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5822324 No.5822324 [Reply] [Original]

If your novel would become famous, would you want to remain anonymous?

>> No.5822342

No. I would shamelessly revel in every bit of it. I'm charismatic enough to hold a positive image in the media. It's the people that really know me that hate me.

>> No.5822349

No, I feel like I have an unhealthy obsession with fame that stems from my thoughts of inadequacy, however, so I wouldn't wear a t-shirt with my book on it or carry my book around and read it but I would relish all the fame somewhat.
Probably could get some genuine cuties from the whole experience, too.

>> No.5822353

I can't handle criticism or conflict.

I'd be anonymous.

>> No.5822368
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Fame is the most overrated thing on earth.
Look at Stephen King and his son.
If I could be rich and not famous that is the best.
Even if nothing bad happens, it is just annoying as fuck to be bothered everywhere you go.
you would still see and read it.

>> No.5822374

Yeah, but it would hopefully cut down the effectiveness of the personal attacks. It's hard to pin those on when you don't have a body and face to pin them to. He would also never face any pressure to reply to his critics in any public way.

>> No.5822410


>> No.5822428


butttt i'd somehow create a situation where there's some sort of loose community/collective of writers that's known publicly to exist maybe even a publishing company. i'd be the owner of said company and i'd say that the writer wishes to be anonymous. double life basically

>> No.5822433

You could always claim your fame later. Once you're famous you can't take it back.

But why have this thread? We all secretly want to be famous and know we probably won't but hold onto the hope anyways... as if being recognized by large numbers of people were somehow going to evaporate all the personal deficiencies and existential difficulties we've hitherto had, as if a bloody fucking positive book review were a ticket to nirvana.

I hate myself

>> No.5822442

celebrity teir fame is p shit. all the bother of being well known but no real power.

as long as you can get pussy/free stuff and financial success then i would happily not give a single fuck about the fame

>> No.5822463


Anonymity promotes creativy.

>> No.5822493


Wow I'm fucking dumb.

>> No.5823512

i'm already studying up on how to deal with fans and haters

>> No.5823518

It's ok I still love and accept you

>> No.5823524
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You don't want fame. Taeyeon is one of the most famous girls in South Korea with 3.3m followers on instagram and she's depressed as fuck.

>> No.5823538

I'd go full Pynchon hermit mode.

>> No.5823543

Sounds like she's an attention whore. WHo cares about some gook slut

>> No.5823545

>not wanting attention when you're depressed

>> No.5823744

What about family and friends?

>> No.5823799


Well, yeah, I guess. I don't want my personal value to be defined by my book, and I don't want my book to be defined by my personal value.

>> No.5823801

Aww, poor baby. Getting in front of 3 million people and telling them she's depressed and wants to be alone.

That won't at all get her the attention she craves. No way, huh-uh. The poor thing.

>> No.5823810

Maybe after my death.
I couldn't stand being known for it during my lifetime but for the benefit of historians and those after I would like my identity known after death.

>> No.5823811

nah. the knowledge that someone out there is reading without knowing your true name or face gives me a weird voyeuristic satisfaction

>> No.5823813
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>3.3m followers on instagram

>> No.5823814


>That won't at all get her the attention she craves.

Consider the daily pressures that would come with those insane numbers. We're talking millions of people here. Even for heavily histrionic types who would readily seek validation from the public that degree of constant attention and scrutiny from millions of people would feel like a prison after a while and would be too much even for them.

>> No.5823850

>Consider the daily pressures that would come with those insane numbers.

The numbers don't really mean anything. The pressure experienced doesn't increase indefinitely. Like some stage performers say, after a certain point, it doesn't matter if there are 30 people in the audience, or 300.

>> No.5823860

I want to release all my writing anonymously, online, for free, while making people think the stories really happened

>> No.5823873

Don't think I have the mental stability to deal with fame. I'd probably have a breakdown and have to go into hiding for a while. Think Mangum/Salinger.

>> No.5823893

Yes. I don't think it's all that possible though, as there's a lot of media and publicity nonsense to go with having a book out nowadays.

I just want to be read, I'm not interested in all the other bollocks.

>> No.5823898

Neurosis: The Post

>> No.5823905


>> No.5823916


>The numbers don't really mean anything.

It's the complete opposite. It alters bookings, interviews, random fans on the street that you see and a forced into emotional coquetry to appease, paparazzi harassment. Everything. Histrionics go into this not understanding just how shitty a gilded cage really is until it's too late and their money means fuck all when it can't buy them any emotional levity from the constant pressure.

>> No.5823923


You misunderstand my meaning.

>> No.5823931


Your meaning is pointless because you are limiting it to the stage only when it is obviously all the peripheral issues that are the crux of it.

>> No.5823937


The stage part was just an example to illustrate the point. Come on!

>> No.5824412

Taeyeon almost killed herself a few months ago when it was revealed that she was dating and getting death threats on her instagram


fame hurts ;_;

>> No.5824417

almost doesn't count

>> No.5824636
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Was just about to chime in with this exact sentiment.

My esteemed person who produces lots of melanin.

>> No.5824641


>> No.5826091

synthesis mode

>> No.5826504

You can call it Anonymous Publishing Ltd. and wear a Guy Fawkes mask everywhere lmao

>> No.5828423

Anonymous =/= closed mind puritans.

>> No.5829942

Of course i would
I'd probably not even go on an interview at all.
I'm way too adamant towards attention for that shit.
Sure, i'd read reviews and consider criticism, but i won't let them know who i am

>> No.5830073

as long as i got paid for it, then yes, i would prefer to remain anonymous

i don't want to walk in a supermarket or something and have someone go OH MY GOD YOU'RE XAFAAFGQW

due to the nature of publishing and stuff though i highly doubt i would ever be given that option, assuming that would ever actually happen