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/lit/ - Literature

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5820633 No.5820633[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why don't you have the courage of a fifteen year old girl to self-publish, /lit/?

>> No.5820644

because le narwhal the bacon xD

>> No.5820645
File: 388 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-12-05-11-49-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... her prose is actually better than most of the prose in /lit/'s critique threads

>> No.5820652

It really isn't bad. Good enough to be traditionally published, particularly with the trend toward young female authors.

>> No.5820655

>But Papa - no, I could not thing about Papa now.

>> No.5820656

even don quixote knew how dangerous self-publishing was :3

>But tell me, are you printing this book at your own risk, or have you sold the copyright to some bookseller?"
>"I print at my own risk," said the author, "and I expect to make a thousand ducats at least by this first edition, which is to be of two thousand copies that will go off in a twinkling at six reals apiece."
>"A fine calculation you are making!" said Don Quixote; "it is plain you don't know the ins and outs of the printers, and how they play into one another's hands. I promise you when you find yourself saddled with two thousand copies you will feel so sore that it will astonish you, particularly if the book is a little out of the common and not in any way highly spiced."
>"What!" said the author, "would your worship, then, have me give it to a bookseller who will give three maravedis for the copyright and think he is doing me a favour? I do not print my books to win fame in the world, for I am known in it already by my works; I want to make money, without which reputation is not worth a rap."
>"God send your worship good luck," said Don Quixote;

>> No.5820658

15 year old girl redditor BTFOs /lit/


>> No.5820664

Is that really surprising? Most of /lit/ thinks Pynchon, and postmodernism generally, is good fiction.

>> No.5820665

I'm not just saying this because she's a 15 year old redditor, but this really isn't good and if you think it's better than most of what lit writes then you're either saying it to be a contrarian or you don't actually know what decent prose is.

>> No.5820670

Looks like something I'd enjoy reading as a child. Definitely promising. It's already pretty good, without having the forced ''literary style'' vibe. I hope she keeps it up.

>> No.5820681

Even if it is better than /lit/ doesn't make it any bloody good

>> No.5820683


>extended snake metaphor
>appropriate use of sibilance
>clean, polished prose

btfo /lit/ prose

>> No.5820689

>extended snake metaphor
>appropriate use of sibilance
It's like I'm really reading a high school book report

>> No.5820693

>superfluous use of semicolon

>> No.5820696


sorry let me apply my Litt. D education to the first page of a fifteen year old's writing:

>extended snake metaphor
>appropriate use of sibilance
>clean, polished prose

oh wait

>> No.5820702
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>> No.5820707

>Use of semicolon


>> No.5820708
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>historical fiction

>> No.5820712

>historical fiction

>> No.5820716


historical fiction is master race

look at the booker winners by genre

>> No.5820726

>pointless literary device scavenger hunt
>easily impressed by overwrought prose
>Litt. D
Nevermind, that's entirely plausible

>> No.5820727

>reddit cancer
>viral marketing

explains the King threads

>> No.5820756

I actually decided I'm going to self publish this morning while taking a shit (I'm serious). Now all I need is an idea and start writing.

>> No.5820761

Something related to Cellphones and Social media.
Those shits sell like tacos.

>> No.5820776

>God helps those who help themselves

I don't think that this is theologically correct.

>> No.5820782

>Slithering garden creatures in Papa's lush sprawling yard

>> No.5820788

>this viraling
Fuck off Chloe your prose is garbage and your book sucks

>> No.5820815
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>> No.5820816

lol shut up dumbass

>> No.5820827
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>He thinks teenagers trying to rip off the classics because they think that will somehow make their writing not shit can write good prose

>> No.5820830

Rubbish prose.

>> No.5820834

Your prose is incredible. Are you self-published by chance?

>> No.5820841

>he can't read
Nice comprehension, he said she's a bad writer you mongoloid.

>> No.5820844

>Implying /lit/ aren't the teenagers

>> No.5820848

>implying they are

>> No.5820852

Best of luck to her. I wish I'd had the foresight she has at her age

>> No.5820880

Too prolix

>> No.5822948

>tfw a 15 yo girl writes better than you

>> No.5823479

>joan of arc
i can feel this girl is going to become one strong adult woman who needs no man

>> No.5823493

that's the demand of society
our society is thirsting for strong women who ain't need no men

>> No.5823738
File: 20 KB, 600x400, 1415763006294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>historical fiction
>modern langauge in conversation

>joan d'arc
>not in french
For what purpose?

>> No.5823748

>Strong women are single moms
>Sons of single moms are sad betas
>They'll gladly donate their semen to superior single moms
Bravo feminism

>> No.5824761

>but green doublet!

>> No.5824783


>> No.5824818
File: 20 KB, 292x400, phallusbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slithering garden creature in Papa's lush sprawling yard
It's a penis
She's talking about her fathers penis

>> No.5824860

I was way better at the age of 15...

but again, I'm male.

>> No.5824863

I never expected to see this pic here. It's from a movie called L'aile ou la cuisse. The condom was shopped in. Very funny movie, go watch it.