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File: 312 KB, 512x384, prayer hut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5819360 No.5819360 [Reply] [Original]

General Hellenismos thread.

>> No.5819364

It's not funny anymore, asshole. It's just shitposting.

>> No.5819366

Obligatory tip.

>> No.5819377

>people do this

>> No.5819380

butthurt christian

>> No.5819384

What's wrong with our faith?

>> No.5819390

You never talk like when they shitpost bible threads.

Sage though. That's enough OP.

>> No.5819393

I'm just surprised.

>> No.5819403

I guess that's understandable, since Hellenisms is rarely something you learn about through word of mouth as an ongoing religion, so it seems bizarre to convert to.

To be honest, I had a spiritual experience that led me to it, so did quite a few other Hellenists. In that sense it's not crazier than other faiths.

>> No.5819414

I'm the Hellenist here

I posted neither this thread nor the last Hellenismos thread, but I don't see why this can't just function as a successor to it, don't need both threads up if you feel like your board is being cluttered.

>> No.5819426

>No frieze to speak of
>using corner-style Ionic capitals for every column
>No stylobate

Absolutely disgusting. I'm inclined to think Hellenismos is like this building-- a horrible bastardization of Greek achievement trying to operate within the confines of modern budgets and building materials.

>> No.5819440

Well it's not like we have as much money as Christians. A lot money that is donated to Hellenismos--and there is very little--is about legal battles in Greece.

That temple was probably build on a low budget. Still envision though.

>> No.5819445
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also look at the color scheme

>> No.5819446

>still envious though
I mean that in Hesiod's "good Strife" sense

>> No.5819449

The very essence of fedora tipping

>> No.5819452
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>> No.5819462

How so?

>> No.5819465

someone photoshop a greek statue with a fedora

>> No.5819467

Who do I pray to if I want luck with love?

>> No.5819478
File: 143 KB, 698x557, 205505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, this thread.
>I'm the Hellenist
Ah-well. Anonymity is such fun, right?

So beautiful.

>> No.5819485

Aphrodite, duh

>> No.5819488

You shouldn't pray for luck. You should address your prayers to Aphrodite (of course), but they should be asking how you should go about finding love or how to win love, rather than simply asking her to charm someone's heart.

The more effort you are willing to put into something, the more sympathetic the Gods are to your prayers. So pray for how to direct your effort.

>> No.5819509

Thanks! Should I sacrifice something for her too, food, wine?

>> No.5819582

this shit don't real

>> No.5819583

it is buddy
go back to your cave

>> No.5819751

Yes. Buy something you can burn with your meal, and promise something in return if the prayer is fulfilled.

>> No.5819766
File: 363 KB, 476x439, pVlGXq3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You shall have no other gods before Me.

God is going to be pissed at you guys

>> No.5819781

the bible is literature, neo-pagan advocacy isn't

this is more like if christians started making threads every sundays shitposting about their experiences at church

>> No.5819789

We do not worship any God before Zeus, that does not mean we completely ignore the glory of the other Gods.

>> No.5819802

These threads (and I'm not the OP) tend to function as a Q&A about Hellenist doctrine and procedure, not about Hellenist anecdotes.

>> No.5819810

so what? it still isn't literature. go evangelize somewhere else.

>> No.5819813

Literally cult-like

>> No.5819820

I didn't start this thread, anon. I haven't started a single Hellenismos thread here.

How so?

>> No.5819866

they used to have adorable temples and statues
their revivers have ugly plastic figurines and ugly half-assed temples
also they used to be worshiped by strong and fit men and women, they are worshiped by obese americans nowadays...

>> No.5819874

Probably not as obese as you, not even a paganfag

>> No.5819889

Christianity used to have serious practitioners.
Their revivers just care about faith without practice more than 2% of the Bible.
Jesus used to be worshiped by ascetic Jewish disciples.
Now he's worshiped by obese Amerilards....

>> No.5819911

What religions can you criticize without being a fedora?

>> No.5819940
File: 202 KB, 1600x1200, deus vult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally worse than Islam.

>> No.5819948

Why do you have against us? We have a firm moral structure and serious customs, we aren't hurting anyone.

>> No.5819992
File: 3.03 MB, 2350x2950, Warren_Cup_BM_GR_1999.4-26.1_n4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obligatory warren cup

>> No.5819999
File: 337 KB, 1260x1618, gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about Hinduism?

What do you think about the Christian concept of people worshiping "false" gods?

>> No.5820039


I like it! Not so much a religion or a specific set of doctrines so much as a catch all term for the rich and variegated religious traditions of India.

The Christians failed to realize that Hindu puja is not worship of an idol per se. They believe that the god becomes present in the idol when they worship it. It's kind of like transubstantiation.

>> No.5820158
File: 602 KB, 900x600, SM104230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you justify rituals? Some Indians believe that rituals are "stupid" or just "superstition".

>> No.5820164


I don't understand your question. Why does something innocuous need to be justified?

>> No.5820179
File: 165 KB, 320x236, heretic-burning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're hurting yourself. Convert.

>> No.5820182

Why? Christianity is purely based on prescribtivism, any rational tradition it has comes from Hellenists. It spread via chimp out against people who didn't want to worship its God and its God alone.

>> No.5820203
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They think hindu rituals are just like prayer, that is, man seeking to satisfy an invisible deity.

They are applying the criticism of the New Atheists (such as Dawkins) on a non-semitic, non-Abrahamic tradition like hinduism.

Hindus are asked (for example) why use fire for the wedding ritual? Hindus say that its just tradition and there is not "logical" basis for it. The critic is not satisfied with such an answer.

What would you say to such a critic?