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/lit/ - Literature

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5803218 No.5803218 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5803224
File: 13 KB, 272x340, Vladimir_Nabokov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Life of Pi

>> No.5803234
File: 134 KB, 670x1000, goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didnt quite get what I was inferring, mate.

>> No.5803246
File: 271 KB, 798x438, mcstefan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont quite get disdain for Fedorovich Dostoevsky, mate.

>> No.5803275

how are bath salts? enjoying yourself?

>> No.5803276
File: 200 KB, 649x649, dante-alighieri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only reading Inferno

>> No.5803287
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I bet you dont even know why is this so awesome you faggot.

>> No.5803288

Inferno is for casuals, still funny as hell.
Of course the sequel is shit.
The levels of poetry reached in Paradise are something dazzling to me.

>> No.5803293

I can tell you a couple of reasons.
Still, is it meth then? I dont understand you...

>> No.5803313
File: 76 KB, 957x742, tom12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is still clueless

>> No.5803318


What’s your point? That Dante is superior to Shakespeare?

>> No.5803325

Parafdisio was wackisio

>> No.5803329

Shitposting aside, what's your GOAT poet?
try picking someone better than based cuckold Dante, protip: hi :^)

>> No.5803330
File: 76 KB, 700x396, goethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5803340

fugg off paradise

>> No.5803344

Milton, but I only read in English so I'm qualified to choose who's better between the two.

>> No.5803351

Er, not* qualified

>> No.5803380

Yeah, I guess you could say that about every language, but...idk, italian (dante's in particular) just seems to me like it has so much more depth.
Hell, back in school I could understand Shakespeare while most of the time I didnt have a fucking clue about what Dante was saying...but when the teacher explained it, I couldnt believe someone could sintetize such political/religious/philosophical/love concepts in just a few lines.
I dont know, what do you think, is italian just pizza, spaghetti and mafia to foreighners?

>> No.5803394

>I dont know, what do you think, is italian just pizza, spaghetti and mafia to foreighners?

Nah, almost everyone recognizes Dante was being at least a peer of Shakespeare, Milton, Homer, Virgil, etc. And you guys have had magnificent artists and directors.

>> No.5803885

Fuck off pal, purgatorio was the best book of all. The meeting between Virgil and Statius alone raises it high above Inferno, and the balance between poetry and philosophising was far better than in Paradiso.

>> No.5805041

I agree with the only person who isn't a fucking idiot here.
Hopefully they agree that Shakespeare is much better than Dante-though Dante is probably second to The Bard. The remarks on understanding Shakespeare are a big slip up on your part, once you begin reading more you'll laugh at such a statement; the mention of a teacher explaining the context is also worrying, if you had a teacher going through Shakespeare's entire works you would shit yourself due to how sustained Shakespeare's talent is over his 37-38 plays, the sonnets and the narrative poems.
Similarly, if you had read all Shakespeare's works you would never say you prefer Milton. Idiotic, it's utterly foolish you would say you are 'qualified' to choose between Milton and Shakespeare when you very clearly have not read any significant amount of his work.
To avoid any pitfalls here I must say I speak good Italian, and have read the Divine Comedy in its entirety four times.

Let me just sum that up: don't think you have shit to say about Shakespeare until you have read more than five plays: anyone here with any degree of erudition when it comes to literature can smell you out and you look like a fucking idiot making such a statement.

Goddamn, every time I decide to check if lit has improved I end up posting tirades on nearly every idiotic post.

>> No.5805052

la divina commedia, I should say

>> No.5805215

holy fucking wreckage

>> No.5805249


>> No.5805285

>the earthly paradise

Many feels were had ;_;

>> No.5805333

>Hopefully they agree that Shakespeare is much better than Dante
lol no

>> No.5805342

"I should hesitate between Dante and Shakespeare but not
for long. The Englishman is richer and would get my vote."- James Joyce

>> No.5805348

Correct, Shakespeare is exponentially better. To leave it at merely much better
>implying linear function
Is a disgusting understatement.

>> No.5805356
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>> No.5805377

>best english poet
>not Chaucer
>/lit/ is prob too pleb to read him in the original spelling
>not cultivating your celle fantastik

>> No.5805388

ayy lmao

>> No.5805390
