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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 198 KB, 443x618, wells.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5805867 No.5805867 [Reply] [Original]

So I was reading some classic HG Wells the other day when a friend of mine started laughing and saying "tips fedora" to me.
Since when has he been fedoracore?

>> No.5805873

>people actually say this

>> No.5805879

no worries op, it doesn't count unless an actual fedora was tipped in your general direction.

>> No.5805880

This fedora meme is getting ridiculous

>> No.5805884

>fedora meme outside of the internet
The implications are truly terrifying

>> No.5805886
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>reading scifi

>> No.5805890

*tips toupee*

>> No.5805897

i thought this was just a maymay holy shit

>> No.5805900

People say this in real life?
Top kek. How long until people actually say "top kek" in real life?

>> No.5805901
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>> No.5805904

I'm trying get people to say "rick" and "eric"

>> No.5805905

Well my friend also says "top kek" and "implying" in real life too, and even tries to mimic the George Costanza face when he says it

>> No.5805911

You should kill your friend. Last time I saw a bunch of /mu/ memespouters in a concert with a constanza shirt.

This is going way too far.

>> No.5805928

All we've learned from this post is that you listen to and pay for terrible music

>> No.5805933

>"implying" in real life too, and even tries to mimic the George Costanza face when he says it


>> No.5805947
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>using memes in real life

>> No.5805948

It was only once man, and it wasn't bad music.

>> No.5805952

metatrolling is a beautiful thing

>> No.5805959

>you will never meet a /lit/ poster and tell them to Start with the Greeks

>> No.5805969

>Groups of kids in costanza shirts
>"It wasn't bad music"

One or two little douchers whatever, but a group anon? You were seeing memecore.

>> No.5805970

>people still saying internet culture doesn't matter
>people still saying internet culture/memes doesn't influence real life culture/memes
>the internet not the biggest part of culture right now

But really, you should kill your friend.

And who cares what he says, HG Wells is good. But if we are to define -core not by any particular tropes/elements inherent to the work -- though with Wells you could make the argument he does possess the elements, or at least he must have the elements if it attracts fedoras -- and instead to works favored by a subculture/group of people, then yes, he's fedoracore, though not as entry-level as, say, Dune/Ender's Game/ISOIAF/etc. But who gives a shit.

>> No.5805977

too bad it wasn't mene core
THAT would be the stuff

>> No.5805981

Probably this, it's kinda stupid when people say shit like
>nobody cares about shit on your anime board!
When maymays pop up IRL all the time

>> No.5806810

>work the till in a charity shop
>quiet day, nothing much happening
>suddenly two uni lads come in
>loud whispers to themselves and a general ruckus
>they meander around the clothing racks
>eventually come across the hat stand
>one of them grabs the fedora
>makes a bee line for the mirror
>tips his hat with his friend
>'m'lady' he guffaws to himself
>like, he actually said this irl
>purchases a t-shirt
>never see them again
>mfw 4channers exist as an entity in the physical world

>> No.5806811

Yung Lean is memecore m8

>> No.5808777
File: 9 KB, 645x773, feels guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you actually say tips fedora outside of 4chan to your fellow 4chan brother
Is this grave news?

>> No.5810162


I gave a euphoric gentleman the complete works of HG Wells I found at a thrift store for his birthday once and he hugged me, it was really gross

>> No.5810206


>> No.5810213

mene =/= meme

>> No.5810216

Since your friend became a faggot and bandwagoner whose only interest in fiction is Game of Thrones.

>> No.5810223

No. You and your friend are having fun and fuck these jackass. My one stranger friend also makes meme jokes with me, I don't say them anywhere else. Fuck these autists.

>> No.5810227

>makes maymays in the IRL life
>calls others le mental problems face

>> No.5810247

HG Wells isn't fedora core. People just use that meme willy nilly now because its popular and they want to feel like they're part of something big.

>look at that loser, tips fedora
>you hear that guys
>i said 'tips fedora'
>i said 'tips fedora' get it
>because hes different from me

>> No.5810255


>> No.5810323
File: 46 KB, 469x463, 1410079370693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
