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/lit/ - Literature

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5821442 No.5821442 [Reply] [Original]

Thesis for my paper on /lit/:
The Hostile Safe Space: How Anonymous, Vitriolic Discussion Sharpens Ideas. Basically I think that /lit/ is a place to discuss your ideas and your writing and get brutally honest feedback on it, and vice versa.

>waiting for replies telling me it's completely wrong :^)

>> No.5821444

I agree with you.

>> No.5821451


i hope you do a good job anon, it sounds awesome! +1 like :^)

>> No.5821454

nah that's about right. I trust any serious feedback i get here, and it makes it easier to see my stuff through a readers eyes.

I'm also more willing to say things like "oh my god that's awful." than if i were not anon talking to anon.

plus its hard to take anonymous insults on a computer screen seriously.

>> No.5821482

>Implying that's not 4chan in genral.
Your too narrow. You should look at all of 4chan in genral. This has been a common trait picked up by many of the users compared to other said sights. I think it is primarily due to the anonymous function in refferance to the texts. Except with tripfags, you can't identify the author of the text. This causes the text to become isolated unless it is associated in a string of comments. So tribal identification becomes less of a thing or harder to identify accuratly.

Also the fact that threads disapear eventually, means people have to be more on their toes. Transgressive discourse is more likely to thrive here, even when people go into a hivemind mentality. The constant repition of transgressive discourse can easily turn the sway of opinion because people become unsure if it's the hivemind or an individual repeating themselves.

Still, you have the problem of board cultures which go into hivemind mentality. It's not perfect, but it is more prone to continous transgressive discource.

You should read Foucult, Deluze or other post-structualists. Also Mill.

>> No.5821487

*websites, sorry.

>> No.5821504

This is super helpful. Post-structuralism is exactly what i'm looking for. I want to focus on /lit/ though, any advice for focusing on something unique to this board? Obviously its content and memes, but the structure of discussion, posts, etc.

>> No.5821620

The feedback here is indeed "brutally honest" but it's also shit

>> No.5821626
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I agree with you.

>> No.5821642

what about the hyperbolism anon culture generates
like sure people will be 'honest' in that they won't pretend you're good if you aren't, they don't know you or want to be liked by you, but they'll also be excessively critical or fuck with you just because they can and because it's funny
who are you to say you can see what anon feedback is serious and what isn't? how do you tell? am i writing this post to seriously question your thesis, or do i just want to get a rise out of you? there's really no way of knowing

>> No.5821647

"Brutal Honesty" can still be wrong, and "Hugboxes" can still be right.

The tone of the argument shouldn't effect the content. It can damage it because the argument will ultimately be read by humans with fragile emotions, but it will never enhance the argument's validity.

>> No.5821649

your assuming the feedback is actually honest

when you have a personal relationship someone you are more likely to reply to them seriously

I don't think the stuff I read here I read as critically as something my friends gives me

>> No.5821663

No, you're right. removing emotion and the personal aspect out of critique leads to brutally honest feedback.

However the lack of the personal aspect means people can abuse their anonymous power just to fuck with you (samefagging, thread derailing, countless logic fallacies). It's up to you to realize that shitposting will happen and you need to avoid it

>> No.5821668

Of course. All criticism here should be taken with a mountain of salt. But let's say that I have a thought about a book I'm reading and I explain it to 90% of my friends, they'll just smile and nod. If I post it here I'll get a few "go suck my dick pleb" but often the criticism is at least worth reading, once you get a feel for people actually disagreeing with you vs just fucking with you.

>> No.5821678

right, that doesn't really sound like something you could write a paper about

'i occasionally find a genuine person with useful input online'

i mean sure, there's a ton of chan culture you could probably talk about and some examples you could haul in but i still think it's rather thin as premises go

maybe i'm missing something idk

>> No.5821688

What >>5821678 said. How long is your paper going to be anyways

>> No.5821689

In neither case are you getting good criticism. Some anonymous shitposter on /lit/ is just as likely to be ignorant as your friends and family. And with the latter you can at least know their credentials (if any exist) and be sure they are acting in good faith. On 4chan you will be confronted with people who either have no idea what they are talking about, or who are actually malicious.

If you want good "Honest" critique, be friends with people smarter than you.

>> No.5821695

it's only gotta be 5 pages ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.5821697

I disagree, 4chan is just about as dishonest as any other place of discussion. The fact of the matter is that individuals on this website will still parrot popular "4chan" ideologies for some level of self-satisfaction, and will at often times remove any form of distinctions.

While it's true that moderators will not ban you for beliefs, 4chan users themselves will make the experience so asinine that any disagreements are instantly stomped out.

>> No.5821698

>brutally honest
Sometimes yes sometimes not. There's trolling too.

>> No.5821700

You're missing the point, it's not even about the idea of receiving more accurate feedback than you would otherwise, it's about inhibitions that find themselves removed on a vast sociological scale under the cloak of anonymity. Anything which follows from that as a next logical step in some iterative function is merely an afterthought.

>> No.5821705

Brutal? Yes. Honest? Rarely.

>> No.5821707

Critiquing with anonymous people has its merits but so does critiquing with friends
Maybe you should just do both to get the most accurate result

>> No.5821729

You should mention about our book and cite it.

>> No.5821734

To be Brutally honest,

Friends will give you critique that is never brutal and rarely honest.
4chan will give you critique that is always brutal and rarely honest.

Unless you are a masochist, the only think you should be looking for in criticism is honesty. Thus 4chan has no real advantages in the field of criticism. It's a great place to shitpost and find porn, but if you expect serious criticism on an open forum, then i'm sorry.
Reddit and Tumblr aren't any better or worse either.

>> No.5821738

There are still inhibitions involved in anonymity, especially when presenting unpopular ideas to anonymous communities, or ideas that are not accepted by the community itself.

>> No.5821743

could you link me to the book? I know it's on amazon

>> No.5821748

Here OP, write a tiny excerpt regarding a strong female character of Jewish descent that was able to survive and "defeat" a nationalist movement. When you're done, go post it on /pol and tell me how much "honest" criticism you actually receive.

>> No.5821767



>> No.5821882
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This is my feeling. I see a lot of "honest" opinions that have nothing in common with how an average person would think and react.

OP, pitching your ideas to a bunch of self-isolating misfits who hate each other is going to warp your work, not refine it.

This answer is an exception.

Pic related btw, it's how you should respond to unqualified critics.