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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 137 KB, 620x412, h_p_lovecraft_alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5822187 No.5822187 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of H. P. Lovecraft? I you ask me I find him kinda boring

>> No.5822192

>I you

>> No.5822193
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His prose sucks and his ideas are not scary by 21st century standards.

He deserves recognition for his impact but I think he will be forgotten by the time our generation gets old

>> No.5822582

>Not scary

Only if you liked Anabelle

>> No.5822586

here's a novel concept
how about checking the archive?

>> No.5822589

What's the scariest work by Lovecraft? I have a book called "Eldrich Tales", but I've never read it.

>> No.5822613

The shadow over Insmouth is my personal favorite.

>> No.5823075

we would of frequented /b/ and all his OC would of been posted on reddit

>> No.5823081

Eldritch tales is the 2nd collection of works done by the same publishers. The first one is necronomicon, and it has more of his notable works. I made that mistake a couple months ago.

>> No.5823119

Good ideas, poor deployment.

>> No.5823126

I recently read and liked The Colour Out of Space a lot. I don't know if I'd call it "scary" but it kinda made me feel ill and uncomfortable.

>> No.5823141

Dreams in the Witch House is the spookiest, The Thing on the Doorstep is the best.