo!

Not so little

>> No.5832384

I just watched this and read wiki's blurb on it.

I'm definitely intrigued

>> No.5832389
File: 946 KB, 300x400, 1408657660358.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Sophistication" is a made up thing by the various intellectual elite of a given era to pretend to have distance from the plebeians, its completely arbitrary. If art gives people utility, or evokes thought, or inspired positive change in society its source is meaningless. Does it matter if a golden age is inspired because a thinker read a bunch of classic ideologues like Aquinas or Descartes, or is inspired because a person really likes cute girls doing cute things and aspired for a world in which cute girls do cute things?

Although there may be different levels of skill in its creation which certainly often reflects its potential value, art can't be compared in such a way (not to lend any credence to modernists who shit out eggs on paper and then decry classics).

>> No.5832392

Shhh. Let the big boys talk.

>> No.5832394

>replying to ΟΥΤΙΣ

>> No.5832396

You forgot
Mushishi S2
Psycho Pass S2
The obligatory Gundam.
Fate/Stay night
Ronija the robbers daughter.

And thats just counting this season alone.

>> No.5832397

>this season no moe input

>list of mostly shit
I'd respond by listing the moe/ecchi shows, but that would take too long. They outnumber your examples by far.

>> No.5832400


>> No.5832403

Magic Kaito

>> No.5832407

>its completely arbitrary.
Exactly how much literary criticism have you read? You do know that is serious criteria to judging literary merit, right?

>> No.5832409

/a/ Is so fucking spoiled, /co/ roughly has around 11 shows a year and the majority is geared towards adolescent children.

>> No.5832410

Did you read my post? But yeah forgot Mushishi and Parasyite

>listing the moe/ecchi shows,
This season alone? List them, won't take you more than 3 minutes.

>> No.5832412
File: 132 KB, 480x726, aud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5832414

>using the majority argument
Books have easily the worst ratio of good:shit out of any medium. 10 chinese cartoons out of 50 in the season being good is a high ratio.

>> No.5832417

It's true for many elitists "sophistication" is bullshit, but claiming sophistication is made up just because of that is claiming wolves don't exist after reading "The Boy who cried wolf"

Example of hierarchy of sophistication, from highest to lowest:
Aristotsle readings

>> No.5832418

Thanks /a/, you guys are alright. I apologize for the /lit/ assholes currently making a fuss in your thread.

>> No.5832420

i'm on your side in this but you're wrong.

Sophistication can be viewed as arbitrary and indeed, in many cases it is. However to deride all value attributed to classics because "everything is subjective" is dumb.

You put two intelligent people who have read The Sound and the Fury (a modernist classic you would consider as "shitting out eggs onto paper") into the same room and they would be able to talk about it for HOURS. The same can be said, I think, for the very best animes.

Can the same be said about shit like the Hunger Games? No. So that's how /lit/ (and the academic elite in real life) generally defines intellectual worth. It's not some spook invented to make "intellectuals" feel superior; it's definitely a real thing

>> No.5832421


Greek philosophers were the definition of pseudo intellectual.

>> No.5832425

Either you didn't read what I said, or you did, but you didn't comprehend basic English. I'll spell it out for you:

I claim "most anime are moe/ecchi shit", although I later revise that to "most anime are generic shit"

Do you see why I might use the majority argument for that?

>> No.5832428

His previous post is still relevant to your revised argument.

>> No.5832429

1. Explain, with examples, what real intellectual is
2. Explain how those Greek philosphers' works that stood the test of time are pseudo intellectual

>> No.5832435
File: 420 KB, 480x270, 1398358834113.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm saying people who think something is more valuable on the basis of "sophistication" are just arguing from some invisible authority that was established by the intellectual elite, not on any merits of the work. Yes there is as I said varying levels of intellectual difficulty in the creation of arts as you described, but the value depends on the person consuming it so as far as judging things "value for society and people" which is the criteria most people circle jerk about, you can't compare any two pieces of work.

Oh but it is an arbitration, the criteria of which we define intellectual merit are built up on centuries of intellectual circle jerking on the subject which we internalize to rank things once we have a loose understanding of them. But that has no bearing on how much value is generated by a work for society or people.

>> No.5832443

>Explain how those Greek philosphers' works that stood the test of time are pseudo intellectual

Just because something is old, doesn't make it "intellectual".

>> No.5832448

You plebs probably haven't even heard of Climclasp, let alone read him.
He distills the autism of our age into radiant sagas of nudnikery and NEETism.

>> No.5832455

I think I should add: you can legitimately prefer an abacus to a computer, but that doesn't mean a computer isn't far more sophisticated than an abacus.

>> No.5832461


Drawing anime just does not require nearly the talent, training, effort and genius if more sophisticated art.

>> No.5832463

What do you mean by 'generic' if it's not moeshit?

By shows from this season, we have a battle royale of historical figures in the past, a fight between humanity and enormously evolved cockroaches on Mars, a shonen about knights in the medieval time period, a persistent struggle with a dictatorial futuristic system. And these are just shows that i'm following.

>> No.5832487

>list moe/ecchi/shit shows
>won't take 3 minutes
I don't remember all of their names. You can take a look for yourself in you want.

Unless you're seriously trying to argue that anime is not mostly ecchi/moe/generic shit?

>his previous post is relevant
How? Here's the flow of argument

>someone claims someone who like anime can't appreciate literature, implying anime is worthless.
>I explain anime has legitimate works, even if the majority of it is moe/ecchi
>guy proceeds to argue that a minority of anime are not moe/ecchi.

>> No.5832489

What a load of bullshit. A picture is a picture. There is no superiority in having a taste for someone breaking their back over what you hang up on your wall just to hang there. Not that it isn't nice to see these grand creations, though, but they're about as deep as watching Bruce Lee play table tennis with nunchucks without the content.

>> No.5832493
File: 35 KB, 318x480, greatest painting of all time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is more of an artistic achievement this or the cover of the book?

>> No.5832504

It's pretty nutso that a generation has fallen so madly in love with cartoon girls though. And that they're generally the most decent people too, the animes dudes

>> No.5832508

>what do you mean by generic
There's the generic harem show, the generic shounen show, and so on. Basically, shows that rehash tried and true ideas without adding anything entertaining. I don't mean well written anime based on a generic concept. I mean a generically written anime based on generic concepts., or even a generically written show based on a novel idea (for example, Psycho pass season 2, which you mentioned, which is being written by a different writer this time, and is, imo, boring shit. This only thing going for the show was the plot set up by the first season. You don't get more generic than killing dogs to show "oh they're so evil)

>> No.5832531

I'm going to use the bastardized English name of that blog you linked

>A Good Librarian Like a Good Shepherd
>Electric Town Bookstore Worker
>I, Will Become a Twin Tail.
>Searching for the Lost Future
>Le Fruit de la Grisaia
>Trinity 7
>Girl Friend BETA
>Yuuki Yuna is a Hero
>Method of the Heavens
>INOU-Battle in the Usually Daze
no moe
>Magic Kaito
>Selector Spread Wixoss
>Psycho-Pass 2
>Yowamushi Pedal
>Gundam Build Fighters Try
>Log Horizon 2
>Buddy Complex
>Knights of Sidonia
>The Seven Deadly Sins
>Fate/Stay night: Unlimited Blade Works
>Gundam Reconguista in G
>Rage of Bahamut Genesis
>Ronia the Robber’s Daughter
>April is Your Lie
>Garo: Honoo no Kokuin
>Terra Formars
>Akatsuki no Yona
>Cross Ange: Rondo of Angels and Dragons
>World Trigger
>King of the Magic Bullet and the Vanadis

>hurr durr most anime is moe/ecchi

>> No.5832546

And alot of those aren't even moe besides having cute girl characters.

Realistic suffering in 3dpd land as low paying anime production jobs and a shit economy eats away at the soul of cute girls.
Complete satire of harem series in which aliens invade and try to steal essences of fetishes from the earth and a twin tail fetishists fights to protect it
>Yuuki Yuna
Cute girls forced to fight as undead litches in magical battles against eldirch monstrosities by an dubious religious organization.

>> No.5832575

Not that guy but if you're going to address something so common of commercial nature, it'd begin to serve as a criticism towards the society and consumerism in general, since that's the issue for every story telling media nowadays not excusively to anime. Literature also suffer a hell lot from that and the vast majority of them are also generic aswell.

>> No.5832592

>hurr durr most anime is moe/ecchi
The thing I find most insulting about this post is that you took the time to look through each one, but you couldn't spare the time to read what I said.

I've already revised my claim to "generic shit," I'm not going to argue when you don't read what I say. Also, I think most of the shows on there are generic shit.

>> No.5832606
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I thought the original criticism was 'most anime is moe/ecchi'.

Obviously most of everything is generic, since that was what formed the definition of the word generic itself.

>> No.5832638

I don't have that moe chart but pretty much everything and nothing falls into the "moeshit" denomination.

Something not generic isn't necessarily good.

>A Good Librarian Like a Good Shepherd
>Harem MC's way of seeing things changes due to having friends and then he's stuck on taking the decision of transcend humanity in order to help humanity at cost of his existence.

And also something being generic isn't necessarily shit, like Grisaia that fall on your typical LN adaptation of a harem alpha MC who helps girls on their personal problems, but the animation, girls, stile, and story telling can make a pretty fun show to watch, so fuck off.

>> No.5832640

Glad to see /lit/ finally talk about the board topic, anime

>> No.5832651

Moeshit means cute girls doing cute things m8, the SoL shows like K-on and the likes. Having a moe character =/= moeshit

>> No.5832655

You're quite right, although there is such thing as generic level being competent or even great.

My gripe with anime is that the "generic" level in is low. For example, the beach episode. They just show the characters playing around on the beach without legit content. Nothing happens. You might as well show us the characters sleeping; no plot content will be lost

I can't think of any generic theme in Literature that features something of that standard being part of stock material.

>> No.5832661

Underrated post.

>> No.5832677

>Something not generic isn't necessarily good.
You're right. Thing is, I my argument is against "generic shit anime", not "generic anime"

I'm talking about content that is generically written, not generic content that is well written.

>> No.5832683

>My gripe with anime is that the "generic" level in is low. For example, the beach episode. They just show the characters playing around on the beach without legit content. Nothing happens. You might as well show us the characters sleeping; no plot content will be lost

Are you shitting me, the beach episode is a trope in SoL/harem shows, how you called Psycho Pass generic and then degraded it to something like that is beyond me. I have a feeling you just read random blogposts about anime and pretend to know about the subject, I doubt you even watch Psycho Pass.

>> No.5832691


Things don't suddenly become shit because you said so, pal.

>> No.5832701

>beach episode


>> No.5832723
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>I-I revised my claim to 'generic shit'
>Use exclusive moeshit trope to criticize generic shit

This guy

>> No.5832734

>beach episode is a trope
Doesn't prove it's not shit. It's a trope because it's common, not because it's brilliant.

>you called Psycho Pass generic and then degraded it to something like that
I assume you refer to how I call both Psycho Pass and beach episodes generic. I don't see how it's a problem that they share the same trait? Boku and Pico and Psycho Pass are both anime. Are you going to flip out again?Incidentally, I'm talking about Psycho Pass S2, not S1, which was great.

>Things don't suddenly become shit because you said so, pal.
It's shit because it's shit to begin with.

theme ---> trope, stock plot generator
you get the point

>I have a feeling you just read random blogposts about anime and pretend to know about the subject

>> No.5832735

I didn't ask for this bag of feels, and I'm not sure if I should thank you.

But thanks anyhow, it was definitely worth watching.

>> No.5832741

i don't think there's anything wrong with seeing the characters of a show put in a common situation, just so see how they react and interact within that common trope

>nothing happens
btw is the most pleb critique

>> No.5832752

Did you read my post?
>a trope used in SoL/harem shows

No it isn't used anywhere other than moeshit/haremshit. You said that you have revised your claim to 'most anime is generic shit' and then came up with an example that's excusively found in moeshit to criticize the latter. How does that even work?

>> No.5832807

>No it isn't used anywhere other than moeshit/haremshit
Not who you're arguing with, but this is bullshit. Beach episodes appear in all sorts of anime. Suisei no Gargantia comes to mind. Another as well.

I hardly watch anime and even I'm aware of the beach episode trope

>> No.5832820

>Suisei no Gargantia
haremshit in disguise

Please point out which anime in the second category posted on >>5832531 has a beach episode.

>> No.5832823
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>Waiting for my copy to arrive
>"Might as well keep refreshin this thread, I'm so excited"
>Have been waiting for the topic to re-rail from yet another retarded shitstorm for days

I'm going back to my books.

>> No.5832983
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Cross Ange: Rondo of Angels and Dragons

>> No.5833037

>Sidonia no Kishi
>no moe.

>> No.5833253

Why is `anime` artstyle so incredibly unoriginal?

>> No.5833262

cherrypicked definitions of "moeshit/haremshit"

better example

"cute girls doing otakupandering things"

to put literally cross fucking ange the biggest piece of shit in the "good" list is retarded

>> No.5833272

>Breaking anime down into "moe" or "not moe"
You're all doing it wrong.

Anime is like the opposite of most mediums.
Most mediums you go past entry level and enjoy things on a deeper more patrician intellectual level
Anime you quickly consume the patrician intellectual anime and all that remains for you, due to the sheer quantity of the kind, are cliche formulaic garbage genre fiction.

Separate it into genre fiction and non-genre fiction

>> No.5833322
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Is this you?

>> No.5833688

I just finished this, it was incredible. Thank you for the vivid, disturbing, unnerving, amazing, astounding, memorable work of art, I ended up crying at the end. I haven't seen any anime before but this experience was defiantly enjoyable.

>> No.5833886

>Demo, Navidson-san, a-a-abunai desu.

>> No.5834104

>No it isn't used anywhere other than moeshit/haremshit.
Meaning its used in a vast amount of anime.

>How does that even work?
I claim the level of some of the generic/common stock tropes used in anime are at a low level, and I give an example of it. The no plot/creativity beach episode is indeed a low level trope used in many anime. My argument is "this is the kind of thing that passes as common practice." I don't see the issue. The claim 'most anime are generic shit" doesn't claim all anime have the same generic features. and tropes It claims a lot of anime shamelessly use shitty generic writing and boring renditions of stock tropes, such as, for example, the beach episode.

>> No.5834164
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>what is SoL

You expect them to go fighting each other with light sabers in a slice of life series or what. Check the genre before spouting shit.

>> No.5834258

>this is the kind of thing that passes as common practice.
Pretty sure that kind of thing also passes as common practice in romance and sol literature, this is quite an example of the Dunning–kruger effect.

Also,nothing's wrong with that trope being used within their genre. There could be a park episode, a hospital episode, an airport episode or whatever and they fool around doing things they expect to do at such locations are totally fine since it's a fucking slice of life show, by definition focusing on character interactions in common circumstances during mudane activities.

Your critism might hold some weight if you criticized anime as a medium being dominated by SOL shows, but the way you used that as an example for generic writing is quite retarded.

I'm not that guy you're replying to, but I posted earlier in this thread and followed it, btw.

>> No.5834350

>what is quality
Something being SOL doesn't exempt it from being shit.

Case 1:
"Wow, this bread is so oishii"
"Yeah, it really is oishii, isn't it?"
"You have bread on your face. So cute!!"
"gee, you're embarrassing me."
"I can't wait for class with Aiura sensei"
"Airua-sensei is such a nice person, isn't he."
"He is, isn't he?"
"Yeah, he is.

Case 2:
"Wow, this bread is so oiishi"
"The red stuff is actually human blood"
"Just kidding."
"Blood is gross. I wouldn't want to eat it."
"But when you eat meat, you're eating the blood too. You just can't see it because it's cooked."
"... =("
"Aww, you're so cute. you have bread on your face too"
"Gee, Don't touch me. I can do it myself"
"You missed a spot."
"Eh?! WHERE?" (camera shows there she already wiped all the bread crumbs)
"Here. I'll get it" (flicks her nose instead)
"I'm telling Aiura-sensei on you"
"Oh yeah, I heard he took in the Aiko-san while here home's being rebuilt. Maybe because their names are so similar."
"I'm looking forward to our class with him. He's so nice. He keeps stray cats that have no home too. I want to grow up nice like him." (dreamy look)
"Cats too? Then isn't he just lonely"
"And doesn't sensei love meat too? So he's a lonely blood guzzler."
"Stop it with the blood!!!"

Case 1: generic shit
Case 2: generic
There's a world of difference in quality. And those beach episodes are almost always fucking Case 1. Case 1 scenes are "the kind of thing that passes as common practice."

>> No.5834400

Now you're just making shit up, tons of moeshit feature case 2 "quality" because that's the only way for it to drag those mundane activities out and let the audience feel like being on-scene. Also adding more interactions and dialogue does not make it better.

Case 1 might be used in those 5 minutes shows every now and then.

tldr go watch some moeshit

>> No.5834424

Are you fucking kidding me now, Case 2 is literally case 1 being dragged out or when the writer want to give watchers more information. It isn't any better in quality.

>> No.5834452
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>> No.5834475
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>people near me still replying to that fag

Leave him be , you're making him not able to sleep at night.

>> No.5834507

>tons of moeshit feature case 2 "quality"
They don't. This is why it's called "moeshit" as opposed to just "moe." They're not case 2 because they're dragging out a joke and using bland filler. If they were case 2 I wouldn't drop them. If you give me a show where it's not more than half repeated jokes, bland filler, or unoriginal content, I'll watch them. That's how I came across Aiura, for one.

>Case 1 might be used in those 5 minutes shows every now and then.
It might also be used in 20 minute segments for the whole episode.

Look at the conversation of Aiura sensei in Case 1. You could call anyone "nice." If you gave me that dialogue and took out the name, I wouldn't know who they were talking about, much less which anime it's taken from. That's what I call generic.

In Case 2, the characters give us information about the teacher that distinguishes him from the rest of the people in the universe. I wouldn't call it dragged out. It's a Slice of life. You're supposed to get more information on random aspects of their lives. How is it not better to learn more about a character, as opposed to learning nothing?

How is it not better that that scene has enough original content that I could distinguish it from every other generic shit scene I've scene?

>> No.5834552

Actually they do, nichijou lucky star non non biyori inari norin or fucking K-on?

People on 4chan use "shit" as an alternative for "things", how new actually are you? shonenshit,seinenshit, TMshit, Shaftshit , Triggershit etc And yes Aiura has always been called moeshit.

To put it simply, case 1 is for minor characters, Case 2 is for MCs, they're exactly the same. When more information is needed to be given, they use case 2 and that's all there is to it.

>> No.5834582
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>They don't. This is why it's called "moeshit" as opposed to just "moe."

Okay I'm out

>> No.5834645

>nichijou lucky star non non biyori inari norin or fucking K-on?
watched, completed them, and thought they were great. Except K-on, which I dropped.

>People on 4chan use "shit" as an alternative for "things", how new actually are you? shonenshit,seinenshit, TMshit, Shaftshit
In neutral situations, people would generally just say shonen, as far as I see. Just in this thread, the majority of people don't call Alice in Wonderland "moe shit." They just say its cute. The word "shit" has negative connotations, and see people don't call what you like shit unless they're either acknowledging the faults about what they like, or they're so new they see people calling using shit and automatically think shit=things.

But in any case, when I speak of "moeshit', I refer to bland shows whose only appeal is moe, with no plot or good writing, and so forth.

>To put it simply, case 1 is for minor characters, Case 2 is for MCs, they're exactly the same.
My response to that is the same as the second half of >>5834507

>> No.5834688

newfag pls

alice in wonderland isn't anime, and not really a sol either that's why it does not get called moeshit

>> No.5834726
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>see people don't call what you like shit unless they're either acknowledging the faults about what they like, or they're so new they see people calling using shit and automatically think shit=things.
This is how you know people are new. When they call you a faggot do they seriously imly your homosexuality existed?

>> No.5834740
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>taking pride in being oldfags

>> No.5834762
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why shouldn't i?

>> No.5834778

The majority of these refer to shonenshit in a negative context.
>Mediocre shonenshit is mediocre.

> SOL>shonenshit

>18+, Still reading/watching shonenshit

"Shounenshit" isn't counted as a search result, and it fucking.returns twice the number of search results as your search. Also, as I claimed, shonen is pretty much all used in neutral situations. The trend is obvious.

>> No.5834789
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>I've been wasting my time on a chinese cartoons imageboard sooner than you

>> No.5834811

>and it fucking.returns twice the number of search results as your search
because the other half of 'shonenshit' is

shonen can be either used as an adjective or noun, while 'shonenshit' can only be used as noun, so there you have it.

take a look at the link above for more neutral situations using shonenshit, btw

>> No.5834837
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>> No.5834853

>When they call you a faggot do they seriously imly your homosexuality existed?
Because nowadays faggot is an insult broadened to idiots. This is something that hasn't happened to the ___shit's definition.

People who like Magical Madoka don't call it "Magical girl shit," or Death Note "Deathshit."

Note he's calling me new, which is something newfags like to do His shitty argument sounds like a newfags' at least

>> No.5834878
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>Because nowadays faggot is an insult broadened to idiots
Actually "faggot" applies to OPs and people being mean in general.

I think you're new aswell pal, but it's okay.

>> No.5834907

>shonen shit
Which again is mostly used in a negative context.

In many cases "shit" is being used as an adjective to modify shonen. ie Shonen that is shit.

>shonen can be either used as an adjective or noun, while 'shonenshit' can only be used as noun, so there you have it.
Doesn't make a difference in how you express it.
It's a shonen show ---> It's shonenshit
It's shonen ---> It's shonenshit

>> No.5834908

just stop, have you not seen people said something like "i love this shit" or "this shit is awesome"?

just admit you're new, also thats not how you use the word faggot.

>> No.5834925

>Doesn't make a difference in how you express it.
are you retarded? the point is that that was why it has more search results.

>> No.5834935

>"i love this shit" or "this shit is awesome"?
different usage from "moeshit." Here shit is being used as a noun meaning "thing"
"You're a fag" as opposed to "I'm a drawfag"

>how to use faggot
It's just a general use insult.

>> No.5834982

> the point is that that was why it has more search results.
Holy shit. Name one instance where you couldn't express a sentence with shonen in adjectival capacity using "shonenshit."

Example: "It's a shonen (adj) show" can easily be expressed as "It's shonenshit" without loss of meaning.

Shonenshit's function as a noun isn't holding back anyone who wants to use that word. Bottom line, "shonen" is used more. You're pretty much arguing "The cripple is only slower because he's crippled. It's not like he lost the race"