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5800209 No.5800209[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5800409

go on...

>> No.5800420
File: 269 KB, 450x450, taolin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's a big wheelchair
>for you

>> No.5800446

>it's time to throw the towel in

>> No.5800447

i dont get it

>> No.5800453

I don't either.


>> No.5800531
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>> No.5802760

infinite bane

>> No.5802891

HEY GUYS If you don't get it it's because its a reference to the novel INFINITE JEST in which this MARATHE is part of some Quebecois Terrorist group.

Hope I could help

>> No.5805072


now the elitist inside joke edge is gone......why live?

>> No.5805082

u must be jesting

>> No.5805087

thats slothrop you dummy

>> No.5805088

If we save your wife, will you comply?

>> No.5805105


yes, but only because boneless heads in boxes turns me on

>> No.5805383

spoilahs spoilahs

So do people really think the AFR KILLED John NR Wayne? They obviously crippled him as punishment for coming into Canada/aiding the USA.

>> No.5806164

is that said explicitly? i forget

>> No.5806169

get yourself to the library and step on it

>> No.5806203


just make sure you don't eat cheese first

>> No.5807636


Well there's the parallel to Marathe: double crosser whose loyalty is even numbered. Wayne's has relations involved with the AFR's crippling ritual. Wayne is wearing a mask as a disguise of some sort, indicating he is either disguised, or maybe a homage to the mask-wearing AFR in Enfield, but most likely referring to Hal's dialogue with Mario about liars who wear masks who never give anything away. The best evidence I have (I've never heard anybody mention this) is that Wayne's last appearance in the book (technically his first) Wallace states that he was STANDING guard, but then was unable to compete in tennis. It's one of the last sentences of the story so it's likely that Wallace used that word to indicate Wayne was crippled by the AFR

>> No.5807767


also Wayne was discovered by JOI as the subject of his film 'Homo Duplex' meaning 'divided human.' Don't most of the kids and instructors refer to Wayne as 'not human' or 'a machine?' does this indicate a major change for Wayne at the end of the story? He was divided between his country and friendship with Hal? Why would a double agent for AFR want to help stop their plot? Something to do with his being kicked out of Canada?

>> No.5809132


>> No.5809164

>tfw someone saved and reposted my pic

I'm glad to know that Jestposting is still alive and well.

In all seriousness, Hardy and Gillen would be perfect for Marathe and Steeply in an adaptation of IJ.

>> No.5809348
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>> No.5809383

in my personal opinion John Wayne is one of the weakest aspects of the story. He's just been shoe-horned into the story to represent the reserved and somewhat destructive american ideal of "manifest destiny" but he never really serves his point.
Whether he was killed or crippled it doesnt really matter. The real question is why they needed him to dig up Hal's father in the first place. If he's a double agent against the AFR why is his goal so unclear? Why would Hal, Gately and Joelle invite him along? Sure, we know it serves as revenge for his father but he doesnt appear to be emotional at all(at least when he's not on drugs)

I suspect he's not "supposed" to fit and he's mainly just in there to make you think about double-binds and how it relates to american ideals or some shit

>> No.5809665

>represent the reserved and somewhat destructive american ideal of "manifest destiny"
>John Wayne
