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5816578 No.5816578 [Reply] [Original]

after all these years, /lit/, I still don't understand what the hell "irony" is.

Well? What is it?

>> No.5816582

what's the word for a funny coincidence that people say is ironic but isn't.

>> No.5816583

begone, troll

>> No.5816588

is the "that people say is ironic but isn't" part supposed to be contained in your word too?

>> No.5816591

Its like rain :^)

>> No.5816601


>> No.5816604

Two common definitions:
Something which was reasonably expected is not fulfilled, with wry humorous results.
Something which suggests a dual audience with two different and contradictory interpretations of the same events, and therefore two different responses.

>> No.5816608

funny coincidence

>> No.5816636

Why is it that when certain thinkers talk about irony they make it sound so much deeper and complex than this

>> No.5816645

People who want to be thought of as thinkers will do their best to make whatever they're talking about sound so deep and complex, unless they're dismissing it.

But anything even remotely related to cognition or language is easy to present as complex because as far as we understand those subjects, it is.

>> No.5816649

what if it's more tragic (tragicomic? that's another word that's abused a lot) like a teacher getting run over by a school bus.

>> No.5816651

I hope your post is ironic OP

>> No.5816652

Anything is simple if you check the dictionary definition. That's why wikipedia is a thing.
Also the second definition doesn't sound correct, as irony is in fact saying one thing while meaning the opposite (even though there's a rhetorical figure which fits this description better than irony), but the "true" meaning is meant to be apparent even though it may not be depending on the recipient of the message.

>> No.5816661

I don't know, most of the people I have read on the subject use the second definition because they are writing in relation to theatrical irony which was explained pretty much the same way by the Greeks.

Perhaps since then there has been layers of complexity added, but theatre is generally designed to be understood and sell to the masses, so too much complexity of irony would lose them. I mean, ironic misunderstanding is usually the cause of conflict when no conflict need happen, so it does explain a lot of human interaction - not realising there could be the same dual interpretation of something even if you didn't intend it to be ironic would be something of an oversight in playwrights who dealt with ironic set ups - people's differing vantage points are always making things more complex than they need be. This whole response is probably more complex than it need be, which I did not intend, but there it is

>> No.5816662

is ironic the opposite of sincere?

>> No.5816664

>(even though there's a rhetorical figure which fits this description better than irony)
I take that back, it's wrong, I was thinking of litotes but it's another thing.

>> No.5816680

Not really, but you see the two parroted ad nauesam around here because many post modern works made wide use of irony to mock common topoi in art. i.e. they would make a mystery novel with the intent to criticize mystery novels. This became overused and people like DFW got bored and said we needed "a new sincerity", meaning not simply writing to mock and criticize but to make a point.

>> No.5816684

>down with antidisestablishmentarians

>> No.5816709

>I still don't understand what the hell "irony" is.

Hate to break it to you anon, but you might have assburgers if you don't know what irony is.

>> No.5816711

Disjunction between certain indices

>> No.5816749


>If in trying to cure your autism by studying it you made yourself more autistic, would that be ironic?

>if an investment that was supposed to get you out of debt puts you further in, is that ironic?

> if you battle with monsters to destroy them and become a monster from it, is that ironic?

>if you try to seem edgy by using greentext examples and instead it makes you look like a newfag, is that ironic?

>> No.5816755


>> No.5816759

No but seriously, the inability to understand irony, metaphors, and other semanticisms, is a symptom of autism.

I'm not joking. But you seem mad, I get it. Stay mad.

>> No.5816765

>This whole response is probably
O, how ______!

>> No.5816783
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OP here. That wasn't me who responded with the greentext.

Anyway, I have a very good understanding of metaphors, and am quite adept at making use of them. I just genuinely don't understand the variety of ways I see the word "irony" used.

pic related. a world class director who also claims to not know what irony is

>> No.5816804


there you go

>> No.5816806


irony = contradiction or hypocrasy

>> No.5816820

>I just genuinely don't understand the variety of ways I see the word "irony" used.

Clearly that's because people alot of times mistake irony for something else, as explained earlier in the thread by other people. An example would be the typical sentence starting with "Ironically...", followed by a rendition of some story that isn't ironic at all.

But if you're a normal person, of some intellectual fortitude, you can't be serious that you don't know what it is, as a literary and semantic phenomenon?

>> No.5816831


inconsistency would probably be a better word to describe it.

An example would be "the irony of that guy telling me to smoke when he smokes"

>> No.5816843

American detected.

Irony does not mean hypocrisy.

>> No.5816854

The best way to describe, I think personally, is that irony is the difference, or contradiction in what you perceive to be the reality of a statement, or a sentence, and what is semantically factual about it, and this difference has to produce some humorous effect.

>> No.5816860

It's weird, to tell the truth, but somehow I feel like I'm still missing some piece of the puzzle in understanding what irony is.

>> No.5816868


>> No.5816873

Ok, for example: I was reading a JFK bio a couple months ago where the author claimed that JFK had an ironic view of life, and that this view could be summed up in the expression "c'est la vie". What does irony mean in this context?

>> No.5816882

it could mean hypocrisy given the context of the sentence in which you use it

>> No.5816887

contradictions/ juxtapositions that in the act of contradicting, juxtaposing, reveal something, either to an audience or a universal truth

>> No.5816891
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>I just genuinely don't understand the variety of ways I see the word "irony" used.
its misused a lot

>> No.5816898

>it's misused a lot
i-ironically enough?

>> No.5816920

>the author claimed that JFK had an ironic view of life

Well the author can be wrong. I don't see the irony in his claim.

>> No.5816926

Little Caprice is best girl

>> No.5816937

An example DFW gives is a car salesman on TV playing the stereotype of a car salesman (talking quickly, being an overall sleazebag) who is then revealed as an untrustworthy character by another guy who mocks the car salesman, even though the advert is still about selling cars

The irony here is that they're mocking people who sell cars in a clever but insincere way by being clever and insincere (I think)

>> No.5816940

Dude, suppose you're with your friends and you try to make a funny by poking fun at yourself (americans need not apply), so you take a flaw of yours that is obvious, e.g. let's say that you're not attractive and you're telling a story about a woman who rejected you. Then you might say something like that you have no idea what woman would pass on such a hot guy like yourself. That's irony.

>> No.5816942

Ironically, no

>> No.5816944

Well I've heard the expression "ironic view of life" used in a lot of other contexts, and I'm embarrassed to admit I don't quite understand what that means. Well? What does it mean?

>> No.5816947
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eh... I guess.

>> No.5816951

Isn't that sarcasm?

>> No.5816955

Sarcasm is a form of irony though, just a cheap one.

>> No.5816960

how is it 'cheaper'

>> No.5816963

Can be, but sarcasm is often more sassy and mean. It's normally used to attack others, but not always.
It means nothing if they don't explain what their view of life is.

>> No.5816981

>It means nothing if they don't explain what their view of life is.
Are you really telling me that this quite commonly used expression (in literature and academics) is meaningless? When a reputable author uses an expression like that, it's hard for me just to dismiss it offhand like that.

Boy, this irony stuff.

>> No.5816995

It usually involves attacking someone's person. Which is what I mean by cheap.

>Hey, Anon, I just got an A on my test!
>You got an A? Yeeeeeeeah, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.*sarcasm*

>> No.5817006

"Ironic view of life" usually means a detached or cynical view. Either or both of those are usually needed to consciously use irony so they are often conflated.

>> No.5817015

I see. So cynics tend to make very liberal use of irony, as do people with a detached view of things?

Is irony, in a manner of speaking, a form of detachment from things?

>> No.5817025

You must be ironic

>> No.5817042

I know that video, now I have urge to fap, fuck you OP.

>> No.5817051

Sort of unrelated but I sometimes see composers' music described as full of irony. How do you perceive musical irony? Just unexpected turns or cadences?

>> No.5817056
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>getting the joke

>> No.5817057

I've never seen it actually, nor do I know who that is, but she does look like a qt. Just thought it was a funny picture.

YOU SEE. This is what I mean. What does irony mean in these kinds of contexts? It's easy to dismiss these kinds of things offhandedly, but that just seems lazy to me.

>> No.5817064

The way I interpret it is basically dividing the three elements that cause confusion:
A remark about something with the intention of undermining it's value. Example: A woman parks her car in the lowest floor and asks when she get's into the elevator "Is it going up?", the man inside responds "No, it's going all the way to hell."
To make an unfitting remark with tones of bitterness, Carlos is a great example: "That cop accidentally shot a pregnant woman", "Now that's a miscarriage of justice."
Irony is beyond the control of man as one cannot be ironic, only suffer irony. That's why it's classically attributed to Fortuna or the gods and their whims.Simple example: A man is infuriated with his life choices and shouts "I need a complete change in my life, even if it means to wipe the slate clean and burn the house down with it" just as he is about to proceed on his journey, a gas system failure destroys all his belongings and the fire destroys his house and takes his life, thus fulfilling his statement in a unintended way.

>> No.5817068

...that power of accurate observation which is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it…
-- GB Shaw

To say something deliberately ironic (rather than accidentally having what you say described as ironic) you have to have a broad understanding of a subject. But too indepth and you can't think outside the subject, so detachment is important. This will often then be perceived as cynicism, but neither that nor detachment are necessary, just attendant, which is why "ironic view of life" is a near meaningless placeholder for a variety of stances.

As life doesn't have an agreed upon meaning, an ironic view of it is doubly nonsensical. "Life is about eating, breeding and dying", cynical? ironic? or just true.

>> No.5817086

Shostakovich is usually accused of this. Did he write shit music because he was shit or just having a shitty day, or did he write well crafted shit to appeal to people who liked shit so he wouldn't be killed.

>> No.5817088

Well that JFK biography and another one I read both claimed that he had a very detached view of things, so I guess that is what they meant by irony.

>> No.5817097


Btw it's mainly Mahler and Shostakovich I see this with, so it may be because they used Jewish scales that sound sad and happy at the same time? I think I just answered my own question.

>> No.5817121

>musical irony
probably means imitating a style of music but exaggerating the ways that define the style until the resulting piece is a little ridiculous sounding.

or yea, unexpected turns can be jarring (and take you out of the moment) and the intentional use of these could be ironic since usually if you laugh at music it's because it's bad, not because it's bad on purpose?

I'm just guessing.

>> No.5817126 [DELETED] 

What's the video?

>> No.5817128
File: 88 KB, 1000x1000, irony 1.jpg-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this ironic?

>> No.5817131
File: 7 KB, 300x250, iron-man-iron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this?

>> No.5817308

OP here. Just for the record, I'm still pretty confused over all.

>> No.5817318

To add to OP's question what about the people like DFW who interpret irony as insincerity? Are they wrong?

>> No.5817329

dude how am I gonna understand what they say if they don't specify? "ironic" view of life means nothing if you don't explain what makes it ironic. it's like if i told you that someone has a misguided view of life, that's barely an information, it doesn't add anything to your knowledge of that person if you don't know why it's misguided.

>> No.5817336


>> No.5817345

Irony is being run over by an ambulance.

>> No.5817350

An unexpected, humorous link between to happenings, that creates on the spectators the feeling that they should have expected it.

>> No.5817374

Ironic shitposting comes from dramatic irony, correct?

As far as I see it:
One interpretation would be literal while the other takes into consideration the presence of shitposting and attempts to seek alternate meaning.

For example, a passerby might think LOLutkhm2dabar? means that someone is suprised you went out with a man, while a true 4chan-level otaku like myself would understand that the phrase is an insult to the original poster's posting style or character.

>> No.5817387

it's misguided because it's ironic

>> No.5817412

Whenever someone intends to farts but sharts instead, that's irony.

>> No.5817420
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>Ironic shitposting comes from dramatic irony, correct?
it's sarcasm

>> No.5817442

I don't think it's limited to just that.

I think there is some practically in shitposting to exclude individuals from specific social groups because of the duality of the message.

The meanings eventually get polluted over time and a paradigm shift occurs in which roles can potentally be reversed.

I think "newfag", fitting in, "/board/ is one person, and the /a/ meme "we're all little girls" are perfect examples of originally exclusive shitposting that has come full circle.

Shitposting is an art.

>> No.5817457

i dont know the difference between story, plot and narrative.

don't get me wrong, ive read the definitions in the dictionary, but i can't distinguish between the 3

>> No.5817489

story = what
plot = what happens
narrative = why what happens

>> No.5817507

>I think there is some practically in shitposting to exclude individuals from specific social groups because of the duality of the message.
Perhaps, but then it makes it trolling. This is dramatic irony:
>Dramatic irony, in literature, a plot device in which the audience’s or reader’s knowledge of events or individuals surpasses that of the characters. The words and actions of the characters therefore take on a different meaning for the audience or reader than they have for the play’s characters.
it's a thing between the author and the audience. The audience knows, not because of obscure stuff that has happened before but because they've been told during the play.
If you really want to count it as literature you might say that some shitposting is satire, but it mostly isn't.

>> No.5817533

The second definition is what is known as dramatic irony.

>> No.5817564


Underrated post

>> No.5817588

that's incredibly wrong

>> No.5817620


>> No.5817640

Thanks. I think this is the clearest def. Do you have any more actual examples of irony that are more concise?

>> No.5817644

I feel like I get it now

>> No.5817657


>> No.5817683
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That's the age-old wrong understanding of the word that has become so pervasive.

>> No.5817697

Well, can anyone give a SIMPLE definition + example for a chowderhead like me?

>> No.5817740

Casually it means to do or say something sarcastically.

In literature, it tends to refer to dramatic irony.


>> No.5818522

>humorous link between to happenings
This is too good

>> No.5819163
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>> No.5819318

I don't get it.

>> No.5819321


>> No.5819328

a faggot all those who read this
iron knee

>> No.5819333

That hurt my funny-bone's metal plate.

>> No.5819383

bones with iron?

>> No.5819432

So far, this is the only correct post in this thread.

THAT'S ironic.

>> No.5819546


>not knowing who lil caprice is

my god, it's like you aren't even addicted to porn. step your game up

>> No.5819571

Is it that one where she is painting, that ones good

>> No.5819584

Sarcasm is not lower than wit though.

>power ranking

>> No.5819606
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Oh the iron

>> No.5819642
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i disagree with the "attacking someone's person" thing, because i believe sarcasm is inherently cheap (though i use the word vulgar more often)

sarcasm seeks to serve the role wit does, but fails by not actually adding anything to a conversation. because it is only sensical when it is obvious, it never adds anything to a conversation except the knowledge of the speaker's desire to be sarcastic, i.e. the speaker's desire to be seen as superior to another entity

>> No.5819646
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*but fails by not actually adding anything worthwhile to a conversation
>sorry for being illiterate

>> No.5820636


>> No.5820640


>> No.5820668


>> No.5820686

Who's the porn actress in OP's pic? I know she's relatively famous but I can't remember her name for the life of me.

>> No.5820691

i think it's brandy taylor, but it's hard to tell because of the weird look on her face

>> No.5820692

it was already posted in the thread
>close reading skillz

>> No.5820705

'Irony' is that smell and flavor on your hands after you've been touching a lot of metal.

>> No.5820713


irony is the distantiation of the real, and his metodology is through sarcastic-insincere humor

>> No.5820719

irony is like bronzy and goldy and stuff

>> No.5821941
File: 306 KB, 306x458, tumblr_m9p4m2yDUW1qke3bko2_400[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irony is if you found out that Nancy Reagan was a crackhead all along.


>> No.5821943

im permabanned poster anonymous. i first started reading /lit/ when i was about 12. by 14 i got really obsessed with the concept of "irony" and tried to channel it constantly, until my thought process got really bizarre and i would repeat things like "nigger balls" and "i love shitting inside nigger assholes" in my head for hours, and i would get really paranoid, start seeing things in the corners of my eyes etc, basically prodromal schizophrenia. im now on antipsychotics. i always wondered what the kind of "ironic" style of /lit/ humor was all about; i think it's the unconscious leaking in to the conscious, what jungian theory considered to be the cause of schizophrenic and schizotypal syptoms. i would advise all people who "get" /lit/ to be careful because that likely means you have a predisposition to a mental illness. peace.

>> No.5822088

Its the opposite of tragedy. When something is meant to happen and it does.

>> No.5822627

>this is the best example of sarcasm you can conjure

>> No.5822655


>> No.5822993
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so can a coincidence be ironic?

>> No.5823049

this made me laugh

>> No.5824671
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Frankly, as the OP, I am shocked that this thread still fucking exists.